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Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door

Page 12

by Manmohan Gaur

  The queen was not seen anywhere where is she?

  I am sorry king I tried a lot, but she rescued herself and she ran away.

  It’s a little disappointing to hear this by bhimataka.

  All three reached the last door, the door was like a common door, Pagashi said, king this is the room of the servants of the palace.

  I know, bhimataka said, bhimataka rotated his wand and threw a magical spell, “rumsto giri…..” fire came out of the wand as soon as chanting the mantra, and in the same moment there was a glowing snow solid wall came into their vision.

  Bhimataka went inside it and then Pagashi and khira also went inside, they saw that there was snow on all four sides, in front were the blue glowing crystals, there was an urn made of glass on top of which the blue light sparkles were filled.

  Along with bhimataka, Pagashi and khira also reached to the urn filled with blue light of the soul of the kadolians, bhimataka saw that the urn was half.

  Is this the urn of kadolian’s soul? Khira asked.

  Yes, but I do not understand any way to save it.

  Pagashi said king, Cannot someone help us in this?

  Saarak’s black magic will affect the entire kadolian kingdom; there will be some way to avoid this, asked khira.

  Then suddenly a blue-feathered fairy appeared there, she said; if you can take it away from this planet then this soul light urn can be saved, and saarak’s black magic will stop influencing the remaining kadolian’s people.

  What? Away from this planet, said Pagashi.

  How is this possible? Bhimataka asked.

  Said the angel, maybe you are forgetting something king, you have a mysterious door to go to another planet and whose blue stone gem you have it with you.

  But that door opens on the planet earth, bhimataka said.

  Said the angel, that’s the only way, by which you can save this light and the rest of the kadolians.

  Where is the door, we have to hurry, Said khira.

  Bhimataka raised the urn and said to the angel, thank you to remind me.

  The three came out of the same ice door, bhimataka said, the right wall outside the palace is the door, we have to go there, upon hearing this, the three disappeared from there and reached in front of the right wall outside the palace.

  Bhimataka gave the urn to khira and kept the Ketra in the ground, he had to reveal that blue stone gem so that the door would open.

  He spoke the spell to reveal the blue gem, “oikuyuhimarta….” Blue gem came in his hand, he took the gem in front of that wall, when the gem was in front of the wall, many cracks arrived with thundering sounds in place in the wall, and then suddenly the clouds of flashing lights started coming in there.

  Bhimataka said this is the mysterious door that opens in another planet, apart from us nobody knows about this.

  Khira put down the urn, bhimataka said.

  Khira keeps the soul urn down; bhimataka revealed his wand and said the mantra pointing on the urn of their soul, “kriyatma bhavastu main….” Blue Light sparkles got out of the urn and Bhimataka’s eyes closed; he was watching the light with the power of his mind.

  At the behest of Bhimataka’s wand, the light entered the clouds and got out of the clouds of the earth and then went inside you rony.

  The mahatma told rony all this.

  Kristen and saina and rony were carefully listening to the whole story.

  Rony wanted to go even further, he asked, and then what happened?

  The mahatma began to tell him again.

  Bhimataka opened his eyes. Khira asked, what happened king? Is the light of the kadolian’s soul is safe? Where have you kept it?

  Bhimataka said, I have put the light of the soul in a small child’s body, his name is rony.

  Can we see him? How does he look? Pagashi asked.

  Bhimataka called a spell swirling his wand, “drektahum” speaking of the mantra, a magical glass floated in the air appeared and all of them saw rony.

  Bhimataka said, I am feeling, to this day I have not felt such power in some other, this light of the kadolians soul has made him so powerful.

  But he is just a child, the blue light of the kadolians soul; will he be able to handle it?

  I am confident that he will be able to finish dark lord, when the Ketra goes into his hands, think how many times his power will increase, in future we have to give him the Ketra, and we have to tell him what to do.

  Saarak suddenly stopped spreading his black magic’s spells because now the kadolian people stopped being influenced by his mantras.

  He yelled loudly, “bhimataka…..”

  Here, bhimataka said to khira, listen to me very carefully, what do you have to do now, I tell you, saarak will now attack this palace and we will not be able to stop him. He will definitely come here to take the Ketra from me.

  Bhimataka brought blue gem in front of the wall and again the wall started to appear like before, bhimataka gave blue gem to khira, said, you keep it with you, you will need it, and remember that the secret of this door cannot be known to anyone.

  Bhimataka handed the Ketra weapon to khira, and said, now you have to protect it, you will keep it in the cave of nagavansh till I will not ask you to come out, and if I die, then you have to do one thing.

  Khira said, king, I will fulfil whatever you say to me.

  On the arrival of the right moment, you have to open this mysterious door and go to that planet and give the Ketra weapon to rony, and you have to tell him what to do.

  Now you go and stay in the cave of nagavansh. And Pagashi, take as many kadolians as you think are left with the influence of black power in the cave of nagavansh with your soldiers too, there you will all be safe.

  But you, you will not be able to face them here alone king, said Pagashi.

  Do as I have said, don’t worry about me, I am the king here, and I’ll fight those tamsians by the end, go it is my order.

  Pagashi and khira went away on the order of bhimataka.


  Chapter 27

  Imprisonment of the king bhimataka and dark lord’s rule over kadolians and their kingdom

  After Pagashi and Khira’s departure, dark lord saarak and his companions were coming towards the palace, saarak stepped in front of the palace with his colleagues and turned the lamps of the the entire blue lights into red light with his wand, along with those many black souls also started hovering over the palace.

  The tamsians people followed them and started gathering there.

  Bhimataka was still standing in front of the wall of mysterious door, from there; he stood right in front of the palace door and stood up.

  In front of bhimataka, all the tamsians gathered with saarak.

  Bhimataka said, Knowing the secrets of the kadolians is not so easy, dark lord. Remember the one thing is that the result of what you have done today will definitely be suffered by you one day.

  Where is the Ketra? Dark lord yelled.

  The weapon is safe where it should be, you will never find it.

  Hahahaha…. saarak laughed, dark lord has taken what he wanted, your people, and this kingdom belongs to me all, if you want me to keep you alive then give me the weapon.

  Bhimataka attacked saarak with his wand, saarak’s face started burning by fire from Bhimataka’s attack, seeing this, the wolves quickly ran towards bhimataka to kill him, but by the time dark lord was fine and he said to the wolves, wait…. stop right there, and all wolves stopped at one place.

  So still you have life in you, okay, and then be ready for this.

  He cast a spell swirling his wand, “elantiyo tiweru….” Saarak strikes horrible black power on bhimataka; bhimataka also strikes his wand with his full power, and threw the blue light from his wand.

  Both of them attacked on each other for a while, then suddenly the light of the Bhimataka’s wand started diminished, and in the end, his wand was burnt and his wand fell down by his hand.

; Bhimataka too fell on his knees, now he had no power to fight against saarak.

  All tamsians started to laugh at him, dark lord went to bhimataka, said, as long as you do not give me Ketra, your people will be in my control and now you too.

  Dark lord made an iron jail there with his wand and bhimataka was imprisoned in it.

  Bhimataka was miserable that dark lord would now rule on his kingdom and his black powers and spirits would also pass.

  Dark lord had come to know that the Ketra is with khira and he is there with the rest of kadolians in the cave of the nagavansh, dark lord had ordered the wolves and tamsians that if any kadolian came out after the nagavansh cave, then they would be abolished.

  That’s why no one came out till today, dumbgarj once thought of fighting saarak for khira and kadolian people but khira refused to do so. Khira was waiting for the order of his king that when he orders him and when he will complete the task of handing over the Ketra to you rony.

  Kadolian people, who were transformed by dark lord, followed every order of him. Dark lord had taken the entire kingdom under his control, and with this, the kadolians also suffered huge losses, his black power was everywhere in the kingdom.

  Bhimataka looked at all this but he did not give up, he felt the power growing inside the rony in all those years and he kept looking at him growing up, many years have passed since bhimataka was sitting in jail, his condition had now become like a beggar, his eyes were blackened, his hands and feet turned thin.

  Bhimataka decided that now khira should be given a message that he should give Ketra to rony and ask him to come here and finish dark lord.

  Bhimataka, who was sitting in the jail, was guarded from all around, bhimataka ordered khira into his mind.

  Khira was sitting in a corner at the far off of the cave of nagavansh, Bhimataka’s voice came in his ears, “now the time has come that you go on earth”, give the Ketra to rony, and ask him to come here and save us.

  Khira stood up courageously after listening to Bhimataka’s message, he went to dumbgarj, dumbgarj was sitting on his throne, after all, king has spoken to me now to go on planet earth, now I have to go quickly and give this weapon to rony.

  Dumbgarj said, it’s so great, we all were waiting for this, but you go with caution, because now there is control of dark lord in your palace.

  Khira said whatever happens, I will complete this work in every condition, I would like to go now, after meeting with his people and the main army soldiers, and he came out of the cave and reached straightened in front of the wall of the palace, which was the wall of the “mysterious door of the kadol”.

  Looking all around and thinking that no one could see him, he was remembering the mantra which bhimataka said to reveal that gem and when the gem was given to khira, then khira also said the mantra to hide it with him, what was that mantra? What was that mantra? Khira was trying to remember that mantra.

  Yes, “oikuyuhimarta….” Khira finally said the mantra and the blue gem came in his hand.

  He made the gem in front of the wall and the wall turned into clouds but Kalik had reached there.

  Kalik saw that it was khira, he attacked him and ordered, stop right there.

  Kalik’s attack was so fast that Khira’s gem was lost by his hands and fell down, bhimataka was watching all this from inside the jail, bhimataka shouted loudly, go from here, khira run… run… run away.

  Khira listened to bhimataka, and he jumped on the earth below that mysterious door.


  Chapter 28

  Rony’s training under guidance of the mahatma

  Mahatma told the whole story, rony got up from his chair, he said, so khira came so hard to give me this weapon, but because of Kalik’s attack, he died before telling me everything.

  Mahatma said, yes, and then dark lord came to know about this, bhimataka told him that the one who will kill him would come here and will end it.

  Dark lord saw you by his wizardry powers and then he sent his two witches “liwaliye and sapi-e” to your house so that they could finish you and take the Ketra but they took your mother instead of you.

  Rony said; will he kill my mom? No, please, you have to fix this door quickly; I will have to save my mom by going there now.

  Mahatma got stand up from that place, a glass of water appeared in his hand and he started drinking water.

  Rony said it again, haven’t you heard? I have to go there, how long will it take you to fix it?

  Everything around there started trembling with his anger.

  Please be silent, said Mahatma.

  Kristen and saina also got stood up from their place, Kristen said, calm down rony, he’ll fix it quickly.

  You are telling me to calm down, have you gone mad? Those people on that planet are not ordinary people; do not know what will they do to my mom? My mom gets scared very quickly if she sees any terrible thing, I have to go there right now.

  Rony started moving towards the doors, Kristen and saina went behind him to stop him.

  But Mahatma stopped the way of rony; he got stood in front of him.

  How will you save your mom? Mahatma asked rony with anger.

  What do you mean how? I have this Ketra weapon. I will save from this.

  You don’t know anything yet; you are immature, absolutely immature.

  Mahatma said both girls just go away little far, Kristen and saina got away from rony after seeing them.

  Mahatma said, okay, so you try to save your weapon from me, let see how you save it.

  Are you ready? Mahatma asked rony.

  Yes, rony caught the Ketra tightly.

  The mahatma had caught his powerful magical wood in his hand, but he created a power with another hand and Rony’s Ketra weapon came in the hand of mahatma.

  Did you see, you just do not even know how to handle it and you are insisting on going there where in one moment they will kill you and will take it from you.

  Rony took his step towards the mahatma and took the Ketra in his own hands, now he was calm, he said nothing.

  Kristen and saina came to them, Kristen said, so, is there any way to do this? Cannot you train rony?

  Training, Rony started staring at Kristen; I do not need any training.

  You need to be trained rony; she is right, said saina.

  Just think if you cannot save your mom by going there, what will happen? Saina said.

  Okay, okay so what I have to do now, I mean when to start my training?

  Right now, come with me, said mahatma.

  Mahatma started going further in the streets of the doors, rony whispered slowly by looking at Kristen, training…. are you crazy.

  Shut up, Kristen said keeping a finger on her face.

  So where are we going? Rony asked.

  Mahatma said, maybe you are forgetting that you can also read my mind, rony.

  In the streets of the doors, the mahatma stopped in front of the third door; he swirled his beak wood in front of the door and the door opened.

  The mahatma went in and all came in behind him. They saw that there was open sky. They all came straight into an empty field where seven defenders of the Shilkot city were present; they were standing separately on the silver plates in the air and were escaping from the dragon that was terribly firing from his mouth.

  Oh god, this a dragon, saina screams with fear.

  Who are these people and what are they doing with that dragon? Rony asked mahatma.

  Do not panic, this is a kind of game, anyone who sits on the top of the dragon gets a point, but it is not so easy, said mahatma.

  They sit on the dragon just for a point, no way. Are they crazy? Rony said.

  I think you should do this too, mahatma said to rony.

  The dragon was attacking in the air repeatedly with fire, and those seven were saving themselves by that volcanic fire.

  No never, I cannot do this, rony clearly denies the mahatma.

  Mahatma t
ells him to increase Rony’s confidence, listen to me carefully, this dragon is nothing in front of the power in you, and you can control him with your mind that no one can do it.

  And yes, remember the ketra’s power works to increase your power thousand times but it will only happen when you realize your power, how powerful are you? Now go and show up on that dragon.

  Kristen said, yes of course rony, do as he said, you can do it.

  Saina said, yes you can do it, go rony.

  Mahatma made a silver plate for rony from his magical beak stick; rony gave the Ketra in the hands of the mahatma and climbed onto the silver plate.

  The mahatma gave the message of the arrival of rony to all seven, said, boys this is rony, join him in your game too.

  Long-haired William heard the mahatma saying it and pointing to Rony’s arrival, yes, why not, come on.

  Rony flew to the seven of them flying, I can do it, No I will not be able to do this, if this dragon burned me? While thinking that, rony reached there with them, he said to all, how are you guys, too frightfully.

  The dragon was going to throw fire on rony, mahatma said, rony be careful, try to control his mind.

  The dragon hurled fire over rony but he saved himself from the fire.

  Okay, now I see how you throw the fire, rony began to control him with his mind, suddenly doesn’t know, how dragon came to know that rony is controlling him, the dragon has started targeting only him, leaving them all.

  All were surprised to see, Kristen was worried about rony, she started shouting loud, Rony watch it.

  Rony finally had control over his mind after controlling the dragon’s eyes began to move around and he fell down.

  Rony came down and dropped off the silver plate, seven defenders also came to him, William said, you controlled this dragon, no one has ever been able to do so till today, we could just dodge it but you did amazing.

  Thank you, rony said.

  Are you ok? I thought it would kill you; Kristen came near rony and said.

  The seven defenders said, okay so we take him from here, and it was nice to meet you rony.


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