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Runt of the Litter (Halfbreed Chronicles Book 1)

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by Hemlock, Isabelle

  They look at each other briefly, and I grab the last few papers and stuff them haphazardly into my bag, before reaching for the door, realizing it’s a two seater and they have to let me out. Sure, I could just hop out, but seeing as we got half the town looking at us already, I figure better to not draw any more attention to us. Realizing I’m trying to leave, the raven steps out, and begins to open the door, as I try to slide out as smoothly as possible. She might be out of my league, but that doesn’t mean I should trip over myself even more than I already have. Once I’m standing fully erect, I realize she’s barely moved back from the door, not really allowing me the quick exit that I had hoped.

  The other townspeople, and even the bus,driver seeing that I’m seemingly okay, begin to move about once more, going about with their lives, while I’m stuck between a car I just fell into, and a woman who could seemingly turn just about any man into a puddle of mush. I try not to stare, and look down, realizing I’m getting an all too good view of her almost bare legs - ripped shorts that go down to her thighs, and black lace stockings, that end in biker boots, not unlike the kind Lou wears. Figures, she’d be a perfect match for someone like him. But for me, I probably look like a ridiculous creature, standing next to a beauty like her.

  “Eyes up here buddy.”

  Instantly my eyes shoot up, after realizing I’ve just been caught checking her out. Just as quickly though, I feel her eyes do the same, and I immediately try to make myself taller, and not look so meek under her gaze. I don’t know why I bother, but maybe it’s just nature in me trying to strut like a peacock under the gaze. Finally, I got something to reply with, “Eyes up here lady.”

  I never claimed to be original.

  She doesn’t respond quite as quickly as I did, seemingly lingering on the tight grip I’m giving my leather bag across my chest - letting what seems like a good half minute pass - before her big eyes come to meet mine, “You have a habit of landing in ladies’ cars?”

  “You got a habit of running men over?,” I’m surprised by how easy the retort came, even with her lush lips smirking at me.

  “That was my sister Savannah’s doing, and I’m sure she feels horrible as is - “ The brunette chimes in from behind me, starting to strew apologies, but neither of us seem all that phased by it, at least not enough to break our gaze, “Besides, we didn’t run you over, you practically ran over us when you tumbled into the car. If you needed a ride, you could’ve just asked.” She steps a little closer, standing merely a few inches away and I can tell she’s sniffing me by the way her nostrils flare ever so slightly. A human might not have noticed the subtle move, but I sure as heck did, and I back away a little, not sure what she could possibly be trying to accomplish, “Excuse me?”

  She realizes she’s been caught redhanded, but instead of backtracking she just looks at me, and I feel more confused than ever. This feels like the longest interlude I have ever had with a woman, besides Liam’s wife, Haley of course. I mean, to most humans, I’m decent looking, with my blonde hair, and blue eyes. And I’m 5’11 - tall enough for a human man, and as I now realize, just as tall as the woman before me. Neither of us have to look up or down at one another, we’re just equal in our gaze, and I can’t help but soften a little.

  I’m probably reading more into it, but for a second, I smell a change in her pheromones, and I perk up a little, surprised that I even care in the first place. It’s not that no one has ever showed interest in me, or that I’m not curious about love (or Hell, just even sex). But I have yet to meet a halfbreed like me, and though my brother lucked out with a human, I think she’s the exception in her willingness to tolerate us. And I won’t even begin to discuss the ludicrous notion of a pureblood falling for a halfbreed. It just doesn’t happen.

  Finally, she speaks, and I’m kind of surprised she doesn’t just climb back in the car, but instead insists on finding out more about me. I don’t get it. But um, okay.

  “So what’s your name sugar?”

  Never having been called any other nickname but “runt”, I’m getting a little too happy at her nicknames for me, and though I try to tell myself she’s just friendly and calls everyone these names, I go with it anyway. Even if it’s just for a few more minutes, I like the feeling of her kindness. But then I remember I have this ludicrous name, and I wished I was as smooth as Lou, who would just come up with something quick on the spot. I shift a little, from one leg to the next, my hands still gripping my broken bag tightly to avoid the papers falling out, “Uh, it’s - it’s Avery. Avery Gallagher.”

  She practically snorts, and once again, I feel about five inches tall. I could just walk away, and half a mind to do just that, but just as I’m about ready to bolt, she catches my look, and her tone changes immediately - as if she wants to explain herself. She doesn’t really seem the type to explain herself to anybody, so though my pride is about as wounded as can be, I remain in place.

  “I wasn’t laughing at you, it’s just that our parents had the same idea.”

  My brow lifts quizzically, and luckily she doesn’t make me guess what she means, “My name is Connolly, Riley Connolly. See? Both our parents gave us unisex names. It’s kind of cosmical that we ran into each other then.”

  “Well you ran into me - “ I mumble, and she smirks before laughing. And I pause realizing she laughed at my joke, not me. Kinda nice to be honest. Still, I realize just how late I must be, and I try to be polite about it, but I really have to get going, “I’m sorry, but I need to get to an appointment, so though it was nice to meet you . . . ”

  I didn’t think she’d push it any further, chalking up her general disposition to nothing more than a general kindness she extends to everyone, but here she is, pulling out one of the pages from my haphazard pile and is so close to me, I could pull her into my arms I get a whiff of her scent - a mix of lilies, and honey - and my mouth begins to water. I’ve never had a strong physical attraction to anyone before, but I can’t help but keep looking at her, for as long as she lets me . . . “Got a pen?”

  I look down and realize she’s folded the paper, presumably to write something, though I don’t know what for. I try to hold the remainder of papers in place, before reaching into my back pocket and letting her take the pen. She jots something down quick enough, then goes to hand me back both items. Once I reach for them, our fingertips connect just for a moment, but as soon as they do, I feel a kind of electric shock happen. How quickly she pulls her own hand back, tells me she felt it, too. Though now she seems to have grown almost as sheepish as me. Almost.

  “I wrote down my name and number. Why don’t you call me when you get done with your appointment, and you can take me out tonight.”

  She says it more as a statement, not a question, and I’m not sure she knows what she means. Maybe she hit her head when the car collided with me. Just in case she’s confused, I chuckle, nervously, “Take you where?”

  She puts her hands on her hips, and I can see just how small her waist is under that denim jacket. Worried she might notice the drool that inevitably must be coming at any moment, I don’t speak again until she responds, “A date, silly - seven work for you?”

  Why even give me her number then, if she plans on arranging this date here and now? But wait, is this really happening? I feel more confused than ever, but who am I to say no to her? I merely nod my head, not wanting to argue against any reasoning that is allowing her to spend more time with me. She smiles, her white teeth shining against the red lipstick. Something inside me stirs a little, and for some reason all I can think about, is how she’d look with that same lipstick smeared on my skin.

  Get a grip, I tell myself, but the way her scent wafts passed me (as she finally moves out of the way for me to go), has got me slightly lightheaded. I kind of feel like following her around like a lost puppy, though I have no idea why. She climbs into her car, and looks up at me from about my waist level. The position of our bodies is giving me obscene thoughts, and I’m glad when she suggests the
local bar, so her sister can drive off, before they notice the erection starting to strain my jeans.

  Chapter. 4 – Riley

  “Gotta say, I never expected you to fall for a guy like that.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?,” the tone of my voice sounds almost vicious, like I’m daring my sister to try to say one mean thing about Avery. I feel strangely protective about him already, and we both know what’s happening here . . . I couldn’t deny it, even if I wanted to.

  “You know what I mean, relax,” she turns the corner, and heads to the fields nearby. I fight against looking back in hopes to catch another glimpse of him. Somehow, I managed to play it cool, but really on the inside, my wolf was pushing against my skin. For whatever reason, I felt drawn to him in a way that I’ve never felt before. I’ve been with a man or two, but it was almost just to prove that I could enjoy sex - not that I wanted them in particular. But with Avery, I felt something almost carnal stirring inside me, and the inner wolf who I rarely allow to the forefront, kept pushing its fur under my skin, ready to jump him, too. I could smell his own hormones changing when he looked me up and down, and I had no problem letting him enjoy the view, but I already want to get lost in his eyes, so I insisted on having them look at me whenever possible.

  It was then that I noticed how hard he was holding onto his broken bag, and I couldn’t help but imagine those same hands clinging to me at night . . . I never expected to be the swoon worthy type, but there I was, feeling dizzy at the slightest touch between our fingers. What would happen if we did kiss, and touch, and have sex? Would it really turn out he’s my mate, and finally I’d understand what all those other packmates mean when they talk about making love, versus just sex?

  The one thing I knew for sure, as dizzy as I felt, it would have been even harder to say goodbye so quickly to him already,. And so even if it came across as forward or brass, I needed to know I’d be seeing him again soon, in order to accomplish anything else today. I already feel clingy, and protective, and almost desperate - though it didn’t really seem he felt the same powerful tug that I did. Is it different for halfbreeds? Do they not have that same invisible string tying them to their mates, that purebloods do? Worse, would that mean that one day, it wouldn’t that hard for him to leave me? I have never heard of such a thing between mates - but then again, I’ve never heard of a werewolf falling for a halfbreed.

  But I know what he is, and for some reason, I don’t care.

  Even though there was no physical manifestation of his wolf form, a quick flash over his eyes made me know who, and what, he was. I saw his inner wolf twice - once, when he jumped over us into the backseat. His wolf was making sure he didn’t get hurt, and took over to help him land safely. The other time was when he was looking me over, and I could tell that both he - the man, and he - the wolf liked what they saw. I don’t find myself repulsive by any means, but not all that and a bag of chips either. But when his hormones flushed his cheeks at the sight of my legs, I can honestly say I never felt sexier. It’s like for a second, I somehow managed to make him squirm, in the most delicious ways.

  The only way I knew he wasn’t a pureblood, was because I could smell it on him - wolf like, but not quite (mixed with the delicious scents of vanilla and sandalwood).

  For Savannah, and I, we’ve only spent time with other werewolves. It’s not uncommon nowadays to meet all kinds of creatures, especially at the conventions, but my Daddy has never been all that keen on anyone else, and neither I, nor my sister, had enough change to go off on our own for a weekend of one of those “Get to Know Your Monster Neighbor” retreat.

  It’s always been werewolves, or humans - who’ve only vaguely been aware of our existence. But now, Avery’s crashed into my life, and suddenly, all I want to do is grab his pale face between my hands and lean into his warm, ripped body.

  The thought of how soft his lips might be against mine, is still swirling in my mind, when Savannah gets us to the festival site. I could care even less now of getting anything done, but if it passes the time until I can see him again, then so be it.

  “Riley, it’s only two hours - you’ll live.”

  I bite my lip, because part of me wants to slap my hand across her shoulder. It’s not so simple, time feels even slower now, when I’m not near him. I can barely put one foot in front of the other, much less get anything accomplished for this festival. No, I really don’t want to be here, I want to be climbing into Avery’s lap . . .

  “ . . . Hey if anything, why don’t we talk about what you’re wearing for this date tonight, to get your mind off the time?”

  I keep letting myself be surprised by my sister. The little big one who knows all about me, and even though I can’t imagine Avery interests her nearly as much as me, she’s willing to do the prepwork beside me, while I talk about this date (if only to get things done). I don’t really care what the motive is, because in all honesty, it’d be good for me to look a little less biker chique tonight. It seems to help a guy treat you like a lady, when you actually look like one (even if he was checking out my biker boots hard), “Sure.”

  I pretend not to have any emotion connected to the reply, but she knows exactly what’s going on inside me - she sees how deep my still waters run, and is more than happy to help a sister out. If I wasn’t plotting my escape across the field, I might even be able to show a little gratitude.

  “Riley - “

  There’s just enough concern in her voice to make me stop my stride beside her. And I look at her, unsure where her worry is coming from, “He’s got you all Rile-d up, doesn’t he?”

  I’m pretty sure my eyes have never rolled further back into my eye sockets, “You’ve been wanting to use that line all your life, right?”

  She nods excitedly, more like a kid than a teenager, and I wrap my arm around her neck, silently thanking her for the break in my own thoughts. While we prep, we can talk about clothes, and maybe shop for an outfit before the date - because soon enough, I’ll get Avery under my claws.

  Chapter. 5 – Avery

  I’m running about ten minutes late, and apologize profusely to the Johnson’s, but they don’t seem all that bothered, and since I’ve never been late before, are quick to dismiss it. I manage to get through the motions, but to be honest, I’m having a hard time keeping the adrenaline down. My fingers keep tapping the pen on the table, my leg bobs up and down a little, and within fifteen minutes I’ve scanned twenty pages of numbers, without even as much of an idea what the heck I just looked at. All my brain wants to focus on is how I can get Riley’s legs wrapped my hips.

  “Mr. Gallagher, you alright?”

  The elderly Mrs. Johnson shakes my mind free from the thought, embarrassingly so, and I apologize and explain how I was in a slight car accident. They are very understanding and insist I head home to recuperate. I feel slightly guilty that I didn’t explain I was just fine physically, just painfully distracted by a strange lady I met along the way, but if it meant I could take their files home, and take care of the paperwork tomorrow, then so be it. We shook hands, and I walked them to their car, trying to feign politeness, and apologizing, promising to take a better look in the morning. Surely by then, some of the adrenal would die down a little, or so I hoped.

  Once they drove off, I practically bolted back to the bus station. I don’t know why I had the slimmest sliver of hope that Riley would still be there, and I definitely couldn’t understand why it was so disappointing to realize she wasn’t. I was feeling so confused by just about everything, that even on the bus ride home, I could barely form anything other than questions that swirled around my mind, in annoying repetition:

  “Who was she really?”

  “Why was she interested in me?”

  “Did she really ask me on a date, or was she just - well really what else could she have meant with ‘taking’ her out?”

  “Why me though?”

  By the time I get home, I’m about as confused as could be, and wandered into
house, via the kitchen side door. For some reason, Lou’s not here. I can’t smell the oakwood and appleblossom scents he usually wafts through the place, and instant relief floods my pores. He’d ask me how the meeting went, and because I’m already feeling guilty for having lied to the Johnson’s, I’m pretty sure I’d blab the truth. Which would have earned me unanswerable questions from my big brother, that would merely mimic my own.

  My legs feel a little wobbly, all the adrenaline from earlier seemingly draining from my body. I lug forward just enough to catch a kitchen chair nearby, and plant myself in the hard wood. I sit there for what feels like hours, still trying to figure out if I’m actually going or not. She seemed to want to go on a date, but maybe she was just trying to make it up to me, for me almost having been killed. Maybe I’m reading too much into this. But then again, if a human has got me this stirred up, maybe it’d be a good idea to talk to Liam, he was always the wisest when it came to common sense. And he ended up mating a human, so maybe he could lend me some tips on what dating is like for a halfbreed anyways. I mean, I’m pretty human myself, but am I going to have some sort of animalistic response in bed if something happens with Riley?


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