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Fair Catch

Page 26

by Anderson, Cindy Roland

  A few minutes later, Weston came over and joined them. Nathan’s low voice rumbled in Ellie’s ear as her head lay against his chest. She found comfort in listening to her brothers talk about their families and jobs. Normal things.

  She had actually started to fall asleep when Agent Carter came over, his face looking grim. “What is it?” she asked jolting up out of her seat. “Did you hear from the kidnapper?”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  "No. There still hasn’t been any contact.” Agent Carter pressed his lips together. “But we’ve come across some information that needs further clarification by Mr. Coulter.”

  Ellie glanced around for Nick. He should’ve been back by now. “Where is he?”

  The agent held her gaze. “The police have taken him in for questioning.” His tone was impassive, as if this was an everyday occurrence.

  Ellie felt her stomach twist into a million knots. She stared at the FBI agent in disbelief as she tried processing his words.

  “Are you kidding?” Nathan asked incredulously. “That is completely ridiculous.”

  The agent didn’t look like he was kidding. “Mr. Coulter has been very accommodating. This will be more of a formality, but there are a few things we need to ask him about.”

  “What things?” Weston asked angrily. “The guy just turned over a half-million dollars.”

  “Mr. Ferguson, I’m not at liberty to discuss this matter. Mr. Coulter is not a suspect, but we have a few questions and believe it will help us locate Cade.”

  Thomas and Agent Bailey had come up behind Agent Carter. Thomas’s eyes were dark with animosity, his lips twisted up into a smirk. “I told you your boyfriend was responsible.”

  Agent Carter cut Thomas a hard look. “Mr. Garrett, we’ve already explained that Mr. Coulter is not being arrested.” He glanced at his watch. “I’m going to head over to the police station and finish up the inquiry. We should be back within the hour.”

  Thomas’s smug smile broadened before he turned away and walked back to the kitchen. Agent Carter’s eyes softened with compassion as he looked at Ellie. “I want you to know I’ll do whatever it takes to bring Cade home safely.”

  A tear slid down Ellie’s cheek. “Thank you.” She turned and buried her face against Nathan’s chest and cried. When would this nightmare end?

  * * *

  Ellie glanced at the clock and fought back the tears as she calculated the time since the money had been wired. Five hours and still no word from the kidnapper. She couldn’t bear to go through another night without knowing where Cade was.

  Once again, her eyes strayed to the hallway, watching for Nick’s return. It had been over two hours since he had gone with the police. She had no idea what was taking so long. Although she appreciated her family, she wanted Nick by her side.

  Her eyes involuntarily flickered over to where Thomas sat. He had been focused on his laptop for the past forty minutes. It was a good thing he’d found something to occupy his time. Her brothers had kept their promise to ignore his derogatory comments, but she wondered how much longer that would last.

  As if sensing her probing stare, Thomas lifted his face and locked his eyes on her. She held his gaze, hoping to see a spark of empathy—something other than the hatred she found reflected in his cool blue eyes. Why had she expected to see anything else?

  Dropping her chin, she leaned back against the loveseat and closed her eyes, trying to focus on the conversation between her brothers and Owen, but she only caught bits and pieces of their dialogue as her mind was consumed with thoughts of Cade. She was acutely aware of the sounds all around her that were hindering her ability to concentrate: The clanking of dishes in the kitchen as her mother and Betsy prepared dinner, the buzz from the television, the hum of the computer equipment and the low murmurs of the law enforcement men and women conversing with one another.

  The shrill ringing of a cell phone cut into her racing thoughts. Her eyes flew open as she jolted up. Agent Bailey answered his phone and Ellie held her breath, hoping it was finally the call they’d been waiting for. The agent didn’t look her way as he left the room, heading for the front door.

  “Where is he going?” Ellie asked, twisting her hands together.

  Weston rose up from the couch. “I’ll go find out.”

  He didn’t get very far when Agents Carter and Bailey both strode in to the room. Ellie’s skin grew clammy when Nick didn’t follow behind them. On shaky legs, she stood up and walked toward the men. Nathan was close beside her, his hand on her elbow. Her mother moved to her other side, gripping her hand.

  Agent Carter spoke before she could ask any questions. “First of all, we have not had any contact from the kidnapper.”

  Despair and hopelessness coiled in Ellie’s stomach. Who was to say the kidnapper would ever reveal where Cade was once he had his money? She moistened her dry lips and looked behind the agents, hoping to see her fiancé. His absence exacerbated her anxiety.

  “Where is Nick?” she asked, her voice gravelly with emotion.

  Agent Carter’s mouth pressed into a taut line, his eyes penetrating and hard. “That’s why I’m here. I wanted to be the one to tell you that we have detained Mr. Coulter for further questioning.”

  Ellie’s knees buckled, and both her mother and Nathan held her up. “I…don’t understand.” Her chest felt tight as she sucked in a gulping breath. She couldn’t breathe.

  She saw Thomas move next to Agent Bailey, his lips curled up into a sneer. “I’m going to sue him for everything he’s worth.”

  “Shut up,” Weston snapped.

  Thomas’s eyes glittered with loathing as he slanted forward. “Your pathetic sister is the reason my son is gone.”

  Ellie whimpered, clutching her mother’s hand. Weston made a low growl in his throat as both he and Nathan advanced on Thomas. Fear darkened Thomas’s eyes as he backed away, hiding partially behind the FBI agent. “If you touch me, I’ll press charges.”

  Agent Bailey moved to the side, standing as a barrier between Thomas and her angry brothers. He held up his hand to stop their progress. “Let’s not do this, boys.”

  Nathan pointed his finger at Thomas. “Get him out of here. Now!”

  A local police officer moved toward her brothers, his hand resting on the gun at his hip.

  Thomas’s courage returned as he stood beside Agent Bailey. “I don’t need to put up with this another second. I’m leaving.”

  Agent Carter blew out a big breath. “Mr. Garrett, I’d like you to stay.”

  Thomas gave a derisive laugh. “No thanks. I’d rather wait at my hotel.”

  The agent looked frustrated. “I’d prefer that you stay, but if you really want to leave, I’ll have the police escort you to the hotel.”

  “That’s not necessary,” Thomas spat. “They need to stay here and do their job. You have my cell phone—call when you have news about Cade.”

  Agent Bailey, who seemed to have developed some rapport with Thomas, touched him on the arm. “Thomas, for your safety, it would be better to have them escort you to your hotel.”


  “And you’ll stay at the Marriott?” Agent Carter questioned.


  “If you really want to bring your son home, then please don’t speak with any of the media.”

  “I’m not stupid. I’ll be in my hotel room waiting to hear from you.” Thomas stormed away, the police officer following him out the door.

  Ellie couldn’t believe this was happening. Why had they really kept Nick for further questioning? Was it because he was responsible? She could never believe that—never.

  * * *

  Nick slid in the back of the black SUV, the warm leather seat sinking under his weight. The FBI agent slammed the door shut, leaving him alone. He didn’t like the feeling of being separated from the front of the vehicle by a piece of dark glass.

  The air inside the car still held the intense heat from the day. He hoped they didn’t p
lan on leaving him in the stifling vehicle for long. To his relief, a few seconds later, the interior light illuminated as Agent Bailey climbed in behind the wheel and Agent Carter took the passenger seat. Nick could see their mouths moving but was unable to hear anything.

  The car engine roared to life, and the light faded, plunging the car into darkness. Cool air flowed through the vent as Nick looked out the tinted window, straining to see anything. The sliver of moon provided little light, leaving the night sky an inky black. Even the stars seemed dimmer.

  Hoping this ordeal would soon end, Nick pressed his back against the seat, letting his head fall back. His thoughts drifted to Ellie and how much he loved her. When this was all over, he wasn’t waiting another day to marry her.

  He tried not to dwell on what she must have been thinking when Agent Carter told her they were holding him at the police station. He had wanted to call and talk with her, but the FBI agents assured him they had explained everything to her. If all went according to the plan, he would be reunited with her and Cade before morning.

  Nick felt the car shift into gear, slowly moving out of the parking lot. The glass partition lowered, and Agent Carter turned to talk with him. “It won’t be long now.”

  He wanted to ask more questions but had been around these men long enough to know they would give him information on a need to know basis. Nick nodded his head and buckled his seatbelt in place. The squawk of a police scanner cut the silence. He only caught a few words before the glass divider was once again raised.

  The drive into the mountains went by quickly, but the vehicle took the winding road at a much slower pace than Nick wanted to go. After what seemed like an eternity, the car turned onto a dirt road. The SUV slowed down to a crawl as Agent Bailey turned off the headlights and rolled to a stop, leaving the engine idling.

  This time when the agents exited the car, the interior lights did not come on. Agent Bailey opened Nick’s door and leaned down to look Nick in the eye. “I need you to stay put. I’m not kidding, Coulter.” His severe stare let Nick know he meant business.

  “I promised I would obey every order.”

  Agent Bailey gave him a brief nod and just before closing the door said, “I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

  Nick unbuckled his seatbelt and slanted forward, peering through the tinted window. As his eyes adjusted, he could see several officers dressed in dark clothing, standing in a semicircle around Agent Bailey and Agent Carter. Nick desperately wanted to hear what they were saying and wished he could be allowed to go with them.

  He felt a momentary feeling of panic when the men dispersed into the wooded area, leaving Nick all alone to await their return. Being a man of action made it difficult to sit. He flipped his wrist over and checked his watch, taking note of the time. Letting out a slow breath, he closed his eyes and did the only thing he could do: Pray.

  As the minutes ticked by, Nick grew restless. He scooted across the seat and stared out the window. He straightened when he thought he saw a flicker of light. A few seconds later, the light glimmered again. Unsure of what it meant, Nick decided to lower his window. He pushed the button, but nothing happened. The window was locked.

  Pressing his face close to the glass, he watched for the flickering light. When it flashed again, Nick felt the distinct impression to get out of the car. He hesitated, remembering the promise he had made to stay put. The feeling persisted and grew in intensity. Was this inspiration or just a desire to do something other than sit and wait?

  Even as he asked, he knew the source and was compelled to action. Tentatively, Nick reached out and tested the door, surprised to find it unlocked. The muscles in his legs stretched as he climbed out of the car and shut the door. A slight cool breeze ruffled his hair as he glanced toward the area where he’d seen the flickering light.

  His skin prickled when heard the sound of men shouting. He strained to make out any of the words, but they were too muffled. Noting the urgency in the shouts, he made a split second decision and hurried toward the sound of the voices.

  The low visibility made navigating through the darkened woods difficult, and he stumbled over the roots and rocks covering the ground, the low branches scraping against his arms. As Nick drew closer to the muffled sounds, he noticed spurts of light that bounced around as if someone was running while carrying a flashlight.

  Finally, Nick caught some words that made his adrenalin kick in to high gear. “Get him! Don’t let him get away!”

  He heard someone coming his way, stumbling and cursing. The voice grew closer and made his spine stiffen. Nick might be a quarterback, but he’d done his share of tackling. His muscles tensed as he crouched low and waited.

  At just the right moment, Nick dove and took Thomas Garrett down. The impact from the collision propelled the two men forward, tumbling over each other as their bodies slammed into the forest floor. Nick’s adrenalin and anger assisted him in getting the upper hand. Thomas thrashed under Nick’s grip, but couldn’t break free.

  “Get off me!” Thomas shouted.

  Nick sat on his back, holding both of the man’s arms behind him. Still, Thomas tried to fight, screaming out oaths that made Nick’s ears burn.

  “I’ve got him!” Nick yelled out to the approaching men crashing through the trees.

  Agent Bailey arrived first, pointing his gun and flashlight at Thomas. His breath was labored as he met Nick’s gaze. “Hey,” the agent puffed, “I thought I told you to stay put?”

  A trickle of sweat rolled down Nick’s face. “Sorry.” Thomas swore, jerking beneath him and Nick pressed down harder. “Well, maybe not that sorry.”

  Several officers appeared and secured Thomas, allowing Nick to climb off the deranged man.

  Agent Bailey lowered his weapon, tucking it in his holster. “I’m impressed.” He flashed Nick a grin. “I didn’t know celebrity quarterbacks could really tackle.”

  The corner of Nick’s mouth drew up. “If the need arises, I can do whatever it takes.”

  Thomas yelped as one of the men pulled him to his feet. His hate-filled eyes met Nick’s, his mouth pulled into a tight grimace. “Why?” Nick asked, although nothing Thomas could have said in response would’ve made any sense.

  Thomas gave a humorless laugh. “I want a lawyer.”

  The police officer rolled his eyes. “I’m sure you do.” He dragged Thomas away as he read him his Miranda Rights.

  A touch on Nick’s arm brought him back around. “I think there is someone who will be very glad to see you,” Agent Bailey said, pointing in front of him.


  Nick followed the agent to a small cabin nestled in the woods. There were swarms of police cars, and the cabin was lit up like a Christmas tree. Then Nick saw the most wonderful sight. Cade stood next to Agent Carter, showing him his Optimus Prime helmet.

  Tears stung Nick’s eyes as emotion pressed against his lungs, making it difficult to breathe. “He’s okay.” His voice cracked as he wiped away the tears creeping down his cheeks. Cade didn’t need to see him crying.

  As he and Agent Bailey started for the cabin, an officer brought out a woman sobbing. “His accomplice?” Nick asked.

  The agent nodded his head. “Yeah, I’m not sure she knew exactly what was going on. I’m sure Garrett told her that he needed to get his son away from his abusive mother or something like that.” The woman continued to cry as the officer put her in the back of a police car.

  Nick wiped at his eyes again. “Cade is safe and that’s all that matters.”

  Eagerly, he crossed the last few yards. Cade looked up and his face split into a wide grin. “Nick!” He ran as fast as his little legs could carry him.

  Kneeling down, Nick opened his arms. Cade nearly knocked him off his feet. He held the little boy close, thanking God he was safe. As he hugged the warm little body, Nick couldn’t prevent the moisture from filling his eyes.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Ellie stood in between her brothers, staring out
the front window. Each time she saw headlights turning toward her street, she held her breath. Nate put a hand to her shoulder and squeezed gently. “They’ll be here soon.”

  She caught her bottom lip and nodded her head. The anticipation racing through her veins rendered her speechless. Still, she wouldn’t believe Cade was truly safe until she held him in her arms again.

  At last, a police car slowly crawled down the street, followed by a black SUV and another police car. She couldn’t wait another second and raced for the door. An officer guarding the front entry saw her and tried to stop her. “Ma’am, you need—”

  She pushed him aside and yanked the door open. She made it to the porch just as Nick climbed out of the back of the suburban, angled toward the open car door and held out his arms. Ellie covered her mouth, a joyful laugh bubbling out as Cade jumped into Nick’s arms.

  They started toward her, and Nick’s gaze collided with hers, giving her that crooked grin she loved so much. Cameras flashed and Ellie heard the clamor of voices begging for Nick to turn around. He kept his gaze locked on hers as he closed the distance between them.

  Cade looked up and saw her. “Mom!” He squirmed to get down.

  She reached him just as Nick set him down. “Oh, my baby!” Ellie said as she scooped him up and held him in a tight embrace. She breathed in his scent and held on even tighter.

  “You’re squishing me,” Cade complained.

  Ellie laughed and loosened her hold. Her mom and brothers gathered around them, greeting Cade and trying to touch him.

  “Grandma!” Cade said with surprise. “What are you doing here?”

  “To see you, darling boy.” Ellie’s mother held out her arms.

  Reluctantly, she let go and allowed Cade to hug his grandma. Then Cade realized his uncles were also there to see him and was transferred first to Nathan and then to Weston.

  While Ellie watched the reunion continue, warm, strong arms wrapped around her, and she leaned back into Nick’s solid chest. She tipped her face toward him so she could see his eyes. “Thank you for bringing him home.”


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