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Mail Order Bride - Westward Secrets: A Clean Cowboy Romance Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 13)

Page 19

by Linda Bridey

  “You need to accept the fact that you have a brother and move on. I hope you can forgive him someday, but that’s your business. Is it really so bad that you have a little brother, no matter how you got one? Is it?”

  For the first time, Tessa saw the vulnerability hidden under his off-putting mask. A softer light entered his eyes and his expression was a little hopeful. He reminded her of someone. Claire! He looks like Claire!

  “How is it that you and Claire look very much alike? It must be that you and she look like some relative on Papa’s side,” she said and frowned at the mention of her father.

  “Possibly. She said the same thing right after she came to see me the night Geoff told you about me,” Rick responded. “I like Claire a lot. She’s funny and kind. I like listening to her and Marcus talking, well, arguing is a better word.”

  Tessa’s smile was the first genuine one he’d seen since he’d arrived.

  “I had breakfast with them again this morning. Aiyana is quite the little cook, by the way. Anthony talked away about everything and anything. He looks like Claire, but has some of Marcus’ personality,” he went on. He wanted to keep Tessa smiling and the best way to do that was to talk about something pleasant.

  “Yes, he does,” Tessa said. “He’s developed Marcus’ way of ignoring Aiyana when she gets on his nerves. It’s very amusing to see.”

  “I’ll bet. The tea is very good, Tessa. So, you are technically a runaway. Very naughty, sis,” he said.

  Tessa laughed. “You really have done your homework.”

  “Well, it’s still talked about in your previous social circles,” Rick said.

  “No! Is it?” Tessa couldn’t believe it.

  “Your cousin, Edwina, was only too happy to talk to me about it,” he told her.

  “Oh, how I miss her.”

  “I talked to her about a month before I arrived here. She is quite the entertaining lady. She actually propositioned me, which I found hysterical. She said there was nothing wrong with it since she’s related to you on your mother’s side and not Geoff’s,” Rick said.

  Tessa couldn’t stop the snort of laughter that escaped her. “That sounds exactly like her. Edwina never conformed to society at all, but her title and money assured that she would still be accepted. She didn’t care if people talked about her.”

  “She also told me that she was the one who helped you escape your privileged prison and come out here to meet Dean. It seems like you made the right decision. You’re happy, right?”

  “Very happy. Except that our children keep growing up, which means I’m getting older,” Tessa said.

  “Ah, that’s the real reason you don’t like me. I’m so much younger than you,” Rick said.

  Tessa laughed and put a hand over her mouth as she thought about Rick’s statement. She didn’t like him, but not him personally, only what he represented. Truthfully, she didn’t know him well enough to know if she liked or disliked him.

  “I mean, I’m eight years your junior so that makes you—”

  It was a kneejerk reaction to swat Rick’s arm. Tessa did it to anyone who dared mention her age. Jack was her most frequent tormentor about the subject.

  “Hush your mouth!” she admonished him.

  It made Rick laugh. “Not even here a half-hour and you’re picking on your little brother. I was just saying—”

  “—Don’t make me do it again,” Tessa warned with a smile. “Oh, Rick, I am an awful person.”

  Rick cocked his head. “Why?”

  She dropped her eyes and played with her tea cup. “The night Papa told us about you, Marcus scolded us because we were more worried about any scandal than how you must be feeling. Claire was very curious about you, but I’m afraid Maddie and me were quite snobbish. I should have come to see you before now.”

  “Yes, you should have, but I’m the forgiving sort … sometimes. What I am proposing is that we get to know each other over time. I’ve had longer to come to grips with the fact that I have a whole family. It’ll take you some time to get used to it,” Rick said.

  Tessa nodded. “I would like that.”

  Rick finished his tea and stood up. “I have to get back to work now or Mitch’ll have my head. Or at least try to.”

  “All right. Thank you for having the courage to approach me,” Tessa said.

  Rick just smiled.

  “So you were a mountie? That must have been interesting,” Tessa said.

  Rick took something from one of his coat pockets and handed it to her. Tessa looked down at the leather bound journal.

  “That is the first of many journals I kept during that time. I thought you might enjoy reading it, unless you think it’ll bore you. I can take it back,” Rick said and went to reach for it.

  Tessa turned away a little and hugged it to her chest. “You’ll do no such thing.”

  Rick chuckled. “Let me know when you’re done with it and I’ll give you the next one.”

  “How many are there?” she asked.

  “You’ll have to wait and see,” Rick said mysteriously. “Goodbye, Tessa.”


  Chapter Twenty-One

  Maddie was next in Rick’s sights. He pulled much the same trick on her that he had on Tessa, by just showing up one morning. She was just as shocked to see him as Tessa had been.

  He could tell she wanted to shut the door in his face, but he wasn’t going to allow that.

  “What’s that, Maddie? Oh, you’d like to make me a cup of coffee? I’d love some, thanks,” he said with a mischievous smile.

  She stood on the other side of the threshold, giving him a cold stare. Rick stepped across it, forcing her to back up.

  “Thanks for inviting me in. It’s cold out. We shouldn’t let all the heat out of your house, which is beautiful, by the way. Seth told me about when you built it. Much better than a bunkhouse, huh? Although he said that he didn’t mind it because it was nice and cozy for the two of you,” he said with a wink.

  Maddie couldn’t hide the smile that played around her mouth. She could well imagine her husband saying something like that.

  Rick moved further into the house, forcing Maddie to follow him. She wasn’t sure what to do about him. She didn’t want him there, but she didn’t know how to get rid of him. He was obviously intent on talking with her. Suddenly he pivoted and headed back towards the front door. He took off his hat and coat and hung them by the door.

  “There. That’s better. How about that coffee?” he said rubbing his hands together.

  They began a staring match that ended when Rick stepped into Maddie’s personal space. He made her uncomfortable as he looked down at her.

  “Very well,” she finally said and walked out into the kitchen.

  Rick smiled as he followed her. He was having fun.

  “So when is J.R. going to play again? I really enjoy hearing him,” Rick said as he seated himself at the table without being invited.

  “I’m not sure,” Maddie said as she readied the coffee pot.

  “I see. So how is Father dear?” Rick asked.

  That got a reaction from Maddie. “You mean you don’t know?”

  “Nope. I haven’t heard a peep from the man since the day I told your parents about myself. But then, I’m sure you already knew that.”

  “He’s fine. He misses Tessa, but he’s fine. Some of the novelty of the situation seems to be dying down,” Maddie said.

  “I told you it would,” Rick said as he stretched his legs out underneath the table.

  “There is no need to be smug, Richard,” Maddie said.

  “Oh, attempting to get to me by using my full name. I don’t mind it. Actually, it was all my stepfather called me. I was never called ‘Rick’ until I started mountie training. So you’ll have to try harder than that, sis,” Rick said.

  She smiled. “I guess so. Thank you for coming to my rescue that night at the saloon.”

  “You’re welcome. Glad to be of service, ma’a
m. I like the décor in here. Plenty of light. Yes, it was built well. So any plans for having any more kids?” Rick asked.

  “Well, that was quite the jump in topics,” Maddie said as she poured him a cup of coffee and brought it to him.

  “Sorry. That’s the way my mind works sometimes. So are there?”


  “Boy oh boy, you are going to be a challenge,” Rick said. “I like a challenge.”

  Maddie’s lips curved into a faux sweet smile. “So how have you been feeling lately?”

  A warning bell went off in Rick’s head, but he didn’t let on. “Just fine, how about yourself?”

  “I’m well, thank you,” she replied. “I was just wondering if you’d been having nightmares again.”

  Flash! “Oh, you heard about that, huh? Yeah, they’re pretty inconvenient. How about you? Do you ever have nightmares? I mean, you suffered something pretty traumatic, too,” Rick said.

  Maddie’s eyes widened. “How did you know?”

  “Well, as I told Tessa, I’ve done my homework on all of you. I have excellent investigative skills,” he said and took a sip of his coffee. He hadn’t begun to shake yet, which was a good sign.

  “I see. I know you have them, but I don’t know what they’re about. Claire wouldn’t say. She said I should hear it from you,” Maddie said.

  “There’s no way in hell I’d tell you. You know, Maddie, all I want is to get to know my family. Why do you consider that such a crime?”

  “It’s not. I simply do not wish to get to know you, Rick. So you can keep trying to force yourself on me, or leave me alone,” Maddie said.

  “Why don’t you want to get to know me?” Rick asked.

  Maddie looked down and remained silent.

  Rick sneered at her. “You don’t even have a good reason. You can take the woman out of a debutante’s lifestyle, but you can take the debutante out of the woman. I didn’t ask to be born, Maddie. I didn’t have a choice in the matter.” Rick was starting to lose control of his hurt and anger and that made him turn cruel. “Believe me, if I’d had any control over the matter, I would have stayed unborn. Better that than be raised by a cruel, abusive woman who hated me because your father wouldn’t leave your mother. Funny thing is you remind me of her, Maddie. Cold, heartless, and unreasonable.”

  Maddie gasped. “I am none of those things!”

  “That’s all I’ve seen of you,” Rick said. “You hate me and you don’t have any reason to. It’s not my fault that our father couldn’t keep his barn door closed.”

  Maddie recoiled at his crude remark. “Stop that!”

  “Stop what, Maddie? Telling the truth? You don’t like that much, do you? That the man you’ve thought was perfect all of your life, isn’t quite as perfect as you thought? That’s a hard realization, I’m sure.”

  “Shut up! Don’t talk about Papa that way!” she shouted.

  “Why? What’s the matter, sis? Did he topple off that sky high pedestal you had him on?” Rick said as he stood up.

  “Get out!” Maddie screamed.

  “My pleasure. I guess we’re not going to be friends. That’s ok. I can think of plenty of other people I’d rather associate with. Such as people with a heart. How is it that you’re still upright and walking without one?” Rick asked as he passed by Maddie.

  “Shut that vile mouth of yours!” she said as she followed him to the door where his coat and hat hung.

  Rick let out a nasty laugh. “Sure thing, Mrs. Samuels. That’s right. You’re not part of that high society lifestyle anymore. Who are you worried about impressing? The mayor? He already likes you and doesn’t care that you have a bastard for a brother.”

  “Leave my house!” she screamed.

  Seth came hurrying in the door. He’d heard the ruckus and he came running.

  “What the hell’s goin’ on here?” he demanded as he looked from Rick to Maddie.

  Rick smiled at Seth and said, “Hi, Seth. My sister and I were just having a nice chat, that’s all.”

  “No, we were not. I want him gone!” Maddie said, shaking with rage.

  “She’s just upset because I keep telling her the truth,” Rick responded.

  “Rick, I think it’s best if you go,” Seth said.

  “That’s the plan,” Rick quipped. “Well, Mrs. Samuels, it’s been a real eye-opening experience. Seth, it’s always good to see you.” Rick clapped Seth’s shoulder and opened the door.

  As he stepped out onto the porch, Maddie shouted, “No wonder your mother hated you! Pleasant dreams, Richard!”


  White hot pain and a brilliant light went off in Rick’s brain and he dropped to his knees on the porch. He gripped his head and groaned.

  Seth was at his side in an instant. “Rick? What is it?”

  The pain began subsiding. Rick shook his head and his vision cleared. “I just got dizzy all of a sudden,” he lied. “I skipped breakfast. That’s never a good thing.”

  Seth wasn’t buying it. “That ain’t the problem.”

  Rick stood and then grabbed Seth’s arm to steady himself. “I’ll be fine in just a moment.”

  Seth took Rick’s arm in his hand and felt the way Rick was trembling. “Like hell you will. You’re shakin’ like a leaf.”

  “It’ll pass,” Rick said. “Ok. That’s better. Have a nice day, folks.”

  “I’ll just walk you over to your horse. Are you sure you don’t want to lie down or something?” Seth asked as he helped Rick along.

  “Nope. Don’t want to lie down. Have to get to work,” Rick said.

  “You’re in no cond−”

  Rick suddenly turned to face Seth and the look on his face made Seth back away from him. “I’m fine,” Rick said. He mounted his horse. “Appreciate the concern. S-see ya, S-seth.”

  As Rick rode away, Seth watched him until he was sure that Rick was all right. Then he entered his house and shut the door. Maddie stood in the hallway with her hand over her mouth.

  With a grim expression on his face, Seth asked her, “You mind tellin’ me what the hell that was all about?”

  Pleasant dreams, Richard. Pleasant dreams, Richard. Rick heard the loathsome phrase over and over in his head as his horse galloped along the road into town. That was what he’d heard every night until he was twelve and he’d put an end to it. Pleasant dreams, Richard. Rick tried to guide his horse, but it was difficult with the pain in his head. He tried everything to stop it, but it was no use. Finally, he simply gripped the saddle horn and held on for dear life.

  Gina and Ryan left Abby’s house where they’d had lunch. Gina enjoyed spending time with Abby and Zach, as did Ryan. Elliot had stopped over for lunch since Leo, the young man Elliot had hired, was watching the store. Gina and Ryan laughed and talked as they walked along the street. They heard a horse thundering along behind them.

  “Mommy, there’s Rick! Hi, Rick!” Ryan called out and waved.

  The horse flew past them. Gina was shocked to see that Rick was bent over the saddle horn and the reins whipped through the air. Something was very wrong.

  She wasn’t far away from the sheriff’s office by this point because that’s where they’d been heading. Gina picked up Ryan and ran as fast as she could to the office. She burst inside and said, “You have to go after Rick!”

  Mitch was the only one there. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. He came galloping through town, but he was slumped over the saddle and he wasn’t holding the reins. Please, Mitch! Go after him!”

  “Which way?”

  “Towards the feed mill.”

  Mitch ran out the door and jumped on his horse, Rico. He turned the big gelding around and kicked him into action.

  Gina took Ryan back to Abby’s and explained what was happening. She asked Abby if she could watch Ryan and Abby readily agreed. Running back up the street, Gina entered the medical clinic.

  Hannah was coming out of the hallway that led back to the examination room
s and offices. “Hello. Can I help you?” she said when she saw Gina.

  Gina looked into Hannah’s amber colored eyes and said, “I need to see either doctor.”

  “All right. There are some people ahead of you, but why don’t we sit over here and you can tell me what kind of problem you’re having?” Hannah said with a kind smile.

  “It’s not me,” Gina said. “It’s my boyfriend, Rick, the deputy. Please just tell one of them that I need to see them about him. It’s a very private matter. They’ll understand.”

  Hannah saw Gina’s agitated state, but remained calm. “All right. Have a seat right here and I’ll go get one of them.”

  “Thank you so much,” Gina said.

  It was fortunate that Rick’s horse was exhausted and had slowed to a labored trot and then a walk. Mitch caught up quickly to Rick. Mitch grabbed the horse’s one rein and pulled it completely to a stop. Rick still sat slumped over the saddle horn and didn’t respond when Mitch spoke to him. Mitch couldn’t discern any physical injuries, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have something going on internally.

  He snagged the other rein and began slowly leading the horse back to town. He took a side street that led to the back of the medical clinic so people weren’t alarmed, not to mention that he felt Rick should have some privacy. Reaching the clinic, Mitch jumped off his horse and hurried in the back door. He ran down the hall to the office.

  Ben looked up and saw him. “You got him?”

  Mitch gave Ben a perplexed look. “Yeah. How’d you know?”

  “Gina told us,” the doctor said as he brushed by Mitch. Along the way, Ben knocked on an exam room door and kept going.

  Mitch heard the door open behind him and saw that Marcus now followed him. The three men went out to the horse. Marcus and Ben saw Rick’s condition and began moving quickly.

  “His hands are clenched around the horn,” Marcus said as he tried to get them unwrapped from around it. “I don’t want to break his fingers.”

  “He’s unconscious, Marcus,” Ben said. “Mitch, was he like this when you found him?”


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