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Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door

Page 13

by Manmohan Gaur

  Yes me too, rony said, and the seven defenders disappeared with the dragon.

  Rony very well! You have crossed the first step of training now, the second step.

  Before that I want to tell you that you can go from one place to another with your mind only, you just have to focus, now you go to the ground, said mahatma.

  Rony asks for his weapon from mahatma and extended his hand to take it from him, but Mahatma said, no, you will not need it right now.

  Rony again went to the ground, and mahatma made his beak stick towards the sky to setup another challenge for him,

  Suddenly, stones began to rain from the sky, mahatma said; you have to save yourself from these falling stones.

  What? A round stone dropped from the sky near rony, he ran and got away from there, stone begins to fall constantly, and rony was running away instead of stopping them.

  Saina got worried and she shouted and took out her wand to save him but mahatma stopped her doing so, please mahatma, he will die, stop it.

  Kristen said, he will not be able to make it, Rony be careful, she yelled.

  Stop running around and try to stop these stones, you can drop them to another place with the power of your brain, said mahatma.

  Rony tried after hearing mahatma, he started his hands up and started to put his all powers to stop them, seeing that the stone started stopping in the air in one place.

  Very nice! Mahatma said loudly.

  They got stopped there, wow, oh my god, Kristen, saina, did you see I did it. Rony said loudly.

  Mahatma went to rony, I want you to experience the power of this Ketra now so grab it, and as you have stopped them, just like that you have to destroy them but with your mind, remember, by adding the power of Ketra to yourself, you can increase your power thousand times, as much time as you were trying to stop them, because of the Ketra you will be able to destroy them in a single moment.

  Rony took the weapon in his hand saying, okay, let me try this.

  Mahatma again went near Kristen and saina.

  Rony closed his eyes to realize the power of the weapon, the movement of blue light around the weapon started running, but then suddenly the ground became dark again, the stones stuck by rony began to rotate around rony in a circular shape, and rony was now not visible to all three of them.

  It was the effects of the weapon’s power that darkness arrived there, Rony’s legs were lifted from the ground and he was standing in the air, he turned those stones into clay in a single moment with his closed eyes.

  Strong wind started, mahatma and saina and Kristen saw this and they were all worried that what is happening? But mahatma said this is the real power of the Ketra; he has understood the weapon’s power.

  Rony opened his eyes and felt the power of Ketra and put his feet on the ground, along with this everything went normal.

  All of then went to him, you are ok? Kristen asked.

  I never felt like this before, rony said.

  So now you have become aware of what power you have, said mahatma.

  Yes, I just have to kill that dark lord and save the people of the kadol, I will not leave those who kept my mother captive there.

  That’s all right rony but I cannot say how much longer the door to go on kadol will take it, said mahatma.


  Chapter 29

  Conversations between natania and king bhimataka

  When natania was taken to planet kadol by the Tamsian’s witches, she made unconscious on dark lord’s order, liwaliye and sapi-e put natania in the same jail where king bhimataka had been imprisoned for many years.

  Many hours had passed, natania now got her sense, she didn’t know where she was; she opened her eyes and saw bhimataka sitting in front of her, Bhimataka’s eyes were closed and he was breathing heavily.

  Natania screams at him, aahhhhhhhhh, and she got up from there.

  Listening to Natania’s scream, bhimataka opened his eyes, bhimataka already knew who is natania, when bhimataka saw rony on earth from kadol, he had seen natania many time, when liwaliye and sapi-e had put natania in jail, bhimataka had come to understand that these people have reached to the house of rony, but why they brought natania here, the bhimataka did not understand anything, but still he did not allow liwaliye and sapi-e to make a slight guess that he knew her, bhimataka was waiting when natania came to normal and asked her how is rony there?

  Natania was badly scared by Bhimataka’s two horns and the faded face and the ears like the cat.

  Who are you? Where am I? Which place is this? She asked to bhimataka.

  Don’t be afraid natania; bhimataka said softly, his ability to speak was finished as well.

  How do you know my name? Who are you? Natania got hold of the prisons bars and stood up and said loudly, help… help me… please help me.

  This is kadol planet, and I, I am the king bhimataka here; you have no danger by me, do not scream or they will come, bhimataka said to natania.

  Natania was a little quiet after hearing this, she said who will come, who are these people?

  These are tamsians; they took my kingdom, but first tell me how rony is and why they brought you here? The Ketra was with rony, so what is the purpose of bringing you here?

  Natania was looking at the spirits walking around in the sky; the horrific tamsians were standing around the prison. Ketra…… I do not know what the Ketra is, but when these people came there, they asked about rony and asked about the Ketra then I thought that my child’s life is in danger, that is why I told them that I have the Ketra, and they brought me here.

  You should have not come over here.

  What did you say? I should not have come here, so would I put my child’s life in trouble?

  Nothing will happen to him natania, you remember, 19 years ago, the blue light sparkles which was gone into the body of rony, I cast it into his body, that light was the light of the kadolian’s soul, because of that, rony is immortal as long as there is our soul light in him, no one can kill him, and that’s why I sent the Ketra to rony so that he become more powerful and come here and help us, only he can kill dark lord saarak.

  So did all this you did, you put a child’s life in peril for your own means and now you want him to come back and give you back your kingdom.

  Not for the mean, I did it for my people, saarak changed all my kadolian people, made like him, now he is alive in every kadolian that he had changed with his black power, you know, even today my many people are safe and safe, hidden in a cave, since last 19 years, and that’s just possible because that light is safe in Rony’s body.

  I did this to save my people and because of rony; there is a hope, we are still thinking that he will do everything right, look there, bhimataka showed up to natania, kadolian people were killing each other in the midst of the prison, he said, these people are kadolians people but that devil has made them animals, they do not even know what they were and what have they become.

  Natania was feeling that maybe bhimataka is just saying that he did this to save his people, the tamsians, standing around the jail, were withdrawn, suddenly smoke appeared there and along with dark lord, liwaliye, sapi-e and Kalik and rukhar appeared there.

  Natania got scared and stood up by catching prison bars, dark lord was watching natania who was standing in fear in the jail and then saw bhimataka, he was seated, dark lord didn’t like it and he attacked bhimataka with his wand and said, you should stand in front of your king, bhimataka.

  Bhimataka stood up with great difficulty and caught the prison bars and took shelter, dark lord came closer and asked natania, Ketra….. You said you have the Ketra weapon, where it is?

  Natania took a great courage and said, yes I have it and I will never give it to you, do whatever you have to do.

  Do you know you are standing in front of dark lord saarak; do you have any idea what I am?

  Natania didn’t say anything.

  Where is the Ketra? Dark lord
shouted so loudly that the walls of the palace began to tremble.

  Bhimataka felt that if natania did not answer him, he would kill her and that’s why bhimataka said, she doesn’t have Ketra, she lied; the Ketra is still with rony, dark lord. And soon he will come here as your death and he will finish you.

  Dark lord stared at natania and said, liwaliye, sapi-e…. he turned to them both, said, I sent both of you to bring the Ketra from rony, and you have brought her at the place him.

  No my lord, said liwaliye, she had said that she has the Ketra, trust us.

  Dark lord swirled around his wand and attacked liwaliye dangerously and she died and then attacked sapi-e and killed her too.

  Dark lord made his wand towards natania and also attacked her with his wand to finish her, but bhimataka came in front of her and he got injured, bhimataka fell down, he said, dark lord don’t kill her, I can call him, I can call rony, I promise that I will give you the Ketra but do not kill her.

  Very well bhimataka! Call him and give me the weapon, otherwise this time I will end both of you.

  Dark lord with rukhar and Kalik went away from there by saying this.

  Natania came near to bhimataka, and put her hands on his wounds, tears were coming out in her eyes, natania said, why did you save me?

  Bhimataka said, he was unable to say buy he tried.

  “Because of your son today I am alive, he has done a great favour to us, it’s nothing in front of it, and how can I see you die? What would I answer him when he will ask me about you?

  Natania said, thank you. Now I also want rony to come here and give you back your kingdom.

  Natania sat on the one side in jail, bhimataka was trying to make connection with rony by closing his eyes on the other side, he was saying in his mind “rony wherever you are, come here soon, help us rony, help us”.


  Chapter 30

  Mahatma prepared the door of planet kadol

  Mahatma was in front of the Kadol’s door and was putting his full strength to prepare it.

  Rony was sleeping in one room; saina and Kristen were sitting in the garden of flowers in front of the mahatma’s house and experimenting with different magical experiments and were remembering the spells written in the books given by the mahatma.

  Kristen was reading a spell written in her book, mantra to transform you into a beautiful queen.

  Saina cheered and said what? Mantra to transform you into beautiful queen, tell me fast what is it?

  Okay but first you will change me, and then I will turn you too into a beautiful queen. Okay?

  Saina said okay.

  So is the spell, “kitantro biful” then Kristen laid down her book and saina took her wand in her hand, she spells and turns the wand, “kitantro biful…” a glowing light moved towards Kristen’s face and her face turned into a swine’s face.

  Saina screamed at her face, “aaaahhhhh”, Kristen started flicking her face she came to know that it is a pig’s mouth; she started beating saina with a loud bang.

  Saina said, I am so sorry, I will do something right now, maybe I have read the mantras wrong, and please I will fix all.

  Saina immediately moved from the front of Kristen and quickly took the book in her hand and quickly turn pages and the mantra that transforms into beautiful queen got visible, she read in it, oh no it’s written here, “kitantro biful” and I had said, “kitantro bifool” oh I am so sorry Kristy, just a second and I’ll do everything right.

  Saina dropped the book down, Kristen was sitting on chair, she rolled the wand and spoke the spell,” kitantro biful” this time she had spoken the correct mantra, again the light went on her face and this time she turned into a real beautiful queen.

  Glowing diamond necklace, long dense hair, gold flashing dress in which a knife on a bandage on the waist.

  You are really looking so pretty queen, said saina.

  Kristen said what really? I will go and see in the mirror.

  Saina said, no, you do not need to go anywhere, the mirror will come here itself, saina rolled her wand, and the mirror came flying from inside.

  Kristen looked, and she got very happy, saina said, now it’s my turn; please quickly make me like you too.

  Kristen said, like me or like you made me before.

  No way, off course, never, said saina.

  Oh I’m joking, look right here, Kristen rolled her wand and chanted the same mantra, “kitantro biful” and saina also changed like Kristen.

  On the other side, things around rony began to tremble, mahatma was coming back after making the kadol planet’s door, they saw tremendous shock in their house, the mirror in saina’s hand was also broken, and saina realized that something has happened to rony.

  Mahatma went to rony, started taking his name, rony…. rony…..rony…. get up.

  Saina and Kristen also went there, they saw that mahatma was already trying to raise him, all the things inside the room started flying in the air, Kristen and saina both pulled his hand and dropped rony down from the bed, and he got up.

  With his rise all became normal; he saw, he didn’t recognize Kristen and saina, who are you two?

  Kristen and saina looked at each other and said, oh, one second, both of them made each other like before with their own wand.

  Mahatma asked, what happened to you, you are ok?

  “I feel like someone is calling me, maybe someone is in big trouble there, may be my mother”, he exclaimed.

  Mahatma! I will have to go quickly there, you please do something.

  Mahatma said good news for you, by saying this, mahatma’s eyes started moving around and he fell down.

  Oh no, what happened to you mahatma, rony asked. Water please bring water, Kristen said yes, I’ll get it right now, but saina threw the water on the mahatma’s face by her wand, he opened his eyes, he said slowly, nothing is just a weakness, that I prepared the door, in it I gave all my strength.

  Mahatma caught Rony's hand, listen you have to go now, because I have to destroy this door again, otherwise, the queen will know that I have opened the door of the planet kadol.

  Yes, we will go away now, let’s get up, Kristen saina, are you ready? Rony raised the mahatma.

  Yes we are ready, both responded, rony took his weapon, and they all started going towards door.

  In some time they all reached the front of the door of kadol planet, the black curtain in front of the door was gone, and there was now a dark clouds and smoke was seen, as it was on the mysterious door of the kadol exactly the same.

  Rony asked mahatma, you have helped me a lot, I will never forget this, but how well would you have been for us if you too can come with us.

  Mahatma said to rony, I cannot come, I have to stay here, and yes I will pray to god that you go there and come back with your mother safely.

  Kristen said, you taught us to do magic, so thank you very much, will we ever meet again?

  Yes will definitely meet, but now you should go quickly, both of you use your magic and help rony.


  Chapter 31

  Rony, Kristen and Saina on planet Kadol

  I’ll go first, said Rony.

  He kept his foot inside the door, and he landed on the earth of planet Kadol, as soon as he reached the Kadol, his eyes were darkened, he didn’t see anything for a moment, but after a moment his blue eyes open and he saw that there was darkness all around, the fire was burning everywhere, some of the houses were swinging in the air, and above was the guard of spirits.

  He said, oh my god, this is really very scary, he saw that some people with horns were roaming around; he came to know that it would be Kadolians only, whom dark lord had changed.

  Rony did not even think that someone was watching him and was growing fast on him, he was a Tamsian who saw the glowing blue eyes of Rony, Rony turned back to see why Kristen and Saina still didn’t come, as he turned back, the Tamsian pushed R
ony hard, by which he went far and fell down, Ketra also got rid of his hands.

  On the other hand, both Saina and Kristen entered together in the door and reached on Kadol exactly where Rony reached.

  Mahatma said, may god protect these children, by saying this, he broke the door of planet Kadol by his beak stick and he put a black curtain on it.

  Kristen and Saina opened their eyes, both of them also did not see anything there, Kristen said, Saina, I do not see anything.

  Yes, me too, Saina said. She called Rony, Rony…. Rony, where are you?

  The Tamsian had reached near Rony and attacked him by his wand, there was a terrible red light coming out of his wand which started to hurt Rony very much and he started screaming,


  Kristen and Saina heard his screams; both of them were now able to see everything, seeing a deep dark and terrifying atmosphere, both began to tremble with fear.

  Did you hear the voice of someone’s screaming? Kristen asked.

  Yes, it was Rony, oh my god, somewhere he might get into any problem, Rony… Rony, where are you, Saina taking his name again and again called him loudly, upon hearing Saina’s voice, the dark souls roaming around came down and started wandering around them.

  Saina whispered slowly, what is this? What do we do now? Rony help us, they both screamed together.

  Rony listened to the voice of both of them and for his defence, he extended his hand towards the Ketra which had fallen away from him, with great difficulty, he pulled the Ketra with the power of his mind and finally it came in his hand; he felt the power as he touches the Ketra and immediately attacked the Tamsian, with the attack of the Ketra he turned into ashes, Rony got up and saw that the spirits were roaming around Kristen and Saina.

  “Do not panic, I’m coming”, he spoke loudly.

  He ran there and with the Ketra he made of blue light hunter there and dispelled those spirits one by one.


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