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Shifting Minds (Skull Shifters MC Book 2)

Page 14

by Tricia Wagner

  When he’s gone, Falcon comes in and sits down on the desk right in front of my chair. From this view, I know that he’s blocking Jason from being able to see me. Great. I look up into his eyes and fight with everything I have not to get pulled into those golden specs. So weird. “Falcon, why are you doing this? I mean, you saved me and I appreciate it, but Jason and I are meant to be together.” He still has a smile on his face that shows the line dimples on his face. Cute. This man is dangerous. “Sophie, I just want a chance to prove to you that there is more out there than the first guy to come through and drag you into the MC life. You may think that you love Jason and you’re meant to be, but I’m another guy who gets what he wants. The second I saw you running toward me from that warehouse, I knew I wanted to protect you. Sophie, give me the chance to do that.” When he finishes the sentence he slides his finger along my jaw line. My reaction is almost to do that back to him. I of course don’t do this. I try one more time, “Well that isn’t going to happen. I’m Jason’s Ol’ Lady and on top of that, outside of the MC I am his partner. Outside of all of this, we have a life that he has created for us. One where I feel safe and sound. The events that happened are a part of my past. Jason didn’t have any control over that situation. There wasn’t anything he could’ve done to prevent any of it. That’s all on Creed. I have no anxiety toward my situation, so you keep saying you want to help me see that there is more out there, but I don’t want any more than what I already have. I have everything that I could possibly need, and on top of that, I have everything that I could possibly want. You can’t give me that.” He quirks an eyebrow, “How do you know?” I smile, “Because you’re not Jason. Falcon, I have no doubt that you will find exactly what you’re looking for, but that girl is not me.” He gets close, and for a second I thought he was going to kiss me. He gets whisper close and says, “We could’ve been great.” With that he was gone. I was left there blinking at the air.

  Jason came in and I looked deep into the perfect green eyes. I smile at him as I get out of my Falcon stupor. He comes close and says, “We good?” I nod, “He’s done.” Jason has a relieved look on his face, but I wasn’t done. I stand up and walk passed him, “I’m still upset with you.” He nods, “I’ll fix that. This is done and we can move forward.” I don’t respond, I just walk away to see if Mel was back with Connor yet. I come around the corner and Brantley was standing there, “Don’t stay mad at him too long.” I look to him, but I don’t respond. He keeps talking with, “It took a lot for him to be able to say he would send you. Imagine how you would feel if you thought maybe your woman would feel differently if she had another option.” My mouth pops open a little at that. I hadn’t really thought about it from that end.

  This is why I keep my mouth shut, and I nod my head slightly at him. “Is Connor here? Oh and Mel?” He laughs, “She’s comin down the driveway.” I nod and smile. I couldn’t wait to snuggle. I walk down the hallway to help Mel back into the house. Tomorrow’s meeting was going to be a lot harder than this one. I had to face Marshall, and my past. I needed this to be done, so that Jason and I could move forward. I see Mel get to the top of the driveway and I eagerly go to the car so I can help her.

  I get Connor out of the car in his carrier and Mel is laughing getting out of the car, “How’d everything go?” I smile at her, “Good. It’s done. Tomorrow’s the one I’m worried about.” She nods, “Brantley told me I can’t come to that one either.” I nod, “It’s not anything against you Mel. It’s just they can only handle enough sass in one room, and I’m piling on quite a bit these days.” She laughs as we hit the steps and head inside. Mel goes in search of Brantley while I take Connor out of his carrier. I pick him up as he coos and we head over onto the great rooms floor to play. Mel comes back out and plops down beside me as we talk to Connor. She starts the conversation with, “So, what happened?” I roll my eyes as I tell her everything. By the end, she was so intrigued I don’t think she had realized that Brantley had walked into the room. This is because she said, “Please tell me that God of a man kissed you.” My eyes get a little big as I shake my head. She swings around and Brantley is standing next to Jason and both of them have their arms crossed over their chest. Retreat! “I knew you were there.” I fight back a laugh. She had no idea that they were there. Brantley quirks an eyebrow and says, “Babe.” I fight to not roll my eyes, because that doesn’t mean anything.

  Melanie stands up and says, “Are we gonna fight about this?” Brantley shakes his head but not in a “we’re not going to fight about this” more in a “my wife is nuts if she thinks we aren’t going to fight about this” shake. “Brant, obviously I’m used to good looking guys hanging around. You’re my husband! Falcon is just…it’s something in his eyes. You can’t even deny that he’s good looking.” It’s the eyes, the jawline, the smile lines. Shit! This was not helping. I stand up with Connor, “Listen, none of this matters. Falcon and I did not kiss! This is all irrelevant.” Brantley shoots me a look like this is all relevant, and I look to Jason for help. He looks away! No help there. Time to go! “I gotta get home. Here’s Connor. You two better not fight about this.” I walk away toward the door and exit the house while there is still a house left.

  I get to the car and stand there waiting for Jason. He doesn’t take long to follow and we get in the car silently. By the time we get home I am chomping at the bit. What is he thinking about over there? How much had he heard of my conversation? When we get inside his house he breaks the silence with, “Would’ve preferred to hear that conversation in the privacy of my own home. From you.” I nod, “It was just Mel asking how everything had gone. I was going to tell you about it.” He gets close and almost touches my lip, but stops short saying, “Did you want him to kiss you?” I shake my head. It wasn’t exactly a lie. “I just thought he was going to.” He nods, “What would you have done?” My eyes get a little big, “I would’ve pushed him away! Jason I’m not a cheater.” He smiles, “I’m going to take that feeling off of your lips now.” I don’t say anything. I just stand there as he puts his hands on either side of my head running his fingers through my hair at the base of my neck, and pulls my lips to his. Yum. He thought he was going to get to take over the kiss, instead I surprise him and take control. When he breaks the kiss we’re both breathing heavily and he shocks me with, “We need to talk.” Oh. I thought we were done with that? He smiles and says, “Save that look for a minute.” I nod as he starts to talk, “With Falcon out of the way, and he’s out of the way, we need to talk about tomorrow morning.” Sigh. “Talk about a mood killer.” He smiles again and I can’t help but smile back at him.

  It was moments like this that make me realize everything I have in Jason. He is seriously amazing. I sigh and think about the visit that I’m supposed to have with my mom next week. Somehow, Jason arranged for us to meet halfway between our houses, just so my mom could see that I’m okay. He didn’t think it would be a good idea for her to come here right now when tensions are high, and I agreed. So we’re supposed to leave in three days to go see her. First, we had to get through tomorrow. “You’re going to be in there, right?” He nods, “There may be some MC talk while this meet happens, and I need you to keep this outta the girls’ ears.” I nod, “Of course. Is something going on?” He nods. I knew it. “I just am gonna need you to keep your mouth shut when you hear certain things, and then we can talk about them together afterwards. Brantley is okay with you hearin things as long as I made you promise not to get Mel involved.” I nod instantly. Something must be really wrong. We don’t finish the conversation. He just leaves it at that as we head over to relax on the couch for a bit.

  I wish we were still doing what we started when we first got home, but I think he can tell I’m wound up. This stuff all just makes me anxious. A while later after a quiet dinner Jason says, “We have to be up early, are you ready to head to bed?” I nod. He smiles and tells me to head up while he locks up the house. I get into my PJ’s and climb into bed. Unfortunately,
my sleep is not nightmare free. I wake up the same way I have since I got back, and Jason pulls me into his arms. When his breathing evens out, I get out of bed and take a shower. I get myself together and head downstairs to have some coffee. “Kitty. Who wants a treat.” I make a kissy noise, because I’m a crazy cat lady and Kit comes around the corner. I give her a treat and feed her while my coffee is brewing.

  I smell the coffee before it’s done and I stand impatiently waiting. I get my first glass and I sit down on the couch waiting for something good to come on TV. We have to leave in two hours, and I’m sure Jason will be up soon. I take in the feeling of the caffeine running through me and I hear Jason in the shower. He comes down about twenty minutes later and doesn’t stop for coffee.

  Instead he comes straight to the couch and kneels in front of me. I look into those piercing green eyes and he starts to talk. Unfortunately, I don’t hear what he’s saying. I’m still stuck in his gaze. I feel him squeeze my legs and I shake my head of these thoughts and say, “Sorry, what?” He smiles and says, “Are you okay? That was a rough nightmare.” I nod, “I’m okay. I’m just ready for all of this to be done. I think today has me on edge, so that’s what caused last night.” He nods, “We have some time, can I make you some breakfast?” Hmm. “I’m not really hungry. I can just eat a banana or something?” He’s not happy, but he gets himself some coffee and gets me my banana.

  I eat that and Kit takes off and cuddles into J. Traitor. I roll my eyes as he pets her and she purrs. Rude. I sat cuddled into Jason and he had his arm around me, so I guess in a way I couldn’t really blame Kit. I liked the feeling too. Unfortunately, it all has to end, and I find myself looking at the time. I sigh as Jason says, “I know. It’s time to head out.” I had no idea what this morning was going to bring for me.

  We head over and get there early, but Brantley meets us outside. I thought we were going inside, but they both guide me into the clubhouse. We go inside and Brantley says, “You’re never to speak of this meeting. Melanie has only been in this room once and it was the night that I was jumped here and taken. The guys are never to know that we met in here. I don’t want Creed in my home.” I nod. I didn’t want that either. We go into the room and I know this is where they hold church. This is where all the decisions are made, and that makes me nervous that we’re about to make an important decision. Nothing else is said as Jason indicates for me to sit down in what I assume is his chair. He sits down next to me and Brantley sits at the head of the table. He breaks the silence with, “The two of you talked?” I nodded. “We’re on the same page?” I nod again. Brantley is a lot like Jason, and I figured he was getting sick of the silence, and this was confirmed when he said, “Soph. The words.” I look up to him, “We’re on the same page, Brantley. I’m a little nervous, kay?” He nods and I see his eyes flick to the doorway. He stands up and heads outside.

  When he comes back I see Marshall with him and I feel sick to my stomach. What are we doing here? Marshall sits down in the chair across from me and he goes to speak, but Brantley beats him to it. “You will wait. We have some things to put out there, and you’re gonna hear us.” Marshall’s mouth slams shut, and I can tell this is not the same man that I was dating. He looks like the kind of man that is in charge of a motorcycle club. A club not like Jason’s. He actually looked scary, and I was surprised that Brantley was talking to him that way. Still, Marshall kept his mouth shut and let Brantley start. “First, there are things happening here that are out of the norm. We’re discussin a war with an Ol’ Lady at the table. You caused this. You brought her into the middle of a shit storm. A shit storm that we need to now clean up. We’re going to handle Crowley, and when we do, you will be indebted to the Skull Shifters. On top of that, you will be out of this state permanently. No partial residency bullshit. Gone. Sophie has made her choice clear, and we’re here to be sure you hear it.” Well. If Brantley had spoken to me like that, I would’ve been glued to his face. Marshall apparently didn’t care because he was watching me. Brantley says, “Now, with that being said you have something you need to say?” He nods, “Sophie, I need to apologize. This has all gotten out of hand, and I need you to know that I was in it for you. Everything I ever said was real. I meant all of my actions.” My mouth kind of dropped open and I felt kind of bad, but I needed to be clear, “Is it my turn to talk now?” Brantley fought a smirk and nodded, “You meant all of your actions that got me in the exact position that I was when I was fifteen, and met you?” Marshall…no Creed. He wasn’t Marshall. Creed swings his head as if I slapped him and he says, “You had protection. That was never supposed to happen. Crowley shouldn’t have ever found you.” I nod, “But he did. Who got me out of that? The Shifters. More specifically Jason. So, if you want to let me know which actions you meant and which you didn’t I’d appreciate it. Until then, we can just not talk about our dating past, because as far as I’m concerned it never even happened.” He nods, “Then we need to discuss the war with Crowley. He’s not goin down without a fight, and it’s gonna be a fight that’s brought to your front door if you don’t strike first.” I feel sick again.

  The last thing I want is anything at Brantley’s front door because Mel and Connor are here. The guys can handle themselves, but the women and children of everyone involved were innocent. Before I even have time to process all of this Brantley says, “We’re already ready to bring the first move. We have some precautions to take before that happens, I need to know the timeframe I have.” He nods, “Less than a week.” My mouth pops open a little bit. This is insane. Stuff like this only happens in movies. Brantley nods and says, “We’re done here then. It’s time for you to go.” He nods, “We want to help. We have the man power and we know the plays.” Brantley shakes his head and says, “We don’t want anyone getting in the way. We’ll discuss this as a club, and get back to you. This meeting is over.” Creed nods and heads out on his own.

  I find myself slamming my head off of the table and closing my eyes. “Ow.” That was a hard table. Jason and I were going to have to have a long conversation about this. Unfortunately, I knew it was going to be later. For now, I sit here contemplating the people I love getting hurt. How was I going to deal with this?

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Baby, wake up.” I look up to Jason who is showered and fully dressed. How did I miss that? “Baby where are you going?” He sighs as he squats down to my level. “I have a meeting.” What he meant was, I have the meeting. The Shifters were coming in from all over to discuss war. War that I would’ve thought Jason came home to stay away from. “Kris is here. Brantley is keeping Mel and Connor close. I have guys outside. Every prospect from the club is on guard duty. No one will touch you.” I nod and he kisses me. “I’ll be back as fast as I can.” I nod again and he smiles, “Soph. I love you.” I half smile, “I love you too.” I can’t wait for this to be done. He nods and heads out the door.

  I roll out of the bed and head downstairs to find Kris. I knew this was going to be a long day, but at least with her here, it will make it easier to take. “Morning.” I nod, “Morning.” We were both grim. We knew what today meant. A fight that our guys might not come out of. Crowley was rich and resourceful. He had power and the dumb people to back his views. I know our guys are experienced in real war, but nothing can prepare you when things like this happen right at your front door. “Soph, are they gonna be okay?” I close my eyes. Trance had finally convinced her that they were meant to be together. She cared about him so much, and I could tell by the tone in her voice that our strong Kristina, was worried. “Kris, if you’re worried, then I’m terrified. You’re the backbone remember? Holding us up in times like this.” She pulls me in for a hug and says, “Usually, I can do that. I’m so invested though. Soph, I’m in love with him. No matter my age, or anything else. He’s it for me. I can’t lose him.” I open my eyes and look into her, “Kris, nothing is going to happen to them. They know what they’re doing and we’re all gonna make it through this just fin
e. Look at everything we’ve gone through!” She shakes her head, “There’s more than just this impending war. I have to talk to you about something.” I nod and she pulls me over to the couch. This must be serious.

  “Kris, what is it? You’re freaking me out.” She takes in a calming breath and spits out, “Trance found out that one of the military members that was dishonorably discharged because of our guys is fighting with Crowley. Wants payback. Threatened me, Trance, all of us.” Shit. Shit. Shit. “How bad is it?” She shakes her head, “He’s dangerous. Highly trained. They busted him trying to sell drugs in the field. I just got the full story last night, so I’m sure Jason will let you know when he gets back. Trance is who he’s after though. He’s the one who saw him do it. Had to turn him in, and even with Brantley and Jason at his back at the time, it wasn’t enough. Trance has a scar down his side, you probably haven’t noticed it because when he has his shirt off his tattoo lettering goes around it. Obviously it doesn’t hide the scar, but you would’ve been looking at the tattoo. I know I did. The scar is from this Brandinger man. That’s his last name. I guess when Trance turned him in they had a meeting, and on his way out he sliced him down the side. He wants to meet with Brantley and Jason. Says none of it’s on them and there’ll be no blowback if Trance turns himself over to them.” I see a tear slide down her face. I pull her in for a hug, “Jason and Brantley would never let that happen.” She nods but I can tell she doesn’t believe it. That means that this war is the ultimate sacrifice for Trance. The guys needed to do something about this, and I was going to have a long discussion with Jason about all of this. I hold Kris until she calms down and we make breakfast together. Neither of us really eat, but it seems like it was a good way to pass our time.


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