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Runt of the Litter (Halfbreed Chronicles Book 1)

Page 3

by Hemlock, Isabelle

  My cock instantly twitches at the thought of ending up rolling around in a bed with her - the raven Goddess, who could lick her lips, and make me do her bidding. As uncomfortable as I am right now at the thought of what lies ahead, I’m also too excited to deny it. For so long, I’ve been like a statue, the sun rising and setting around me, one day going into the next, without much change. An almost mundane existence.

  Now, tonight, something will be different, and I’m both terrified, and ready all at the same time. I resolve to pick up the phone and call my oldest brother after all, if anything for some guidance. He picks up after a few rings, “Hi Liam, how’s Haley feeling?”

  Haley and Liam have been married for just over two years, and were both surprised, albeit pleasantly, when she got pregnant. Of course the excitement was short lived, considering most pregnancies don’t go well for our mixed kind. A lot of anxiety had been plaguing them both, but every day she got closer to the quickening helped ease some of it. Once the fetus kicked, they contacted the Council (as is protocol), and supposedly, someone is coming out to share the results of the blood test taken last week, to see what kind of creature it is. The babies that are born to us halfbreeds, have a few possibilities: they are either halfbreeds as well, are fully human, or inherit the one magical quality that one parent has. Well at least, supposedly those are the possibilities. I haven’t found one case of a fullblooded werewolf who came from a halfbreed and human.

  If the baby turns out to be a halfbreed, the birth could be difficult, so Haley would most likely get moved to a nearby safe house for the remainder of the pregnancy, and we’d all pray for everyone involved. More than one human has died giving birth to our kind, and though better medicine and more Council OB’s have helped, it’s another reason why I haven’t jumped onto the bandwagon of mating with a human. There’s a lot of pain involved, and I can’t imagine if something were to happen to Haley, how Liam would hold up. Would I be able to carry on, if I killed my mate?

  “Hi Avery, she’s doing good today - she’s excited for the test results when the specialist gets here. Seven days and counting.”

  He does sound a little cheerful, more than he’s been in a while. And so I don’t feel like I’m burdening him, when I just dive right into it, “I just wanted to call, because somehow, I landed myself a date tonight.”

  “Oh really?,” I can just picture him wiggling his eyebrows, and though I really don’t want to discuss romance with him, I trudge forward, because I’m desperate for information.

  “Yeah, and - well, she’s human.”

  He sighs, obviously smarter than I give him credit for, if he’s already deduced why I’m calling, “So you figured I’d give ya the run down of how that works, and all?”

  “Kind of,” I’m not sure how to word the next part, but it’s the biggest question I have, so I figure while his patience is still at the forefront, I’ll ask away, “I guess I just wanted to know, before I even allow myself to move forward - is it worth it?”

  There’s a pause, and I imagine Liam looking back at his wife, who I don’t hear nearby, but who must be, since my brother never allows her out of sight nowadays, with the danger of the pregnancy looming over them, “Yeah, it’s worth it.” I can tell he’s smiling, and that’s really all I need to hear. I’ll figure out the rest myself, because whatever Liam did to snag Haley, would not work on Riley. Those two are about as different as could be, “Thanks bro, I appreciate it.”

  “Remember, use protection - Night.”

  He hangs up and I remain frozen in place, back to the statue, all too used to the ridiculous ways my brothers try to tease me. But the sex joke is a new one. I’m as virgin as they come. I know better than to assume that that would somehow change tonight, I have never been the cocky kind (literally). And I definitely don’t plan on being the kind of guy who thinks a woman owes him anything, just because she wants a date.

  I put the receiver on the hook, and figure I might as well do some of the paperwork I’m being paid for, if anything to get the bloodflow back to my brain and away from my dick. I’m sure it’ll pop right back up as soon as I take a shower, and get dressed for later, but for now, I’ll try take my mind off of it all, with some familiar work.

  Chapter. 6 – Riley

  Savannah, always the kind one, drops me off in front of the bar. She told me that if Avery really turns out to be the one, that I had her full support, but I don’t even know what I’m feeling. Avery is so different than anything my Daddy would have picked, it would be an uphill battle from the start. But still, knowing I have Savannah’s support (even if I doubt she’d be able to defend us physically until she’s come into her abilities), means a lot, and I’ve even enjoyed some sisterly bonding as she helped me get an outfit put together. I kept the biker boots and the black lace stockings (since Avery seemed to linger his eyes there earlier), but I changed the jacket for Savannah’s, a black cardigan, and bought a short navy colored flare dress. It hugs at the waist, and though it covers the goods, it gives a nice idea of my breast size. I have every intention of making sure he knows what’s waiting for him, if he tries to make a move to get me in bed eventually . . . though how easily I’d fall into his bed, seems a little strange, since I’ve only talked to the man for ten minutes.

  When my sister drives off, I turn to head inside the bar, and spot about as cute as a scene as I could have imagined. Avery is in the back - probably trying to hide in the dark - but in front of him, on the table, is a bouquet of lilies. And as if my heart couldn’t melt anymore, I see how he dressed himself up. A button up, underneath a vest, with khaki colored slacks. He couldn’t fit in any less with the crowd if he tried. But I think that’s what’s drawing me in. That he’s so absolutely different than any man or werewolf I’ve met. I can’t imagine my father dressing like him, or (as much as he loved my mother) bringing her flowers. He showed his love in a different way, and so will Avery. If I can get him to fall for me that is.

  A part of me should be hesitant, but I can’t help but be propelled forward by some invisible force inside me. Like one magnet, to another, I step forward, certain of where I’m going. Certain of where I’m ending up, “Hello handsome.”

  His blue eyes bat up my way, and I’m already ready to climb into his arms. There’s an ache in the pit of my stomach, when my body realizes I’m not listening to it, and instead take my own seat across from him. But even now, my knees are so close to his, that it wouldn’t be hard to brush up against him a little, “Miss me?”

  Avery smiles, and looks down, and I want to ruffle that carefully brushed hair a little. He looks like he just took a shower, and it dried into a perfect coif with no hint of the slight waves that I adored earlier today. I prefer to imagine him au natural with those waves rocking back and forth on top of me, but I need to keep it together a little bit. We are in a public space after all. When he returns his attention to me, he almost shyly pushes the flowers towards me, “I got these for you, I hope you like lilies.”

  I’ve never been a flower kind of a girl, but I could learn to appreciate it, if he insists on keeping these gestures up. I take a whiff, the familiarity surprising me, until he explains that he thinks I smell like them.

  So he had managed to get a whiff of me after all - and I smelled like flowers? Not fur, or dog, or even sweat - but flowers?

  I can barely contain the smile hiding behind the bouquet, “I love them, thank you.”

  The next hour passes so quickly, I didn’t even realize how thirsty I was. The bar in town is the kind of place where you order with the bartender, ain’t nobody coming out to serve you. The glass of water Avery had in the beginning had already been emptied a while ago, and I really don’t want to end the natural flow of conversation we’ve had. I got to find out, amongst other things: that Avery is the youngest of triplets, and his older brothers tease him just like all older siblings do. His mother didn’t stick around, and his Dad died about eight years ago. He’s got a college degree, and I’m envious. He�
��s actually traveled outside the state for his schooling, while I’ve only gotten to roam the local woods.

  On my end, I shared about being one of two, and how dear Savannah is to me - even if she can’t drive well (which makes him smile so big, I want to do whatever it takes to keep that smile on him). I mention how my mother died young, and I don’t really remember her well, and Savannah, not at all. I talk about how much of a leader my father is among his pack of friends (careful how I word things in case humans are listening). He listens to it all, and chimes in with questions here and there, but otherwise, our conversation is so fluid, that I can’t believe it’s our first time really talking.

  But my thirst is strong, and my throat a little sore, and I promise to return quickly, just needing a quick top off with whatever beer is ready now, behind the bar. Avery being as kind as can be, offers to pay for me, and begins to stand up, but I stop him by waving my hand - determined to keep some sort of independence, “A girl can buy her own drink nowadays, but thanks hun.” He looks a little unsure, as if maybe I’m just testing him, and really do want him to take charge, but I leave him to his thoughts, as I head to the bar nearby.

  Of course, because I only had eyes for Avery, I hadn’t really noticed the other menfolk crowding the place, and as I sneak by for the drink, one of these brutes figures it’s fair game to hit one me - on a date with somebody else. Classic. He tries to get close, saying all the cheesy one liners he can think of, and at first I ignore him, but then he actually has the gall to put an arm around my shoulder, as if my ignorance wasn’t enough of a hint. I don’t even bother looking at him, instead a low growl deep from within my chest resonates between us, and without a moment’s hesitation, the stranger backs off, unsure of what the Hell he just heard. I smile to myself, fully appreciative that I can handle whoever tries to invade my personal space, and grab the beer a minute later. I figured that maybe Avery would want one, too, so I ask for a second one, before turning around to head back to the table.

  But suddenly I realize he’s not there anymore, in fact, the flowers still sit in the chair beside mine - and though I had hoped he had just snuck off to the bathroom, I spot the 5 dollar bill under the ketchup bottle. I got ditched, and I’m so angry, that one bottle breaks right there in my hand. However, because of the earlier growl, no one comes near me, and I stomp out of the bar, snatching the flowers along the way, as I go looking for Avery. If anything, he owes me a ride home.

  I shove the door open so hard, it slams into the wall outside, before swinging closed again - but not before I hear someone behind me insisting I be careful. I huff, because I got no time for interruptions. I need to sniff Avery out from whatever hole in the wall he fell into. Too bad the weather is changing, and with the sun having set, and a light rain coming our way, the air is so damp, I’m having a hard time picking it up.

  I round the corner, hoping I chose the right direction, and find Avery hiding in the alleyway. By the way he’s standing, his nostrils flared, and his hands clenched in fists, he looks about as angry as I do, but I have no clue why - he’s the one who ditched me, “Hey Avery, what the Hell happened?”

  He doesn’t respond right away, in fact he sort of twitches upon realizing it’s my voice who’s so irate. Just from the way he shoots his glare at me, I can tell he’s defensive, and I’m honestly so confused, that I don’t exactly know how to respond.

  “What happened was -,” he looks away from me, as if it’s too much to see my face at the moment, “I wasn’t going to stick around and watch you leave with someone else.”

  Wait, what? “What are you talking about? I wasn’t - ,” and then I remember the bar jerk, and realize what it must have looked like from his point of view. Seeing some girl put her arm around Avery would have made me explode, and I can understand why he felt the need to leave. Approaching a little more gently now, I carefully step forward, even though he practically flinches when he sees I’m still aiming to get close to him, “Avery listen - I don’t even know that jerk, he just felt the need to touch me, and I put him in his place. I growled at him, and that’s that. I didn’t even talk to the guy.”

  His shoulders relax a little, and he looks - confused. He must not understand the hold he’s already got on me, if he honestly thinks it would be that easy for me to walk away from a date, just because some stranger put the moves on me in a bar, “You know why I didn’t go off with that guy?”

  He merely shakes his head, still none the wiser it seems, and I realize that I just have to be blunt with this guy. I step forward, merely inches away from him, and feel the heat radiating between us. It’s so obvious, I wonder if our clothes are steaming under the light drizzle, “Because I was on a date with you. Right where I wanted to be.”

  I make a move, placing my empty hand on his chest, and I swear his heartbeat is so fast, I can’t even keep up with the count. I had been underestimating the kind of effect I was having on him. Feeling a little more confident, I inch forward, leaning in for a kiss, because I’m done imagining what his lips would feel like against mine.

  I close my eyes, and part my lips ever so slightly . . .


  Chapter. 7 – Avery

  I want to. Dammit, I want to so bad, but I can’t allow this to go any further without saying the truth. There’s rules about sharing what you are with humans, about us creatures, but I also can’t allow this to continue, and break both our hearts. Her hand on my chest, feels like it’s radiating heat from the center of my being, and straight down to my dick. I can’t imagine what it’ll feel like to actually have her touch me anywhere else, and my cheeks feel hot, even in the cold winter air. When she leans into me, actually wanting to kiss me, I want to give in, I really, really do. But just as her lips are about to reach mine, I tense up, afraid of what she’ll do once she finds out I’m a halfbreed. If she runs in the opposite direction now, maybe my heart wouldn’t completely break in half. With a. practically agitated, grunt at myself, I stop her in her tracks, “Wait.”

  Her eyes flutter open, and I almost hate myself because she looks like she had wanted to get lost in that kiss, in me. But I can’t allow myself to get lost in her, until I know that she knows what I am, “Riley - I need to tell you something.”

  She looks absolutely bewildered, yet waits patiently while I try to gather enough courage to tell a human not only about myself, but also about the magical community I belong to. Deep breath, “I - I’m a halfbreed.”

  Just as I was about to explain what that means, I’m shocked when she finally pulls her hand away, and shrugs, almost casually, “Yeah, I know.”

  “You know?,” the shock must be on my face, because I can see the beginnings of a smile forming on her lips, though she’s trying hard not to laugh. I have no idea what could be funny in the moment, but luckily, she doesn’t leave me in suspense, “Avery, I knew right away what you are, I smelled it on you.”

  I shake my head, utterly confused, “You smelled me?”

  She nods her head, like it’s nowhere near as big of a deal as I think it is, and finally she reads my confusion, “Yeah, I smelled you - wait, hun, do you not realize . . . ?” She stares at me so intently, that I realize she’s trying to read whatever she thinks lies deep in my soul, but I don’t back away, because frankly I have no idea what she’s trying to get at.

  “I’m a werewolf.”

  If it wouldn’t have looked so comical, I think I would jumped in the air from shock, but I stay grounded, at first trying to play it cool, but then my own nervous chuckle vibrates up from my throat, and spills out embarrassingly from my mouth, “You- you’re a pureblood?”

  It’s Riley’s turn to look confused, “You didn’t realize? Didn’t you smell me, too?”

  I finally lean on the brick wall behind me for support, my eyes already feeling wild from the surprise, “Well I did, but I obviously didn’t get a good enough whiff, if I couldn’t tell that you - “ I look back at her, trying to see the difference from the Riley I knew just m
oments before, to who I realize she is now. But everything I imagined a werewolf to be: arrogant, crass, and/or hairy, doesn’t seem to be her at all, “ - why did you ask me out?” I want to ask if it was some sort of dare, just to see if the creeping fear starting to form in the back of my mind, is right. Is this a thing that werewolves do?

  “Avery, I thought you were feeling the same way I did.”

  She says it like she’s not so sure I feel anything for her, and suddenly I realize how wrong we both were - she thinks I’m stronger than I am, and should have realized what she was, recognized her, and picked up on her flirtations. And I thought she was weaker than she is, a human, who had no idea what she was getting into. I have never heard of a pureblood and halfbreed mixing, and really don’t even know what her intentions could be with me, but if she has any feelings for me - then I’m a lucky bastard.


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