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Catie Conrad: Faith, Friendship and Fashion Disasters

Page 8

by Angie Spady

  Hopefully I can take it back when I get home. After all, I’m the LAST PERSON who needs it now!





  Wednesday, April 7

  Before we left for the rez this morning, Dad reminded us of Matthew 28:19: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.“

  After Dad read the passage in the Bible, I really understood why we were at the rez. I was even able to tolerate the Germ a little easier. But I wasn’t sure how we were going to tell the Apache people about Jesus.

  I’ll admit that I was a little nervous about going to the reservation. What if they don’t like us? What if they think the Germ and I are total WEIRDOS?

  Of course, the Germ IS a weirdo, so one out of two isn’t bad.

  But when we finally arrived at the rez, things went better than I’d imagined. Mr. Coleman introduced Mom and Dad to the tribal elders, and they looked over the plans for the next few days. Then we FINALLY got to meet a bunch of the kids!

  I was totally surprised to see everyone wearing T-shirts and jeans, just like the Germ and I. STRANGE. For some crazy reason, I thought I might see some cool Native American fashions, but NO SUCH LUCK. Dad reminded me that the Apache only wear fancy tribal clothes when they’re going to a powwow or some other sacred ceremony.


  Two of the girls on the rez were close to my age. Kai (whose name stands for “tall like a willow tree”) and Eleni (whose name means “intelligence”) like a lot of the same things that I do. We even like the same music!

  But why don’t I have a cool name like Kai or Eleni? I had absolutely no clue what Catie meant and made a mental note to ask Mom about it later. I wouldn’t be surprised if it stands for “unpopular,” or “girl who doesn’t dance.” I’m sure it’s something lame like that.

  Within a few hours, Mom and the other helpers had transformed the rez into an all-out VBS.

  Dad led the praise and worship, and Mom led the missions hour. The Germ and I hung out with all of the other kids.

  Mom talked about how kids in many different parts of the world aren’t even ALLOWED to learn about Jesus.

  I couldn’t believe it! There are even kids my age that RISK THEIR LIVES just so they can pray and read the Bible.


  On another note, LUNCH WAS DELICIOUS!

  Eleni’s grandmother made fry bread—which I’ve never had before. I’ll definitely have to email Sophie about this or, better yet, get her the recipe. The fry bread, or “Indian Taco,” came with all types of toppings like beans, cheese, lettuce, and spicy chilies. DELISH!!

  Kai also told us about foods they eat on special occasions. I don’t think I’ll be trying antelope or buffalo anytime soon, though. EWWWW . . .

  If Coach Calloway or Sophie were here, I’m sure they’d give it a shot! Of course, Josh and Tyler would devour it like they do everything else! LOL! Just thinking about them reminded me of all the embarrassing junk that had happened at school. I doubt if Kai or Eleni ever has to worry about girls like Miranda Maroni!

  At least the swelling on my nose was almost gone. Life on the rez was starting to look better and better. . . .

  Dad gave a message called “God as Our Creator” and talked about Genesis 1:26-27. “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, in Our likeness. They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, all the earth, and the creatures that crawl on the earth.’”

  Dad’s lesson was pretty awesome, even if he is old school. I could tell the people on the rez were really thinking about his words. He reminded everyone that instead of worshipping the sky, the rivers, or nature, we need to worship the one who CREATED all of these things. YES!!!!

  I also learned how important the land is to the Apache people. Eleni told me a really wild story about what happened to her tribe many years ago. She referred to it as the exodus of her people, and it sounded HORRIBLE. I couldn’t believe that her ancestors were forced off land that was actually theirs to begin with. HOW WRONG WAS THAT?

  It was interesting, though, that she called it an Exodus. . . . hmmmm . . .

  NOTE TO SELF: Share the Bible with Eleni and Kai, and tell them the story about the Exodus in the Bible. Even though what happened to the Jews totally stunk, God watched over them—just like He watches over the Apache people too!

  I told Kai that I could totally understand feeling like stuff wasn’t fair (like Josh and Miranda—even though that isn’t anything like what happened to her ancestors). However, we have to trust God’s Word and hang on to His promises. It’s easy to say but WAY HARD TO DO!


  There’s a girl on the rez named Tadi who acts JUST LIKE Miranda! She doesn’t play volleyball, but she brags nonstop about all of her stuff. Eleni said she also says OUT LOUD that the boys think she’s the prettiest girl on the rez—AND she wins almost every dance contest at the powwow.

  Good grief!

  The three of us decided that we REALLY need to pray for both Tadi and Miranda! Dad also reminded us that we need to pray for one another to be more patient as well.

  UGH . . . why do Dads have to be right so much?

  VBS was a blast with Eleni and Kai. I talked Mom into letting me take the lead and organize the first activity. I can’t believe I’m admitting this, but I even allowed the Germ to be my assistant. Yes, that’s what I said—he was my helper. That fry bread must have fried my brain.

  I decided our first craft would be a beaded bracelet with a cross. I’d brought all kinds of beads from my craft box at home and needed to put them to good use. From wooden beads to turquoise, I had it covered. The Germ carried around the craft box behind me, and each kid picked out the beads he or she wanted. By the end of the hour, the Germ and I had told everyone about Jesus and that the bracelet could be a reminder of His love. Eleni, Kai, and I decided to make bracelets that matched and promised to wear them everyday. IT WAS SO COOL! I even made Sophie one as a souvenir.

  Of course, the Germ had to make one for him and Rosey as well. That was pushing it.

  But after we’d made our bracelets, Kai totally surprised us. She ran next door to her house and brought over some REAL beaded Apache stuff! EVERYTHING WAS BEAUTIFUL! I’d never seen belts, moccasins, and leather pouches so pretty. Kai’s mom had taught her how to do beading when she was younger because it’s an important craft for her tribe. If only I could make bracelets like that! Maybe Kai could give me a quick lesson?

  Kai’s fancy stuff made my little VBS bracelet look a

  little plain.

  Scratch that, it looked A LOT PLAIN.

  But Kai reminded me that our matching bracelets stood for something that was way more important: JESUS!

  At the end of the day, we did a closing song that was one of my favorites—“How Great Is Our God”!

  Sophie and I always sing it at the top of our lungs at church. I could tell that most kids on the rez hadn’t heard of it. But by Thursday, I’d make sure they did!!

  “How great is our God—sing with me. . . .”

  TTYL . . .

  We finally made it back to the church, and I am SO TIRED!!

  Even though things are going great at VBS, I’m trying NOT to do the following:

  1. Obsess about what my friends are doing at home! (After all, I already know!)

  2.Think about the big dance that I’m NOT even going to.

  3.Be depressed about having to return my beautiful dress from Unique Boutique.

  Thursday, April 8

  I did not sleep last night . . . AT ALL!!!!!

  I feel like a walking zombie, thanks to THE GERM. So now I’m WIDE AWAKE at 7 AM and writing in my


  WHY don’t they make muzzles for brothers who SNORE LOUD ENOUGH TO WAKE THE DEAD?

  I threw a pillow at his head TWICE and even threatened to duct tape his mouth shut. STILL NO LUCK. The Germ’s snoring went from sounding like Darth Vader to sounding like a pig with hay fever.

  I can’t take IT ANYMORE!

  I prayed for patience

  with the Germ

  for the 3,000th time!

  Where is Sophie when I need her? I decided to send her a message this morning and check out what’s going on. Even though I’m not going to the dance. I’ll get back in time to help her with her hair.

  Me: Hi from the rez! What R U doing?

  Sophie: Just getting ready for school. Bio quiz in Finkleman’s class. U can borrow my notes when U get back. What’s up?

  Me: Getting ready to go to VBS. It’s actually pretty cool. What’s the latest on the dance?

  Sophie: Your guess is as good as mine! I did finally find a dress tho. Well, I borrowed one from a friend of Mom’s. She has a daughter who’s my size and said I could wear it. LOVE it plus saving a little $ $.

  Me: SWEET! I’m sure it will look amazing! Have u talked to Matt? He’ll probably be so shy that he won’t even dance. LOL.

  Sophie: I know, right?! We’re just friends, so it’s no big deal. Haven’t heard a single word about J and M. . . .

  Me: Trying not 2 think about it. We should get home Saturday. Will B over ASAP! GTG. The rez is calling! C’YA

  I think I’m starting to get a little homesick. I’m also still a little sad that Sophie’s going to the dance and I’m not. Oh, and I’m SURE that Miranda is back home getting her nails done, picking out earrings, blah blah blah. She’s probably bossing Emily around like an army sergeant!

  As for Josh, I’m sure he’s totally forgotten about flattening my nose with a volleyball!

  Why am I even THINKING about THEM at a time like this?!

  Even though it kills me to admit it, Josh has never given me any reason not to like him as a friend. UNLIKE Miranda, he’s actually NICE—he even volunteers to lead prayer in our Bible class. Even people who aren’t shy have a hard time leading prayers sometimes, but he does a great job. Maybe I’m being too hard on him?

  But I’m NOT being too hard on Miranda! NO WAY.

  Sometimes I have trouble understanding WHY God allows Miranda to be so rude, WHY I didn’t get asked to the dance, and WHY I’m the one with the super annoying brother? Sometimes, I just don’t get it!

  Me: It’s just NOT fair. Miranda is a total mean girl, but the cutest guy in class asks her to the dance. She makes fun of my fashions and even laughs when bad things happen to me. I’m tired of it.

  Mom: First of all, you need to tell God about it, Catie. Remember in the Bible when King David lost his son? Or when Job had all of his problems? They both told God why they were angry. That’s what we’re supposed to do.

  Me: Even if I DO tell God, how will that help with all this junk that is happening to me?

  Mom: God knows what’s best for you, even though it might not make sense at the time. Maybe He hasn’t answered your prayers for a reason. Trust me on that. And more important, trust HIM.

  Almost time for VBS. Gotta go wake up snoring Darth Vader. . . . GRRRRR

  TODAY WAS AWESOME—even though I fell asleep four times!

  When we got to the rez this morning, there were way more kids than the day before. YES! Word was starting to spread.

  After praise and worship, Mom taught a lesson about kids who live in Siberia, Russia. TALK ABOUT COLD!!! Missionary families travel to villages on dogsleds! Not only do they teach about Jesus, they also operate the only medical clinic for hundreds of miles. Some of the kids in Siberia only get to attend church a few times a year.

  Being the fashion designer that I am, I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of winter coats they wear in Siberia!


  Design a winter coat for missionaries!

  The Germ went nuts when Mom talked about dogsleds. He went on and on and on with dumb facts about Siberian Huskies! IT FIGURES.

  Maybe I can talk the Germ into going with Rosey to Siberia! Now THAT would be sweet! (Just kidding. )

  Dad’s lesson was on God as our Savior. He explained to everyone the importance of John 3:16. Because Jesus died for our sins, we can become a new person. Kai and Eleni looked a little confused.

  Kai: I don’t get it. How can I become a new person when I’m twelve years old already?

  Me: It’s easy. Just ask Jesus to come into your heart.

  Kai: Huh? What’s the catch?

  Me: There’s no catch. After that, you’re a new person and turn away from your old sinful life. Even though we still totally mess up, we’re forgiven because Jesus went before us. Check out Isaiah 43:1-2. The Lord says, “I have called you by your name; you are Mine. I will be with you when you pass through the waters.”

  Kai: Wow. I had no idea. Can you show me a little more of the things He said?

  Today’s craft hour was HILARIOUS! The Germ would probably call it something else, but hilarious is the perfect word.

  I should have known something was up when he came to the craft area with a bandanna on his head. . . .

  My crazy brother had somehow talked Mom into doing a tie-dyed T-shirt craft. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE tie-dyed stuff, but allowing the GERM near buckets of dye is a RECIPE for DISASTER.

  While Mom and I handed out T-shirts and showed the kids how to wrap rubber bands around the shirts, the Germ Genius decided to “test” everything. And by TEST, I mean the Germ decided to see if the dye really turned stuff a different color. And by STUFF, I mean his HEAD!


  It took me a few minutes to wrestle him to the ground, but when I finally pulled off the bandanna, I almost passed out from laughing!

  His head looked like a rainbow snow cone!

  All of the kids on the rez cracked up! The Germ ran inside and hung out with Dad the rest of the afternoon.

  I cannot believe I’m saying this, but I actually felt sorry for Jeremy. Maybe it was because I remember how it felt when Miranda made fun of me. Or when I smiled at Josh with a hunk of broccoli between my teeth.

  I talked Jeremy into standing beside me when we sang “How Great Is Our God” with the rest of the group. I also glanced over at Eleni and Kai. They now knew every word to the whole song!


  I saw them practicing it this morning after reading their Bibles we’d given them. Now THAT was an answer to a prayer!

  Friday, April 9

  I can’t believe it. The time has FLOWN by SO fast. Tomorrow is my last day on the rez.

  After hearing stories about missionaries on the other side of the world, not to mention the people in my own country who don’t know about Jesus, that crazy school dance was beginning to seem a little . . . well . . . CRAZY.

  Maybe I overreacted a little about the whole Miranda and Josh thing. . . . I was ready to forget all about it and help Mom get ready.

  Dad’s last lesson was “God as Our Enabler.” He reminded us of 1 CORINTHIANS 12:4-7: “Now there are different gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different ministries, but the same Lord. And there are different activities, but the same God activates each gift in each person.”

  I wasn’t quite sure what Dad was trying to say and talked with him about it at lunch.

  Me: God may have given us all different gifts, but I have NO CLUE what mine is supposed to be. Not. A. Clue.

  Dad: Sure you do. I can easily think of several: you’re very creative, you’re a great artist, and you have great fashion sense.

  Me: You really think so? Thanks, Dad. But it’s not like that MEANS anything. I want to serve God, but I really doubt I can do that with a sketc
h pencil and paper.

  Dad: Maybe you should sit still and let God decide that. What’s inside your heart is what matters, and it leads us to serve God in different ways. Just wait, you’ll see in due time.

  Sometimes I really don’t like the words in due time. To me that feels like “it’s never going to happen!”

  But I don’t have time to think about that now. The rez kids and their tribal elders just announced they have a surprise for our family at lunch. MORE LATER!

  This was the BEST DAY I’ve EVER had at ANY Vacation Bible School!

  After the praise service, Mom and I got together the supplies for the perfect craft: picture frames.

  For the last two days, Dad has been taking photos of everyone without telling them about Mom’s frame surprise. After a little help from the Germ and me, each kid painted a wooden picture frame and decorated the sides with painted bottle caps. Kai and Eleni freaked when Dad gave them a picture he’d taken of the three of us. Kai spelled out Jesus = Love on her frame, and Eleni wrote B.F.F. on hers. I made one too and couldn’t wait to put the picture of us in my room.

  BUT THAT’S NOT THE HALF OF IT: The tribe decided that because it was our last day on the rez, they’d host a small POWWOW to celebrate everything they’d learned about Jesus.

  Can you say AWESOME????

  Every single person on the rez wore colorful costumes. Eleni and Kai looked like princesses in their native leather-hide dresses. VERY FASHIONABLE. Eleni even wore a turkey feather in her hair. THEY LOOKED AMAzING. Their parents wore pants and shirts made out of buffalo hides, and beautiful beaded belts were tied around their waists.


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