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The Complete Veterans Affairs Romances: Gay Military Romances

Page 41

by A. E. Wasp

  “Boring.” Benny shifted, pressing his hips into the comforter and Mikey’s hands kept running up and down his legs, dipping down into his inner thighs, thumbs tracing the crease where ass met leg.

  “I used to massage Julia when she was in a lot of pain. I don’t know if it really helped, but she seemed to like it.” He couldn’t help comparing the feel of Julia’s fragile bones under his hands with Benny’s strong body.

  Benny’s muscles tightened back up under his hand, and Mikey realized that he had stopped moving. Bringing it up probably hadn’t been the best idea. He tried so hard not to mention her to Benny, not to bring up the pain of the past, not to mention past love. He couldn’t help thinking about her, especially around Jasmine. Would Julia be happy with how he was raising Jasmine? He thought so, but he never knew.

  Right now, all he wanted to do was lay down next to Benny and have Benny tell him everything was going to be all right. Maybe in this sanctuary with just the two of them, he could believe it for a little while.

  Mikey stood up, and Benny flailed his hand backward reaching for him. “Where you going?” he whined.

  “I’m just getting a towel so you can flip over without getting oil all over your blanket.”

  “Oh, in that case,” he waved his hand, “you may proceed.”

  “Thank you.” Mikey scooted Benny over and laid the damp towel on the bed. “Here, now roll over.”

  Benny did and reached out to tug at Mikey’s sleep pants. “You should get naked, too. It would probably help me relax. Ease my pain.”

  “Hmm, you know best.” Mikey pulled his t-shirt up from the bottom with both hands, pausing with his arms crossed over his head as it cleared his face. Benny dark eyes glinted in the low light as he stared at Mikey’s chest. His hand rubbing lazily at his cock.

  “Feeling better?” Mike grinned, tugging the shirt carefully over his hair.

  “I’m getting there.”

  “So I see.” Mikey was getting there, too, just looking at Benny stretched out on the bed, that little Benito half-smile on his face, his eyes dark and hooded.

  Eyes locked on Benny’s face, he grabbed the small bottle of oil, climbed on the bed, and straddled Benny’s hips.

  Their cocks dragged against each other, soft but getting harder by the second.

  “Hi,” Benny said, hands reaching up for Mikey’s hips when Mikey settled himself over Benny’s thigh.

  “Hi,” Mikey replied. He pulled one of Benny’s hands off his hip, and massaged it with two hands, pressing his thumbs into the meaty part of Benny’s palm, and then gently stretching each finger.

  “Holy shit, that feels good. My hands are always cramping, how did you know?”

  “I’m like Sherlock Holmes. The way you shake them and massage them all the time was my first big clue.”

  “Hazard of the job,” Benny said. “I’m feeling much more relaxed now. Does this massage come with a happy ending?”

  “Depends. How good of a tipper are you?”

  “I’m a big spender, baby.” He reached up, pulled Mikey down until their lips met.

  Mikey kissed him, reveling in the feel of their lips sliding against each other and Benny’s tongue pushing its way into Mikey’s mouth. He cradled Benny’s face in his hand, thumb caressing his jawline, feeling the light stubble there. He pulled away with a tiny nip to Benny’s lower lip. “Kissing a guy feels so different.”


  “Just different. Girls are good, too.”

  Benny ran his hands up and down Mikey’s thighs. Mikey watched, distracted by the erotic contrast of Benny’s light skin on his dark skin.

  “I remember feeling like I could almost see the explosion of light the first time I kissed a guy,” Benny was saying. “I was like, Oh! That’s what everyone is talking about. I honestly thought everyone was lying or, at best, exaggerating. I’d kissed girls before, and it was no big deal.

  Mikey warmed up some oil between his hands and resumed massaging Benny’s chest. He used a lighter touch, fingers skimming over the smooth skin, palms gliding over Benny’s firm stomach. He trailed his fingers down Benny’s body to the warm space between them but stopped just short of the prize. Benny exhaled heavily.

  “Kissing Clark was better?” Mikey asked, hand tracing around Benny’s nipples.

  Benny slapped his leg. “Clark wasn’t my first. Henry Oxman was.”

  Mikey dragged his fingertips across Benny’s nipple, watching it harden and tried to remember a Henry Oxman. Nothing came to him.

  “He was in my English class. He was the lead in the play? Tevya in Fiddler on the Roof? Remember?”

  Mikey still had nothing, and he didn’t particularly care. His cock thickened as he pinched Benny’s other nipple and Benny writhed slightly under him.

  “You’re such a jock.”

  Mikey lifted up onto his knees, sliding a slippery hand between them to line their rapidly-filling cocks together. Benny groaned as he slicked them up. “Well, I’m glad Clark wasn’t your first.”

  “Jealous?” Benny asked a little breathlessly.

  “Yeah, I was. Even though it took me a while to admit it to myself. I’ll never forget seeing you with your hands down his pants.” He braced his hands on Benny’s chest and rolled his hip, loving the slip and slide of their cocks.

  Benny’s breath came a little faster, and he pushed up against Mikey’s weight. “My hands were not down his pants. Fuck, feels good. I was way too scared to do that.”

  Mikey stretched out over Benny, bracing his hands on the pillow and whispered into Benny’s ears even though there was no one around to hear. “At the club, with you, before I knew it was you, I was terrified. I almost went home.”

  “I’m really glad you didn’t.” Benny turned his head to capture Mikey’s lips in a searing kiss.

  Mikey shuddered at the thought of how close he had come to missing Benny. When the thought about how much had changed in one short month, what Benny had brought back into his life; friends, fun, laughter, and a reminder that he wasn’t old yet, that he had the right to want those things.

  And he brought love back. Mikey’s heart fluttered at the thought of the word. He pushed it away, for the time being, focusing on the feel of Benny’s body beneath him.

  “I’m not scared now, and I want to make love to you.”

  Benny stared him, eyes wide open, and dark with desire.

  Mikey waited for the joke or snarky comment that never came.

  “Okay,” Benny said simply and rolled them over until he laid on top of Mikey. “I want to feel you in me, is that good with you?”

  Mikey’s arm clenched around Benny as his cock jerked between them at the thought of it.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” Benny shifted his weight, forcing Mikey’s legs open with the insistent nudging of his knees. Mikey spread willingly as Benny dropped down into the cradle of his body.

  Benny kissed Mikey. “I’m clean, I was tested last month. How about you?”

  Mikey couldn’t process what Benny was saying at first. Then it hit him. Every now and then Benny said something that made Mikey feel like a virgin touching a girl for the first time. “No. I mean, yeah. I’m clean. I was tested when Julia got pregnant.”

  “That was a long time ago.”

  Mikey licked his lips and ran his hand through Benny’s hair. “I was only with her. No one since. Not like this.”

  Benny closed his eyes and turned his head to kiss the inside of Mikey’s wrist. “Okay,” he said simply.

  Mikey’s heart clenched with the show of trust. Knees bent, Mikey’s legs clenched around Benny’s hips as they rolled relentlessly against each other, the fragrant oil slicking the way, the skin on their dicks slipping and sliding against each other. Mikey tangled his finger in Benny’s hair, pulling their mouths together again.

  He reached his hands as far as he could, from the back of Benny’s thighs, over the swell of his perfect ass, up the muscles in his back and into his gorgeous sil
ken hair. Up and down. Benny’s skin felt so fucking good under Mikey’s hands. He couldn’t remember the last time he had this, the last time he had time and desire to hold someone close, to be intimate, to make it last.

  He couldn’t believe he had survived these last two years without it. If he lost it again, it might truly kill him.

  Mikey’s fingers clenched against Benny’s ass, and he couldn’t hold back a moan as his hips bucked up against Benny’s solid weight. “Jesus, Benny.”

  Kissing was beyond them now, and they brushed their mouths together, breathing into each other. Mikey licked at Benny’s lips, and the sweet hitch of breath made him do it again. When Benny’s mouth opened on a moan, Mikey licked his way inside, running his tongue along Benny’s teeth, across the sensitive palate, feeling the bumps and ridges there. Benny whimpered and held on tighter to Mikey. Mikey wanted to do so many things to Benny, to see how good he could make Benny feel, what sounds he could get Benny to make, but almost all of them involved the unacceptable price of letting go of Benny. All of them but one.

  With one smooth move, he slid his hand between Benny’s ass cheeks, fingers dragging along the crack.

  Benny’s head snapped back. “Oh, yes. Please.”

  Mikey pushed his fingers in deeper, the massage oil on his hands and on Benny’s skin easing the way. So similar to making love to a woman. His fingers caught on the rim of Benny’s opening before sliding down to cradle his balls. And yet so very different.

  Benny buried his head against Mikey’s neck, breath hot on Mikey’s skin. “Oh god, oh, god,” he moaned, hips thrusting helplessly back against Mikey’s hand.

  “Fuck, Benny.” He pushed in just the smallest amount, and Benny shuddered. Mikey wanted to feel that heat, feel Benny clenching around him. But most of all, he wanted to see Benny’s face when he came. “Lift up, baby. C’mon. Just a little.”

  Benny whimpered but pushed up on his knees enough for Mikey to slip his lubed hand between them. The way Benny shuddered and groaned as Mikey slicked up their cocks almost pushed Mikey over the edge, and he breathed hard through his nose trying to stave off his orgasm. “God. Feels so good. Shit. This is going to be over too fast.”

  “Fuck, I know.” Benny rocked against him slowly.

  “I wanted to get to the good part,” Mike gasped out as Benny starting sucking on the sensitive skin of his neck.

  Benny pulled away with a smile. “Baby, it’s all the good part.” He reached between them, wrapping his hand around Mikey’s.

  Mikey’s eyes rolled back into his head. He wasn’t going to last much longer at all. If he was going to go, at least he could take Benny with him. He tugged Benny up a little higher and slid his hand down Benny’s ass.

  “Mikey, Mikey, Mikey,” Benny chanted, rocking forward into the tight grip of his hand, slipping across Mikey’s cock, and then rocking back against the imminent intrusion of Mikey’s finger. “Do it, do. Please. God. Fucking do it.”

  Mikey’s laughed breathlessly. “Since you asked so nicely.” He slid his finger in up to the second knuckle. Benny’s cursed.

  “Is this okay?” Mikey asked. This was new territory for him in more ways than one.

  “God, yeah. Just,” Benny rocked back against his hand. “Fuck. Just push a little deeper and curve your finger a little, towards my front.”

  Mikey presses further in, finger curving up, and Benny moan. “Fuck, God I can’t wait to feel you.” He rutted against Mikey hard and fast, moving back and forth between Mikey’s cock and onto his finger.

  Every time Benny’s cock slipped over Mikey’s, every time Benny’s clenched fist stripped their cocks faster and faster, shocks of electric pleasure shot up Mikey’s spine, his breath caught in his throat and the blood pounded in his ears.

  Benny’s teeth latched onto the skin of Mikey’s neck as his hips lost all rhythm, stuttering forward as he groaned and cursed. His dick throbbed against Mikey’s and his muscles locked, trapping Mikey’s finger inside him as he came, pulsing hard and hot over Mikey’s cock and stomach. There wasn’t one cell of Mikey’s body that didn’t want to be fucking Benny right that second, but he would never last. There was no stopping the orgasm he felt rolling down on him like a runaway train.

  Benny shuddered and twitched through his orgasm. Mikey shoved him forward with his knees, freeing his cock from between their bodies. It slotted between Benny’s cheeks like it was meant to be there, and Mikey braced his feet on the bed, thrusting up over and over until his orgasm hit, punching all the breath from his lungs. His back arched up off the bed, tendons standing out on his neck from the strain and he shot up into the air, spilling over Benny’s ass, and spattering streaks of white onto Benny’s back.

  “Holy fuck,” he panted, hands clenched on Benny’s shoulders, fingernails digging into his skin. “Holy shit, Benny.”

  Benny kissed every inch of Mikey’s skin he could reach without moving. They held each other until their breathing returned to something close to normal and their heartbeats slowed. Benny’s kissing devolved into nothing more than the press of his hot lips against Mikey’s neck, his body growing softer and heavier against Mikey’s as sleep started to claim him.

  Mikey yanked the towel out from under them and cleaned Benny off as best as he could, the rolled him off.

  “Mean,” Benny complained. “I was comfy.”

  “I need to breathe.” Mikey made an attempt at cleaning himself off. He needed a shower anyway.

  Benny threw an arm over Mikey and Mikey reached down and pulled the light blanket at the foot of the bed up over them. “I wanted to make love to you,” Mikey said, brushing a hand through Benny’s hair.

  He felt Benny smile against his arm and then kiss his shoulder. “Dude, you just did. Don’t get so hung up on what goes where. Plus there’s time. I just need a little nap.”

  Mikey sighed. “I know. You’re right. But I can’t help feeling time running out. We’re not going to have a lot of nights with the house to ourselves. It’s going to suck sleeping apart when Jasmine’s here.”

  Benny stiffened slightly, then forced himself to relax. “I know I don’t know anything about kids and or relationships, but, well, how long are you planning on hiding this,” he waved a hand between them, “from her?”

  Mikey mimicked his gesture. “This? Forever.” He forced a weak smile. Benny didn’t take the bait, just stared at Mikey.

  “Honestly? I don’t know, man. I don’t know how I’m supposed to do this. I feel like I’m making everything up as I go.”

  Benny drew patterns on Mikey’s chest, fingers tickling through his dark hair. He stared at his fingers as if they were the most fascinating thing in the world. “Do you want to do this?”

  Mikey grabbed his hand and brought it up to his lips for a kiss. “More than anything. I just don’t know how.”

  “I don’t know how either.”

  “One day at a time, I guess.”

  Benny laughed, “Yeah. One day at a time. Now let me sleep a little and then you can wake me up and do all the dirty things to me your little heart desires.”

  Mikey kissed him and pulled him closer. “Deal.”

  Benny couldn’t sleep. He waited until Mikey’s breathing had settled into a deep, steady rhythm, and then slipped out of bed.

  A second weather front had moved in on the heels of the first one, and the rain beat hard against the windows. Benny didn’t turn on the lights as he moved through the dark rooms cautiously, skirting boxes and out of place furniture. His eyes would adjust.

  A sharp gust of wind and rain made him shiver, despite the T-shirt and sleep pants he wore. He’d claimed Mikey’s old high school shirt when he found it as they’d been packing his room. Wearing it reminded him of easier times.

  Not better times, necessarily. But easier, and more innocent. Benny’s memories of high school were barely a decade old, and yet in his mind, they were overlaid with the golden, dusty haze of an endless summer afternoon.

  High school Ben
ny would fall down on his knees in thanks if he had somehow known that Mikey Washington was sleeping upstairs in their bed.

  No, not their bed. Benny’s bed. And it was only temporary. Tomorrow Benny went back to sleeping alone.

  There was no doubt in his mind that he was in love with Mikey. More accurately, he had never fallen out of love with Mikey, and now that he knew the feeling was mutual, it was impossible to hold his emotions in check. Events and emotions had swept his feet out from under him like a flooded river.

  Benny sighed and leaned his arm against the fridge. A new piece of paper on the door caught his eye, and he smiled. It was the black bite-me heart he’d made at the Children’s Museum. Someone, probably Chris, had dug it out of a box and stuck it under the magnet he usually used for takeout menus.

  Resting his forehead against his arm, Benny pulled open the door and searched for something cold to drink. He could still taste Mikey on his tongue, and feel the phantom pressure of his legs wrapped around his hips.

  The two remaining cans of beer called to him from their spot on the top shelf. He just needed something to shut his brain off, to make it stop spinning. It might ease the pain a little bit, too. His knees and his back were killing him. The massage and orgasm had helped, for sure, but the naproxen he’d taken before bed barely touched the pain. He couldn’t risk taking anything stronger.

  It had been a close call with Troy and Dmitri today. Both of them were too damn perceptive and knew too much about how the military worked. Benny had avoided hanging out with other vets since the day he’d gotten out. They always wanted to talk about things Benny would rather not talk about. And once they found out about his bad discharge, they either treated him like a leper or sympathized a little too much with him, going off on how they were fucked over by the man and how they were going to fight it.

  They were full of shit. No one fought the U.S. Government and won.

  Once Troy found out, and Benny had no illusions that he could keep Troy from finding out, he would start to pull back. And there would go Dmitri, and then Angel and Jay would go, too, because let’s face it, they were friends with Dmitri and Troy first.


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