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The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2)

Page 26

by Alexandra North

  I love you!

  I choose to keep the knowledge of Toni’s attendance to myself in the hope that I’d have Lu upstairs and naked within the hour. I’m not going to let anything or anyone ruin what we have this time. This time I’d go to hell and back to protect what’s mine. I’ve a feeling I might just need to.


  “Lu, I’m off to the ladies, fancy joining me?”

  “Sounds good.” I lean into Seb, who is chatting with some of the guys who’d worked with him on the construction of the West wing of The Jannah. “I’ll be back in a mo, baby. Abs and I are going to touch up our make-up.”

  His squeeze of my behind is enough of an ‘OK’ for me and Abby and I weave our way between the dancers and guests out of the grand ballroom.

  Abs heads into one of the cubicles, whilst I place my clutch on the marble washstand and rummage for my lippy. I’m reapplying it when something catches my eye in the mirror, as a flash of gold and black enters the room. Surely not. If I’d ever been in doubt, the whining shrill tone clarifies that my eyes are not deceiving me.


  “Lucheea.” She heads over to the sink to my left, unclicks her bag and begins to apply lip liner, all the while watching me in the mirror ahead. “Well, isn’t it a small world?”

  Deep breaths.

  “Isn’t it.”

  Keep calm.

  “Bet you’re surprised to see me tonight - aren’t you?”

  “Not really.”

  Hell yes!

  “Hmmm. That surprises me but you always were a bit slow on the uptake.”

  WTF? I chew my inner lip to stop retaliating. Let her have her minute and then kill her with kindness babe, its the best way and will drive her potty.

  “Are you enjoying the party, Toni?”

  “Oh yes. Talk about living the high life. It’s everything I ever dreamed of. What I deserve. And you? You are here with Sebastian right?”

  “I am.”

  “Oh. Still hanging on then? I wasn’t sure if he’d be with his girlfriend but if you’re happy to be his bit on the side, good on you. He really is delicious, so I don’t blame you clinging to his ankles.”

  Don’t bite. Don’t let her win. She’s sooo NOT worth it!

  “No comeback? Ooh, it really is still a sensitive subject but I did warn you that Seb bores easily, didn’t I? That’s why rather than just fire me, he secured me a position with one of his most affluent business colleagues Architecturual firms - you know, to keep me nearby for when you and he have finished your little ‘proposition’. Surely the month is nearly up by now? He’ll come sniffing soon and I’ll be waiting with open… legs.” She blows me a heavily glossed kiss, having completed refreshing her lipstick, followed by a seedy smile that I’m itching to wipe of her smug face with my fist!

  Before I can answer, the door behind us unlocks and out clatters Abby, who now joins us at the basins. I watch Toni’s face and she has the decency to blush at the realisation of a witness to her cattiness but it is fleeting and is promptly replaced by a shrewd narrowing of her ice blue eyes. They practically shrivel up when she hears Abby’s greeting.

  “Gosh, didn’t think they allowed pro’s in the hotel, Lu, unless they’re snuck up through the back entrance. Maybe she got in from that club Barracuda?”

  I love you, Abby.

  “How rude! I’ll have you know this dress is Dolce and Gabanna!”

  We both review her zebra black and gold skintight hologram halter-neck dress and with raised brows Abby nods. “Is that what the guy in the souk market told you? More like Dulce & Gabanana, love.”

  Toni, recognising she can’t win two against one, washes her hands and dries them dramatically, one at a time, all the while pouting at me in the mirror, watching and assessing me in a manner I can only remember my headmistress ever doing.

  “It’s good to have such a great friend, Lucia - you’ll need it when you’re crying yourself to sleep because Sebastian has gone onto his next conquest. Andy is great for … well… all this…” her red manicured nails claw at the air “…but he’s not a patch on Seb and I know that Seb misses me. He’ll realise it soon enough. You’re far too… mumsy… for him and the amount he travels, you can’t know what he’s doing every second - or who for that matter.”

  “Right, that’s enough bitch - let’s move it along before I give you two black eyes to match that black heart of yours. What is your problem?” Abby’s voice is laced with menace.

  “My problem is, her. She took what was mine - what I’d worked six months for. What I deserve!”

  “You’ve a screw loose love - Seb is in love with Lu and you just need to deal with it or you’ll have me to answer to.”

  “I can fight my own battles, Abs. Thank you but she really is not worth it.”

  “I know that, Lu but she’s bloody mental?”

  “I’m mental? At least I’ve got class - what Nathan Silver sees in you is beyond me. Maybe I should have a go at polishing his Silverware too - bet it’s well tarnished after being around you!”

  She shoots, and scores causing Abby to lunge for Toni, ready to do God knows what to silence her but I manage to restrict my friend, holding her back, both our chests heaving and I glare back at Toni, who’s eyes are full of excitement. God, what was with this woman? She seriously got off tormenting people.

  “You better leave, Toni … now!”

  “Oh, I’m going don’t you worry. I’m far too important to be fraternising with scum in the toilets. Andy will wonder where his lady is.”

  Lady? “Bye, Toni - next time let us just ignore one another Ok? I think that would be for the best.”

  She harshly rubs a smudge of dark maroon coloured lipstick off her teeth, with her finger and pats at her up do before waving childishly with her hand and slyly whining, “Tatty bye.”

  I feel my shoulders begin to relax a few degrees, as she reaches the door, her fingers on the handle when she changes her mind and swings back and smugly says, “Oh, Lucheea? I forgot to ask - did you like the present I arranged for you and Sebastian after his party? Ray was so excited when I mentioned that Seb wanted her on a plane straight away. That he missed her awfully. I do hope that it didn’t mess things up for you? If you liked that gift, I’ve loads more where that came from - watch your back bitch.”

  And then she is gone. The only noise the running tap and the echo of her slammed door.

  “That fucking witch!”

  “I know, Abs. I know. But honestly she’s not worth it.”

  “How can you be so calm? She’s horrible!”

  “I honestly don’t know. Maybe its because I really do trust Sebastian? Trust in us, and what we are to one another. Maybe its because I feel sorry for her?”

  “Oh, Lu, you are too soft. I could scratch her eyes out, with a blunt butter knife - especially when she said she’d make a move on Nathan. No-one touches my man!”

  “My Man? Ooh so Nathan is your man is he - this all sounds like its getting very serious.”

  “It is, babes and I’ve decided to just go with it. He’s… amazing.”

  “There you go - think happy thoughts, touch up your lippy and let’s go make that cow salivate with jealousy by walking out of here, looking hot and straight into the arms of our, Mr. Silvers’, with their sexy mouths and humongous cocks.

  “You always know what to say to calm me down. Are you sure you don’t want me to deck her for you though - please - just a little one?” She reapplies her gloss and slips it back into her bag before clipping the popper in place.

  I laugh at her begging. “Abs believe me, that girl will get her come-uppance one of these days but just remember, Nathan and Sebastian will be in our beds tonight, not hers.. That’s revenge enough for me. Besides my mum always said bitterness gives you wrinkles and she’s soo not worth ageing over.”

  “She’s a wise bird Nina Myers.”

  “That she is, babe.”

sp; *****

  “Everything OK?” Seb’s knowing eyes don’t miss a trick and I plaster a fake smile across my worried face and kiss his cheek, as we rejoin the group of men.

  “All good.”


  “I’m fine, Seb - why?”

  “Nothing. I watched you enter the ballroom, beautiful as ever but your glow has gone.”

  “I’ve been away from you for too long - that’s all.”

  “Good comeback, Myers, but that’s not it.”

  “Change the subject, Seb, please.” I lower my voice and look around at the others in our near vicinity.

  “Ok. But you will tell me. You and I don’t keep secrets from each other.”

  Now was not the time to inform him that Toni was here; hopefully we’d miss her in the throng and soon we’d be upstairs making good on our promises to fulfil our persistent craving for each other.

  God, he looked hot and so sexy in his black metal mask - his liquorice orbs glittering in its depths. His tuxedo fitted his lean, muscled body like a glove, the jacket lovingly hugging his broad shoulders and the satin lapels draw my eyes down to the black & dull gold satin striped waistcoat, fitted tightly like a vest against his torso. He was a serious clothes horse but the suit was certainly tailored personally for him. He stares at me for a short while before returning to answer a posed question from one of his construction team mates. I itch to curl my hand around his nape and draw his lips back to mine; the thought, makes me run my tongue over my bottom lip and my nipples pebble. At that moment there is no one else in the room. I can’t seem to tear my eyes away from him.

  “Do’s like this can be excellent fun when fooling around.”

  I spin at the voice behind me and my eyes flare in recognition. Even with his mask I would know those clear blue eyes, his wink full of unbridled confidence; his hands already taking their usual tactile path, in the direction of my body. Perhaps to anyone else it just appears that he is being friendly as one of Sebastian’s mates and colleagues but I know different. He makes me feel uncomfortable.

  “Chris - you decided to come to Dubai? I thought you had been left in charge of Silver Con.” God knows you brag about it regularly.

  “And miss out on all of ….this.” I watch his dramatic arm gestures and struggle not to roll my eyes. Occasionally I can begin to warm to Chris but the majority of the time I just think he’s a major prick with a major chip on his shoulder. “Besides, Seb needs me here to make him look good.”

  “Sebastian can manage fine on his own, Chris.”

  “Hmm maybe but I played an instrumental part in this job and he wanted me to be here to reap the rewards.” He takes a step forward leaning into my personal space, a hand on my forearm. “Lu, look I’m really sorry about what happened with Toni - I know you and I haven’t really been right since then.”

  “All in the past, Chris - besides, it wasn’t your fault.” You didn’t help matters though.

  “I must admit I was surprised when you and Sebastian made up after Ray rolled up a few weeks ago - you’re more forgiving than me but I know you two have history.” That saying sounded familiar.

  “Seb and I are fine.”

  “You know Toni is here tonight, right?”

  “I do.” Where are you going with this? Enjoying it far too much for my liking. Cock!

  “Have you seen her?”

  “Unfortunately. Look, Chris, I know you mean well, but this is nothing to do with you - I don’t mean to be rude but well - that’s the truth.”

  “Seb and I are mates and we talk, Lu.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Just that - I’ve tried with you, Lu, have tried to be friendly, but you keep pushing me away. I thought you and I had an understanding?” My body shrinks back at his fingers on my bare skin, sending chills down my spine, as he strokes slow circles on my upper-arm. “I’ll always be here for you, Lucia, after all we’re all practically living together now.”

  “Chris! You made it.” Seb’s deep voice interrupts our uncomfortable conversation. Thank fuck for that!

  “Yeah mate. Cheers for sorting out the flights.”

  “Not a problem - you deserved to be part of the launch.” Seb’s hand splays across my lower back and I feel the scorch of his branding and looking up into his eyes I see the hunger there, strong and on show for all to see. I can hear Chris waffling in the background, attempting to regain Seb’s attention but I don’t care any longer. Honestly, if I wasn’t 100% sure that Chris was heterosexual I’d think he had a thing for Sebastian the way he craved his approval.

  “Boys, I’m going to leave you to talk shop and go join Abby for some girly patter. Excuse me.”

  If Sebastian is surprised at my quick exit and frosty overly-polite manner, he doesn’t make it obvious to Chris and reluctantly releases me to head over to Nathan and Abby but glancing back over my shoulder I can see his furrowed brow and ensure he gets a slinky wiggle to assure him that its not him I’m being off with.


  “Lubedoo - you have no idea how tightly you have my brother wrapped around your little finger. He is a goner.”

  “Thanks, Na, but I fear it is I that is the one in too deep. You Silver men are devastatingly handsome and far too hot for your own good!”

  “Back off, Myers.” Abby buts in and glares at me through narrowed eyes, before breaking into a huge smile.

  “I needed to escape from an unexpected arrival and some unexpected questions and you two are my saviours.”

  “I saw that Mr. Tentacles had arrived. Did you know he was coming, Nathan?” Abby interjected.

  “Seb may have mentioned it a few days ago - I know Chris has been nagging him to join us out here.”

  “I bet he has. No matter what that guy does I just can’t take to him - he has horrific taste in women.”

  I watch Abby shrug her head in the direction of a Zebra printed figure and raise my eyebrows in agreement.

  “Toni!”Nathan mouths as he spots the snake in the grass.

  “We’ve unfortunately already felt the lash of her nasty little tongue - or Lu has.”

  At Nathan’s questioning expression, I hold a hand up to silence him. “I’m fine, honestly - I am. I didn’t prepare myself for her attendance, here, tonight, in Dubai but I shouldn’t have expected anything less from a woman who would do anything to get her nails into Sebastian.”

  “We found out minutes before you two arrived tonight and there just wasn’t the right time to forewarn you. I think Seb and I both hoped that in the hundreds of guests mingling at the Ball our paths wouldn’t cross?”

  “Really? You were going to go with that plan? How did you two get so successful?” Abs swats Nathan playfully across his chest.

  “Must be all this hotness!” his devilish wink, makes me smile openly at Abby but she’s still not impressed.

  “Well it didn’t work this time, Mr. Sizzle - your plan sucked.”

  “Point taken, lovely lady. You do look so sexy when you’re cross.” He draws my best-friend into his body and plants a kiss on her already upturned lips before remembering my presence. “Does Seb know, Lu?”

  “Not yet and neither should he. Toni will not ruin another party. Besides Abs & I spent hours getting ready for this do.” I shrug my shoulder nonchalantly and smile to lighten the mood. “Honestly, Nathan, I’m fine. Let’s enjoy the night and forget Toni with a bloody ‘third eye’.

  Abs giggles relax us further as we head further into the mix of dancers and drinkers. “Come on let me introduce you to some people who may have need of your fabulous design services. They are ten a penny here.”

  “That would be great, Na - not sure I’d be able to work on a job in Dubai with my commitments to Finn, but it would be fantastic to make some new contacts.”

  Twenty minutes later I’m all talked out. My cheeks ache from smiling brightly and talking in all the right places. But Nathan had been righ
t - this was the venue to make connections. I’d discussed possible design opportunities with at least three new clients for work back home in the UK and their budgets were open-ended - these could be lucrative for Elysium. Maybe enough to get rid of that bank loan?

  I smooth down my dress and excuse myself, taking a quick glimpse around the immense ballroom; it was heaving and Sebastian was no longer in sight.

  “Abs, I’m just going to nip to the Ladies again, won’t be long.”

  “OK, hun - you want me to come with - fight off any potential bitchy attacks?” her brown eyes crinkle but I can see concern in them.

  “No don’t be daft - I’m fine. If you see Seb, just let him know I’ll be back soon for a dance.”

  I blow her a kiss and head off weaving my way between the crowds; through the huge elaborate doors, across the marble floor of the foyer, my heels clicking noisily, and straight past the sign for the ladies. In the main foyer, there is an array of small shops that include three clothing boutiques, a newsagents, a jewellers, and a cosmetics drugstore. I head for the latter. Maybe they’d have what I needed.

  Back in the Ladies, I tear open the packaging and extract the first of two boxes. The back of which is laced with foreign gobbledegoop. But inside I find English instructions and after a quick scan, I decide to just go with gut instinct. I’d done this before right? It’d been a while now - over four years ago to be exact and I remember the day vividly. It had been snowing outside and I’d been just as nervous and the timing had been just as bad. My timing had never been great. That was then and I might be worrying about something that wasn’t even an issue.

  “Come on, girl, let’s do this.”

  I hoist my long gold dress up and out the way. Would have been much easier if I weren’t wearing a ball gown and 5 inch heels; then perch, whilst holding the stick. You’d think in this day and age they would have invented an easier way of home testing by now. I complete the task, seamlessly, clip the lid back on firmly and place it on the toilet roll dispenser whilst I adjust my clothing. A quick flush and I head out to wash my hands to ascertain the results. As I place my clutch down carefully on the counter top, and pump the soap jet, a door shuts at my back and my eyes grow wide in alarm as realisation kicks in, and frozen I stare back at myself into the large oval ornate mirror, my hand now gripping the edge of the sink tightly.


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