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Catie Conrad: Faith, Friendship and Fashion Disasters

Page 7

by Angie Spady

  It was priceless.

  But when Sophie said we had to leave the stuff on our faces for ten minutes, THAT’S WHEN THE TROUBLE STARTED.

  After only five minutes wearing that goop, my skin started feeing a little itchy. And then A LOT ITCHY. So did Sophie’s. We couldn’t stand it any longer and rushed to the bathroom to wash it off of our faces as quickly as possible.

  Then I looked into the mirror . . .

  and FREAKED!!!!!

  A bright pink rash covered my entire face—especially around my eyes. And Sophie’s face looked even worse than mine.


  I looked like I had DIAPER RASH ON THE WRONG END!

  We had no choice but to show Mom. She quickly went to the medicine cabinet and rubbed some type of ointment onto our skin that was supposed to help with the redness. NOT. Sophie went home looking like a medical experiment gone bad.

  What started out as a perfectly good day ENDED AS THE WORST DAY EVER.

  Just ONCE I wish things could go MY WAY! But Mom reminds me that God allows us to go through bad stuff to make us stronger in our faith. I DON’T HAVE A CLUE why God allowed this CRAzY rash on my CRAzY face, but I have to trust HIM!

  Sunday, April 4

  I had no choice but to wear sunglasses to church today. It took me over an hour to get Mom and Dad’s permission to wear them, but they eventually caved. Sophie had to do the exact same thing with her parents. Anyway, we looked WAY scarier without the sunglasses, since we still had this freak face rash.

  We got lots of stares when we walked into the chapel but tried to ignore them. I hate admitting it, but I hoped that Josh would NOT be at church today. He was the LAST person I wanted to run into looking like this.


  Josh did a double take when he saw us walk in. I also noticed him whispering something to Tyler, which I’m SURE was something about how weird we looked.

  At least Tyler came up to me and seemed nice.

  “Hi, Catie. Are you okay? Is anything wrong?”

  Maybe Josh put him up to asking me?

  “I’m fine, Tyler,” I said. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Even though I was wearing sunglasses, I CLEARLY saw Tyler look at Josh and roll his eyes.

  Oh, but if MIRANDA MARONI would have been at church wearing sunglasses, Josh and Tyler would have thought she was the COOLEST girl around. They wouldn’t ask if SHE was okay. They’d just think she wore sunglasses because she was so cool.


  My face had better clear up SOON because the dance is right around the corner! Of course, there’s still that small problem of no one asking me yet. . . .

  More later . . . GTG!!!

  Tonight was S.A.D. night, and Dad had more news about the mission trip. Even though I was excited to be going, I wished Dad understood why this whole thing was BAD TIMING.

  Dad: The director of Spirit Ministries called and said to make sure to bring extra materials for crafts. He said the kids are really excited!

  Mom: That IS good news. This is going to be one awesome trip! Dr. Hamilton even donated a box of kids’ toothbrushes to bring along.

  Me: Dad, is there any way possible that you could change the date for this trip? I really have important plans and stuff.

  Germ: You don’t have any plans! Especially if you’re talking about that dumb dance! No one has even asked you! Who wants to go with a MONSTER FACE? That’s my good thing for today—Catie is a monster face.

  Me: One more word, and I won’t be hiding Rosey as a prank—I’ll hide that stink bomb for LIFE! Now that’s something GREAT!

  Dad: Okay, okay, that’s enough, you two. The dance isn’t until the week AFTER we get back, Catie. So you have plenty of time to prepare. Remember what we discussed. There will be other dances, and it’s important that we serve God.

  I cannot believe that I’m being forced to go to Arizona this week! Even though I’m excited to hang out on a rez, I MUST have my cell phone—just in case someone calls and asks ME TO THE DANCE!

  But my STONE AGE phone probably doesn’t even WORK in the southwest!

  Me: Okay, so you’re not going to believe this. We are leaving THIS WEEK for Arizona. And by this week, I mean TUESDAY—as in DAY AFTER TOMORROW!

  Sophie: Cool! I’d love to visit Arizona. I’m sure there’s not a single girl in our class who has ever been to a reservation. Not even Miranda!

  Me: SOPH! Can’t you see that I need to be HERE? We still have to make “Operation Spring Dance” a success. Know what I mean?

  Sophie: Don’t worry about it! This dance is making you CRAZY! Who knows, maybe you and the GERM may actually have fun on this trip. Oh, and FYI, I told your mother I’d feed Rosey while you guys are gone.

  Me: YUCK! Have you MET my brother? He’s HORRIBLE. And that skunk stinks!

  Sophie: LOL! It’s OK.

  Me: C U at school tomorrow. Remember, we’re wearing our new shirts.

  Sophie: I remember. I am SO pumped! C YA!

  Why did I say that about my brother? That was dumb! Even though he could be a total pain, he wasn’t horrible. Well, not usually. But I can’t think about that now. I have a TON of work to do on my fashion sketch! I might even use my new machine to finish and hem the real dress.

  Monday, April 5

  What is WRONG with me?

  I’ve been up since 6:00 AM! I’ve also been writing in this crazy diary, as you can tell. CCCRRRRAAAAzzzYYYY.

  I’m so nervous about wearing my new shirt to school today. I even asked Mom to iron it—TWICE!

  What if everyone thinks it’s hideous? And since Soph is wearing hers, too, we’ll probably BOTH be called HIDEOUS!

  I’ve decided to wear both sleeves rolled up, just to play it safe, along with my silver earrings and faded jeans. I might even wear a little strawberry lip gloss and ask Mom to braid my hair. YES!


  Sophie beat me to school and was pacing back and forth in front of my locker. She looked AWESOME in her new shirt! She also wore blue dangle earrings, a black skirt, and tall boots.

  I couldn’t believe it: my best friend was wearing a CATIE CONRAD ORIGINAL . . . AND SO WAS I!

  But we both were nervous.

  Miranda Maroni hadn’t made it to school yet. She would definitely have something RUDE to say!

  WORRIED Me: Has anyone laughed yet?

  I’ll probably start sweating and get armpit stains. I’ll DIE if that happens!

  CALM Sophie: Will you just CHILL OUT for a second? You’re acting all crazy again.

  NERVOUS Me: I’m sure Miranda will fall in the floor laughing at a pit-stained shirt with one sleeve longer than the other. What was I thinking wearing this dumb shirt to school?

  BEST FRIEND Sophie: I told you, no one will even notice it’s a homemade shirt. And WHO CARES! I love my shirt! Catie, get a grip.

  But JUST as the words left Sophie’s mouth, I heard Miranda and Emily coming up the hall. They were talking about the dance . . . OF COURSE!

  Emily: I still haven’t found a dress yet, but Mom and I are going shopping tomorrow.

  Miranda: I can hardly wait! I’ve got it narrowed between two dresses but can’t decide which I like best.

  Emily: Lucky you! I’m having the worst luck ever. Every dress is either too tight or ten sizes too big.

  At least I was a few steps ahead of Miranda since I already had a dress. But of course, she was WAY ahead of me since boys were practically lining up to ask her to the dance.

  Suddenly, Emily spotted Sophie and me at our lockers. Of course, Miranda just stood there and stared at us from head to toe. I didn’t even want to know what was going on in that brain of hers.

  Emily: I like your shirt, Sophie—especially the buttons. Cool. (Of course, Emily didn
’t tell ME that, not in front of Miranda!)

  Sophie: Thanks—I just got it yesterday. I love it too.

  Emily: Did you get it at Unique Boutique? Love that store.

  Sophie: Me too! I could stay in that store FOREVER. Oh, and nah, I didn’t get it there.

  Emily: What brand is it? Did you order it online or something?

  (Why did Emily suddenly decide to be so chatty and ask so many questions?)

  Sophie: No . . . uh . . . the brand is C.C.O. I think.

  Me: Soph, we’re late for class! We gotta go!


  She can come up with a reply in TWO SECONDS. I would have NEVER thought to call the brand of our shirts C.C.O.—which I knew stood for Catie Conrad Original. No wonder she is the class brainiac!!!

  And I’m positive that Emily liked the shirt I had on too.

  I saw how she looked at it. I bet Miranda even liked my creations—she’s just too Miranda to say something nice.

  I still can’t believe that Dad is making us leave for Arizona tomorrow.



  Since the school dance is a few days after I get back, I need to get asked to it before I leave for Arizona—like TODAY!!!!

  And the big art show is coming up too. I HAVE DOUBLE THE STRESS!!!

  If I even have a CHANCE of winning, this has to be the BEST FASHION DRAWING OF ALL TIME!


  Sophie messaged me on the computer as soon as we got home from school. Matt had texted her AND asked her to the dance!


  Sophie: Oh My Gosh. I cannot believe that Matt asked me. It’s too weird. Should I go, just as good friends, of course?

  Me: Duh. Sure you’re going! Just let me know how it goes because I don’t think I’ll be there.

  Sophie: You’ve still got one more day before you leave—right? Want me to ask Matt to ask Josh if he’s going to ask you?

  Me: Ummm . . . I don’t know. Should you? I thought he would ask Miranda.

  Sophie: I think she just talks a lot! Got to go!

  Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad Matt asked Sophie to the dance. He’s a nice guy and all that. He’d even apologized to me for the whole April Fools’ Day prank.

  But I’ll admit that I’m a little jealous.

  I kept checking my phone every ten minutes . . . and then every two minutes, hoping that Sophie would leave me a voicemail.


  No messages.



  I decided to go to my room and do what I always do to get my mind off things: PRAY and work on my fashion designs. Maybe I’ll enter an actual dress one of these days, but for now I was happy to just turn in my drawing. I hung up the real très chic dress in my closet and closed the door.




  Tuesday, April 6 (ARIZONA)


  We’re leaving for our mission trip today.

  I’m also turning in my entry for the school art contest. FINGERS CROSSED! Even though it’s not the actual dress, it’s the best drawing that I’ve ever done. I repeat—EVER. Maybe I’ll have the nerve to enter a dress in the art show next year.

  I still can’t believe that I’m leaving for Arizona right after school today.

  TODAY OF ALL DAYS! Dad’s timing could NOT be worse!

  GTG, even though I’M TOTALLY NERVOUS about going to school today.


  I wish I’d NEVER gone to school today!!!!

  T. T. T. T. T.


  Why is it that EVERY Tuesday of my life is TERRIBLE?

  As soon as I got to school this morning, I noticed Tyler and Emily talking by the lockers. I’m SURE it was about the dance, but I didn’t want to act nosy.

  Just when I was about to say hi to them, Tyler quickly walked off and barely said hi. What was with him?

  I was the one who introduced him to my friends at school and didn’t make him feel like the new kid. I was the one who tried to warn him of what a PAIN the Germ was when they came over for dinner. I was the one who warned him about Mr. Finkleman’s horrible quizzes!

  Some kind of friend HE was!


  I told Sophie all about it as we walked to our first period class. That’s when my best friend GAVE ME THE NEWS:


  Josh told Tyler all about it, Tyler told Emily, and Emily told Sophie.

  I knew it might happen, but I still couldn’t believe the boy I liked was asking . . . HER.


  At least my best friend was the one to tell me instead of Miranda rubbing it in my face. I secretly hoped they’d have a horrible time.

  (Prayer List—pray about not wishing the worst on anyone.)

  But that was just the beginning . . .

  Today was P.E.—my LEAST favorite subject!

  And on top of everything, Coach Calloway had the brilliant idea to do a VOLLEYBALL SCRIMMAGE. Yes—Miranda’s favorite sport.


  I STINK at volleyball and had been humiliated enough for one day.

  Sophie reminded me that none of the other kids even knew that I’d wanted Josh Henderson to ask me to that dance.


  But NOT bad enough for Coach to make my horrible day even WORSE! He divided teams by going around telling each kid that they were either a 1 or a 2. NATURALLY, Miranda was a 1 and I was a 2. Luckily Sophie was also a 2, so we were on the same team.

  But that meant we were playing against Miranda, who was the STAR player. Is there ANYTHING that girl can’t do?? Of course, Josh was on her team. OF COURSE! (At least Tyler and Matt were playing with Sophie and me.)

  Me: WHY on EARTH are we doing this? I’m a fashion designer, NOT a volleyball player! We are going to get CRUSHED!

  Sophie: I agree—the timing stinks! Just let Tyler or Matt go back and forth hitting it over.

  Me: But I HAVE to serve eventually! You have to have arms of steel to serve that dumb ball. Miranda has strong arms because she has to carry around her ten pounds of makeup and hair spray!

  Sophie: You’re acting all crazy again, Catie. Calm down!

  Me: Just pray that I can get this dumb ball over the net when I serve. I’m serious—PRAY!

  Then P.E. class got TOTALLY WEIRD. Even though Miranda had every reason on the planet to be happy, excited, and a show off on the court, she didn’t spike the ball one single time.


  She would set the ball up and then let everyone else take turns hitting it over the net.

  STRANGE. What was with her?

  I couldn’t help but stare. Was she sick? Had Emily finally come to her senses and told her to GET LOST? I couldn’t say that I blamed her for THAT. . . . My mind kept wondering what was up. And I must have REALLY been out of it for a second—otherwise I would have SEEN IT COMING.

  That is, I would have SEEN Josh spike the ball IN MY DIRECTION!

  Sophie ducked quickly when Josh pounded the ball over the net. And standing behind her was LUCKY ME. NOT.

  The ball SMACKED me right in the face.

  I went to the floor. I was almost positive that my nose was broken. It was even MORE embarrassing than the mustard disaster! Some of the kids gathered around and looked at me like some freak lab experiment.

  Sophie rushed over and helped me stand up. So did Josh. He was the LAST PERSON ON EARTH I wanted to talk to
! Of course he said he was sorry for spiking the ball like that.


  The only good thing to come from being hit in the face was I got to go home early. Coach Calloway called Mom and acted like I was some third grader hurt on the playground. SHEESH!!!!!

  By the time Mom arrived at school, my nose was TOTALLY SWOLLEN. It looked just like the nose on the Germ’s Mr. Potato Head.



  I’m soooo ready to go to Arizona! Maybe the rez will accept one more kid . . .

  as in FOREVER!


  We’re finally headed for the airport.


  After the volleyball embarrassment, Mom actually felt sorry for me and said I could use her phone to text Sophie. I didn’t have any time to waste!

  Sophie: Sorry you had such a horrible day. And now you have to travel! Is your nose better?

  Me: Thnx, Soph. It’s better if you consider a nose the size of an avocado to be normal.

  Sophie: Oh, stop it. Keep me posted on your trip, and I’ll give you any updates from school and get your makeup work. I wish I could visit a rez. BORING here, so you’re not missing anything. CU LATER, BFF!

  We finally made it to Arizona and drove to Trinity Church, where we’re staying for a few days. They have a large gym and showers, so it’s kinda like camping but without the bug bites.

  The only thing that STINKS (and I do mean STINKS!) is the Germ has to sleep in a cot next to me. AT LEAST he had to leave Rosey at home. THANK YOU, JESUS!

  Pastor Coleman, the group leader, came by and told us all about the Apache people. His church was really excited about us coming to help and had even collected clothing to pass out to kids who needed them.

  Suddenly I felt like a TOTAL LOSER obsessing about that goofy dress at Unique Boutique. Mom had even been nice enough to pick it up before we left and hang it in my room.


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