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Catie Conrad: Faith, Friendship and Fashion Disasters

Page 9

by Angie Spady

  BUT. THEN. IT. HAPPENED: Eleni and Kai invited us to JOIN THEM in the dance!


  Eleni tied a beautiful leather belt with feathers around my waist and also surprised me with a long turquoise necklace. Kai surprised me with two beaded bracelets that wrapped around my wrists. I’m sure that it took a LONG time to make them because the beads were so tiny. Kai actually GAVE them to me! She said it was to thank me for telling her about Jesus.

  Maybe I was beginning to see one of my gifts from the Spirit. Maybe it was simply telling others about Jesus!

  Eleni’s dad gave my dad a small drum as a gift, and Kai’s grandmother wrapped a beautiful woven shawl around Mom’s shoulders. One of the Apache boys even gave the Germ a headband with feathers and had braided a miniature one for Rosey.

  Then all of us danced to the beat of Apache drums, held hands, and thanked God for His Son. IT WAS THE BEST DANCE EVER.

  I couldn’t wait to tell Sophie!

  Saturday, April 10

  It stunk having to tell everyone good-bye, but we promised we’d be back. Maybe if we save our money and really try to cut corners, we can afford to stay longer next time and bring more supplies. To be perfectly honest, I don’t need any new clothes, and I certainly don’t have to have a new cell phone. That seems totally weird now.

  While we waited at the airport, Dad was already hard at work on his laptop. Hopefully his new article, “A Powwow for Jesus” will draw enough interest so other families might visit the rez too. Mom was making notes on ways to make the mission trip even better if we come back next year.

  Who knows, maybe I’ll write an article for the school newspaper. I’ll be a fashion designer AND a news reporter!

  Of course, it’s hard to even THINK about an article with the Germ sitting beside me on the plane. Even though he had on his headphones while watching a movie on Mom’s laptop, EVERYONE could hear him giggling. It was so embarrassing . . . AND so annoying!

  “Can you keep it down a little?” I asked. “Everyone on the plane doesn’t want to hear what’s funny in Finding Nemo. We’ve seen it already!”

  But my brother totally ignored me and went back to laughing hysterically. I’ll admit, though, he was watching the funniest part. Maybe I’ll listen in for just a few minutes.

  MORE LATER. . . . That crazy fish, Dory, cracks me up!

  After we watched Finding Nemo, I fell sound asleep. The Germ finally woke me up when he punched me in the leg with his big foot. He SAID he’d been dreaming that he was fighting off a shark in his sleep. I wasn’t sure if I believed him.

  I was MORE than ready to go home and SLEEP IN MY OWN BED with the GERM NOWHERE AROUND!



  Sunday, April 11

  I am still SO TIRED from the flight.

  Maybe Mom will let me sleep in and not go to church today?

  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz . . .

  Of course she said NO. “Sometimes being obedient to God’s Word is hard, Catie, but you know it’s the right thing to do,” Mom reminded me.

  She was right, but I was EXHAUSTED!

  I even asked Dad if I could stay home—just this once. But his reply was the same as Mom’s. “We need to be in fellowship with others, Catie. And I’m sure everyone will want to know all about the mission trip. I’m actually going to give the congregation a little overview of our trip.”

  I can’t imagine getting in front of the entire church and TALKING!

  Sure, I’ve been up front before, but it was a LONG time ago when I was seven. I had to play a shepherd in the Christmas play. Our youth director didn’t have enough boys to play the part, and so Mom volunteered ME to do it. I DID have the most fashionable outfit of any shepherd though.

  I guess I’d better get to church and support Dad. I was also excited to see Sophie and catch up on everything at school.

  I can only imagine the homework I’ll have to make up. Luckily Sophie promised to help me, especially with the math and science part.

  I suddenly wondered what Kai and Eleni were doing back at the reservation. Maybe I’ll write them a letter later. . . .


  Dad did a good job! He’d even created a short video to give everyone an idea of what happened on the trip. I wished he could have left out the part where my hair was totally a wreck. But I was glad to see he’d included the Germ with his rainbow hair! LOL! Everyone at church giggled a little.

  I could also tell they were impressed by the pictures of the powwow and liked the picture of me praying with Eleni and Kai.

  Our pastor talked about the importance of spreading the gospel. He even challenged us to invite some of our friends to church. I couldn’t imagine inviting Miranda. I felt terrible for feeling that way, but I couldn’t help it. She’d probably say “Thanks, but NO THANKS” and laugh at me anyway.

  I wondered if Miranda even knew about Jesus . . . because she sure doesn’t act like it! Like when she brag brag brags about her Dad’s big job or her Mom’s new car. Who does she think she is? Even though my Dad bought a new SUV for my Mom last month, I didn’t go to school and brag about it. That is so uncool. Instead, I said a prayer and thanked God for allowing our family to have a safe car to drive—especially when the roads are slick and Mom freaks out a little.

  But I guess sometimes I don’t act like I know Jesus either—like when I scream at the Germ and forget he’s only in third grade. Or when I whine and get angry at Mom for not getting me a new phone . . .


  1. Pray about having the nerve to invite Miranda to church.

  2.TRY to be nicer to the GERM.

  Monday, April 12

  Even though I had a blast on the mission trip and missed my new friends, it was good to be back with my old friends. Matt asked a zillion questions about the Native Americans, and Sophie showed everyone the bracelet I gave her. Tyler didn’t say much. Maybe he is still trying to fit in or something.

  Of course, Miranda wasn’t interested IN THE LEAST—not in anything that had to do with me.

  All she talked about was THE DANCE. I had to overhear her tell Emily about her appointment to have a mani-pedi, the perfect lip gloss she’d found to match her dress, and the perfect photo to show her stylist of how she wanted her hair. ARE YOU SERIOUS?

  I tried to remind myself of how I felt on the mission trip.


  Sure, I still wish that someone will ask me, but I know it isn’t a big deal if it doesn’t happen. Sophie tried to talk me into going again. I could meet up with her and Matt . . . but that would be sooo embarrassing.

  Tyler didn’t know if he was going either and said the dance wasn’t a big deal to him. After all, he’s new to our school and still doesn’t know everyone. I overheard him tell Matt and Josh that he dared them to really dance and not just stand around like statues. LOL!

  It would be sort of cool to see everyone dressed up. . . .

  But I’m not sure I have the nerve to go by myself. I have a ton of science homework to make up. That could be my excuse for not going.

  But when Sophie came over after school to help me with my makeup work, she said that was a lame excuse. “Come on, Catie,” said my BFF. “Everyone’s going to meet at the gym and just hang out together. The only one who’s even calling it a date is Miranda, and who cares what she thinks! Besides, you already have that gorgeous Claire Hunter dress to wear.”

  Sophie did have a point. I hadn’t even been able to look at that dress in my closet. I knew it would just make me sad all over again. I planned on giving it to Mom to take back to Unique Boutique.

  To get my mind off of things, I decided to get out my sketchbook and draw something . . . ANYTHING. Maybe I’ll design something for Kai and Eleni. Perhaps I’ll desig
n a new bag? Or a new skirt?

  But I wasn’t in the mood to draw anything. Maybe I’m not meant to be a fashion designer.

  Maybe Miranda was right about me all along.

  Tuesday, April 13

  At least I had art today.

  I hadn’t seen Mrs. Gibson since I’d been back. I’m sure she was busy getting ready for the Middle School Art Show that was coming up on Monday. I was sooooo nervous and even begged Mrs. Gibson to give us a tiny hint of who the winner was. Her answer was “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  Of course.

  I was still hoping I could snap out of it and get in the mood to draw again.

  What is WRONG WITH ME?

  We were practicing mixing paint, and the only color I wanted to mix was gray. Or black. I wasn’t feeling very colorful today. Mrs. Gibson could tell that something was wrong.

  “Are you feeling okay, Catie?” she asked. “I can’t wait to hear about your mission trip. I’m sure you saw lots of things that will inspire your new fashion designs.”

  “Maybe,” I said. “Right now, I’m just not feeling it.”

  Then Mrs. Gibson did the weirdest thing. She wrote a note to me and placed it on my desk:

  Mrs. Gibson knew me so well!

  Then she walked past me to help Sophie mix the right amount of yellow and red to make her favorite color.

  At the end of class, I stopped by Mrs. Gibson’s desk. “Thanks for the Bible verse,” I said. “I’ll look it up as soon as I get home. Oh, and you’re right about the dance thing. Sophie’s trying to talk me into going with her, but I’m still not sure I want to.”

  Not only did Mrs. Gibson always know what to do, but she also knew just what to say. “I remember going to a few dances when I was in school,” she said. “Many times I’d just go with a group of friends, and we had so much fun. I didn’t get nervous or worry about saying something wrong. I was with friends who liked me just the way I was.”

  Mrs. Gibson had a point. I noticed that Sophie was waiting on me in the hallway.

  “I’ll think about it, Mrs. Gibson,” I said. “You’re the best.” I even reached over and gave her a hug. I didn’t care who saw me.

  But after Sophie and I got to P.E. class, we saw the STRANGEST THING: Miranda came in late, and we could tell she’d been crying.

  I’m sure it was over something ridiculous. She was probably upset that she couldn’t find the perfect nail polish for the big dance. Or maybe she was stressed that she couldn’t take a limo to the dance!


  It was hard to feel sorry for Miranda when she never feels sorry for ANYONE.

  Sophie noticed that Miranda went to the bathroom several times too. Usually Emily went right after her.

  What on earth was going on?

  I asked Tyler if he had any idea what was up with Miranda, but he was clueless. In fact, Tyler acted a little strange when I brought up the whole dance thing.

  Odd . . .

  I was so ready to go home and forget about school . . . AND THE DANCE. Forget about Miranda, about Emily, about Tyler, about EVERYONE.

  Well, everyone but Sophie . . . and Mrs. Gibson. I pulled out her note and looked up the verse:

  Deuteronomy 31:6: “Be strong and courageous; don’t be terrified or afraid of them. For it is the Lord your God who goes with you; He will not leave you or forsake you.”

  Just reading that verse made me feel so much better. I still wasn’t sure about the dance, but I knew I should pray about it. For some reason, I even felt like sketching a few new designs.

  YES! Catie Conrad, the FASHION DIVA, was BACK IN ACTION!

  Wednesday, April 14


  As soon as I walked thru the front door at school, Sophie pulled me by the arm into the bathroom.

  Sophie: You are NOT going to BELIEVE what I’m about to tell you!

  Me: Huh? What’s going on? Tell me already!

  Sophie: Okay, so get this—MIRANDA IS NOT GOING TO THE DANCE! Emily told Tyler, and Tyler told Matt, and Matt told me. Can you BELIEVE it?

  Me: WHY? Did Josh change his mind?

  Sophie: WHO KNOWS? He didn’t tell me anything else. Hopefully by the end of the day, we’ll get all the details.

  Me: Maybe everyone in school is finally figuring out the REAL Miranda and the REAL Emily. Maybe everyone is starting to see just how RUDE they really are!


  Emily came out of one of the stalls in the bathroom.

  I. WAS. SPEECHLESS. I had NO IDEA that she’d been in there the whole time.

  “Oh, uh, hi, Emily . . .” Sophie said. “We’re really sorry—”

  Emily gave us the meanest look ever and said NOTHING. She simply stormed out of the bathroom and marched down the hall. I bet she was looking for Miranda.

  We were DOOMED. I could only imagine what Miranda would say to Sophie and me once we got to class.

  But I still couldn’t help but wonder why she wasn’t going to the dance. WHAT WAS GOING ON???

  This could be my big chance to go with Josh, right?

  Why wasn’t Miranda going? WEIRD. Maybe she was dumping Josh and going with someone else? That sounded like something she’d do.

  But when we got to our first period class, Miranda wasn’t there. The tardy bell rang, and she never showed up. Miranda was absent the entire day.


  And Josh was in a bad mood. I kept thinking MAYBE he’d get the nerve to ask me to the dance.

  But he didn’t.

  He only hung out with Tyler the entire day and was totally hush-hush about the dance. Of course, I didn’t have the nerve to ask him what was going on. Neither did Sophie.

  Now the only two of my friends who were going to the dance were Sophie and Matt! NOT Miranda, NOT Josh . . . and NOT ME!!!


  It got even crazier when we got to Sophie’s house after school. I’d gone over to see her dress and help pick out the perfect jewelry and shoes. But Sophie got a text as soon as we got thru the door.

  It was from EMILY!!!!!!!!

  HUH? Why would Emily message my best friend?

  I was sure it was to chew us out for talking about her and Miranda in the bathroom this morning. But I was totally wrong. Get this—Emily asked us to PRAY for Miranda.

  Whoa. What is happening???

  Miranda isn’t going to the dance because her dad LOST HIS JOB. Her parents have been fighting a lot for the last few weeks, and Miranda is REALLY UPSET. That’s why she didn’t come to school today. She’s taken both dresses back, told Josh she can’t go to the dance, and is too embarrassed to tell anyone. Except Emily.

  WOW. I had no idea.

  So Sophie and I prayed for Miranda. Yes, that’s what I said—I PRAYED FOR THE MEANEST GIRL IN SCHOOL. I’m not sure why I did it, but I did it anyway. I couldn’t help but think about Tadi—Eleni and Kai’s friend on the rez. Maybe she had problems like Miranda.

  Thursday April 15

  Miranda was at school today.

  EVERYONE noticed that she wasn’t acting like the typical Miranda Maroni. She never said a word about the dance, and she never bragged about her stuff. She just hung out with Emily and kept to herself.

  Even though I should be happy that Miranda wasn’t being her typical rude self or bragging about her zillion outfits,

  I wasn’t.

  I felt sorry for her. I have NO IDEA why, but I did. Maybe it was because I thought about how I’d feel if my dad lost his job. Or if my parents argued all the time. That would STINK big time. Even worse than the Germ and Rosey!

  Everyone else, including Principal Martin and the teachers, were getting excited about the dance. We couldn’t even go to the gym for P.E. because the decorations were TOP SECRET.<
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  At least we got out of having to run laps. YES!!!

  When I got home from school, I was still thinking about Miranda. Mom had laid down the law—I HAD to clean my room. I still hadn’t totally unpacked from the mission trip, and clothes were lying all over the place.

  As I slowly started picking everything up and putting my nice things on hangers, I noticed the Claire Hunter dress hanging in my closet. It was still the MOST GORGEOUS dress I’d ever seen. I hadn’t asked Mom to take it back to Unique Boutique yet. I was still thinking about wearing it to the dance . . . by myself.

  But after hearing the news about Miranda, I sorta knew what I needed to do. I told Sophie about it, and she totally agreed. Now if I could just get Mom and Dad to go along with it. As soon as Mom got home from work, I cornered her and Dad.

  Me: Hey, uh, I need to talk with you two about something. Even though I’m not going to the dance, may I keep the turquoise dress from Unique Boutique?

  Dad: What? Catie, that dress was expensive!

  Mom: You even put your allowance money in on that dress. If you’re not going to the dance, why not return it and get your money back?

  Me: Well . . . to be honest . . . I’d like to give it to Miranda. Her dad lost his job, and she had to take back her dress. Now she’s too embarrassed to go to the dance.

  Mom: Wow. You’ve sure changed your attitude. That’s

  really nice of you, Catherine. Do you remember when your friends on the rez told you the meaning of their names? Did you know that I chose your name because it means “pure at heart”? I think you’re proving that “Catherine” fits you perfectly.

  Me: Thanks, Mom. But I don’t want her to know the dress is from me. It might embarrass her more. It’s okay if she doesn’t know.


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