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The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2)

Page 27

by Alexandra North

  Someone has just entered the toilet I’d just used and that someone was about to see the test I’d just left inside.

  Shit! Shit! Shit!

  I want to scream out loud into the room in annoyance at my own stupidity and forgetfulness but instead can do nothing but wait it out and not alert any further attention to myself. I lick my lips and swallow deeply, my mouth drying up in anxiety, then wash my hands as calmly as possible before heading to the dryer to blast them. All I have to do is wait it out, then pray that they hadn’t seen it, and if they had, they’d ignore it and be out of here in the next few minutes. There’s no reason for them to think its mine…

  “So, that’s how you’re going to play it?”

  No. No please God no! Of all the people to have walked into that cubicle, my cubicle, at this time, on this night, you had to send your nemesis, the devil incarnate? WTF? Twice in one night?

  I pivot on my heel with exquisite slowness, and plaster that fake smile across my face once again. “Sorry, did you say something, Toni?”

  “You heard. You know that you can’t keep Sebastian, so you’re trying to trick him by getting pregnant or pretending to be, which one is it?” Her badly fake-tanned palm hides the test window from me but she’s happy to wave it in the air to emphasis her point.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

  “Of course you do, Luchheea- its what women have done since the middle ages. In fact I’m rather annoyed I didn’t think of it first. God knows, I’ve done it before with other men.”

  You’d have to sleep with him first you silly woman.

  I retract my lipstick from my purse and apply an unnecessary coat of moisture rich red, watching her in the mirror. “What are you blabbering about, Toni?”

  If she could just move her pinky finger a smidgen I’d be able to read the result and put my mind at rest - it’s been over three minutes now - surely that would be enough time to have a true reading?

  “We’ll if this isn't yours, you won’t be needing it will you?“ She glances at the test with narrowed eyes and then throws it in the direction of the small swing bin, scoring perfectly - just my luck it appears tonight. “It’s negative anyway, so you’ll have to come up with a better way to snare him.”

  It’s negative. It’s negative - that’s all I can hear and I can’t tell whether I’m thrilled or devastated. I’m not carrying Sebastian’s baby. It’s much easier this way but somehow now I feel so much emptier.

  I can hear her chelping away in the background, nastily buzzing around like a wasp, ready to sting at at any moment and I decide enough is enough. “Have you made it your mission tonight to follow my every move Toni? It appears that every time I enter the Ladies, you are two steps behind - then again that seems to be your mantra. I suggest that you find a new muse as this one is just not interested.”

  She finished washing her hands and primping herself in the mirror before smugly looking back at me directly. “Lucia, I feel sorry for you. You are becoming quite desperate. Enjoy your fun whilst you can, as before long, you’ll be back to boring old Bodley and being mumsy again. Sebastian will get tired of you soon - he’ll be onto the next challenge. You’re only a challenge as long as he’s chasing you. Once you’ve been fucked in every which way, he’ll be ready to dip that monstrous wick of his in a new pot of honey and mine is exceptionally runny.”

  Ugggjhh! She really is disgusting and with such a high opinion of herself. I’m wasting my breath even defending my honour and to be honest, I know that she gets off on my attempts, so I remain quiet.

  “No sharp retaliation, now you haven’t any friends to fight your corner?”

  “I’m just not interested, Toni.” I return to the mirror where I begin to reapply my eyeliner.

  “No, you just know I’m right bitch. You watch your back, I’m on to you.”

  Her clatter of heels on the tiles is a warm relief and I sink against the console unit and exhale the breath I’d unknowingly been holding. Thank fuck for that. God, I hope she doesn’t tell Sebastian. I most certainly wasn’t about to mention this, not now it was negative.

  I run to the swing bin and rummage amongst the paper towels, before locating the small white plastic test. I then shove it inside my purse, without a second thought. Grabbing the drugstore carrier bag, that thankfully Toni’s shrewd eyes hadn’t located, I head out towards the lift, to place the offending articles in my room. The sooner they were in my day bag and away from prying eyes, the better.


  “Where have you been, hun? Seb’s been looking all over for you?” Abby meets me halfway back into the ballroom.

  “I bumped into Toni in the loo’s… again.”

  “Are you OK - I knew I should have come with you - has that cow-bag got eyes on you or something?”

  I smile at her immediate defensive mechanism going into overdrive “I’m good - honestly. She’s just a nutter. Where’s Sebastian now?”

  “Right here, baby.”

  I spin and feel his arms enfold me, warm and strong and just what I need at that moment and I relax into his body. “Hi.”


  His sexy smile makes me want to kiss him into oblivion and I feel my body reacting to his touch immediately; the tell-tale thrum begins to heat between my thighs and shivers run down my back and I ache to have him lift my dress and bury himself inside me, right here and now. Last night had felt so illicit at the Barracuda club I am finding it hard to switch back to being on my best behaviour.

  “Baby, you keep kissing me like that, I swear I going to drag you from here like we’re back in The Cave Bar.”

  “Sounds like a plan - you have my permission to ‘drag-away’.” We look at each other and then burst out laughing in unison. “That sounded far sexier in my head. Please don’t go all draggy on me.”

  “Baby…” his eyes darken with promise and the tone is once again serious as I feel him press the evidence of his arousal into my tummy. “…one thing I can promise you is that I will always be 100% male.”

  No doubt about that.

  “I’ve not spent enough time with you I’m sorry, darling, a complete travesty when you look the way you do, but I’m going to correct that now. Give me a few minutes to say my goodbyes to some of the contacts I need to say my goodbyes to, for business purposes only and I’ll meet you by the lift in fifteen. I’ll be thinking of you wet and naked beneath me for every one of those fifteen minutes.” He presses a kiss against my neck and whispers into my ear “Are you wet, Lu?”

  Fuck, he turns me on. “Very.” I chew on my bottom lip for added definition and smile inwardly as I see his sharp intake of breath and watch his sexy hand reach up to rub his stubble. I love that I can make him lose all control.

  I turn, ready to head off to grab a nightcap from the bar, and hear his deep voice and shiver as tingles shoot up my arm as his hand clasps my wrist. My eyes are searching, as he brazenly assesses me, for just a second too long before speaking. “Don’t remove the mask.” I just nod, mutely and leave, feeling him all around me, as he watches my exit. I’ve only taken a few steps when my suspicions are confirmed.

  “I’ll see you soon, Lu. It’s a good job I adore that juicy arse of yours, you’ve spent half the night walking away from me. Almost as though you’re tempting me to bury myself within it.”


  I down my second Disarono on the rocks, in quick succession and wave at Nathan and Abby who by all accounts will not be partying for much longer - well not in the ballroom. They had practically been eating each other up for the past ten minutes and I’m ashamed to say I’d watched them with excitement, knowing that in a few moments I’d be with my own Prince Charming. Grabbing my purse from the bar top, I assess the crowd, I can’t see anyone else I need to say goodnight to, Chris is nowhere to be seen, not that I want to encourage him but it’s polite I suppose and Sebastian must have already escaped to meet me. Blowing a kiss at Abs I slightly u
nsteadily, head to meet Sebastian.


  I watch her sexy butt wiggle its way off into the crowd for what seemed the fiftieth time that night and stroke a hand over my head in frustration. I’m here in Dubai, at this glittering Masquerade Ball with the most beautiful and intoxicating woman I’d ever known, yet, I’d spent barely ten solid minutes in her company all night. I’ve truly let her down - promised her I’d not leave her side and done exactly that, over and over again.

  My cock had been rock hard, painfully so for pretty much most of it too. She looked fucking stunning with an air of magical seduction about her - must be that mask, which only highlighted her green eyes and that work-of-art dress - fuck me, I’m sure it had been spun by Rumplestiltskin - nobody could look that good and offer themselves without a catch; without obtaining something in return.

  She is receiving something in return though mate isn’t she? Your heart!

  I know its true, and it scares the hell out of me. I mean I love her, I know that now, I’ve confessed, admitted it to myself and spoken it aloud many times - I like the sound of it on my tongue but can I offer everything I have, really let go and completely give her my heart; my soul?

  I’m not sure I have a choice.

  I crave her scent, touch and smile at all hours and just the thought that she is in a room, close by and I am not at her side, connecting with her, my hand on the curve of her tiny waist, the curve of her hip, my fingers gripping her juicy behind or leaning in to kiss her succulent mouth is my undoing - I am lost without her and need her 24hours a day. I’m God damned bloody addicted to the woman. Who’d have seen that one coming? Certainly not me.

  My only saving grace is that I see the continual need glowing within her lime orbs too, feel it in her touch and her filthy forbidden words - that’s what has made it so difficult to concentrate and work the room this evening, rather than just escaping and taking her up against the nearest wall.

  Tonight had been important to the Company and I’d played the game, intent on marketing my business at this opportune moment - I’d met several new potential clients and one connection had been truly worth it; a billionaire investor who wanted to build or possibly renovate a castle / hotel in Scotland and after tonight, he was keen to have Silver Construction on board. I am also keen to invest. I can see this one being a potential goldmine, or Silvermine, as Nathan calls these type of rare opportunities. Go with your gut, my inner voice suggests and I have to agree.

  I head over to chat with the investor in question, Michael Warrington and say my farewells to the Sheik, some business colleagues, and finally, Andy the Architect, who informed me that Toni had already gone to bed.

  Thank God for that.

  I can’t see Nathan and Abby in the crowds, they’ve probably decided to do what he intended to right now and go upstairs together and have their own party of two. I fire off a quick text, explaining that Lu and I are off to bed, and head off to the foyer. A quick glance at my watch tells me I’m pretty much on time. I’m just about to head past the Reception to the lifts, when I hear a female drawl that is unexpected and disappointing.

  “Well if it isn’t, Sebastian Silver - Boss of the Year - I’d hoped I’d run into you.”

  Taking in the female’s dishevelled state, I can see she is more than worse for wear, her eye make-up smudged and eyes glassy. She’d removed her mask and her hair lay limp around her forehead. Crap!

  “Toni - how nice to see you. I’m about to go meet someone but hope you have a good night.”

  Well done. Succinct and to the point - now keep moving.

  “Now, is that any way to speak to someone you haven’t seen for a month?”

  “Has it been that long? How are you settling in with Andy?”

  “Andy is just fine but he’s not you, Seb.” Her fingertips run small circles over my pecks and I take a step back. I’m still wearing my mask, not that it had been any kind of deterrent against Toni, but it might hide my persona from any onlookers.

  “Andy’s a good guy, Toni - you just get your head down and get on with your job and you’ll do fine, now I really mu…”

  I watch as the cheaply dressed woman in front of me drops to her knees with a smile on her face and lipstick on her teeth and I panic, a nasty feeling of her intention irritating me low in my belly. As she moves towards my crotch, wrapping her arms tightly around my thighs and anchoring me there she nuzzles against me, “Don’t you worry, Seb, I’ll get my head down and give you the best job of your life - I thought you’d never ask, you naughty boy!”

  “Toni, no!” I grab at her arms, to lift her up, away from my body. The petite woman was surprisingly strong. Jesus Christ! Get her off me!!! I’d never been a violent man, nor ever hit a woman, but the panic of Lu walking to meet me and seeing this was making me question my values.

  “Oh, darling - that bitch Lucia can’t give you what you’re looking for, she’s far too old and dried up - I am ripe and fertile and will be whatever you want me to be.”


  “Excuse me?” Her eyes refocus, as the alcoholic fog parts and she looks right up at me, with a lop-sided slur.

  “You said you’d be whatever I want you to be - I want you to be gone.”

  “Well that’s not very nice. Stop pretending, Sebby - you know you’ve always wanted me - Lucia came along and spoiled everything.”

  “Did I hear my name being mentioned?”

  Holy shit! Lucia - here! Looking classy and beautiful but extremely angry and fucking hell, talk about being caught red-handed, except I am genuinely innocent of all charges.

  “Toni, would you kindly remove yourself and your manipulative hands from my man.”


  “You heard.”

  Toni looks up at me in question, and I hold my hands up to the sky without protest. “Whoa, don’t look at me love. You better do what the lady said…”

  When Toni continues to look dumb but does not remove her arms from my waist, I hear Lu’s deep breath - God she’s stunning and like a wild cat, elegant and strong but will take no prisoners. Toni is dust.

  She leans into Toni and gently grasps the back of the offending woman’s dress, pulling her upwards in the process. “Stand now, and hold on to what remains of your dignity. You’ve had a little too much to drink and I’m going to place you in this chair and ask Reception to help you up to your room. Ok?”

  “Why are you being so nice to me? Your boyfriend was about to cheat on you with me?”

  I hear my own growl and am about to intersect when Lu holds her hand up to stop me.

  “Seb - I know exactly what…” Lu pauses to point at the situation with her finger in irritation ‘…this was!…” Before continuing to rain fire and hell almighty, on the woman who’d just had her head buried in my crotch “…and whilst I’m not against three-ways, tonight Toni, this man is all mine and I trust him implicitly - OK? Now bloody sober up.”

  I watch my woman with pride - she’d just proved to me that we’d moved past the hurdle that was Toni and Ray. She trusted me. She’d walked in on a woman with her face buried in my crotch, albeit clothed but it can’t have looked good and she had not once questioned my loyalty to her.

  God, I love her.

  I push Toni away from me, like a dirty dish cloth, and take Lucia’s outstretched hand. My previous employee had had more than she deserved of civility from both of us under the circumstances. Crushing Lucia to me, we head to towards the lift, my heart is beating so fast I can practically see it pounding in my chest. We stop at the Reception Desk and advise the Night Manager of the situation and he agrees to assist Toni to her room, which is more than she deserves under the circumstances. Standing in wait for the light to ping on the lift, seems like an age but we do so silently, linked at all times. At last the doors open and we enter; the second that they close I am on her.


  We enter the suite, heat building between us and I kick
the door closed and grab her - she instantly wraps one leg around mine bringing me closer, her passion as wild as mine. Possessing. Worshipping. Whispering, words of love and sex and want as I try to absorb every part of her in one gut-wrenching kiss. My heart aches, my whole body is tight. I need to devour her in one sitting but I’m reminded that tonight is special - it was our last night away and after what she’d just proved to me - her total and complete trust in me - I wanted to worship and adore her.

  I walk towards the bed throwing the keycard down on the desk, manage to remove my jacket whilst we kiss and my hand returns to splay across her back, into her familiar curves.

  “God, Lu, you are so beautiful.”

  She moans at my words but they are not enough. I can’t seem to find the words to express how I feel anymore. My emotions are all over the place and I’ve never felt like this before. All I’ve wanted to do all night is bury myself deep inside her and now I wanted to treasure each second like it was the last. I suppose this was what love did to you?

  I clasp her face between my hands, forcing her to look into my eyes; my soul. That’s when I see it - the exact same burning tortured need in her lime green pools and I draw her lips to mine and kiss her with exquisite slowness. Her groans encourage me and I skim her curves with one hand, the other firmly at the back of her head, pulling at the pins holding her hair in place, careful to keep the mask over her eyes. Her scent is intoxicating, as lock after lock of lush dark hair cascades in perfumed cloud down her back, and I revel in the silky, provocative touch of it.


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