Book Read Free

Deep End

Page 14

by Michelle Iannarelli

  Weston got out and held the door for Jess. Jess stepped out and turned to Weston. “What, you’re not going to carry me inside?”

  Weston blinked. “You are kidding me, right?

  Jess placed her good hand on her hip. “Yes, of course.”

  Weston stood watching her ass sway as she walked away. Then he saw Rylan walking toward the hotel entrance, and he took off. He didn’t want Jess to get into another cat fight. “Jess, wait up.”

  Jess spun around. “What now, Weston?”

  “Let me walk you to your room.” Weston caught up to Jess.

  Jess shrugged and started walking again. “So, what is it that you really want?”

  “Nothing. I just figured that since Cassidy took off that I should make sure you get to your room ok.”

  Jess continued until she reached her door. She opened the door and turned to say thank you to Weston.

  Weston opened his mouth to say goodbye and he could feel Jess’ breath on his lips she was so close.

  Jess stood there with her mouth open silently begging Weston to kiss her but then Weston blinked and stepped back. “Take care of that hand.” Weston shoved his hands into his pockets and walked away.

  Grady sat and fastened his seat belt. He’d been on a few dozen flights since the crash but each time he flew he was still terrified.

  “Hey, Buddy!”

  Grady looked up at Weston who had quite a few drinks in the lounge while they awaited their flight. “You better not puke on me!”

  Weston sat down. “I have no plans on puking.”

  “Good, let’s keep it that way.”

  Weston looked at Grady. “Hey, maybe you should have partied before the flight.”

  “I need to keep my head clear.”

  “Grady, you’re a wreck.”

  “I’ll be fine once we land.”

  Cassidy was so excited that Grady was finally going to be home for a few weeks. He had been traveling for two months now and she had only flown out to meet him a few times. She missed him terribly.

  “I like this one.” Jess held up a black lace nighty.

  “I don’t know. I kind of think that Grady might like this.” Cassidy held up a red lace bra and thong.

  “Yeah, I don’t know any man who wouldn’t like that.” Jess let out a laugh.

  “I never thought that I’d be able to wear anything like this again.”

  Jess grabbed Cassidy and hugged her. “I’m very proud of you.”

  “I think I’m proud of me too.” Cassidy giggled.

  They were halfway through the flight when the plane ran into turbulence. Grady held his seat belt so tight his knuckles were turning white. He started to sweat and then hyperventilate.

  “Grady, you need to calm down, Buddy.”


  “You need to relax or you’re going to pass out.”

  Grady continued to hyperventilate. Weston grabbed a barf bag and handed it to Grady. “Breathe into this.” Weston grabbed his phone and called Cassidy.



  “Hi, Weston.”

  “Jess, hey, is Cassidy around.”

  “Yeah, hang on.”

  Jess handed Cassidy the phone. “It’s Weston.”

  “Weston, Hi.”

  “Hey, Cassidy.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Grady needs you.”

  “Where is he? Wait! Aren’t you supposed to be flying home now?”

  “We are and there’s turbulence. He’s a mess.”

  “Put him on the phone.”

  Weston held out the phone. “Grady, it’s Cassidy.”

  Grady grabbed the phone. “Cass, I need you.”

  “Oh, Baby. I know it’s hard, but can you try to relax just a little for me.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “Grady, I love you so very much. Please try to breathe. Exhale. Breathe. Exhale.”

  Grady listened to Cassidy and finally he was able to catch his breath. “I love you too.”

  “Keep breathing. I know it’s scary but you’re going to be ok and you’ll be in my arms in a few hours.”

  “I can’t stop thinking about the crash.”

  “Close your eyes. Picture me smiling at you. Think about how free you feel when you swim. The cool water, the way you feel when you hear the crowd roaring as you near the wall before a win.” Cassidy could hear Grady’s breathing slow down. “You won your race, you beat everyone else and you know what, Grady, you can beat this too.”

  “I feel a little better now.”

  “You’ll feel a lot better when you see what I’m wearing for you tonight.”


  “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  “We have a lot of missed sex to make up for.”

  “If it were up to me, I’d keep you in bed all week.”

  “Ewww, come on!”

  “Weston doesn’t want to listen to phone sex.”

  “He’s just jealous he isn’t getting any.” Cassidy giggled.

  Grady elbowed Weston. “She said you’re jealous because you’re not getting any.” Grady laughed.

  “I’ll have plenty once we get back home.”

  “Tell him Jess is always available if he’s lonely.”

  “Jess is available.”

  Weston looked at Grady and smiled. “She’s fucking hot in bed.”

  “He’s drunk.”

  “Yeah, I wasn’t expecting that reply.”

  “The turbulence is gone.”

  “How are you feeling?”


  “Grady, I know that you feel the need to stay alert when you fly but I think that you should consider taking medication.”


  “We can talk about it…after sex.” Cassidy laughed.

  “Definitely after.”

  Jess started preparing a lasagna while Cassidy talked to Grady. She wished that she’d find a man who was kind and loving like Grady.

  “Where were we?”

  “We were watching while I cooked.” Jess smirked.

  “Why is it so hard for me to cook?”

  “Some people can, and some can’t and you my dear friend fall into the can’t category.”

  “Maybe I can bake some cookies.”

  “From scratch?”

  “Let’s not get crazy here. I use the kind that comes in a tub that you scoop.” Cassidy laughed.

  “I could totally eat it straight from the tub.”

  Cassidy smiled. “I know. That’s why I bought two. One for eating and one for baking.”

  Jess smiled and grabbed a spoon.

  The plane landed, Grady unbuckled his seatbelt and sprung up. “Let’s go.”

  “The door isn’t even open yet.”

  “West, I don’t know how I’m going to make the flight to the Olympics.”

  “I know it’s a long flight but maybe Cassidy can come with you or you could take some pills.”

  “She suggested medication.”

  “Maybe it’s time to listen to her.”

  “You may be right. I thought that I needed to keep my head clear in case we went down but I can’t go through what I did today…ever again. West, I really felt like I was going to die.”

  Weston patted Grady on his shoulder. “I know you did, Buddy. I wish I could have done something to help you.”

  “You did. You called Cassidy.” Grady smiled.

  “CASSIDY, BABY, I’M HOME!” Grady expected Cassidy to come running but instead Jess came bouncing down the steps.

  “Hi, Grady, bye, Grady!”

  “You don’t have to leave because I’m home.”

  “Oh…yes, I do!” Jess winked.

  “Ok, bye, Jess.” Grady smiled.

  “You go have your cake and eat it too. I’m going to the bar.”

  “I dropped Weston off at Buck’s.”

  “Oh really.” Jess smiled.
/>   “Yes, really.”

  Jess leaned up and kissed Grady on his cheek. “Thank you.”

  Cassidy had a romantic candlelight dinner set up complete with champagne. All she had to do was plate the lasagna while the garlic bread warmed.

  “Wow! You did this all for me.”

  Cassidy stepped out from behind the chair and Grady’s mouth dropped open. Cassidy had on her skimpy red lace bra and thong under a short sheer robe. “Welcome home!”

  Grady dropped his bags, ran to Cassidy, grabbed her, and kissed her. “You’re everything I could ever want.”

  Cassidy ran her hand down Grady’s cheek. “You’re my everything, Grady.” Cassidy kissed Grady.

  Grady picked up Cassidy, carried her to the couch and had them both naked in seconds. “I hope you’re not too hungry.”

  Cassidy shook her head. “Food is overrated.”

  “Good because I’d much rather eat you.” Grady started to nibble at Cassidy’s neck.

  Cassidy grabbed his cock and started stroking it. “Make love to me.”

  Jess walked into the bar and spotted Weston right away. He was sitting in a booth alone. She decided to take her chances and say hello. She stopped at the bar on her way and grabbed two beers.

  Weston took a swig of his beer and looked up to see Jess standing at his table. “Hey.”

  Jess extended the beer to Weston. “I brought you a peace offering.”

  Weston stared at Jess for a moment before taking it. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Jess stepped back. “Well, I need to get going.”


  “Where? Uh…”

  “Sit down.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Ask me tomorrow when I’m sober.” Weston laughed.

  Jess sat down and Weston moved closer. “How’s Dan?”


  “Is there anyone else?”


  Jess barely got the word out and Weston already had his tongue down her throat.

  Grady had Cassidy saddled up on him and they were going at it…until the fire alarm started blaring. Cassidy jumped up. “THE GARLIC BREAD!”

  Grady got up and ran into the kitchen. Flames were coming out of the stove top from the oven below and black smoke started to billow throughout the house. “Get dressed. That was probably the alarm company calling which means the fire department will be here any minute.”

  It wasn’t but two minutes later that the fire truck pulled up outside. Grady opened the door and the firefighters rushed inside.

  Cassidy walked over to Grady and held his hand while the firefighters inspected the kitchen and set up some high-powered fans to clear the smoke. “Oh, Grady, I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m going to spank you for this later.” Grady winked.

  Grady had fallen asleep after exhausting himself with sex. Cassidy snuck out of the bed to get some water. She stopped along the way to check her phone to see if Jess had texted, but she hadn’t. She grabbed a bottle of water, walked into the living room, and sat down. It was then that she noticed an envelope on the coffee table. She picked it up assuming it was a greeting card from Grady and opened it. Inside was a plain white card with the words Oh, how I’ve missed you. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms. Cassidy smiled and placed the card down before standing up and going back to bed.

  Grady stumbled into the kitchen. “Mmm…I smell coffee.”

  Cassidy smiled. “I managed to make coffee without setting the kitchen on fire.”

  Grady leaned down and kissed her. “You know I can afford a cook.”

  “But I want to cook for you.”

  “Ok, then maybe we could have someone come in and give you a few lessons?”

  “I’ll think about it.” Cassidy cracked a few eggs into a bowl and began whisking them.

  Grady couldn’t help but smile. Cassidy looked so adorable in his shirt attempting to cook for him. He was a very happy man.

  Jess managed to get out of the bed without waking up Weston. She followed the trail of clothes that led to the living room and then began to dress. As she leaned down to pull on her boot, she heard the floor creek.

  “You weren’t even going to say goodbye?”

  Jess put down her boot and turned around. “Look, I know you had a lot to drink last night and I guess I just assumed that you’d…”

  “Regret what happened?”

  Jess nodded. “Yeah.”

  Weston took a few steps closer and reached for Jess’ hand. “Do you regret what happened?”

  Jess looked down. “No.”

  Weston smiled and then placed his finger under Jess’ chin to lift her head. “Good because I don’t either.”

  “You…you don’t?”

  Weston shook his head. “I know that we don’t know each other very well and you’re probably going to run out the door when I say this, but I haven’t been able to think about anyone but you since I had you that first time.”

  “Oh, God. Really?”

  Weston let go of Jess’ hand. “You think that’s creepy, right?”

  A smile spread across Jess’ face. “No, I think it’s sweet.”

  “I’m sweet but you don’t feel the same.” Weston took a step back. “It’s ok.”

  “So that’s it?”

  “I guess, I mean what else is there to say?”

  “West, you’re a jerk!”

  “Wow! That’s harsh.”

  “Listen to me!” Jess closed the distance between her and Weston. “I said it was sweet because it was. West, I haven’t been able to get you off my mind since that night either.”

  “I am a jerk.”

  Jess kissed him. “But you’re the sexiest jerk I’ve ever met.”

  “You think I’m sexy?” Weston smiled.

  Jess nodded and then kissed him again. “Mmm hmm.”

  “Then maybe we should work on getting you out of these clothes?”

  “That’s the smartest thing you’ve said so far.” Jess giggled.

  Grady finished swimming his laps and was headed to the shower when he spotted Cassidy in the living room. “You look good sitting here in our living room.”

  Cassidy looked up from her book. “Our living room, it’s hardly mine, Grady.”

  “When I asked you to move in all of this became yours.”

  Cassidy smiled. “I love you.”

  “Do you love me enough to come shower with me?” Grady winked.

  “Ok. Can you hand me your card so I can use it as a bookmark?”

  Grady leaned down and picked up the card from the table and handed it to Cassidy. “Why is this my card?”

  “Ok, it’s mine now but you gave it to me, Silly.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  Grady hadn’t even finished speaking and Cassidy’s world began to spin. She felt sick to her stomach. The card dropped out of her shaking hand. “He was here. Oh, God, I’m going to be sick.” Cassidy jumped up and ran to the bathroom.

  Grady was pacing and panicking in front of the bathroom door. Finally, he decided that if Cassidy didn’t open the door, he was going to kick it in. “Cassidy, please open the door. I’m worried about you.”

  Cassidy unlocked the door, but she didn’t open it. She couldn’t breathe. Rick not only found her, but he was in their house.

  Grady opened the door, dropped to his knees, and pulled Cassidy into a hug. Cassidy just sat there like a rag doll while Grady held her. “I know you’re scared but I’m going to take care of you, I promise.”

  Cassidy shook her head and pulled away from Grady. “You don’t understand.” Cassidy wiped her eyes. “Rick was here inside the house without us even knowing!”

  Grady was horrified when he heard that. “He was here?”

  “The card was on the coffee table. I found it last night and just assumed it was from you.”

  “I’m going to take care of this.”

  Cassidy sprung up. “NO!”

sidy, don’t push me away.”

  “I have to, or he will KILL YOU!” Cassidy slipped past Grady, went into the closet, and grabbed her suitcase.

  Grady pulled on a pair of sweats, grabbed the phone, and called Jess.

  After the fourth call Weston looked over at Jess’ phone. When he saw that it was Grady who was interrupting their sex, he picked it up to tell him that Jess was busy and to stop calling.

  “What’s up you cock blocker?”

  “I need to speak to Jess.”

  “Grady, what’s wrong.”

  Jess froze and looked at Weston. “Is it Cassidy? Is she ok?”

  “I need Jess’ help.”

  Weston extended the phone to Jess.

  Jess grabbed the phone. “Is Cassidy ok?”

  “Rick was here and now she’s freaking out and I’m afraid she’s going to leave.”

  Jess climbed off Weston and started getting dressed. “Where is Rick now?”

  “I don’t know but you have to help me. She’s packing.”

  Grady, you listen to me. I don’t care if you have to lock her in a room or sit on her. DO NOT LET HER LEAVE! I’ll be right there and I’m calling the police on my way. Tell her that.”

  Jess hung up and turned toward Weston. “Cassidy needs me.”

  “I’ll drive you. Let’s go.”

  Jess grabbed Weston’s arm and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

  Cassidy came running into the living room, grabbed her purse and headed down the stairs to leave before Grady caught her. As she reached the bottom step Grady stepped in front of her. He had been standing guard at the front door.

  “Jess is on her way over and she said to tell you that she was calling the police.”

  “Grady, you have to let me go.”

  Grady stood with his back against the door. “I can’t.”

  “Grady, if you love me then please let me go.”


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