Forever Devoted (Crazed Devotion Book 2)

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Forever Devoted (Crazed Devotion Book 2) Page 5

by C. A. Harms

  Balancing the two containers of sugary goodness in one hand, I lifted my hand and after one deep breath I pressed the doorbell. I looked back over my shoulder toward the apartment just above Ben’s and almost wished that Nicole or Ryker would come outside at that moment and make this situation a little less intense. Ten to one they were both hovering near the window watching me at that moment waiting for me to bolt so they could tackle me.

  The apartment door before me came open and I nearly dropped the items I held.

  Ben was shirtless and wore only a pair of basketball shorts, those silk ones that hung very low on his waist. So low I could see the path that led to his very impressive-

  “Hey,” he said pulling me out of my wet dream. “Here let me get those,” he reached out took the items from my hand and peered inside one. “This looks good.”

  “Yes it does,” I say before I can stop myself, but in no way was I referring to the desert he held. Heat rose in my cheeks and by the way, he was now smirking at me. I knew he understood I wasn’t talking about the cheesecake or cupcakes.

  “The steaks smell good,” I said attempting to even out the lust that now seemed to pool between us.

  “Come in,” Ben insisted, his voice appearing lower and deeper. That’s the bedroom voice I remembered from our night together. “I hope you’re hungry,” he added and as I passed him, I dig my nails into the palm of my hand to keep from reaching out for him.

  “Yes, I’m hungry.” I’m starving was what I really wanted to say. Only food was the furthest thing from my mind. Ben wasn’t just attractive, he was godly. The perfect mix of lean and muscle. His skin tone naturally tanned with the right amount of tattooed that gave him that bad boy vibe. My favorite part of Ben was his hands. Big strong hands.

  Most women would go for the obvious, his eyes or his smile. Don’t get me wrong, he had gorgeous eyes and the smile that could melt the panties off a nun. But, his hands were sinful. The memories of them roaming over my body, touching and exploring, so big and so powerful made my knees wobble.

  “Want something to drink?” He asked as he steps around me and placed the containers on the counter. “I got water, beer and soda.”

  “Beer’s good,” I say as I scan over his apartment.

  The layout was exactly as Nicole’s but maybe a little smaller.

  His arm swoops in from behind me and he holds out the beer before me. I could feel his chest against my back and part of me wanted to lean back in to him to gain more but I stood tall.

  “It’s small, but then again it’s just me, so it’s enough,” he says next to my ear. “Why are you so tense?” He finally asks and I do my best to act if he was imagining things.

  “I’m not,” I say, “just waiting for you to feed me.”

  The moment the words left my mouth, I realized just how dirty they sounded. His deep chuckle indicated her two caught the unintended vulgar meaning.

  “I’m willing to give you whatever you need in order to make you feel full,” he assures me and I turn around and shove against his chest. When he steps back, he reaches up and wraps his hand around my wrist holding it against his chest.With one swift tug, my body crashes to his and he places his other arm around my waist. “I’m playing, unless,” he wags his eyebrows.

  “You’re impossible,” I say but I can't fight the smile taking over my lips.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” he says bending at the knees enough to bring himself I level with me. “Just relax, it’s all I want.”

  I nod my head, and he leans in to press a kiss against my forehead.

  “Now let’s go inspect the meat,” he added stepping back and I roll my eyes. Always a comedian, I thought as I followed him out the back door and onto the porch.

  It didn't take long for me to relax. Ben had that effect on most people, he was just that guy. The one that most people turned to when they needed a friend. I’d only spent that one night with him months ago, but I’d been around Ryker enough to know that Ben was the man he relied on. I’d heard stories of them being deployed together and how without Ben, he wasn’t sure he would have made it out.

  Ben was loyal and part of me knew that he’d never willingly hurt me, but there was always that what if. That instance that is unavoidable, and that little part was enough to make me leery of moving forward without caution.

  “You wanna eat out here, or inside?” He asked.

  I looked around and found that the space was small and not so private. The apartment building behind him was less than fifty feet away. In fact, I could look through the back door of the apartment behind him and see a girl in skimpy shorts doing some type of exercise. Of course her ass was facing in our direction and it made me wonder how many times Ben had witnessed the very same thing.

  I looked back at him, and must have had a readable expression on my face, because he begins to chuckle. “Inside it is,” he says holding up the plate with steak and waiting for me to stand.

  Just as we step inside he leans in and whispers near my ear. “Your ass is way hotter.”

  “So you have watched little miss bendy back there workout?” I was well aware that my attempt at humor failed and game out more as a jealous girl questioning his intentions.

  “Just once when she decided that she’d do yoga in the backyard.” He shrugs as he places the plate in the center of his small table. “She introduced herself while bent over and peeking through her parted legs.” He adds and I can’t help but roll my eyes.

  “Amateur move,” I say as I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the counter.

  “Oh yeah,” he says mirroring my movements only leaning back against the fridge. “How would you introduce yourself to me if I’d been a stranger moving in next door?”

  I knew he was challenging me to make a move. I also knew that he most likely felt like I’d bow out gracefully and brush it off as a waste of time. But there was something Benjamin Keaton needed to learn about me, I don’t back down from a challenge easily.

  I lowered my hands as I slowly moved across his small kitchen. My eyes locked on his, I stepped up before him and pressed my hand against his chest. The ripples of his chest hardened as he flexed beneath me. I ignored the movement knowing that he was most likely during it on purpose to gain reaction from me.

  Careful to move slow and teasingly, I lowered my palm as if memorizing the contours of his chest and abs along the way. When I felt the waistband of his shorts beneath my palm I looked up at met his gaze. The irises had darkened making his darker brown look more black. The way he was breathing, more deep intakes of breath assured me that my closeness had affected him just as I’d hoped.

  “I wouldn’t pull some bimbo move of flashing my ass, or other areas. I wouldn’t use the excuse of yoga outside,” I assured him. “I would walk right up to you, much like this. I’d introduce myself, and tell you that I think you’re very attractive.”

  His stare only intensified as I continue on.

  I lift my other hand and trace the contour of his jaw, making his eyes droop, enhancing that hooded stare.

  “I’d be completely honest with you and tell you that never has a man turned me on more than you. I’d leave you my number and tell you that if any of that sounds intriguing and you’d like to explore that, you should call me.” Just from the way he was looking at me, mix with that masculine smell of his I love so much, I found I was managing to turn myself on much more than I intended to.

  When I attempted to step back, he wrapped his arm around my waist and held me in place.

  “Then I would tell you that I too had never met a woman that intrigued me the way you do.” He whispers as his nose skims over mine. “I’d tell you the no woman has ever made my heart race the way you do and I’d take you up on that offer to explore.”

  At this point we were both breathing heavy, our eyes locked on one another’s.

  “Those are the things I should have told you that night,” he whispered. “I should have told you that we may have only
have that one night but in that time I knew that I wanted so much more from you. I came here for you.”

  I close my eyes tight, refusing to look at him any longer.

  How had my attempt at seduction turned so serious so fast?

  “I told you I’d never lie to you.” Ben still holds me close. “I came here not knowing how’d you react but willing to take a chance because you are worth it.”

  “You don’t know that,” I said finally, unable to hold back.

  “I do,” he says, “but now I need to make you see that.”

  My chest tightened, as my pulse raced. I close my eyes tight once more fighting off the feelings this man triggers inside me. I wasn’t prepared for Ben. I wasn’t ready for the fight he was willing to give. But I knew then it didn’t matter, because with or without my consent this man was going to give me no other choice.

  Chapter Nine


  I stood on the porch of the Berfield home dirty from work, but unable to stop myself from making it my first stop.

  Liz left my apartment last night looking slightly dazed from my continuous reminder that I wasn’t about to let her ignore the attraction between us. She, of course, made it a point to insist it was nothing more than lust and that she was sure it would one day fade.

  She was right in a sense, but wrong in so many ways too. Lust was a definite, but so was appeal, interest, desire, need and damn it to hell, my heart was involved too. It wouldn’t fade, I knew that already.

  So as I said, this woman would accept that we were more than lust alone, or I’d drive her so fucking crazy, l she would have no choice but open her eyes.

  I lifted my hand to knock once more and laughed when she jerked open the door and pushed her hip out as she brought her hand to rest there. “Are you lost?” She asked with an arch of her brow.

  “Now that you mention it I do feel a little lost,” I tell her as I lift my hand to press it over my chest. She rolls her eyes at me and I couldn't hold back my laughter. Always the sassy one, I thought to myself as I step in closer. “We didn’t finish our conversation last night.”

  Liz, steps back trying to move away and I reach out and take her hand in mine, tugging her close. “You talked a lot last night,” she says and I can tell she is trying to hide the fact that I affect her, but I could see right through her mask.

  “I have a lot more to say,” I assure her, “but I was talking about you.” Her eyes widen just a bit. “I remember the promise of you sharing your fears. I wanna know what I’m up against Liz.”

  “You must like punishment,” she says and there was that sass once again.

  “If that’s what it takes to get through this wall you have up then I’ll gladly accept it. I’m not giving up and I’m not walking away.” Liz stared back at me blankly. “In the end we may end up being nothing more than the best of friends, but at least then I know we tried.”

  “Friends with a history,” she says with a forced grin.

  “One hell of an amazing night, yes,” I add and that forced grin turns into a full on smile.

  “So what did you think, you were gonna show up here and force me to talk?” She asks.

  “Not force,” I correct, “just hope that I could kidnap you, take you to dinner, maybe a walk to break down your walls just a bit.” She arches her brow but I can see the playfulness still hidden in her eyes. “I could kiss you a time or two because that always seems to make you feel a little loopy momentarily.”

  She shoves against my chest and laughs. “I do not get all loopy,” she insists.

  “Whatever you say,” I agree to disagree. “However I wasn't kidding about the kissing part. I can’t stop myself, I really like kissing you.” Her cheeks redden and I feel that familiar pride in my chest knowing that even for a split second I made Elizabeth Berfield feel something.

  “Where should I meet you?” She asks and without hesitation I shake my head no. “What?” she asks with a confused look on her face.

  “I’m leaving now, and you’re coming with me.”

  “Excuse me,” she argues.

  “I’m not a dumb man Elizabeth,” I see the instant glare she gives me when I say her full name. I’m well aware of the fast that she prefers Liz, though I’m not sure why yet. I like to fire her up though, it makes things interesting. “I plan on taking you with me now,” I tell her still holding her hand firmly in my own. “I’ll go home and shower,” I wink, “you can join me or not,” I pause weighing her reaction. I never expected her to actually join me, but again it was fun to watch her react.

  Her eyes narrowed but she said nothing.

  “You can also wait on the couch,” I shrug, “then we decide where we’ll go for dinner.”

  “What if I don’t want to go with you now?” She challenges me.

  “You have no choice sweetheart,” I assure her and I could see she was practically fuming now. “You’ll fight me on that I know, but I’ll win. You can come willingly or I’ll take you kicking and screaming. I just think that the neighbors, and your mom would prefer you come along willingly. But I’m game for either option.”

  “You’re impossible,” she states and I don’t argue.

  “Grab your things,” I tell her, “unless of course you want me to get your things for you.”

  “You are impossible,” she repeats before adding, “and extremely difficult.”

  “As are you,” I tell her refusing to give her the argument I know she was fishing for.

  She started to shut the front door and I stuck my foot out to block her. “We’ll just leave this open while I wait.”

  She glared, her nostrils flared and she crossed her arms over her chest, only I smiled back at her. That only irritated her more. She uncrossed her arms, spun around on her heels and as she stormed off I swear I hear her growl, which of course only made me chuckle.

  I knew very well that had she refused, there would be no way to actually make her go. I also knew that she clearly enjoyed our interactions as much as I did, but refused to admit that. It was in Liz’s nature to argue and be difficult. I think she loved to challenge everyone and everything. I firmly believed that she had no idea how to live any other way. It was part of her appeal to me, which may sound odd, but I am a man who prefers things I have to fight for, I don't like things handed to me.

  So when she stormed out of her front door, her bag in one hand and her cell phone in the other refusing to look at me, I shook my head. Give it some time and I knew I’d have her unable to hold back her smile, but again I knew I’d have to work for it. Which only made those smiles more special to me, because she didn't give them to just anyone.


  I took my time in the shower, giving the flaming beauty that paced my living room just a little more time to flare out. Yes, I knew I’d have a battle, but I wasn’t ready for a war. I’d spent time in Iraq, Afghanistan, and even Syria for a short deployment, but I swear Elizabeth was one war I could never prepare for. The woman was stubborn, pigheaded, and damn near made me insane with frustration and those were her good days.

  Once I was out of the shower, I added deodorant and a splash of cologne before wrapping the towel loosely around my waist and stepping out of the bathroom. I was met with silence, no television, no irritated mumbles of how she was gonna knock me over the head with something hard and leave me behind to fend for myself. Those were the words she spoke when I slipped away only twenty minutes ago to hide beneath the warm spray of the shower.

  But there was one sound I could still hear, the clicking of those heels of her scrappy sandals. My girl, yes she is mine, she just don't know it yet, was still pacing the floor.

  I moved into the living just about the time she turned and was walking in the opposite direction. Instead of speaking I waited and watched. Her ass shifted, as she took each step. Sometimes I wondered if she moved that way on purpose to gain attention. The extra shift, making her hips sway and bringing the attention to her perfect ass. But now I’d come to the conclus
ion it was just Liz. She had no idea just how amazing sexy she was. Or maybe she did know and it was all part of the ongoing torture.

  She reached the door and twisted once again on her heel only to come to an abrupt halt.

  I stood, leaning against the corner, my arms crossed over my bare chest. The towel that hung on my waist, hung very low. So low that I was fully aware you could see more than I’m sure she bargained for. The moment her eyes dropped low to that very spot, I knew I was right. I almost laughed when her lips parted and the tension she held in her shoulders visibly melted before me.

  “You’re gonna wear a hole in the floor,” I say.

  “I uh,” she mumbles and her gaze lifts once more. “I just can’t, I don’t,” again she easily loses track of her words.

  “You what?” I asked eating up the fact that my fiery little woman was struck mute. It was a definite boost to my ego knowing she liked what she saw. Then again I do remember fondly her praise during our night together. She showed me in more ways than one just how pleased she was with my body and what I had to offer her.

  I stood still waiting for her to find a way out of this. I knew she would eventually but I simply loved witnessing her fumble.

  “You need to get some damn clothes on,” she said, trying her best to appear unaffected. I didn’t have the heart to tell her she was failing miserable. I could almost smell the desire pooling off her.

  “You sure about that?”

  It was then her stare met mine and she narrowed those gorgeous blue eyes at me.

  “Yes,” she said crossing her arms over her chest, “you wanted to talk, so we’ll talk and then after that, you’re taking me home.”

  It may be wrong of me to love the struggle I saw in her, but I did. I felt it too, so it only seemed fair I guess. So we’d talk, or she would and I’d listen, but I most definitely would not be taking her home afterward.

  But we’d handle that obstacle a little later.


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