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Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door

Page 11

by Manmohan Gaur

  Bhimataka didn’t say anything, he stopped and said to khira, not all plants are still planted.

  Khira again opened his aromatic plant book and started reading the mantras written in it.

  Bhimataka was still lost in the words of the ambassadors, and on the other side the ambassadors who had said something similar had started to be horrible.


  Chapter 23

  Pagashi and his army in the street of magical tools

  Pagashi was present in the street of magical tools along with his colleagues, it was a very long and trickier road, where there were shops full of magical weapons on both sides, there were some swords in the arms, which were colliding in the air, the pointless cycles outside the shops were roaming fast, one kadolian salesman was present in each store.

  Mostly soldiers used to come in the streets of magical weapons, some kadolians had come to buy weapon for themselves.

  Weapons such as long javelins and arrows were also present here, along with these there were some weapons which were capable of attack by the mantras, kadolian soldiers and common kadolians were buying weapons from shopkeepers here, there were about more than 100 shops, there was a big playground on the street just a few minutes away from the street.

  There was a bright light on the playground, and kadolian people were enjoying a lot of different types of sports with their children there, there were round holes on the long pillars which went up to the height of the sky, out of which long and pointy-looking birds like peacocks were showing their art and were passing through them.

  Pagashi was moving slowly in that street of magical tools along with three of his colleagues, he told his teammates, here we will have to increase our soldiers, and some people are selling these precious weapons of the state in exchange for their household items, which is absolutely wrong.

  A colleague of Pagashi said, yes it is true, but the people of nagavansh are more in those people, they take great advantage of the precious skin of their body, we also need to convince these shopkeepers not to sell weapons with anything other than kadolian currency.

  Yes right, nothing can be done until people reform themselves.

  A kadolian girl who had bright clips tied on both the horns and was wearing a reddish dress, and she was saying to a single eyed shopkeeper in her crushing voice that I had to increase the edge of this sword, can you help me?

  Pagashi stayed with one of his teammates; from where he stayed he was easily watching the playground and birds like peacock that were showing their art in extraordinary ways, Pagashi’s eyes were on the same.

  The shopkeeper had a wand in his hands, from the wand he was decorating the naked bare swords in one line in his shop, he whispered, today, not even a single customer came and these people came to get work done for free, yes madam, I am coming, just one minute.

  The shopkeeper said to the girl with one eye, and said to that girl, you could easily do this work yourself.

  The shopkeeper started dizzy suddenly; he grabbed his head with his hands and started telling the girl, did you put red tomato juice in your eyes?

  Girl shouts at the shopkeeper, no, I do not even like that because it makes my eyes very heavy.

  Then… then, after seeing you, why my head has started getting dizzy? The girl cleaned her eyes with her hands saw that everything was fine, so the shopkeeper was cured, but one of his eyes which were blue earlier was now black. Are you ok now? The girl asked the shopkeeper.

  Shopkeeper said, so you had to sharpen your sword? Bring it to me.

  The girl was terrified by giving a sword to the shopkeeper because she was scared by his strange voice which was normal earlier.

  There is a magic spell which can make it very sharp, the shopkeeper rotated his wand and pointed towards the sword and said, “oplotrim mistbha” the red light got out of the wand and the sword became so sharp, he left the sword with his own hands, now it was in the air, girl saw and said, thank you, you have really sharpened it.

  Yes, “so sharp that alone can destroy all kadolians”, the shopkeeper stared at the girl.

  The girl was shocked to hear this because a kadolian was only talking about eliminating kadolians, the sword swirled sharply and fell down by cutting the head of the girl, and then her body fell down too, Pagashi immediately turned his eyes and saw that the girl has died due to the swirling sword in the air, the sword too fell down.

  Pagashi ran away there, his companions also arrived there, he saw the shopkeeper, after seeing him, Pagashi understood that there is something wrong with that because he had a black eye, and there was no one in the kadolians whose eyes were black, who are you? Why did you kill this girl? Pagashi asked him but he did not respond and disappeared from there.

  He was not alone in that street of magical tools that had undergone such a change, along with him there was a change in many people and their eyes were blackened too.


  Chapter 24

  Transformation of kadolians

  The people sitting in the shops on both sides and the kadolians who were buying weapon outside were all changing, as the changes came, they started attacking each other, swords and spears began to collide with each other, shops started to burn, the people who had changed started attacking on the people who were still normal.

  Pagashi saw that an attack on the entire street with the arrows and javelin started, shops started to burn, it seemed like a beginning of terrible war.

  Pagashi’s partner said what’s been suddenly happening here? Why have these people started fighting with themselves?

  Said Pagashi, let’s find out, Pagashi ran ahead with his three companions.

  Swords and spears were fast approaching in front of them, said Pagashi, save you all from these weapons.

  They reached a little while and saw that a kadolian child had thick cheeks and blue eyes was caught by a black-eyed person and was trying to attack him, but his wife was preventing him from doing this and was snatching her child from his hands.

  Pagashi arrived there and said, what is this happening?

  The mother of the child saw Pagashi and said, please help me, he wants to kill my child.

  Pagashi said, leave this child or else get ready to die.

  No, please don’t kill him. He is my husband, the mother of the child said.

  Do not be mad, the one who wants to kill your child, you are talking about saving him, now he has changed, now he is not your husband, but he has become a ravage, he may kill you too, said Pagashi.

  The mother of the child said, fine; please kill him right away but save my child.

  With his power, Pagashi stopped a sword and attacked the person who was killing the child; the child got out of his hands, and he got tied up in blue wire which was on fire, but did not die even after the powerful attack, but disappeared from there.

  Pagashi said to the woman, go from here and do not get out of your home till we find out what is all this happening here.

  The mother of the child said, thank you very much! By saying this, she disappeared with her child from there.

  Whatever is happening is becoming very horrible, of course someone is changing these people or it can be a disease that is spreading too fast, said Pagashi.

  Pagashi saw that the bird in the far field was showing her art, she suddenly started burning in the flames, he said, soldiers you stay here help these people I will just come back.

  By saying this, Pagashi reached straight into the ground, there was the same situation which was in the street of the weapons, everyone were attacking at each other, but his eyes were looking for the person who just burnt that bird.

  There was a child in the field, he had a wand in his hand and his eyes were black, Pagashi suspected on him, he reached him and said why did you burn that bird?

  Will she have a pain? The child asked in innocence.

  So you have killed her, you will have to pay for it son, you hav
e burnt a national bird not a common bird.

  The child said in the horror, you did not answer me, now be prepared to suffer, “ruhaktriyak rimhok” he rolled his wand and spelled this mantra and the same kind of flames flashed out and collided with the Pagashi’s body, Pagashi had made a wall of water immediately after his own power, so that he did not burn, seeing that, the child disappeared from there.

  A child cannot have such power, of course it is the phantom spirits sent by the tamsians who are entering these people and all are changing.

  Before It get too lates, I have to tell all this to the king, Pagashi went straight out of the palace, saying this, and he saw that kadolian soldiers were dead around, he quickly went inside the castle, and saw that the queen Ambishi was tied with a magical rope and khira stood beside her.

  King Bhimataka was holding Ketra weapon in his hand and was repeatedly saying to Ambishi that nothing will happen to you, nothing will happen to you Ambishi.

  Said Pagashi, king…. he was gasping, something like this happened in the entire kingdom like the queen, more than half the people have changed, and those who have survived are being killed by those who have transformed, most of them, if it is not stopped then it will end all soon.

  This is the effect of black power, khira said to the king.

  And I know who is doing this, king bhimataka said.

  Who? Pagashi asked.

  Dark lord saarak, this is the job of him, but he does not know that he is nothing in front of the ketra’s power, Pagashi, you protect the palace with your kadolian’s army soldiers and by the time I did not come, khira would have stayed here and queen Ambishi could go anywhere, take care of it.

  King But you cannot go to those tamsians alone, it will not be safe, said khira.


  Chapter 25

  King Bhimataka & the kingdom of Tamsians

  Do not worry about me, as long as the Ketra I have, he cannot spoil anything of mine, king bhimataka disappeared from there and reached the area of the tamsians, it was for the first time that bhimataka had gone to the tamsians locale; he did not know where to find dark lord saarak.

  King Bhimataka saw that the entire sky was full of black spirits over him, the houses there were broken and were floating in the air, in their feet small stones and small animals were raised above the ground.

  The houses were equipped with red light lamps, seeing all this, he was moving forward, suddenly a woman appeared before him, her face was bleeding, her teeth were too long, and on her face the sharp spike was out, she took out her horrible long tongue and licked the blood on her face.

  Seeing this, king bhimataka was a little nervous, but he asked the woman, do you know where will I get saarak?

  The woman got uneasy after hearing saarak’s name and whispered, “Dark lord” she pointed by roaming her hands and said that side.

  King bhimataka swiftly moved forward on the way she told him without saying anything, the horrible woman was watching her standing in one place.

  Bhimataka was moving forward, the tamsians wolves had the scent of the kadolian person in their nose, they ran to come towards bhimataka, and they were coming very fast to bhimataka,

  Voice of wolves was coming in the Bhimataka’s ears, he started to move faster but the wolves reached near him.

  The group of wolves stood around bhimataka, a wolf started to stare at him, he said, otherwise, king bhimataka of kadolians, what are you doing here, that too alone.

  Bhimataka did not have time to fight these wolves, he had to kill saarak only so that the kadolian’s people would be cured, and he said I have been called by saarak. Can you take me to him?

  One of the wolves said, okay, of course, dark lord wants to kill you with his own hands, only then you have been called here, otherwise he always tells the wolves to kill you people.

  The wolf said, okay I’ll take you to dark lord, he came to bhimataka, he chanted a mantra, “rohistu-nimayu-mayushhhhhh……..”

  After uttering the spell by the wolf, all of them disappeared from there with bhimataka and reached to dark lord saarak.

  There was absolutely a scary atmosphere there; like many ghosts in a cemetery were screaming together, the terrible sounds were coming, this was the place where heart of the kadolian girl had removed by her body and then she got killed.

  Bhimataka saw that dark lord saarak was standing at some distance from him, his feet were in the air, his eyes were closed and hands were spread on both sides, a strange cover was made around him, black smoke and flames were roaming around him, he was repeating some spells repeatedly in his mouth, black smoke appeared to be moving far and wide in long lines.

  Along with Kalik and rukhar, liwaliye and sapi-e were also present there, but they were on the other side of dark lord so far they did not see bhimataka.

  Bhimataka looked at the wolf and said, thank you, no work here for you now, he attacked the wolf with the Ketra and bounced him very far in the air.

  Wolf shouted, aaaahhhhhh…, listening to his screams, Kalik and rukhar said, this was the Singo’s scream, and both of them came to the other side of saarak and saw that bhimataka was present there; both of them took out their wand.

  But before that bhimataka said, maybe you all have forgotten that I have this divine Ketra weapon, so do not make any nonsense, stay away from me.

  Saarak listened to all this and opened his eyes, and saw that king bhimataka stood there, saarak stooped speaking chants and said to bhimataka, how was my gift king bhimataka? Your people are getting weak.

  How could have been so good for kadolian’s, if you would have not ready for the fight with dark lord, like dumbgarj, he turned his voice too horrible and yelled, “Ketra was mine”.

  How did you do it? What are you doing with my people? Tell me or be ready to die.

  Mystery…, said saarak.

  What mystery? Bhimataka asked in a loud voice.

  After finishing this blue heart and its power throbbing in your chest, I succeeded in filling my black power in the hearts of all of you, and very soon you all just follow my command, my black powers will be on the kadolian people, in some time, you all will change.

  Your black power will not run anymore, saarak, I will just finish you, bhimataka with his full force attacked saarak with Ketra, a swipe of blue light was drawn from the Ketra which collided with saarak, but saarak began to laugh loudly, and then sometime later all four magician of him also laughed.

  No, it cannot be, the Ketra’s attack cannot be empty, bhimataka became very anxious saying this and started sweating on his face, he suddenly felt weakness, and he fell to the ground and began to gasp.

  Said saarak, king bhimataka, you probably do not know what the ketra’s power is? It is true that whoever gets hold of it will increase his power thousand times, but power will be created only if you have power in you, I’ve snatched your power, king bhimataka, you came here and made a mistake, just thank to Sivibha that you did not change like other kadolians because of this Ketra.

  Dark lord ordered to Kalik, Kalik go and take away Ketra from him.

  Kalik was going towards bhimataka, bhimataka had Ketra in his hands, his eyes were shutting down, but he had a feeling of being a king and the kadolians had to save, that is why he courageously spoke the words of his disappearance from there, “avalishtam tangori” and he reached out of his castle from there.

  Kalik shouted loudly, he went my lord.

  Dark lord said, it is okay, now he cannot do anything, and he started again speaking his mantra in his mouth.


  Chapter 26

  Mysterious door of planet kadol

  Bhimataka reached out of his palace and fell down, he called, Khira… Khira… Khira,

  Khira was still standing in the palace near the queen Ambishi, he heard the voice coming from outside and he came to know that it is the voice of king; he ran out and came out and saw that the king was falling
down on the ground.

  Khira reached near bhimataka, and sat down and asked, oh king; what happened? You are fine? Did you finish him?

  No…. a voice in which there was no breath came out of Bhimataka’s mouth, he has snatched my strength, khira; he has discovered our secret.

  Secret, what kind of secret? Khira said raising bhimataka, khira did not know that kadolian has a secret blue light power working in their hearts, because of which they are all alive.

  The secret of the kadolians by which we are alive, bhimataka stood up and handled himself, said, khira, we do not have much time with us, bhimataka started to go inside the palace, khira also started going along with him.

  People who are changing are not just changing; rather, saarak is destroying the blue light in our heart and wants to make everyone like tamsians with his black magic power.

  Bhimataka suddenly remembered something, and he got shocked, No... No... No… No..., he stopped at one place.

  Khira asked, what happened king? What is it that makes you so scared?

  So is the urn, the light of the soul of the kadolians also going to be destroyed? So this was the trick of saarak.

  Khira did not understand anything.

  Then suddenly there appeared Pagashi, he was soaked in blood, king, more than half of the people have completely changed, if that happens continuously then it will end in a few moments.

  Until I’m alive, nothing will end, Bhimataka said.

  We have to reach the last door of the palace. Hurry up! Khira and Pagashi ran fast behind bhimataka.

  What is there? Khira asked.

  If we can save the illumination of kadolian soul, then he will not be able to change the number of people who are still normal.

  They were moving ahead of crossing all the three doors of the palace.

  Bhimataka suddenly remembered his queen, he had told khira to stay with her.


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