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Fair Catch

Page 27

by Anderson, Cindy Roland

  Nick’s deep blue eyes glistened with moisture as he pressed a kiss against her hair. “You’re welcome.”

  * * *

  Ellie stroked Cade’s hair, watching the rise and fall of his small chest as he slept in her bed. He had stayed awake long past his bedtime. Finally, around midnight, he succumbed and fell asleep on Ellie’s lap.

  Glancing up, she saw Nick leaning against the doorjamb. He had carried Cade to bed and now waited for her to return downstairs. She hated leaving Cade, but wanted to hear how he had been rescued.

  Leaning over, she brushed her lips across his soft cheek. “Love you, baby,” she whispered. The box springs creaked as she moved off the bed. She waited a few seconds to see if Cade would awaken. When he didn’t, she crept across the floor and took Nick’s outstretched hand.

  “I’m exhausted.” She looked back over her shoulder. “But I think I’ll stay awake all night just staring at him to make sure he doesn’t go anywhere.”

  Nick released her hand and tucked an arm around her shoulders. “You sleep and I’ll stay outside your room and watch over both of you.”

  “That’s sweet, but I know you’re as tired as I am.”

  “I can sleep anywhere, especially for one night.”

  “Thank you.” She leaned into his side as they descended the stairs. He had already done so much to help bring Cade home safely.

  When the FBI discovered Thomas had arrived in Colorado four days sooner than he had claimed, they investigated further and made some discoveries about his activities while in Colorado, as well as his financial situation. These discoveries led them to believe he was their number one suspect. Using his hatred for Nick, they came up with a plan to see if they could flush Thomas out. Nick had gone along with everything willingly.

  Ellie and Nick approached the family room where the two FBI agents were entertaining everyone with past stories while Betsy passed around a platter of fresh homemade cinnamon rolls. Ellie’s mouth watered, and for the first time knew she could eat again.

  Once she and Nick took a seat, Agent Carter offered her a smile. “I know you’re tired, but I’d like to give you a little more details about what happened.”

  “Thank you,” Ellie said as she leaned against Nick.

  Agent Carter clasped his hands together and leaned forward. “We knew we weren’t dealing with a criminal mastermind. Everything was pretty messy. Even the bank account number wasn’t that difficult to nail down.” He glanced at his partner. “Agent Bailey discovered that Mr. Garrett is heavily in debt from online gambling—an addiction that appears to have been going on for several years. That, along with his jealousy of your relationship with Nick, was the motive behind the kidnapping.”

  Ellie had no idea Thomas struggled with gambling. But what did she really know about the man she had once been married to?

  “What will happen to Thomas?” Ellie asked.

  “Aside from kidnapping charges, Mr. Garrett is currently being investigated for embezzlement and fraud. Both in the United States as well as Australia.” Agent Bailey met Ellie’s eyes and gave her a soft smile. “I don’t think he’ll have time to bother you anymore.”

  “Did Cade say anything about what happened that day?” Ellie asked the agent, needing to know the details.

  Ellie had agreed with Nick to not question Cade until they had all the facts. They also wanted to seek professional advice about how to deal with the trauma.

  Agent Carter smiled. “I asked him how his dad took him to such a cool cabin. He told me he saw his daddy out back and wanted to show him his new helmet. Then Thomas told him they were going on a special vacation together.” The agent lifted his shoulders. “Cade seemed to be under the impression that you knew where he was all this time.”

  Agent Carter went on to explain that Cade had been asleep when they rushed in to arrest Thomas. “He was a little frightened when the young woman Thomas had watching him started to cry. He heard the shouting and saw the police lights, but he never saw us take Mr. Garrett.”

  Agent Bailey took over the commentary. “Actually, Mr. Garrett fled out the back door before Cade even awakened. We pursued him, but it was dark and difficult running through the woods.” He pointed to Nick. “Our star football player made the tackle of his life.”

  Everyone turned to stare at Nick. He looked a little embarrassed as he shrugged.

  The agent chuckled dryly. “He disobeyed a direct order and didn’t stay put, but I’m glad he listened to a higher power.”

  “You took him down?” Nathan asked with admiration.

  Nick’s lips twisted into a smile. “Yeah.”

  Weston leaned over and butted knuckles with Nick. “It is going to be so cool having you in the family.”

  Ellie pressed her lips together, determined not to cry again. Nick had literally taken out the bad guy and saved her little boy. The love she felt for him filled every cell in her body. It was all she could do not to demand Pastor Stewart marry them right this second.

  When Nick glanced her way, she threw her arms around his neck. Her cheek rubbed against the rough whiskers of his jaw as she whispered in his ear. “Thank you, Nick. I love you so much.”

  Nick pulled her onto his lap and held her close. “I love you too.”

  Then he kissed her. Neither one of them seemed to remember or care that they weren’t alone.

  Someone cleared their throat. It was Owen. “They do this a lot.”

  Ellie giggled and pulled away. “No we don’t.” Her eyes dipped down at Nick’s flushed face. “I just wanted to tell him thank you.”

  Owen snorted. “That’s what they always say.”

  They were spared further teasing when two police officers came in looking frustrated. Agent Carter and Agent Bailey rose up and walked over toward them. “Everything okay?”

  One of the cops put his hands on his hips and shook his head. “The press is going crazy out there. If you don’t give them something, I can’t promise we can hold them back.”

  Agent Carter turned to look at her. “I think it would be a good idea for you to make a brief statement, thanking the public for helping to search for Cade.”

  Ellie hesitated and Nick leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I’m good at press conferences.”

  Then maybe he should be the one to do it. She nervously tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I won’t have to take any questions, will I?”

  Agent Bailey chuckled. “Absolutely not. You can’t give them any details, especially about Thomas’s involvement.” He held up his hand. “I’ll write up a few paragraphs for you to read, and then Agent Carter and I will ward off any other questions.”

  She looked down at her wrinkled clothing. “I guess I better go change.”

  * * *

  Thirty minutes later, Ellie gripped Nick’s hand and stepped outside. Large bright lights lit up the night sky, making it almost appear as if the sun was out. She couldn’t believe the amount of news crews gathered, and they weren’t just the local stations. FOX, CNN, Entertainment Tonight and dozens of others had all converged in her quiet little neighborhood.

  Nick guided her to a podium and kept her by his side while Agent Carter addressed the group. “Ms. Garrett will read a statement, but will not be taking any questions at this time.”

  Ellie’s hands shook as she held out the paper in front of her. She accidentally bumped the mic, making it screech over the speakers. She cringed and made the mistake of looking out at the audience. Hundreds of eyes stared back at her.

  All the moisture in her mouth evaporated, leaving her mouth so dry she knew if she tried talking, nothing would come out. How could she do this? Then Nick’s warm hand settled on her lower back, a simple reminder that he was close by.

  Gently clearing her throat, Ellie brought her gaze back to the paper, but someone caught her eye. Instantly, her gaze snapped back to the crowd of reporters, singling out the only familiar face. It was Tiffany Burke from Channel Eight news.

ling a sense of camaraderie with the reporter, Ellie lifted a hand and waved. “Hello, Tiffany.”

  The blonde’s eyes went wide. Then she flipped her silky hair over her shoulder, flashed a perfect smile and waved back to Ellie.

  Giving her a tiny smile, Ellie proceeded to read the statement, every once in a while making eye contact with the perky little blonde as if she were the only one in the audience. When she finished, Tiffany gave her a thumbs up.

  Despite what the agent said, all the reporters erupted loudly with questions concerning the case. Nick sheltered her with his arm around her shoulders and escorted her back inside the house. Before the door closed, she heard Agent Bailey announce that details about the case would be released as soon as possible.

  The frenzied voices of the news media echoed in Ellie’s head even when the door closed behind her. A wave of dizziness swept over her, and she quickly sat down on the couch. “I don’t feel very good.”

  She was suddenly beyond exhausted. Drained. It was like her brain had finally shut down and gone to sleep before her body did. She was barely aware of someone carrying her up the stairs. The last thing she remembered was crawling into bed and snuggling Cade close to her body.

  * * *

  Nearly three weeks had passed since Cade had returned home, and every night Ellie had allowed her little boy to sleep with her. But tonight needed to be the last time. She needed to get him back in his own bed, especially since Ellie would be sharing a bed with Nick in just a few days. The prospect of finally becoming his wife made her tummy tighten with excitement.

  Peeling back the covers, she slid between the cool sheets, scooting over to Cade’s warm body. She figured her ten-day honeymoon to France would give Cade a chance to get used to sleeping by himself again. Carolyn and Frank would be taking him back to California after the wedding, and they had a special room all fixed up for him.

  Ellie rose up on her elbow and studied her son’s angelic face. Over the weeks following his abduction, she had observed Cade closely. He acted like nothing traumatic had ever occurred. When Ellie asked him what he did at the cabin while his dad was away, he shrugged and said his babysitter was nice to him and let him watch television or play video games.

  The image of Cade tied up in a dingy basement was replaced with Cade’s innocent enthusiasm about his impromptu vacation with his father. Ellie wasn’t quite sure how to let him know that Thomas would not be taking him on any vacations for a long time. How did you tell your little boy that his daddy was in prison?

  Ellie couldn’t do it, even when Cade asked why the police had been looking for Thomas. She kept it simple and explained that the police were upset when Daddy had taken Cade without her permission. Someday he would find out the details, but for now, it was good to know that he hadn’t been afraid.

  As the story came out about Thomas being the alleged kidnapper, requests for Ellie and Nick to be interviewed came pouring in. At first Ellie refused. She just wanted to get married and get on with her life as Nick’s wife and Cade’s mother.

  The media was relentless, and finally Alec made a deal with FOX network. Just last week, she and Nick had done an exclusive interview with Fox & Friends. Ellie agreed to do it because the money they offered was too good to pass up—all of which would go to Kids Come First.

  Feeling her eyes droop closed, Ellie laid her head on her pillow and scooted a little closer to Cade. As she drifted off to sleep, her mouth curled into a smile. Nick better like snuggling.

  * * *

  Nick walked out of his house and grinned. The next time he returned home, he would be a married man. He loaded his luggage in his SUV and spotted the new car seat for Cade.

  He would also be a father.

  Yeah, that was a little intimidating, but he loved the kid and figured that with Ellie’s help, he could do it.

  As he crossed the street to get his soon to be family, he wiped the perspiration from his forehead. Even this early in the morning, the first week of August was already a scorcher. At least by the weekend, he and Ellie would be honeymooning on the French Riviera, surrounded by beautiful blue water.

  Now that thought was not intimidating. He could hardly wait to get her all to himself.

  His feet felt light as he jumped up on the porch and rapped his knuckles against her door. Without waiting for anyone to answer, he twisted the knob and stepped inside. Ellie came around the corner and Nick’s breath lodged in his throat. She looked gorgeous in a pale yellow dress, her curly hair falling softly around her shoulders.

  “Hi.” He leaned down and brushed his mouth across hers. “Are you ready to marry me?”

  Her eyes glowed with happiness. “I am.”

  He wanted to give her a lingering kiss, but Cade came bouncing down the stairs. “Are all my cousins here yet?”

  Nick laughed and scooped up the little boy. “Nope. They’re waiting for you in England.” He tipped Cade on his side and spun him in a circle. “First we have to fly on an airplane.” The wedding would take place a couple of days after their arrival in a small, very old, but beautiful chapel outside of Cambridge.

  Cade giggled as Nick set him on his feet. “Can we go now?”

  “I’m ready.” Reaching down, Nick picked up three bags. He winked at Ellie. “Is this it?”

  Her lips curved as she slipped her purse over her shoulder. “Yes. Let’s go.”

  Once everyone was loaded, Nick pulled out of the driveway and followed Owen and Betsy to the airport. They hadn’t gone very far when Ellie’s cell phone chimed an incoming text message. “Ah, what a sweetie,” Ellie said, looking over at Nick. “Tiffany is already in London and says the church grounds are gorgeous.”

  Nick tried not to roll his eyes. Ellie and Tiffany Burke had become close friends, and Ellie had invited her to England, giving the reporter an exclusive on their wedding.

  He shot Ellie a skeptical look. “I still think she’s using you to advance her career.”

  “Nick,” Ellie chided softly. “She’s been very genuine and quite protective of me.”

  That part was true. Tiffany had refused several offers from Celebrity Weekly to get any inside information about Ellie, and when it came time for Ellie’s television debut on the Fox news, Tiffany had coached her on what to do and what not to do in front of the camera. The woman even planned on throwing Ellie a wedding shower next month.

  He reached across the seat and took Ellie’s hand. “I guess you’re right, but she is not coming to France with us.”

  Ellie gave him a secretive smile. “Definitely not.”

  The trip was going to be long. Thankfully, Cade had plenty of adults to keep him occupied, and Nick had provided him with plenty of gadgets for inflight entertainment. As they took off, Cade had his face pressed against the window, hoping to see their house. Nick’s ears popped as the cabin pressure changed. Overhead, the captain announced what their cruising altitude would be and gave an estimated time of arrival into London, Heathrow.

  Ellie leaned back in her seat and looked up at him, her eyes soft with love. “Sure you don’t want to change your mind?”

  He gave her a slow smile. “No way.” He leaned over and kissed her softly.

  A camera flashed and Ellie started to move away. Nick placed a hand behind her head and drew her closer, kissing her a little more thoroughly. If someone was going to get a picture of them—it might as well be a good one.

  A few of the passengers clapped enthusiastically as Nick and Ellie parted. Betsy was one of them, her smile as wide as the Colorado River they had just flown over.

  Owen’s face was tinged red as he gave an exaggerated eye roll. “I can’t wait until you two are married.”

  Nick grinned. “Me too.” Then he dipped his head and kissed her again.

  Epilogue: Two years later

  Holding back her long hair, Ellie leaned over the sink to rinse the toothpaste out of her mouth. She turned off the water and patted her mouth dry. As she applied fresh lip-gloss, she heard Nick and C
ade talking in their bedroom.

  “Do I have to wear a tie?” Cade asked.

  Nick gave their son a soft chuckle. “Yes.”

  “It chokes me,” Cade moaned.

  “Tell you what,” Nick said in his typical patient voice. “If you wear the tie until we’re done, I’ll take you to ride the go-karts at Boondocks tomorrow.”

  “Yes!” Cade squealed. “You are the best dad.”

  Nick was a good dad—even if he used bribery more than she did.

  Ellie turned around as Nick appeared in the doorway. “Go-karts?”

  Amusement sparked in his blue eyes. “Ties really are a pain. I had to think of something good.”

  “Um-hmm.” She eyed him, appreciating how good her husband looked in a tie. “You look handsome.”

  The hue of his eyes darkened with love. “You look beautiful.”

  Ellie twisted back around and looked in the mirror, rubbing her hands over her enormous tummy. “I’m huge.”

  Nick came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, placing his hands over her swollen abdomen. “You’re gorgeous” He kissed the side of her neck. “How are my girls today?”

  “Active.” She leaned back against him. “I can’t believe you can still get your arms around me.”

  He stretched his arms, overlapping his hands. “See, there’s still room to grow.”

  Ellie groaned. “I don’t remember being this big at seven months with Cade.” She turned to the side. “I guess I can’t ask you if this dress makes me look fat.”

  He started to laugh. “You are not fat. You just happen to be carrying two little girls in there.”

  When the ultrasound detected twins, she had been thrilled. After they found out they were both girls, she hadn’t stopped shopping. Now as the due date drew closer, she was getting both excited and scared. At least her parents were home from England now, and Nick was an incredible husband and hardly left her alone. In fact, he had gone to every single doctor’s appointment with her, signed them up for a birthing class, and taken both her and Cade to the hospital for a tour so they would all be prepared. Nick also had a stack of books by his side of the bed about pregnancy—and parenting.


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