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Shifting Minds (Skull Shifters MC Book 2)

Page 15

by Tricia Wagner

  Once we had the kitchen cleaned up we both decided we were going to work out. We head to Jason’s basement and I get on the treadmill while Kris hits his bag. I completely get caught up in what I was doing that I didn’t realize that it should be close to Jason getting home and Trance getting back. I hop off and I get Kris as we head upstairs. I am so sweaty and when we hit the top of the stairs I hear, “Why are you working out? Soph, we’re supposed to be putting weight back on you.” I snap my eyes and see Jason standing at the door with Trance. Kris walks over and Trance pulls her into his side. “We’re gettin outta here.” I nod. Kris snapped her eyes to him because his voice left no room for argument. This wasn’t good. I give Jason a look and he shakes his head once in the negative. Kris gives me a hug and they walk out the door together. What the heck am I going to do?

  When the door shuts I sit my butt on the floor. Right in the middle of the room. Kit comes and sits in my lap and I scrunch down in a ball snuggling into her. I hear Jason get onto the floor and I’m sure we look silly. He finally breaks the silence with, “How much do you know?” I look up to him, “A lot.” He nods, “We’re gonna fix it. That guy shouldn’t even be out in public. He’s mentally unstable, and Crowley probably knows this. He’s using it to get to us.” I nod. “Jason, if anything happens to anyone, I will forever feel responsible.” He pulls me into his arms as he shushes me. “If something happens to someone, it is not your fault. These guys are all going into this knowing what the outcome could be. We would’ve had this fight even if I had never met you. Crowley was always our problem.” I feel a tear slide down my face, “But other vendetta’s are involved. I mean, this is too much. Can’t we get the police involved?” He shakes his head and I sigh. This isn’t right. “Jason, please. Promise me you won’t get hurt.” He nods, “I promise. We’ve got this. We have guys in from all over, and they’re all here to make sure that nothing happens to any of us. Baby, nothin is gonna happen.” I close my eyes and take in his words. I still need to say, “You can’t guarantee this. Jason, it’s war. It’s unpredictable.” He nods, “I can promise to do my best. I’ll protect them and myself. You already know this. I’ll always find a way to come home to you, baby. Nothin could stop me.” Another tear slides down my face and he catches it bringing my head to his and kissing me.

  When we break the kiss I say, “I love you Jason.” And he says, “Marry me, Sophie.” My eyes get huge, “Wh…wha…what did you just say?” He has his hands on my cheeks as his thumbs rub them and he repeats, “Marry me. Be mine forever. Sophie, I can’t live without you and I don’t want to. Please, say yes?” I bring my hands up to his cheeks and pull his face to mine. I kiss him and I hope that my kiss tells him everything that he needs to know. When he pulls away I think he got it because he says, “I’m taking that as a yes.” I let out a little chuckle and then I squeal when he picks me up off the floor and carries me upstairs to the bedroom.

  The next morning, I feel Jason roll out of bed. After a glorious night, I can’t help the feeling that comes over me. I look over to my left hand where Jason had pulled a ring from his dresser and placed it on my finger. It was beautiful and perfect. A solitaire diamond on a platinum band. It was gorgeous and on my little finger it looks huge. I half smile, but can’t shake the feeling that Jason, at some point in the middle of the night said goodbye to me. What if that was goodbye? I feel a tear slide down my cheek and I swipe it away before Jason could see. Today we were heading to Brantley’s and they were leaving us there to head off to fight. This really could’ve been goodbye, and I spent the whole time celebrating. I sigh as Jason pulls me out of bed to get ready. What could I possibly do without this man?

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Oh my God, let me see that rock!” This was Mel. I let out a laugh as I swipe at my eyes. The guys had all just left. It seems like there is so much more at stake than the last time we had a fight that we were fighting. Maybe I’m just so much more invested. We were all crying, and unfortunately they weren’t happy “Sophie’s engaged” tears. Kris and Mel hug me as we see our friend Kelly come walking back into the room from saying goodbye. Her husband Trey is a Shifter and she was one of our closer friends. When it came to Ol’ Ladies she rocked, and she had been through some of her own drama. At first, Jason told Trey to stay home, but he insisted to be there to have his brothers’ backs. “Kelly come here and look at Sophie’s engagement ring!” She squeals and runs over to me. She’s seriously so cute. She pulls my hand and says, “Oh my word!” I laugh and we sit talking about wedding plans. The entire time I sat there freaking out that I may be planning a wedding that wasn’t ever going to happen. That’s why when Melanie pulled out some wedding magazines I started to feel like I was going to have a panic attack.

  I stood up and went straight to the back porch and caught my breath. When I heard the door open behind me and footsteps it didn’t take long to realize it was Mel. She puts her arm on my back and says, “Soph, we gotta plan. If you don’t plan, it’s like you saying you don’t believe they’ll come back. That’s just not healthy. We’re going to get through this, and we’re going to do that together. We’re all here and we’ve made it through a couple situations like this before.” I shake my head, “Never this bad.” She squeezes me and says, “No, it just seems that way to you, because you’re more invested this time. Honey, it was this bad before. Maybe with what Kris has added it seems worse, but we’ll get through that too. Look at the men we are with! They wouldn’t let anything stop them from coming home to us.” I look to her and she smiles as I say, “That’s what Jason told me yesterday. I feel like he was saying goodbye last night. Just in case, ya know?” She nods, “I felt it too, from Brantley. I think they’re a little worried, but only because there’s more at stake. A wedding, Connor, all of it. Ya know?” I nod. I did know. “Come back inside?” I nod, “I’m dying to look at wedding dresses.” She knew I was lying, but she put on her best smile and we headed back inside.

  The girls had everything set out and Kris was on the iPad looking up different themes. I wasn’t in a wedding planning mood, so all of this was moot. I wouldn’t use any of it, but it was good to distract everyone with something good while we waited. And waited. Oh yeah, did I mention we waited? No phone calls, no texts. We had prospects surrounding us making sure that we were safe, but other than that, we heard nothing. When it came time to go to bed we all put Connor to bed and curled up in Mel’s bed together.

  I woke up at some point in the middle of the night, and realized that Kris wasn’t in bed. I smoothly roll out of bed, and go in search for her. Mel was still sleeping and she would need it. She needed to keep herself together for Connor. I walk passed the nursery, but hear Kris talking in there. I stop at the door as she says, “This life Connor, it’s one of the scariest, and yet most rewarding. You have a great dad, and you have uncles that love you so much already. We’re all gonna be here no matter what. Nothing is going to happen to anyone.” I step in and whisper, “Are you convincing him or yourself?” She looks up and nods, “Mostly me. He was restless and I thought I would give Mel a little break. He’s sleeping now, so I was just putting him back in his crib.” I nod as she quietly does that and we head to the great room.

  We both plop down on the couch and see two prospects come walking into the room. They give us a nod when they realize it’s just us. Kris turns to me and says, “Soph, I love him so much. I have this horrible feeling in my gut that he just said goodbye to me last night. I said that to him and he said I was being silly. I mean it with everything I have. I think that last night is the last time I will see Trance. I don’t think he’s planning on coming back.” My mouth pops open, “What do you mean? Of course he plans on coming back. Kris, he would do anything he could to be sure to have you again. No doubt in my mind.” She sighs and leans into me. I hold her until she finally falls back to sleep.

  Unfortunately, I wish I believed my words. They all seemed like they let it all hang out last night, and I think they’re all
prepared to give their lives if need be. I know one thing to be true, they all better come back, or our lives are not going to be complete. I sigh as I feel Kris stir and settle back into me. I hold onto her until the sun starts to rise and she wakes up. When she looks at me, I know she knows I didn’t sleep. I sit here replaying Jason’s last words to me over and over. Standing at his bike, holding me in his arms, he whispered in my ears, “As soon as I’m back I’m making you my wife. Big or small, however you want it, you’re gettin it. Please don’t make me wait too long.” I nodded into his arms and he pulls my head away kissing me. As his tongue took its final swipe in my mouth he pulled away and said, “I love you, baby.” And then he said what all the Shifter’s always say, “I’ll see you, safe, sound, and soon.” I nod, “Safe, sound, and soon, I love you Jason.” He kissed my forehead and then he was on his bike. Once Brantley started his they all started theirs in order. Then they were off.

  And now, sitting here watching the sunrise, I wonder where they are. Is Crowley still a threat? Are they all okay? Was Creed going to get in the way and ruin everything? Would Falcon do as he promised, and stick with the guys? Sigh. I needed to let all of this go. I couldn’t control any of it and I needed to let it all go. It’s all out of my hands. I’m broken from my thoughts when Mel comes out with Connor saying, “Time to make breakfast!” I don’t think I could eat if I tried. I stand up and take Connor from her as she gets his bottle together. I give him that as they make breakfast together. We coo and talk to each other while random stuff happens around us. We get through breakfast and lunch before anything happened.

  I’m sitting watching TV with Kelly and my phone starts ringing. I look over at it and I see a blocked number calling. I stand up answering the phone, “Hello?” I hear a sigh and then, “Baby?” Jason. I know there is a sigh of relief that comes out and I say, “J?” He chuckles, “It’s me baby. I was just checking in. We’re all good, but I had to hear your voice. One more day, honey. Hang in there one more day.” One more day. He was coming home in one more day. “Jason I love you. Safe, sound, and soon, okay?” I can hear the smile in his voice when he says, “Safe, sound, and soon.” I hear the click and I turn around to the girls who look like they’re all getting off of their phones. We all smile at each other because we all got the same conversation. The house was a little lighter with tension after that moment. I just couldn’t wait until tomorrow, and I needed to say a prayer to keep our guys safe throughout the night and their trip back home. Thank God. One more day.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The next morning takes forever to get here. Nightmare after nightmare happen until finally I give up on sleeping. That’s how I ended up here pouring coffee. I look to one of the prospects. “Paul, can I step out?” He nods, “No trouble here, ma’am. Head on out. Just don’t get nervous, there are guys walkin around.” I nod and step out onto the back porch. Mel’s view was beautiful. I plop down in a chair and sip at my coffee. I take in a deep breath knowing that this was all going to be done soon. Our men were all coming home. Jason’s voice was elated and I know he was looking forward to getting home. Our wedding would happen fast, and my next few weeks would be full of wedding planning. I get a huge smile on my face knowing that I was getting my happily ever after. I was seeing my mom next week and I couldn’t wait for that either. She was worried about me. I could hear it in her voice, but I was going to be okay. The girls joined me a little while later and the only time we moved was when Melanie went to get a fussy Connor.

  We all went inside and played with him on the floor in the great room. Our anticipation was building as the day went on, and after lunch I felt like I was ready to jump out of my skin. That night around six we started to cook dinner and that was when we heard the first pipe roar. We all looked to each other and got Cheshire grins on our faces. We all went running for the door and met the boys as they pulled up. I went to run for Jason and he kept me at arms-length. Something was really, really wrong. I actually felt like I couldn’t breathe as I looked at Jason’s face. Bloodied and bruised and then I realized that something was really wrong when Brantley came to the other side with Melanie. Brantley broke the silence as Kris looked around confused. We had flanked her sides and somehow they pushed her into the middle as Brantley said, “Kris.” My eyes get huge. No. No, no, no. Not Trance. Kris started to speak, “No. Please. He’s not gone. He can’t be gone.” She said this as she fell to the ground and Mel and I went with her. We held on tight as we all sat there balling. I looked up to Jason for confirmation and all he could do was nod his head. I could see the tears being shed from the guys as we comforted our friend. Tears were streaming down my face as all the questions started coming into my mind. How did this happen? Why did this happen? How was Kris going to get through this? Kris had finally let herself have something and it was ripped away from her like this?

  We get her up off the ground and stand there just holding her. The boys do the same thing just standing here taking comfort from everyone. I could feel Kris sobbing underneath me and I didn’t know what to do to take any of this away for her. I knew that she wasn’t going to be alone. Brantley broke the group and said, “Let’s get inside. A few of the guys need to see Doc including Jason. We need to regroup and I need to talk to Kris.” I look to Jason and I know that he’s in pain. Inside and out. I’m torn because I don’t know whether to go in with Kris or to Doc with Jason. He gets close and says, “Go with her. I’ll be in soon. I’m fine it won’t take long.” He made my decision for me. I nod and walk away from him going with the girls and Brantley into the room. He takes us inside and sends us into the office. We sit with Kris who, I’m not sure has even opened her eyes. When she does, they look dead. There’s no light in Kris’s eyes. When Brantley sits down he starts to talk with, “Kris, we did everything we could…”

  Stay tuned for Trance and Kristina’s story in Shifting Time. Coming Soon!

  Enjoy Shifting Minds? Check out more work by Tricia Wagner!

  Dirt and Whiskey Series

  Mopar Man

  Cutting Edge

  Open Road

  Livin the Sweet Life

  Bennett Brigade Series



  Bounty (Coming Soon)

  Pittsburgh Hunks Series

  Buc Fever

  Put on Ice

  Swing and A Miss (Coming Soon)

  Skull Shifters MC Series

  Shifting Life

  Shifting Minds

  Shifting Time (Coming Soon)




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