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Hard Choices (Blood Brothers #6)

Page 38

by Manda Mellett

  I hadn’t seen Aiza since then. Ben had assigned me to a new case in the UK as soon as I returned. But I had heard her voice. Even as she was apologising for not speaking to me in person, it had been hard for her to keep her excitement and happiness out of her voice. I didn’t need her to spell it out, the call leaving me in no doubt she’s ended up with the man she really wants. The man she says she loves.

  It had only taken my masochistic enquiry about the reasons for her choosing Rais over what Rami and I had to offer, to hear how she’d been secretly lusting after the desert sheikh from the time she became a woman and had first appreciated him as a man. I’d never had a chance, not when Rais had made his interest known.

  If I’d possessed that knowledge at the time, would I still have tried to win her? I grin as I lean forwards, pick up my beer and take a few gulps. Of course I would. I’d have taken the challenge under any circumstances. And now I’m just being a sore loser. Hell, I’d even refused to go to the wedding, had torn up the invitation when it arrived. Now she’s wed, pregnant and sickening happy. With him. Without me.

  Did I really love her? Of that I’m not so sure. I lusted after her, that’s a given. But love? In a rare moment of honesty I try to be truthful. I think I could have loved her. Would I have allowed her to be herself? Or tried to dominate her? One thing for sure, I’d never have allowed her to dominate me. The suggestion of a four-way relationship had appealed to me—what I was unable to give her, the others would have done. I had no doubts on my ability to share. But if I’m being straight with myself here, me and her, one on one… Well, the distance and time have made me accept we would probably have been a disaster.

  Replacing the can on the table, I glance at the clock. Is it too late to go to Club Tiacapan tonight? Find a sub, maybe two, reserve one of the private rooms…

  My phone rings, interrupting my thoughts. Picking it up I see No Caller Id. I accept the call, my finger hovering over the disconnect key suspecting I’m going to be sold life insurance or a new boiler.

  “Hunter? It’s Rami.”

  “Prince.” My eyes open wide, for some strange reason, looking at the phone in disbelief. Why the fuck is he ringing me? I’d only reluctantly dropped the suspicions I’d had about him, even when we knew Rais was to blame. There was something that made me uneasy about him. I just couldn’t put my finger on what. That doesn’t mean I can’t do polite. “What can I do for you?”

  “I’m glad you’re still up.”

  Glancing at the clock I do a quick calculation. “It must be early where you are.”

  My comment elicits a strained laugh. “It’s four am. I couldn’t sleep.”

  Pulling the phone away from my ear, I stare at it again. What’s with the small talk? Does he think I’ve got a cure for his insomnia?

  Returning the device back into position, I ask, settling back on the couch, “What can I do for you, Rami?” I start to give up thoughts of going to Club Tiacapan tonight.

  I hear an indrawn breath, then, “Have you heard from Aiza?”

  “Not since before the wedding. You?”

  Now he sighs. “I went to the wedding. I couldn’t get out of it. Rais and Aiza, well… They’re so happy together, Hunter. I might regret she’s not with me, but I can’t begrudge what they’ve found with each other.”

  I’m silent. His feelings are similar to mine, bringing forth compassion I’ve not really acknowledged before. His hurt is worse than my own, I hadn’t lived years with the thought she was mine for the taking.

  “I need to get away.” He says so quickly it takes a moment to process the subject change.

  “She wasn’t right for you, Rami,” I say wearily, while realising that statement equally applies to me.

  “I know, Hunter. That morning when I left the suite, it,” he pauses, and I know the next thing he says is going to be significant, “it wasn’t just her I knew I’d lost.”

  Well I’ll be fucked. Is he saying what I think he is?


  “Hunter, let me say this, please?” He cuts in fast before I can voice a dismissal. “I’m planning to come to London. And I’d like to go to Jasim’s old club. I know you’re a member.”

  “You’ve talked to Jasim.” I’m not sure I like someone spilling my secrets.

  “He thought I already knew. He didn’t give you away, or only, by what he didn’t deny.”

  I breathe in. Like Jasim must have done, listening to what he isn’t saying. “You want to come to Club Tiacapan? With me? That won’t work, Rami.” I have to shut him down fast.

  If he was here in person I think his nerve would have given out. But there’s three thousand miles between us, and it surprises me when he laughs. “Not necessarily you, Hunter.” There’s a pause while he draws his thoughts together, and I wonder where he’s going with this. “I wanted Aiza. Was happy when I thought we’d be together. But the arrangement we came up with, that changed my views. Gave me more possibilities to think about. I’m no stranger to clubs, but never a threesome. That’s what I want to explore.”

  “You gay?” It wouldn’t bother me if he was.

  “No.” But there’s uncertainty in his answer, explained when he continues. “But, I might be…”

  “Bi-sexual,” I suggest for him.

  He seems relieved. “Yes. I wouldn’t have considered the arrangement if I wasn’t. And I think you always knew that.”

  He’s got me there. I stay silent.

  “I wondered if at Club Tiacapan, we could find…someone to play with.”

  “A woman, as a third?”

  “That’s what I was thinking.”

  As he gives me time I sip my beer. Until his phone call I hadn’t given Rami a thought since I’d left Amahad. While my brain insists I don’t trust him, my body doesn’t care. It seems to find the idea has some appeal, as my thickening cock tells me. “I’m making no promises, Rami. But if you come to England, I’ll take you to the club and we’ll take it from there.” His bravery at making the call starts me re-evaluating him.

  “That’s all I can ask, Hunter.”

  “I’m not saying I’ll do anything more than make introductions. If I play, it will only be that. Nothing serious. No strings.” It will be a long time before I consider having a relationship, and never with a man I’m not even sure that I like or respect.

  “I understand.” He sounds eager, not disappointed.

  “Tell me when you’re coming over. I’ll get hold of the membership papers for you.”

  He thanks me, then I’m replacing the phone while thoughts race around my head. Memories of topping Rami come into my mind, the arousal when he followed my every instruction…

  Rami, me, and the right woman…? Me topping them both?

  I open my zip and tighten my hand around my cock, stroking from the root to the head. While my head scoffs at the idea of me topping the prince, my fingers keep working my cock that’s quickly becoming rock hard as that visual comes into my mind.

  Other Works by Manda Mellett

  Blood Brothers

  Stolen Lives (#1 – Nijad & Cara)

  Close Protection (#2 – Jon & Mia)

  Second Chances (#3 – Kadar & Zoe)

  Identity Crisis (#4 – Sean & Vanessa)

  Dark Horses (#5 – Jasim & Janna)

  Hard Choices (#6 – Aiza)


  Turning Wheels (Blood Brothers #3.5, Satan’s Devils #1 – Wraith & Sophie)

  Drummer’s Beat (#2 – Drummer & Sam)

  Slick Running (#3 – Slick & Ella)

  Targeting Dart (#4 – Dart & Alex)

  Heart Broken (#5 – Heart & Marc)

  Peg’s Stand (#6 – Peg & Darcy)

  Coming soon:

  Rock Bottom (#7 – Rock & Becca)

  Sign up for my newsletter to hear about new releases


  I’ve committed the ultimate crime, I’ve stolen from my MC. Now, I’m out in bad standing.

  Cast adr
ift from all men I called Brother, I join a rival MC. They have welcomed me and want me to help them take out the Satan’s Devils.

  Having to start from the bottom as a prospect is a shit job, but I’m grateful they’ve given me a new home in exchange for information about my old club.

  The Chaos Riders are a completely different type of club, and as I betray the Devils, I slowly learn the Riders’ secrets. Including what they keep in the basement.


  I’ve been kidnapped. Kept chained in this filthy place which reeks of blood. I can’t remember the last time I showered or had a change of clothes, and I’m fed only enough to keep me alive.

  As time passes, my hope of rescue fades. But then a new man appears bringing me my food and emptying that disgusting bucket I’m forced to use. Could he be my ticket to escape? Or is being a member of this hateful motorcycle club more important than saving me?

  Satan’s Devils #7: Rock Bottom

  SATAN’S DEVILS MC: Brothers protecting their own


  I’ve had so much support and encouragement for this series, reviews and messages letting me know that my readers are as in love with the Kassis brothers and the men from Grade A as I am. I thank everyone who’s bought and read the Blood Brothers books, and especially those who’ve let me know how much they enjoy the series. You don’t know how much those comments spur me on to keep writing.

  My beta reading team are the absolute best! I’m so grateful for you reading a rough and ready book and giving me such excellent feedback to help me produce the final article. Thank you Mary, Danena, Terra, Sheri, Alex, Nicole and Zoe. Your help is invaluable and so much appreciated.

  Once again, I must thank Lia Rees who brings my books alive with her brilliant cover designs.

  Thanks again to Brian Tedesco, his first time editing a book in this series. It’s been a pleasure working with you again.

  Finally, thanks to my husband who as always supports me in my writing, and doesn’t seem to mind when I zone out and live in a different world. And, of course, my son, who’s always there to support me.

  If you enjoy Hard Choices, or even if you don’t, I’d love to hear from you. Authors love to read reviews of their books.

  About the Author

  After commuting for too many years to London working in various senior management roles, Manda Mellett left the rat race and now fulfils her dream and writes full time. She draws on her background in psychology, the experience of working in different disciplines and personal life experiences in her books.

  Manda lives in the beautiful countryside of North Essex with her husband and two slightly nutty Irish Setters. Walking her dogs gives her the thinking time to come up with plots for her novels, and she often dictates ideas onto her phone on the move, while looking over her shoulder hoping no one is around to listen to her. Manda’s other main hobby is reading, and she devours as many books as she can.

  Her biggest fan is her gay son (every mother should have one!). Her favourite pastime when he is home is the late night chatting sessions they enjoy, where no topic is taboo, and usually accompanied by a bottle of wine or two.



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  Photo by Carmel Jane Photography




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