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Someone Like You

Page 19

by Syd Parker

Lex joined her a second later. “Damn, it’s cold outside. I think I may take your mom and Ginny’s lead and move to Florida. This crap is for the birds.”

  Aspen laughed. “Not me. I like having seasons. You can keep that heat all to yourself.”

  “Even with an ice storm and no power?” Lex cocked an eyebrow, almost daring Aspen to disagree.

  “Yep, even with the cold.” Aspen nodded towards the living room. “Can you start the fire? We are gonna be spending the rest of the night out here.”

  “Sure.” Lex smiled and hesitated.


  “I was just going to say if I’m going to be stranded with no power in the middle of winter, I’m glad it’s with you.” Her dark eyes held Aspen’s in the dim candlelight.

  “Me too.” Aspen said it without thinking, but quickly realized she meant it. She fell silent, returning Lex’s gaze. Feeling an all too familiar pull, she dropped her eyes. “Hot chocolate.”

  Lex sensed her wall go up and felt the loss immediately. She watched as Aspen turned away and busied herself at the stove. Shaking her head, Lex could only accept regretfully her part in ruining what they once had. She made her way to the fireplace and within minutes, had a small fire started. She could feel the heat immediately. She walked back to the kitchen. “Need any help?”

  Aspen had already turned on the gas and used a match to light the burner. She stirred chocolate into the milk, trying to judge how much she needed. “Nope, got it. You can grab the sleeping bags out of the hall closet and a couple extra blankets. Even with the fire, we will need the added warmth.”

  “Sure thing, boss.” Lex smiled to herself and shuffled off to complete her task. When Aspen handed her a steaming cup of cocoa some minutes later, Lex was seated on top of her sleeping bag. She layered several blankets on the floor for insulation and padding. Several more were piled next to their sleeping bags, in case they needed them. “Thanks.”

  They sipped their hot drinks in relative silence, staring into the fire. Aspen stole a glance at Lex’s profile. The ambient light from the fire illuminated her angular features. She was still breathtaking. Aspen felt her heart skip a beat, and she pulled her gaze away quickly. Tonight was not the night to start thinking about Lex that way.

  “What are you thinking?” Lex sensed Aspen’s gaze, but she didn’t turn around.

  “Nothing.” Aspen lied quickly, but the slight tremor in her voice gave her away.

  “Liar.” Lex set her empty cup on the table. She leaned back on her elbows and stretched her long legs out in front of her, casting a sideways glance at Aspen. “I always know when you get quiet that you have something on your mind.”

  Aspen sipped her hot chocolate and set her cup down before she finally mustered up the courage to be honest. “I am going to miss you.”

  Lex smiled sadly. “I’ll miss you too.” She could have said more, could have offered to stay if Aspen wanted. At this point, it wouldn’t take much. She had already been thinking about next week. The six months would be over, and their divorce paperwork would be filed. There was no need for her to stay there any longer. Aspen had made it clear she was ready to move on and staying only hurt Lex more. “I forgot how much I love being around you.”

  “I know, Lex.” That was all Aspen could say. She wouldn’t allow herself to feel any more than that. She had caught glimpses of her future, or maybe it was her past reflected in her eyes, and she thought she remembered the woman looking back at her finally. She was losing the hollow look that had haunted her for so long. It was time for her to let go of her past. “Thank you for keeping me company. It’s been nice having you around.”

  “Nice?” Lex managed a sarcastic laugh. “I figure you are ready to boot my ass to the curb. I’ve been nothing but a pain.”

  Aspen giggled. “Maybe a little.”

  “Hey!” Lex objected quickly. “You’re supposed to deny that.”

  “Am I?” Aspen waggled her eyebrows. “Aw, poor Lex, doesn’t feel loved.”

  Lex’s bottom lip jutted out. “Picking on me when I’m down.”

  Aspen’s laughter filled the tiny room. “You baby. You’re fine.” She shot Lex a satisfied smile and set her empty cup on the table next to hers. A yawn built up, and she tried to hide it behind her hand. “Excuse me. I’m getting a little sleepy.”

  “I’d say.” Lex chucked softly. “I guess we should get some sleep while we can.”

  Aspen nodded and slid into her sleeping bag, pulling it up to her chest. She watched Lex get situated and smiled to herself. “Having trouble?”

  Lex smiled sheepishly. “I’m too tall.”

  “How are you too tall?” Aspen queried. “Those bags are made for everyone.”

  “Well obviously, you gave me the kid sleeping bag.”

  “Oh yeah, how do you figure?”

  “Well duh.” Lex pointed at the Strawberry Shortcake figure on the front her hers.

  Aspen snorted loudly. “That’s funny.”

  “Is it?” Lex looked askance at Aspen and rolled her eyes. “I can’t sleep like this.”

  “So trade me.” Aspen was already zipping hers open and squirming out of it.

  “Okay.” Lex muttered quietly.

  “You are such a baby.” Aspen giggled once again. Lex reminded her of a petulant youngster, and it made her smile to see that side of her again. She slid into Lex’s abandoned sleeping bag, feeling her own toes pressing into the crease. She tried to pull the cover up over her shoulders and grimaced when it would go no further than her breasts. “Ugh.”

  “Uh-huh.” Lex murmured softly. She opened one eye and shot Aspen a sarcastic look. “Who’s the baby now?”

  Aspen glared at Lex. “Bitch.” She tried to bend her knees and shorten herself to fit. After several minutes of exasperated groans, she sighed loudly and flopped backward against her pillow. “I take it back. I can’t do this either.”

  Lex didn’t say a word, but a small snicker escaped her lips, and she was rewarded with a punch to her side. “Ow!”

  “You deserve that, you turd.”

  “I did?” Lex rubbed her side and groaned loudly. “So what do you want to do?”

  Aspen shook her head. “There’s just one thing to do. Get up.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Lex sent Aspen a mock salute, her eyes twinkling behind her stern expression. She slid out of her bag and unzipped it all the way open. She stood up and waited while Aspen opened her own sleeping bag and stood up next to her. Lex spread her bag out over the pallet she had already made and Aspen opened hers over the top of it.

  Aspen got under the covers and settled down on her side. She punched her pillow a few times before she put her head down. “Don’t get any ideas.”

  Lex snorted. “I was just going to tell you the same thing. Don’t try to take advantage of me.”

  Aspen giggled. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  “Damn.” Lex swore softly, a smile playing on her face. “Good night, A. Sweet dreams.”

  “Good night, Lex.” Aspen pulled her knees to her chest, curling them against her. She could feel Lex’s heat already even though they weren’t touching. It felt good after all those years. It was the last thought she had before she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 20

  Aspen’s scream pierced the darkness and pulled Lex from a deep sleep. She bolted up, her mind suddenly awake. “A, wake up.” Lex shook her gently. The dream was a bad one. Lex hadn’t heard her scream like that in a while. “Aspen, honey, wake up.”

  Aspen stirred slowly, her mind hurtling back from the dark place that had taken her captive. Her body was rigid, and her breath came in shallow gasps. “Lex?”

  “Shhh, honey, I’m here.” Lex scooted next to her and pulled her head on to her shoulder. “It’s okay.”

  Aspen shivered against Lex’s body, trying to draw from her warmth. She felt so cold, so empty. Her dream was so real, and it scared her more as her subconscious continued to play still images from the depths beyond. S
he felt Lex’s arms tighten around her, and she allowed Lex to hold her. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” Lex’s voice rumbled quietly. She pulled Aspen as tightly to her body as she could, leaving no space at all. “It was a bad one?”

  Aspen could only nod. She could still see the visions. She knew Lex was waiting for her to share the dream, knowing that talking about it would help. She burrowed her head into Lex’s shoulder and let herself be comforted for several more minutes before she could finally speak. “It was so real. You were there.”

  “I figured.” Lex knew that Aspen’s nightmares usually revolved around her. Her heart ached for the pain that she had caused her. Her hand rubbed lazy circles on her arm, and she dropped light kisses on the top of her head. She could still hear the wind howling outside, and she silently thanked the short sleeping bag that had put them in the make-shift bed together. “Wanna talk about it?”

  Aspen nodded against Lex’s arm and wrapped her arm around Lex’s midsection. “It was our wedding day, and everyone was here. We had a little boy named Henry. He looked just like you. He was beautiful.” Aspen felt her throat tighten, and she leaned further into Lex.

  “It’s okay, honey.” Lex’s voice was low and soothing. She could hear just how much the nightmare had affected Aspen. “We don’t have to talk about it.”

  “No.” Aspen shook her head. “I need to. The ceremony was small and intimate just like before. Henry walked me down the aisle. He seemed so real, Lex. His dark hair and sweet beautiful, brown eyes. He had your features.”

  Lex felt her tense. “Shh, it was just a dream.”

  “God, it was so real. She came after you, and you left with her.” The tremor in Aspen’s voice was unmistakable. “You took Henry and left.”

  “Who came, A?” If it was possible, Lex pulled her even closer. “Who took me away?”

  “I couldn’t see her face, but I know it was her.” Aspen’s strangled whisper was barely audible over the wind. “It was Cass.”

  Lex stilled and when she shivered, it had nothing to do with the cold. “It was just a dream, A. I’m right here. See?” She tilted Aspen’s face towards her so she could see that Lex was right in front of her. In the pale glow of the fire, she saw the tears in Aspen’s eyes. No matter how much time had passed, it was still the same heartbreak. “Fuck, A. I’m so sorry. I’m here now. I’m with you.”

  Aspen nodded solemnly. Her eyes searched Lex’s face, and the last visions from her dream taunted her from her subconscious. The tears started again.

  Lex felt her heart drop. She rubbed Aspen’s cheek. “Please, baby, don’t cry. I’m here; I'm here.” Lex pulled her close again and kissed her cheek. “Shh, shh, it’s okay.”

  Aspen felt the soft kisses on her cheek and Lex’s strong arms around her. She shivered as the darkness held onto her body. She told herself that it was just a dream, she was here with Lex and that she wasn’t leaving her. She repeated the words over and over again, but the fear was still there. As long as she still held onto her life with Lex, she would always dream about her leaving. She needed something to pull her from the dark place. She needed a way to let go. Without thinking, she lifted her head and her lips found Lex’s. She felt immediate warmth effuse her body.

  Lex stilled immediately, suspended in time. The feel of Aspen’s soft lips on hers catapulted her back in time. It felt so foreign and, yet, so perfect. She stifled a moan as Aspen’s soft lips slid along hers. When Aspen’s tongue pushed softly inside her mouth, Lex broke the kiss and tilted Aspen’s face away from hers. She held her gaze, searching for the answer to her unasked question.

  Aspen’s blue eyes locked onto Lex’s for several beats before she nodded. “I need this tonight. Please, Lex.”

  Lex’s heart clenched painfully. Lex could see good-bye in Aspen’s eyes, but the fear of losing her again wasn’t enough to stop her body from wanting this one last night. She couldn’t talk, couldn’t breathe as the ache of wanting Aspen built in her chest. Unable to say the word yes, her hand found the back of Aspen’s neck, and she pulled her head down. This time when her lips met Aspen's, she didn’t swallow the moan.

  Aspen explored Lex’s mouth, her tongue teasing and dipping between her lips. She pulled her bottom lip between hers and sucked gently, feeling the electricity from her touch tingling in her body, a pleasant ache starting to pulse in her stomach. When her tongue brushed Lex’s, she groaned softly and increased the pressure. For the first time in years, she felt her body starting to come alive.

  Lex was still reeling from the kiss, and she resisted the urge to run her hands under Aspen’s shirt. She longed to feel Aspen’s soft skin beneath her fingertips. Lex wouldn’t initiate the contact. Tonight, Aspen would be in control. She reveled in the feel of Aspen’s tongue against hers, teasing and exploring gently. Aside from the kiss that she had stolen weeks before, Lex had forgotten the feel of Aspen’s mouth on hers. The tingling low in her belly let her know that her body didn't forget the magic between them. The want was like none she had ever felt before.

  Aspen’s mouth plundered Lex’s with reckless abandon. Her body ached to crawl inside Lex's, and she fought the urge to push inside her now. No, tonight, she needed to savor the feel and taste, to imprint Lex on her soul permanently. This would be her final good-bye, and she needed to let her body feel perfection one last time before she tucked this part of her heart away in a safe place. The taste of Lex’s lips on her tongue was achingly bittersweet and as her hands joined her mouth in sweet exploration, she felt the last tear escape and slide down her cheek.

  Lex trailed her thumb across Aspen’s face, gently wiping away the last of her tears. She pulled away from Aspen long enough to capture her face in her hands and kiss the soft skin of her cheekbones. She needed to slow down, to savor the moment, not to rush to the end in her haste to join their bodies together one last time. She didn’t need Aspen to say this was the last time; she could feel it in her kisses, see it in her eyes. As much as her heart broke just thinking about it, Lex knew she needed this more than life itself. She rubbed her thumb over Aspen’s bottom lip. Her heart nearly collided with her throat when Aspen sucked her finger into her mouth gently and swirled her tongue around it.

  Pulling away, Aspen shot her a sad smile. “Please say yes.”

  Lex could only nod her ascent. She swallowed the lump in her throat, pushing the ache inside her chest to the back of her mind. Lex had never known pain like she felt tonight, and she marveled at how quickly the need for Aspen’s touch filled every inch of her body and pushed reason aside. She slid her hand around Aspen’s neck again and pulled her face down; their lips meeting in a blissful abandon. No longer wanting to rein her needs in, Lex teased Aspen’s mouth with her tongue, needing to taste her once more.

  Their tongues danced together, memorizing the taste and feel and remembering what they once shared. Lex ran her hands along Aspen’s back, longing to feel her skin beneath her palms. Though Aspen said this is what she needed tonight, Lex still fought the urge to take what was being offered, waiting for Aspen to give her body to her.

  As if knowing what anguish Lex was fighting, Aspen slid on top of her and broke their kiss. “Touch me, Lex. Please.”

  Lex needed no more invitation than that. Her hands moved underneath Aspen’s shirt with practiced ease, and she splayed her palms on Aspen’s soft skin, accepting that just the feel of the sweet caress was enough to set her loins on fire. She moved slightly to ease the ache between her legs, and when she did, Aspen settled between her thighs. The pressure was perfect torture, and Lex reveled in it. Rather than trying to settle her body down, she let her hands rove over Aspen’s skin and brushed her thumbs along her breasts, remembering the feel of her supple globes balanced in her hands. She pushed her hand between their bodies and ran circles around Aspen’s nipple with her thumb, teasing it to a taut peak.

  Aspen felt her body respond immediately to the soft caresses. Her body quickly remembered the sweet ache that Lex made he
r feel with just a touch. She deepened the kiss, their tongues mingling together in practiced rhythm. She felt desire pool between her legs, and she moved against Lex, increasing the pressure on her already sensitive clit. Her hands found Lex’s small breasts, and she moaned loudly when her nipples hardened beneath her touch. “God, I missed this.”

  The ache in Aspen’s voice seared Lex to her very core, and her body arched in response. She felt Aspen cup her breast and her own hands stilled, unable to concentrate. It was like this so many times. Aspen would barely touch her, and her body was on fire. At times, it was too much, and she gave herself over to her own needs, but tonight she fought for control. She needed to give more than she received. She needed Aspen to know that despite their good-byes, her heart was Aspen’s forever. Lex put her hand over Aspen’s and held it on her heart. She let her feel the rapid beat against her palm and the rise and fall of her chest. “You always drove me crazy, sweetheart. That will never change.”

  “I know.” Aspen rested her forehead on Lex’s and kissed her lips gently. “It is the same for me.” She nibbled Lex’s lips softly, brushing her tongue over them. “I need you inside me.” She pushed Lex’s hand inside her pants. “Make love to me, Lex.”

  Lex moaned into Aspen’s mouth and pushed her hand inside the waistband of her panties. She teased her lips apart and rubbed her clit softly. She coated her fingers with moisture and slipped inside Aspen’s body, reveling in her warmth. “God, Aspen. You feel so good.” Lex held still as Aspen’s body pulsed around her. She kissed Aspen softy. She pulled her hand away and wrapped her arms around Aspen, rolling her over on her back. “I love you, A. I always will.”

  “I know, Lex.” Aspen stilled and felt her heart well up in her chest. “I can’t hear that tonight. It’s too much. Can you just let this be enough?”

  Lex choked back tears and smiled sadly. The word yes escaped in a strangled whisper. She leaned over and kissed Aspen softly. She could feel Aspen’s body trembling beneath her, and Lex ached to console her. Tonight, she would have to let her body ease the pain. She slid her hand underneath Aspen’s shirt and rolled her nipple between her thumb and forefinger, urging it to harden from her touch. Her tongue pushed against Aspen’s, every fiber of her being so intently focused on this single frame in time. Every hello, every uttered word of love, every heartbreaking good-bye poured into this act of love, a solitary moment of passion so achingly acute in its rendering that Lex couldn’t hold back her tears, and she relished each one as they splashed onto Aspen’s cheeks and professed her love.


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