Book Read Free

Deep End

Page 15

by Michelle Iannarelli

  “If you love me then stay.”

  “That’s not fair. You know I love you and that’s why I have to leave.”

  “No. You can hate me all you want right now but I’m not letting you go. I love you and I’m going to take care of you no matter what you do or say.”

  “Rick will kill you.”

  “I’m not afraid of him.”

  “You should be he’s crazy.”

  “Cassidy, please, Baby, come back upstairs and let me take care of you.” Grady leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers. “I’ve waited my whole life for you and I’m not about to lose you now.”

  Cassidy dropped her bags and hugged Grady. “I’m just so afraid, Grady. I don’t want to lose you.”

  “I promise you won’t lose me.”

  Jess beat the police to Grady’s house. She pounded on the door until Grady answered it. “Thanks for coming.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Living room.”

  Jess darted up the stairs.

  Grady was about to close the door when he saw Weston running up the walk. “Hey, Buddy!”

  “She literally sprang from the car when I turned into the driveway.”

  “She’s a good friend.”

  Weston patted Grady on the shoulder. “So are you.”

  “West, I’m really rattled.”

  “Yeah, look, Jess said she couldn’t really tell me what was going on and that’s fine. I don’t need to know but if there is anything that I can do for you or Cassidy all you have to do is ask.”

  “Thanks, West.”

  “Cass!” Jess grabbed Cassidy and hugged her.

  “He was here…in this room.”

  “I called Detective Donovan and he is on his way.”

  “Jess, I’m so afraid that he’s going to hurt Grady.”

  “Grady’s a big boy and he can take care of himself.”

  “What if he comes for me?” Cassidy burst into tears. “I can’t let him get to Grady. Jess, please help me leave.”

  Jess pulled away. “Cass, don’t do this! You can’t let that scumbag ruin what you have with Grady. I won’t let you!”


  “NO! NO BUTS!” Jess grabbed Cassidy’s hands. “You will not be his victim again! We are all here to keep you safe.”

  “I’m so afraid.”

  Jess hugged Cassidy. “I know you are, Honey.”

  Detectives Donovan and Sawyer entered the living room. “Can we speak to Dr. Scott privately?”

  Jess nodded and stood up. “Come on, boys, let’s get a cup of coffee.”

  Weston followed behind Jess. Grady turned to leave.

  “I’d like for Grady to stay if that’s alright?”

  “As you wish.” The detectives sat on the couch across from Cassidy.

  Grady took Jess’ place beside Cassidy and held her hand.

  “Jess explained that your ex, Rick, had been in the house.”

  Cassidy nodded. “Yes.”

  “Did he make physical contact?”


  “That’s good. Did he threaten you?”

  “Not exactly.”

  Detective Donovan put down his note pad and looked up at Cassidy. “What exactly did happen then?”

  Grady picked up the card and handed it to the detective. “Cassidy found this on the coffee table last night.”

  “Wait a minute.” Detective Sawyer stood up. “So, did you actually see him?”

  Cassidy jumped up. “He was here, I know he was.”

  “Look, Detectives, we had a bit of a fire in the kitchen last night and the house was overrun with firefighters. I’m thinking that’s when he snuck in and left the note.”

  “Alright, I can run the card for prints to see if they are his, but I can’t do much more than that.”

  Grady stepped in front of Detective Sawyer. “You need to find him and lock him up!”

  Detective Donovan stood up and placed a hand on Grady’s shoulder. “Calm down!”

  Grady shrugged off the detective’s hand. “How can I be calm when the woman I love is terrified that this psycho Rick guy is going to kill her!”

  Detective Donovan looked down at Cassidy who was crying. “I will have a car patrol the area and if these turn out to be his prints then I will make a few calls and try to get you a restraining order based on your past history.”

  Grady extended his hand. “Thank you, Detective Donovan.”

  “Take care of her. I’ll call you as soon as I have something.”

  Jess waited until she heard the door close and then she and Weston went back to the living room. “So how did it go?”

  “They are running the card for prints and…” Cassidy broke down. Jess grabbed her and hugged her.

  Grady exhaled and rubbed his hand across his face. “I can’t handle seeing her cry.”

  Weston patted Grady on the back. “Everything is going to be ok.”

  “West, I want to hunt this guy down and…”

  “Grady, let the police do their job. Cassidy doesn’t need you in jail.”

  “Yeah.” Grady walked over to Cassidy and knelt. “Why don’t we order in some pizza, and all hang out?”

  Cassidy wiped her eyes. “I’m not hungry.”

  Jess poked her. “Cass, you have to eat.”

  “Fine. I’ll try.”

  Grady stood up. “I’ll order the pizza.”

  “Do you have any fruit?”

  “We should.”

  Jess got up. “I’m going to make us some sangria.” Jess followed Grady out of the room.

  Weston sat down. “Can I do anything for you?”


  Weston nodded. “Ok.”

  Cassidy looked over at Weston and knew that he deserved some sort of explanation for what was going on. “Rick is a guy that I dated in college. He went to prison after he attempted to kill me and my boyfriend because he was jealous. He’s insane and I’m afraid he will come after Grady.”

  Weston reached out his hand and Cassidy took it. “I promise I will watch after Grady.”

  “Thank you.”

  Cassidy felt as if she had spent the last three days looking over her shoulder. She hadn’t sleep because every time she closed her eyes, memories of Rick came flooding back.

  “Cass, you almost ready…” Grady stopped talking when he found Cassidy still sitting in bed.

  “I cancelled my appointments for today.”

  Grady dropped his towel and wiggled out of his wet swimsuit before climbing into the bed to comfort Cassidy. “Don’t let him win.”

  “I’m so tired, Grady. I can barely think. How am I supposed to help someone else if I can’t help myself?”

  “I’m going to call Coach and tell him that I need to be home with you today.”

  “No, you need to go.”

  “What I need to do is to stay right here with you in my arms so that you can get some sleep while I watch over you.”

  “But even if I fall asleep, he haunts me.”

  Grady kissed Cassidy on her forehead. “When I couldn’t sleep you gave me some medication so maybe it’s time that you give in and take some?”

  “You’re right. I’m going to call my doctor.”

  “If you’d like I can bring you to see him?”

  “Maybe. Let me call and talk to him and see what he thinks.”

  “Ok, then if you’re not going to sleep, I’m going to make you some coffee while you call him.” Grady got up and reached for his robe.


  Grady looked over at Cassidy. “Yeah.”

  “Thank you.” Cassidy smiled.

  Grady leaned in and kissed her. “Call the doctor. I’ll be in the kitchen.” Grady handed Cassidy the phone before he walked out of the bedroom.

  Jess kissed Weston. “Mmm, I’m going to miss you while you’re away at the Olympics.”

  “Come with me.”

  Jess rolled onto her side so that she could look at We
ston. “I’m pretty sure I just did.” Then she giggled.

  “Seriously, Jess, come with me to the Olympics. I know I’ll be busy, but you can sightsee and shop and…”

  “Yes.” Jess grabbed Weston’s face and kissed him. “I’d love to.”

  “Good because I’ve kind of gotten used to you being around.”

  “Oh, have you?” Jess smiled.

  “I have and I know we haven’t been dating long but maybe after we get back, we could talk about moving in together?”

  Jess blinked. “Oh, wow!”

  “Too soon?”

  “No. I just wasn’t expecting you to invite me and now this.” Jess leaned up.

  Weston sat up and exhaled. “I’m sorry. I don’t want you to feel pressured into anything.”

  “I don’t…really. I just wasn’t prepared is all.” Jess pasted on a fake smile.

  Weston was disappointed by Jess’ response. He had hoped that her feelings for him were as strong as his were for her. “Oh, it’s late I have to get going.” Weston kissed Jess on the cheek and got out of bed.

  Jess sat there thinking about what had just happened.

  “Thank you for bringing me here to see my doctor, Grady, but you should really get to practice now.”

  “I told you that I called Coach and explained that I needed the day off.”

  “I don’t want you to miss practice especially being this close to…”

  “I swam laps twice today and I’ll swim some more when we get home. Please don’t worry about me.”


  “Nope.” Grady shook his head. “Now go talk to the doctor and I’ll be here hiding behind this magazine so that nobody sees me.” Grady winked.

  “Do you want to come inside with me?”

  “I will if you want me there, but I think I’d be more of a distraction.”

  “Because I’d be staring at your big beautiful eyes or at your long legs and those lips that kiss my…”

  Grady leaned down and whispered. “If you don’t stop now, I’m going to haul you off to the closest bathroom and fuck the hell out of you and you’ll be late to your appointment.”

  “I’ll stop…for now.” Cassidy turned to walk over to the receptionist.

  Grady grabbed her ass and again whispered. “I will be right here waiting to do you in the bathroom.”

  Cassidy could feel her cheeks heat up and for a moment couldn’t think about anything but Grady having his way with her.

  “Cassidy, I know you told me over the phone that you have been having nightmares and you haven’t been sleeping. How about we talk about those nightmares?”

  “I close my eyes and I see Rick with a knife.”

  “Is it a vision from the past?”

  “Sometimes it is a memory of the night he attacked me.”

  “But sometimes you just see him holding a knife?”


  “Is anyone else ever in your dream?”


  “What’s Grady doing in the dream?”

  “He’s yelling my name. I don’t see him, but I can hear him calling me until I hear him…”

  “What do you hear?”

  “He yells out in pain…” Cassidy raised up her hands and wiped her eyes. “I know that Rick…that Rick kills him.”

  “Ok, you need to remind yourself that it is a bad dream. Grady is fine. The police are keeping an eye on you and…”

  “And Rick won’t give up until he kills us.”

  “That may in fact be Rick’s intention. However, you need to see it differently. You need to prepare yourself to kill if need be or be killed. He caught you off guard last time but this time you can be prepared. I know that what I’m saying isn’t typical psychiatric advice but, Cassidy, you’re more than a patient, you’re my friend.”

  “I appreciate the advice but I’m not a killer. If I was, it wouldn’t make me any different than Rick.”

  “You know as well as I do that killing in self defense is a very different thing.”

  “I don’t know if I could do it. I hate him. Yes, I’ve prayed for his death but not by my hands.”

  “What if it was to save Grady?”

  Cassidy looked down at the floor for a moment and then she looked up at her doctor. “I’d do anything to save Grady.”

  “You need to do anything necessary to save yourself, Cassidy.”

  “I guess you’re right. We need to be prepared to make sure that we are the ones who walk away.”

  “That’s a better way to see it.”

  “Thank you for being a friend first.” Cassidy smiled.

  “Now back to doctor mode. So, what do you think will work best so that we can get you sleeping?”

  Grady read two magazines back to front while he waited for Cassidy. He finally got up and ventured to the vending machine to grab a bottle of water.


  Grady didn’t even have time to react before the woman practically tackled him.

  Once Grady was able to peel the woman from his body he stepped back. “Hello!”

  “I’m your biggest fan. I’ve watched you swim since you were in high school. My brother Josh Kraven was on your team.”

  “Oh yeah, I remember Josh. How is he?”

  “He lives in Japan.”

  “Japan, wow.”

  “He joined the Army after he graduated and was stationed there for a few years. He met the woman of his dreams there so once his tour ended, he moved there to be with her.”

  “That’s great. Does he have any children?”

  “Yes, I have a niece and a nephew on the way.” The woman beamed.

  “That’s amazing. Please give him my regards when you speak to him.”

  “Do you think we could take a selfie?”

  Grady smiled. “Sure.”

  The woman spun around, lifted her arm up high and smiled. “Say swim!”


  She snapped a few shots and then kissed Grady. “Thank you so much. I’ll tag you in these photos.”

  Grady waved. “Take care. Thank you.” Then he headed back to wait for Cassidy.

  Cassidy emerged from the doctor’s office and Grady was sitting there smiling up at her. “Missed you.”

  Cassidy lifted her hand and wiped some smudged lipstick from his cheek. “Oh really, because it seems to me that you had company while I was with the doctor.”

  Grady rolled his eyes. “Oh that. Well yes, I did get mauled by a fan who turned out to be a high school teammate’s sister.”

  “Likely story.” Cassidy let out a giggle.

  “When we get home, I will show you Mila Kraven in my yearbook and then when she tags me in her selfie you will see that I’m telling you the truth.”

  “Mmm hmm and would that be before or after you have your way with me.” Cassidy moved her knee against Grady’s crotch.

  Grady rubbed himself against Cassidy’s knee, stood up, grabbed Cassidy’s hand, and pulled her down the hall. “Definitely after.”

  Grady hadn’t even gotten halfway up the driveway before Cassidy spotted Jess running toward them.

  “Stop the car.” Cassidy jumped out.

  “OH MY GOD! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!” Jess grabbed Cassidy and hugged her.

  “Dead?” Cassidy pulled away and looked at Jess who was pale as a ghost. “What made you think that?”

  “I’ve been calling you since I saw that photo with Rick…”

  “Rick? What photo?”

  Jess unlocked her phone and started scrolling.

  Grady parked the car and ran back to where he left Cassidy. “Is everything ok?”

  “No.” Cassidy held onto Grady’s hand.

  “Here.” Jess turned her phone so that Cassidy and Grady could see the picture.

  Grady smiled. “Oh, now I get it. You thought I was cheating on…”

  Cassidy dropped Grady’s hand and stepped back in horror.

  Grady turned toward C
assidy. “Cass, I told you about her, that’s Mila.”

  Cassidy shook her head. “My God!” Cassidy spun around scoping out the area around her looking for Rick.

  “Grady, that’s Rick behind you.”

  Grady looked over at Jess. “He was there?”

  Jess nodded.

  Grady raked his hands through his hair. “DAMMIT!” Grady wrapped his arms around Cassidy and kissed her on the top of her head. “Come on, let’s get you inside.”

  Cassidy sat silent listening to Detective Donovan speak but all she could do was stare at the photo he printed of Rick standing behind Grady.

  “I’m going to talk to the judge and explain the obvious stalking. Between the note and this photo, we should be able to get you that restraining order now.”

  Cassidy mumbled. “It won’t matter. Rick is going to kill me just like he promised he would that last time I saw him.”

  Grady sat beside Cassidy holding her hand. He felt sick to his stomach. He needed to do something…anything to make sure that Cassidy was safe. “Let me take you somewhere and…”

  Cassidy turned toward Grady. “Hide! Rick will find us again, and he won’t stop until he kills us!” Cassidy pulled her hand away, got up and left the room.

  Jess stood up. “I’ll go calm her down.”

  Grady closed his eyes and took a breath to calm himself. “Detective, do you think she’s right about him?”

  “On the record, I should tell you that we’re going to do what we can to keep you both safe but to be cautious.”

  “And off the record?”

  “I’d be very careful. So far he’s gained access to your home unbeknownst to you and apparently is watching you since he knew you’d be at the hospital.”

  “It’s almost like he intentionally got into that photo.”

  “Not almost, I’d bet my badge it was intentional. He wants to play games and wear you down before he attacks.”

  “I don’t wear down and I don’t lose. He has no idea who he is messing with this time around.”

  “Cass, come here.” Jess grabbed Cassidy and hugged her. “Chin up. You can get through this.”


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