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Final Ride (Lords of Mayhem)

Page 15

by Shyla Colt

  “I got this, brother. Go take care of your woman.”

  Tiny left, looking lost.

  “Jesus, I’ve never seen him look like that,” Shooter said.

  “If my old lady was about to squeeze something the size of a watermelon out of her pussy, I’d be scared as hell too. Women can get mean as hell when they’re in pain, mentally or physically,” Hawk said.

  “Shit,” Moose said, suddenly looking green around the gills.

  Shooter patted him on the shoulder. “How much longer you got?”

  “Two and a half months,” Moose said.

  “Good luck with that,” Shooter said.

  “One day this is going to be you. You know that, right?” Moose said.

  “Yes, but that day isn’t today,” Shooter replied.

  The two reminded Hawk of himself and Tiny when they were younger. It gave him hope for the future. You were only as strong as your weakest member.

  “You might want to see what your girls up to right now,” Ray said.

  “What?” Hawk turned and found Summer and Ariel with their heads close together. They pulled back he recognized the salt, lime and a bottle of tequila.

  “Is she about to do what I think she’s going to do?” Moose asked.

  “No fucking way,” Shooter said.

  Ariel caught his gaze across the room smirked and lifted up Summer’s shirt to highlight her large, firm, breasts. She doused them with salt, took her time licking a path in her cleavage. Summer let out a throaty moan he could hear over the noise and he growled. Ariel pulled back, sucked on a lemon and took a healthy swallow of tequila. His dick surged and tried to break free of his pants. His throat went dry. When Summer salted Ariel’s cleavage, his control snapped. He stalked across the floor and gripped her hip, hard.

  “You ask me if you could do this?” he asked, baiting her.

  “No, I figured it’d be a nice surprise.”

  “You want everyone to see you? I can arrange that.” He ran his hands up her side and cupped her breasts.

  She whimpered.

  “I knew you liked it kinky, girl,” he drawled, nipping her earlobe. “I don’t mind if you want to get adventurous, but next time you damn sure better ask me. Summer, suck her tits through her dress.”

  He watched as her girls formed a wall, blocking them from view. Fuck yeah, they’re learning.

  Summer wrapped her full pink lips around Ariel’s right nipple and he moaned. Ariel arched her back, and he ground his hard-on into her ass. “You’re so sexy right now,” he said softly into her ear. “I’m going to make you come right now in this room with all these people.” He pulled her dress up in the back. “Spread your legs,” he said. He helped her, nudging her thighs apart with his knee. He bit the back of her neck and slipped his hands between her legs. Her crotch was wet and heat rolled off her pussy. “You want this just as bad as I do, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she groaned.

  He slipped her panties to the side and caressed her slick bundle of nerves. Ariel moaned. Too impatient to play, he thrust into her and her muscles flexed. He curved his fingers and fucked her. She cried out, working her hips. His fingers itched to wrap around her throat. Later.

  “Bite her nipples, Summer. She loves that shit.”

  Ariel cried out, and he pumped faster, hitting the hard nub inside her. Her walls contracted around his fingers, and her body tensed. She huffed. “Let it happen, girl. Come for me now.” She fell apart in his arms, yielding her cream and he bit down on her neck, staking his claim in front of his pack like a wild animal. He kissed her shoulder. Any doubts he had about her belonging in this world were erased.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jorge Alexander came into the world two days ago and he already had everyone wrapped around his teeny fingers. It was amazing how fast these men turned to mush around a newborn. There’s no sight sexier than a biker holding a baby. At least, my biker. She continued to smooth the hair serum through her wet hair, brushed it out with a paddle brush. The Crazy Eights had come by to meet up at the Mayhem clubhouse, and Hawk had welcomed them as he continued to act as the working president. She liked the fact that Tiny took time off to be with his son. It showed how much of a family they were.

  With the fan going to circulate the heat and steam from the shower, the sound outside the bathroom was muffled. She frowned, sure she’d heard the door to their room open. She stuck her head out of the door and found Specs and Gadget huddled with her old man in the center of the room. What’s this about?

  “It finally happened. Emmit and Linden are gone. After all the trouble those fuckers caused. I think they both got what they deserved,” Specs said.

  “Details?” Hawk asked.

  “Hacked into the computer system at the police station. It was brutal—tortured, shot in the back of the head and chopped up like a damn cow.”

  “It’s better than what they deserved,” Hawk said.

  “I’m pretty sure they died screaming, according to the open windpipe mentioned in the medical reports,” Specs said.

  “Good. What about the sex club?” Hawk said.

  “Burned to the ground. I bet the records disappear too,” Gadget said.

  “It’s about time this nightmare came to an end. Start rounding everyone up and tell them we’re having church.”

  Ariel digested the news. Everything the Lords of Mayhem did was nothing more than a smokescreen. The Lords had used her as a means to an end. He never told me. She slowly crept back into the bathroom. She knew better than to embarrass him in front of his brothers. She turned off the fan in the bathroom and loudly placed her brush down before she strolled into the room.

  “Hey, boys, what’s going on?” she asked.

  “We got good news,” Specs said, beaming.

  “Oh yeah?” she said, careful to be believable.

  “They’re gone. It’s over, Hil,” Gadget said.

  “Oh my God.” She placed a hand over her chest. “Are you serious?”

  Hawk smiled. “Yeah, babe, you don’t have to look over your shoulder anymore.”

  “I can finally go back to my condo then and get back to normal.”

  His smile faded. “What?”

  “All this being cloistered and playing a role has worn on me. What happens next?”

  “Right now I have church. Then we’ll talk.”

  “But it’s safe now, right?” she asked, playing dumb.


  “Then I’ll just grab a prospect. You like Magic. I’ll hunt him down. I want to see how my place looks.”

  “The prospects cleaned it up.”

  “You know that’s not the same thing,” she said.

  He sighed. “All right, I’ll come by later.”

  “Mmm hmm,” she said, desperate to put space between them so she could think. For too long she’d been trapped in a bubble with her head stuck in the sand.

  “Oh, I’ll tell the girls before I go too. They deserve to know.”

  “Yes they do,” he said. His voice softened and her anger waned. He’s a good man. Doesn’t change the fact that he lied. “I’ll see you soon, babe. Be careful out there,” he said kissing her forehead. His gentleness nearly undid her. Who is this man really? He has so many facets, he could be a diamond. She watched him walk away wondering what the future held for them now that the danger no longer existed. She had lost herself to her career, she’d be damned if she lost herself to a man. Her mother taught her mistakes were really lessons unless you repeated them. No rash decisions. She took a deep breath and focused her attention on the girls. Delivering this information would free them.

  Unable to remain in the dumps, she hunted down Magic.

  “Hey Magic, you hear the news?” she said.

  “I did. Your old man told me I’m taking you back to your place?”

  “Yeah, I want to see what I lost and make a few calls.”

  “You let me know when you’re ready.”

  “I will. Right now, I w
ant to tell the girls the good news.”

  He grinned and his green eyes twinkled with mirth. He had a boyish charm about him that made him irresistible. “They’re going to lose their shit.”

  “They’ve been waiting a long time for this moment. I’d say they’re allowed,” she said as she walked outside. The fresh air invigorated her and cleared her cluttered head. The backdrop was beautiful. Tall pine trees rose up to meet a crystal-blue sky dotted with plump fluffy clouds. The sun shone down, warming her skin, and she tilted her head to soak up the rays. It was like coming out of an underground tunnel after a harsh winter. There would be no more looking over her shoulder or sneaking around like a criminal in trouble with a mob boss.

  Peace swept over her, carried in on the gentle breeze. She made it to their cabin and climbed the steps feeling like she was Ed McMahon delivering a check. She knocked on the door and grinned at Tex.

  “Hey, Tex.”

  “Hey, Ariel. The girls are out back hanging out. They love that deck.”

  “I’m sure you don’t mind seeing them sunbathing on it, either,” she said.

  His face turned pink, and she laughed. “You are adorable,” she said, pinching his cheek. He growled at her playfully and she giggled. She knocked on the door before she stepped out back. The girls were lying in deck chairs in bikinis with books and mp3 players. Once they’d gotten acclimated to the situation, they’d taken advantage of the free vacation.

  Four heads tuned in her direction.

  “Hey, girl!” Karla said setting her book down and standing.

  “Hi. I have something really important to talk to you girls about.”

  “Oh, God,” Nic whimpered. “Have they found us?”

  “Exactly the opposite. Their business was destroyed in a fire, and while it’s not official yet, their bodies were recovered on site…in pieces.”

  “Oh sweet Jesus,” Lorene whispered.

  “None of you have to worry about them coming for you. It’s really over this time,” she said sinking down to sit on the edge of Maddie’s chair

  “After all this time, they’re gone,” Maddie whispered.

  “I hope they died screaming,” Nic hissed viciously.

  “I’m glad they’re dead. Jail would’ve been too kind after all the things those bastards did and got away with. Things no one would ever be able to charge them for. I know we’re not the only ones. Those women who took the money were scared. I don’t look down on them. This way they’ll be avenged too,” Maddie said.

  “We need to contact them,” Karla said.

  “We can help you with that,” Ariel promised.

  “Is this real?” Nic said.

  “You know I’d never get your hopes up if it wasn’t one-hundred percent,” Ariel said gently. Nic’s lower lip trembled. Her delicate features scrunched, reminding Ariel of a bunny, and the tears began to flow. With her large brown eyes, tiny nose, brown hair and pink lips, she reminded Ariel of Snow White.

  Karla and Lorene moved to Nic’s side, wrapping their arms around her as they let their own tears flow. These women had been through so much together. Maddie leaned her head against Ariel’s shoulder and she stroked the woman’s auburn-colored hair, giving silent comfort. It was the end of a reign of terror and the start of life on their own terms.

  “Are you guys going to be okay?” Ariel asked a few minutes later.

  “Yeah, I think for the first time in what feels like an eternity, we will be,” Karla said.

  “Tex is here if you need anything. I have to go deliver this news to Juliette.”

  She patted Nicole’s shoulder and left the cabin, feeling like Santa Claus passing out presents. She pulled a phone from her back pocket.

  “Hey girl, what’s going on?” Juliette said.

  “Entertaining myself while Hawk is in church. Do you have a minute for me?”

  “Always. You want to come this way, or you want me to come there?”

  “I’ll come to you. Be there in like ten?”

  “See you then,” Juliette said.

  Ariel immediately hung up and called the other girls, asking them to meet her at Juliette and Shooter’s cabin.

  “What’s going on?” Joey asked as she approached from the opposite direction.

  “I have some news on our situation and I want us to be together for it,” Ariel said.

  “I hope it’s good. I can’t take any more bad news,” Joey said as she rubbed her belly.

  “How’s the little one?” Ariel asked.

  “Training for soccer,” Joey said taking Ariel’s hand and placing it on her belly.

  The little nudges were tiny miracles. “I can’t believe you’re going to be a mommy soon, Joey.”

  “I know; me either. I never gave the marriage and motherhood thing much thought. After watching my mom bring me up alone, I wasn’t sure it would be for me.”

  “And now?” Ariel asked studying her friend.

  “I couldn’t be more excited,” Joey said with a goofy smile.

  “Hey, I want to say hi to the munchkin too,” Evonne said in greeting.

  “Hello to you too. I guess I’d best get used to being ignored while people go straight for the baby,” Joey said.

  They all laughed as Evonne said her proper hellos to the baby bump.

  Juliette opened the door. “You girls are as loud as a bunch of teens.”

  They entered the cabin and headed for the kitchen.

  “You know, I can’t remember the last time we did this,” Juliette said.

  “I know; it’s sad. We need to get back to our weekly gatherings, even if it’s only at someone’s house,” Evonne said.

  “What did you want to talk to us about?” Juliette asked as they took their seats around the kitchen island.

  “Emmit and Linden are dead. I just had it confirmed by Specs and Gadget. Their business was burned to the ground, and we believe the place and their records were wiped clean.”

  Juliette’s hand shook as she tucked a few stray strands of hair behind her ear. “A-are you sure?”

  “Tortured, chopped into tiny pieces, and burned along with their bullshit flesh-peddling empire.”

  “Oh my God.” Juliette’s voice cracked, and she covered her face. Her shoulders shook. Ariel slipped from her chair and walked over, hugging her as Evonne and Joey followed her, lending their support.

  “We survived this and we’re going to heal and learn how to live without looking over our shoulders,” Ariel said.

  “Can we even do that?” Juliette asked.

  “Yes. With counseling, time and support, absolutely,” Evonne said.

  “We always said we could get through anything together. But I never expected that theory to be put to the test like this,” Joey said.

  Ariel closed her eyes and soaked up the love, acceptance, and strength present in the room.

  “So, who’s going to talk about the elephant in the room?” Joey said.

  They moved back to their chairs. “What’s that?”

  “Um, you being Hawk’s old lady?” Juliette said.

  “Your sexual deviancy right there for all to see,” Joey said wiggling her eyebrows.

  “Yes, let’s talk about that,” Evonne said.

  “Here I thought you guys were going to be nice and never mention that.”

  “Oh no. We’re never letting you live that down,” Joey said with a broad grin.

  “You’re really cutthroat, you know that?” Ariel asked.

  “It’s good to see you letting go and being happy,” Evonne said.

  “It feels good. Or it did. Not sure where I stand right now,” Ariel admitted.

  “Why? What happened?” they chorused.

  “This entire time, Hawk knew what was going to happen to Emmit and Linden and he never said a word. Do you know how stupid I feel?” Ariel said, clenching her fists.

  “Tiny might’ve told him not to. That’s venturing into club business,” Juliette said.

  “Not when it revol
ves around me. I’ve been walking around terrified. I know I put up a good front, but the nightmares and panic attacks are very real. I knew seeing a psychologist was out of the question when we’re supposed to be in hiding.”

  “Why didn’t you say something?” Joey cried.

  “There was nothing to be done. It was something I needed to get through until I could get help. It’s better now, but there was no walking away from that mentally unscathed,” she admitted.

  “Did anyone know?” Evonne asked.

  “Hawk. He would calm me down and help me breathe through the attacks.”

  “Then does his omission really matter?” Joey asked.

  “Of course! What else is he keeping from me?”

  “Whatever he thinks would put you in danger. Things that are considered club business. You know how this works. Don’t be mad at him for keeping you safe. Trust me. They do the things they do for a reason,” Juliette said.

  “I’m agreeing with her on that,” Joey said.

  “Evonne?” Ariel said.

  She swallowed. “My man isn’t as high up the totem as theirs, so it’s different for me. I’ll ask you this. Do you trust him?”

  “I-I don’t know,” Ariel said

  “Yes you do. When it comes to the things that matter most to you, do you trust him?” Evonne said.


  “Then what you’re hung up on isn’t important. There are going to be things he won’t tell you. It’s a part of being an old lady. I like the two of you together. Which shocks me because you two were like oil and water before. Maybe that was a side-effect of fighting the attraction. I don’t know. Either way I think you’ve both made one another better people. That’s the sign of greatness in a relationship. Don’t squander it because things don’t look exactly how you think they should. Talk to him,” Evonne said.

  Ariel thought on their advice. It gave her a different angle to view the situation from. He’d do anything he thought was necessary to protect her. She couldn’t fault him for that. But I can speak to him about it.

  “You’re right, E. I’ll do that tonight.”

  “Good,” Evonne said with a smile.

  “Well we didn’t get blood brothers, but I think what we managed to do is close enough,” Joey said.


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