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Final Ride (Lords of Mayhem)

Page 14

by Shyla Colt

  “Thank you,” she said, stepping in and walking through to the back. She paused outside the door and studied them. They looked relaxed and happy. She knocked on the window to gain their attention. They glanced up and smiled. She stepped outside.

  “I’d like to say I come bearing mimosas but it’d be a lie. How are you?”

  “Better now that we’re here,” Nic said. Her words took a load off Ariel’s shoulders. The skittish girl had been her main concern. She didn’t like new places or new faces.

  “It feels a lot safer in the complex,” Lorene admitted.

  “Good. We pulled you in because my apartment got hit. Tiny thought this was the best location for your safety.”

  “I agree with him,” Karla said.

  “Good. I want you to be as comfortable as possible.”

  “You gave us a chance at a real life. There’s nothing we could say to truly thank you for that,” Maddie said.

  “It’s your bravery that’s made this possible. We’re helping each other out,” Ariel said. “Did the lawyer explain everything to you guys?” Ariel asked, taking a place at the table.

  “She did. Do you want some? We made plenty,” Karla said gesturing toward the pile of toast, bowl full of eggs, and plate of bacon.

  “Yes, thank you. I’m starving. I just woke up and came over this way,” Ariel said. She dished up a plate, and they continued to talk.

  “What do you want to do when this is all over?” Ariel said.

  “Travel,” Karla said.

  “Get a real home and fill it up with everything I love. Living your life to accommodate temporary living is depressing,” Lorene said.

  Ariel’s heart went out to these women. “Soon the world will once again be your oyster. The way it always should’ve been.”

  “I wish I had your confidence,” Nic said quietly.

  “Half the time it’s faking it to make it. I don’t wake up every day and feel confident, believe me. I admire you ladies. You’ve been through hell and back, but you’re still here, fighting, and refusing to let them win. That’s brave as hell,” Ariel said.

  “I just want it to be over so I can think about what the hell it is I want to do. The past few years have been about survival,” Karla said.

  “What are you going to do?” Maddie asked Ariel.

  “Everything different. This showed me how much I was lacking in my life. I’ll approach things from a different angle now, that’s for sure,” Ariel answered.

  “How so?” Karla asked.

  “I was so focused on forming a career I alienated myself and lost who I had been. My hobbies went to the wayside. My love life got so old and unused it gathered mold, and my crew shrank to four people. When they started to pair off, get married, and have kids I felt the lack of options keenly. Being forced to lessen my work load to deal with all of this opened my eyes and taught me a thing or ten about myself.” She shook her head thinking of the insane growth she’d undergone.

  “And Hawk helped you?” Karla asked tentatively.

  “Yeah, he did. He’s rough around the edges. His ways are unconventional. But he’s still the best thing that’s happened to me in years.”

  “You love him,” Lorene said.

  “Yeah, I guess I do,” Ariel said.

  “Does he love you too?” Nic asked.

  “I can’t say. I’ve never asked him,” Ariel said. Her palms grew sweaty, and she shifted in her seat. Did he claim her because he desired her body, or was there something more? His mother thinks so. Aren’t they supposed to know?

  “I think he does,” Karla said.

  “Why?” Ariel asked.

  “It’s in the way he looks at you. He’s softer, more approachable when you’re around,” Karla said.

  I hope she’s right.

  “We’ll be finding out soon enough,” she said thinking of how fast things would come to a head.

  * * * * *

  “You had us all worried about you last night,” Tiny said to Hawk as he sat beside him in a chair.

  “Me too,” Hawk said sarcastically.

  “Your girl did real good,” Tiny said.

  “Yeah?” Hawk asked.

  “She stepped in, calmed you down, and stayed with you through the night. I’m not sure what I expected from her. You two seem to be getting close.”

  “We are. I want to claim her. You going to give me your blessing?”

  “You think she can handle it, brother? You’ve got a secret you been keeping from her. Might want to see how she’ll react to that before you go asking for a lifetime commitment.”

  Hawk shifted in the bed and winced as his sore arm protested the movement. “I can’t see her caring.”

  “Then you don’t know women. It’ll make her wonder what else you’d lie about.”

  “It’s club business. You trying to tell me you’d tell Boston?”

  “If it involved her like this, yeah I would,” Tiny said.

  Hawk rested his head back against the wall. Mayhem found the list of clients who had paid for sexual services. It included everyone from dignitaries to mafia. Once they fed the information to those in power, they would take care of Emmit and Linden. The whole legal process had been to keep the cops away. Last thing Mayhem needed was to be under investigation for murder.

  “How long do you think we have until they meet with an unfortunate incident?” Hawk asked, eager to go on with his life.

  “Not sure, Specs and Gadget were supposed to leak the information yesterday, so anytime now. I’m serious; think about telling her. Don’t let her be blindsided by someone else. I think she’s earned her place here. But only if you can keep her under control.”

  Hawk laughed. “I think I got it under control.”

  “What the hell did you do to her to change her attitude? She did a one–eighty.”

  He shook his head. Before, he would have bragged about how he’d fucked the attitude out of a woman. This time was different. He wanted the things they shared to remain between the two of them. “We understand each other now. It changed everything.”

  “I can see that. I’m shocked she’s not here to be honest.”

  “She went to check up on the girls in the cabin.”

  “See that devotion and loyalty is why I think she’d make a good addition and be the perfect old lady for a vice president. She gets that family is more than blood.”

  “She was willing to die for those girls,” Hawk said.

  “What did your mom think? I know Feather didn’t bite her tongue.”

  Hawk snorted. “I don’t think she has the ability. She likes her.”

  Tiny laughed. “Probably relieved to see one of you is going to settle down and start up a new generation.”

  “Whoa, slow down the progression,” Hawk said.

  Tiny laughed. “No way, you need to get on it if our kids are going to be brothers from another mother like we are.”

  “I think Ariel would have something to say about that,” Hawk said.

  “Never know.”

  “Any news on the Angels?” Hawk asked, eager to switch the topic.

  “Not a peep. I’m waiting for blowback, but the original clubhouse hasn’t been hit,” Tiny said.

  “Very few people know about this one,” Hawk said.

  “If they do, they find us, and we’ll see them coming. I talked to the Crazy Eights and let them know what went down. They’re backing us. I haven’t heard anything from them, so maybe they really don’t know who hit them. That new Angels president pissed off a lot of people raising prices, pushing in on territory that wasn’t his. It could’ve been anyone who popped them.”

  “Let’s hope it stays that way,” Hawk mumbled.

  “Yeah, I’d like to get out of the deep end of the cesspool too, brother. It’s like we fell straight into a porta-John,” Tiny said.

  “How’s Boston doing?”

  “Uncomfortable, which is normal eight months in. We got the midwife on speed dial and ready to come at a m
oment’s notice. I’m fucking nervous. It’s been a long time since I been a dad, and labor is a bitch. She’s going to want to slaughter me.”

  Hawk chuckled. “And yet you want me to jump on the daddy bandwagon.”

  “Hell yeah, it’s got its high points.”

  “And its low. I like my sleep,” Hawk said.

  “Fucker,” Tiny spat.

  Hawk chuckled. “Enjoy those dirty diapers and baby puke.”

  “Damn I think I liked you better when you were passed out,” Tiny said.


  “I am, ain’t the same with you out of service. Doc says he doesn’t want to see you up and about for a day and to keep your bandages changed.”

  “Done. I want out of here as soon as possible.”

  “You’re in a cage until that heals up. You keep cracking your wound open and you’ll never heal up.”

  “I know the drill,” Hawk said.

  “Yeah, but your stubborn ass has selective hearing, so I’m ordering you as your president to keep your ass on bed rest for the next couple of days and in a car for at least a week after that.”

  “You’re cruel as hell,” Hawk said as the days stretched out before him.

  “I’m sure Ariel will keep you busy,” Tiny said with a wink. He stood. “I’m going to put my ear to the ground for word on the Angels. From what I saw on the television, there’s not shit left to pin on us.”

  “What about survivors?” Hawk said.

  “There were none, brother. Those bodies were turned to ash,” Tiny said. The murder in his friend’s eyes told him there would be no mistakes.

  “Got it,” Hawk said, seeing Tiny in a different light as he left. He was growing into his role of president more and more. Weathering storms made and broke many presidents. Tiny was proving himself. Hawk’s chest filled with pride. They’d been born into this and raised to take these positions. It didn’t make the task any less difficult. Knowing you were the two people in charge of so many men willing to follow you blindly into battle and die for your shared beliefs was humbling and a heavy weight. Exhausted he relaxed into the pillow. I’m definitely not one hundred yet. He closed his weighted eyelids and let sleep take him.

  After a week Hawk was climbing the walls. He hadn’t been able to patrol, and while he’d been kept in the loop it wasn’t the same as being an active participant. Finally the doc was lifting his ban. He could move about freely and ride in a cage. The last words made him sneer. Ariel had been a freaking saint. She’d change his bandages, brought him food, kept him entertained and dealt with his chronic grumpiness. I have to make it up to her. He studied himself in the mirror. He looked paler than usual, but his shoulder-length hair was pulled back into a fresh braid, the bags had faded from under his eyes, and he was virtually pain free. His arm would be stiff for a minute. But he forced himself to exercise it regardless of the discomfort. He couldn’t afford to lose dexterity. It’s bad enough being in my early forties.

  He walked out of the bathroom and leaned against the doorframe to watch Ariel finish dressing. She shimmed into the formfitting black dress that grazed her thighs and stepped into black high heels that glittered. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled.


  “Just admiring the way you look before I get you hot and bothered.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. The rich, full-bodied tone sounded like bells.

  “You think you’re up for it?”

  “Oh, I been up for it. But Doc finally gave me the go-ahead. So you might want to watch what you say tonight.”

  She bit her bottom lip and gave him a slow once-over. “Never.”

  His cock stirred to life. Yeah she missed me as much as I missed her. Another time he would’ve taken her fast and hard on the dresser. Tonight, however, he had other plans. “Well see if you change your tune later tonight. Come on, let’s get out there.”

  “It’s your party; you can be late if you want to.”

  “Girl it’s been a week since I had a beer and got out of this damn room for something fun. I’m about to wreck shit or explode.”

  “Inside my pussy?”

  Her words made him do a double take. “What did you say?”

  “What? I’m learning from the best.” She winked and sashayed out of the room with him trailing behind her.

  “I see what you’re doing, siren. You better make sure you’re ready for the wrath you’re about to bring down on that ass.”

  She wiggled the object mentioned. He rushed up behind her and delivered a sound smack. She cried out and covered her cheeks with both hands.


  She purred.

  His dick twitched in his pants. Maybe I’m not the only one with an agenda tonight.

  “When I decide,” he said. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her flush to his side before he continued down the hall. He could see her puckered pout out of his peripheral vision. She wanted more of a reaction. The though amused him. He’d give her plenty to respond to soon enough. They walked down the hallway into the main room where the party was being a held. The room was packed, music was playing, and the alcohol was flowing.

  “Here’s the man of the hour!” Moose barked.

  The crowd cheered and Hawk laughed. This was what he needed. A busty blonde walked over with two beers.

  “Let me be the first to welcome you back,” she purred.

  Ariel snatched them from her hands. “He says thanks,” she said with a voice full of acid. The blonde blinked and took a step back. Laughter echoed through the room.

  “Appreciate it,” Hawk said taking a bottle from Ariel. “Showing your claws?”

  “Yes, is that a problem?” Ariel asked. Her voice shook. He saw the worry in her eyes. It gutted him.

  He squeezed her hip. “I like it.”

  She smiled. “You would.”

  He nipped her earlobe, took a long swig and headed toward Tiny.

  “Look what the cat dragged in,” Tiny said.

  “Hey, Boston, how you and the mini doing?” Hawk asked, taking in the protruding belly that pushed out the material of her turquoise dress.

  “We’re hanging in there. It’s good to see you back on your feet.”

  “Good to be on them.”

  “Hey, Ariel, how are you?” Boston asked.

  “I’m good. If you need me to get anything tonight, let me know, okay?”

  Boston smiled. “I will. Thank you.”

  Tiny shot him a questioning glance. Hawk nodded. It’s time to handle things.

  “We’ll be back, got to get the music going,” Tiny said.

  “We been existing in this strange in-between. I’m ready to fix that now,” Hawk said to Ariel after Boston and Tiny were gone.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I want everyone to know you’re mine, girl. You ready for that?”

  “Yes,” she answered without hesitation.

  “Make sure, because once you become my old lady, I’m not letting you go.”

  “You want me to be your old lady?”

  “Haven’t you figured out by now that you already are?”

  “I thought maybe I was reading too much into things,” she whispered, clutching the edges of his cut.

  “I hope you’re ready for this,” he said and nodded to Tiny.

  “I want to make a toast,” Tiny cried. “To the V.P. and his new old lady.”

  Whoops and hollering went up around them. Hawk wrapped his hand around Ariel’s neck and pulled her to him. “You’re mine now, siren.”

  “And you’re mine,” she said.

  “You want to see who cries uncle first?” he asked tracing her lips with his tongue.

  She moaned. “You really think you want to wait?” She trailed her nails down his chest. “It’s already been long enough.”

  Her husky tone had him hard and ready to prove a point.

  “You know I like teaching you lessons,” he said. He released her from his gra
sp, ran a hand down her back, cupped her ass and rubbed her against the bulge in his pants. “You let me know when you’re ready for this.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead and walked away, hiding his grin.

  He rejoined his boys and procured another beer.

  “I thought you were going to take her right there in front of God and everyone, brother,” Shooter said.

  “Still might.”

  “Is this really the same woman?” Moose asked.

  Hawk laughed. “Trust me, it’s her,” he said as he watched her talk animatedly with friends.

  His mother walked over and patted his face. “Proud of you.”

  Hawk laughed. “Thanks, Ma.”

  “Now you just need to marry her and give me a grandbaby.”

  “Damn, can you let me get used to being taken, first?” he asked.

  “No time like the present my boy,” his mom said.

  “Congrats son, I got this one,” his father said, scooping up his mother and settling her small frame over his shoulder. He patted her ass and winked as he waded through the crowd and Hawk laughed. That’s where I get this possessive shit from. Rayen approached them with his hands shoved in his pockets.

  “Is this about to be a cage match?” Rocky asked.

  “Fuck no we settled our shit,” Hawk said.

  “Hey,” Ray said.

  “Hey,” Hawk said.

  “So I guess congratulations are in order. Never thought I’d see the day,” Ray said. His smile was tentative, and Hawk sensed his hesitation.

  “Yeah, same here. I guess there was truth in Dad’s bullshit about when you meet the one,” he said.

  Ray laughed. “You two can keep that to yourself. I’m good being solo.”

  “That title is all yours now. Last Bearpaw unclaimed.”

  “I’ll be sure to spread that around the res,” Ray said, making Hawk laugh.

  “Don’t let Ma hear you say that,” Hawk said.

  “No, she’d tell me to save the bullshit for the sweetbutts,”Ray said.

  Hawk smirked. Between the influence of the res, and life in Mayhem they’d had one hell of an upbringing.

  Tiny appeared, looking frazzled, and the conversation ground to a halt.

  “What’s going on?” Hawk asked.

  “I need you to act as president until I say otherwise. Boston just went into labor. I got the midwife on her way and we’re getting her set up in our cabin.”


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