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Wilde Riders (Old Town Country Romance)

Page 14

by Young, Savannah

  I’m exhausted after a very long week at work and all I want to do is go home, get into a nice hot bath and continue to nurse my wounded heart.

  “One drink,” she says as she pulls me into the pub. “You promised.”

  “Fine.” I did promise but now I’m regretting it. “But I’m serious about getting home my seven.”

  “Are you sure you’re twenty-five and not fifty-five?” She teases. “Even my mom stays out past eight.”

  The place is already packed and all I want to do is make a swift exit as soon as I can. It’s wall-to-wall with Wall Street wannabes. Just the kind of place where Patti loves to pick up guys, and just the kind of place that I can’t stand. I’m already starting to feel itchy and claustrophobic.

  As I look around at the guys and gals in their expensive suits, no doubt talking about all of the things investment bankers talk about, it suddenly hits me why the name of the place is familiar. This is the place that Patti said she thought she saw Cooper when she recognized him at Haymakers. She hasn’t just come here to get laid. She’s dragged me here so I might happen to run into Cooper.

  “I’ve got to go,” I say to Patti.

  She grabs my arm. “You’re not going anywhere. I just ordered you a drink.”

  I frown when a waitress hands me a Jack and Coke. “Subtle,” I say wryly.

  She blinks at me, feigning innocence. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “This is the place where you saw Cooper. And you just happened to order me our drink.”

  “Do you have a song, too? I’m not above asking the DJ to play it.”

  “No we don’t have a song,” I insist even though we kind of do. “Summer” by Dan Patrick Fulton. Although I doubt this place would play anything resembling country music.

  As I take a sip of the drink, I can’t help but think about Cooper. I do miss him. I feel like I want to see him although what are the odds that he’ll just happen to be here when I am? I’m usually not that lucky.

  Although what were the odds that two people who run in similar circles in New York would meet each other in rural New Jersey?

  “Three o’clock,” I hear Patti say, but I have no idea why. It’s a little after six and the pub is now standing room only. I hope she doesn’t mean she wants to stay and close the place. I was serious about just stopping in for one drink.

  “Over there. At three o’clock.” She motions toward the other end of the bar.

  I notice him right away. He looks very different in his black pinstripe suit. I didn’t think it was possible but he looks even more serious and more intense. And even a little older. It’s hard for me to believe it’s only been a week since we’ve seen each other. It seems a lot longer.

  I can feel my entire body awaken as I take Cooper in. He still has power over me that I wish he didn’t. Just looking at him, I feel a wave of overwhelming desire rush through me.

  He is seated at a booth with three other people who look around our age. There are two young-looking guys seated directly across from him, also wearing expensive suits, and a beautiful blonde seated right next to him. And I do mean right next to him. My stomach sinks at the thought that he’s already moved on and moved on so quickly. Especially when I can’t seem to get him out of my mind.

  When I see the blonde place her hand on his arm in a flirtatious gesture, I can feel every fiber in my body surge with anger. I can’t believe I’m jealous, because I really have no right to be. I’m the one who left Cooper. I’m the one who refused to listen to any kind of explanation. I’m the one who completely rejected him.

  But I also realize, standing here, watching him, how much I still want him. Without even thinking it through I march over to Cooper’s table. I have no idea what I’m going to say once I get there, I’m just working on pure instinct.

  Cooper sees me right away. “Riley,” he mutters. “What are you doing here?”

  “Getting a drink,” I say as I hold up the Jack and Coke.

  That brings a smile to his face, a big genuine one. He holds up his drink and I can see he’s got a Jack and Coke, too.

  The blonde next to him makes a point of placing her hand further up Cooper’s arm. He looks down at her hand like it’s burning him and quickly moves away. The blonde’s jaw actually drops and then she turns to me and snarls.

  “Let me out, please,” Cooper says as he tries to extricate himself from the booth.

  The blonde doesn’t move. “Don’t go,” she whines. “You haven’t even finished your drink yet.”

  “Move,” Cooper orders. He’s definitely not playing around.

  The blonde finally gets the hint and exits the booth, glaring at me the entire time. Cooper practically jumps out of the booth and he’s right next to me within seconds.

  “Who’s that?” I motion toward the blonde.

  “Pricilla and I work together,” he states.

  I raise an eyebrow. “Is that all? She looks like she wants to do more than work.”

  “It doesn’t matter what she wants because I’m not interested.”

  “What are you interested in?” I ask.

  He moves in close and I can smell his fresh scent. “You know who I want. I’ve wanted you since the first time I laid eyes on you in Haymakers. I was just waiting for you to decide what you wanted.”

  He stares into my eyes and I suddenly feel like I can’t breathe. I’m completely overwhelmed by his raw energy and the pure desire penetrating his eyes.

  “So?” he says.

  “So what?” I just about manage to get out.

  “Have you decided what you want?”

  I nod and place my hand on his arm. It seems like such a small gesture but just that touch ignites the flame between us again.

  “You’re coming with me,” Cooper states as he puts his arm around my shoulder and leads me out of the pub.

  “I think I should let Patti know I’m leaving,” I suggest.

  “She’s a big girl. She can figure it out.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I can just about spot Patti, who’s watching us head out the door.

  As soon as we’re out of the pub Cooper pulls me close and kisses me. “I missed you,” he whispers in my ear. “A lot.”

  And just to prove the point, he presses against me with his growing erection.

  “I’m sorry,” I say because I’m not sure what else to say. And I really am sorry. I should have never walked out on him. “I should have given you a chance to explain.”

  He places his hand on my cheek. “I’m sorry, Riley. I should have been honest with you from the start. But when you said you didn’t like Wall Street guys, I didn’t think I’d have a chance with you any other way.”

  In a way, he may be right. I’m not sure I would have given him the same chance if I’d have known. Maybe in some weird way, what he did was right because it actually brought us together.

  Everything is happening so fast and before I know it, Cooper has hailed a cab and we’re getting inside.

  He gives the cabbie an address that is not too far from my own apartment. Is it possible that Cooper is essentially my neighbor and I didn’t even know it?

  He cannot keep his hand off my leg as the cab makes its way toward his apartment. Not that I mind. The contact is making me shivery all over.

  Once the car stops, Cooper practically throws a wad of cash at the grateful cabbie and we’re out the door. As he pulls me into his apartment building I hear the doorman say a quick, “Good evening, Mr. Wilde.”

  Cooper pulls me toward the elevators and it seems to take forever for the doors to open. Once we’re inside and the doors shut, he pushes me against the elevator wall and devours my mouth with his.

  By the time the doors finally open again on the eighth floor, I am completely out of breath. Cooper leads me toward his apartment, 816, and fumbles with his keys as he tries to unlock the door.

  As soon as the door is open, he pushes me inside, and we’re against the wall again, this tim
e in his beautiful apartment. The place is ultra-modern, all black and stainless steel and glass. It’s in stark contrast to his parents’ place in New Jersey, which is like an antique museum. Everything in Cooper’s place is sleek and looks brand new.

  He has my skirt hiked up in a matter of seconds and, as he pushes up against me, I can feel how hard he is.

  I want him too, more than I realized, or maybe more than I was willing to admit. He’s everything I said I didn’t want but he’s also so much more. He’s a complex guy who I want in my life.

  And who I also want inside me—like pronto.

  “I missed you so much,” Cooper whispers into my ear. His breath on my neck sends shivers through my entire body. And when he nibbles on my earlobe, I feel like I temporarily lose control of my body. I feel boneless, like Jello, as his hands get reacquainted with my body.

  “Too much material,” Cooper states as he begins to peel off my suit jacket and then my blouse.

  He kisses my shoulders and he pulls my bra strap down, and another wave of tremors cascade through my body. The desire I have for him is so powerful, and so all-consuming, it almost scares me. Every inch of my body craves connection with his.

  After my bra joins my jacket and blouse on the floor, Cooper doesn’t waste any time removing my skirt and undergarments until I’m completely naked in his doorway.

  He’s just as quick to add his own suit, shirt and boxer briefs to the heap of clothing on the floor.

  I catch a quick glimpse of Cooper’s muscular body before he lifts me into his arms and carries me into his bedroom. I feel like a starving prisoner who has just been given her first real meal after feeding on bread and water for months.

  He carefully places me on his king-sized bed. The overstuffed pillows and ultra-soft comforter are extremely inviting, but there’s something I want even more. And he’s got a look in his eyes like he wants it just as much.

  I have to smile when Cooper grabs a handful of condoms from the nightstand and tosses them on the bed next to me.

  “A little ambitious?” I ask.

  When he gives me a sexy grin as he crawls up the bed towards me, I know I’m in for a night of pure pleasure.

  “I plan on using every one of those condoms,” he assures me. “Tonight.”

  He pulls me into his arms and devours me with kisses. “And now that I’ve got you back in my bed,” he whispers. “I may never let you go.”

  I look into his eyes. They’re more intense than I’ve ever seen them. “Don’t worry. There’s no place else I’d rather be than here with you.”



  Four Months Later

  “The tree looks great,” I tell Jake as I admire his work. “Just like Mom used to decorate it.”

  “I tried,” Jake says, then bites the inside of his cheek.

  The house is elaborately decorated for the Christmas holiday. I have to give my brothers credit for all of their hard work. It’s the first Christmas without both of our parents and I know it wasn’t easy without them around. It’s been a difficult time for all of my brothers but especially for Jake, who seems to be taking their absence the worst. The boys could have just as easily said, “Forget it,” and not have decorated at all.

  Tucker sticks his head between me and Jake. “We wanted it to look nice for Riley.”

  His hair is cut short and there’s a gleam in his eye that I haven’t seen since he got back from Iraq. For the past few months he’s been attending a special Post Traumatic Stress Disorder counseling program at the Veteran’s Administration. It seems to be helping. Not only because he looks better, but he’s more alert and doesn’t completely zone out as much as he used to.

  “Anything we should know?” Hunter asks, as he enters the living room with a candy bowl filled with thin mints and sets it on the coffee table.

  Tucker’s not the only one who looks different. Hunter’s been working out with him on a daily basis and he looks like he’s put on about twenty pounds of solid muscle. He finally got his call to attend the police academy in January and he definitely looks ready —physically anyway. I certainly wouldn’t mess with him if I met him in a dark alley. I don’t think I can refer to him as my little brother any longer. He’s definitely not little. Younger brother may be a more appropriate moniker.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I feign innocence.

  Jake frowns. “You said you have a big surprise. So either Riley’s pregnant or you’re getting engaged.”

  As if on cue, there’s a knock on the door. Riley and Harley don’t wait for anyone the answer, they just walk in.

  When Riley removes her winter coat I see that she’s dressed in a beautiful, black velvet dress that accentuates all of her curves perfectly, and all I can think about is getting her out of that dress later tonight. Not that’s it’s different than any other night when I can’t wait to get her out of her clothes and into my bed.

  I kept my promise of not letting her out of my bed once I had her in it. That’s not completely true. She goes to work and occasionally goes back to her own apartment for clothes or personal items. But she always sleeps with me.

  I hope that tonight, when I take off her clothes and we get into bed together, I’ll be making love to my fiancée. That is, if she’ll accept my proposal.

  Riley gives me a kiss on the cheek and then greets each of my brothers with a hug. They’ve really taken a liking to her, kind of like the sister they never had. Even Harley’s warmed up to Riley more than I thought she ever would. They’re more like the sibling rivals neither of them ever had.

  On Riley’s insistence we’ve spent more time in New Jersey with my brothers. Long weekends mostly. And Riley’s encouraged me to continue playing with the Wilde Riders when I can. The band is developing a little bit of a following around the small towns in northern New Jersey. We even got interviewed by the local newspaper. Our headline read: FOUR WILDE BROTHERS—ONE WILDE COUNTRY BAND.

  By showing Riley around northern New Jersey and taking her to all of the places my parents liked to take me and my brothers when we were kids, I’m starting to value my roots a little bit more than I had in the past. And when Riley, the self-confirmed city girl, told me that New Jersey was starting to grow on her, it made me reevaluate my own feelings for my old stomping grounds. I guess seeing New Jersey through her eyes has made me appreciate it a lot more.

  I watch as Harley and Jake glare at each other. Things between the two of them seem to have not only cooled but gotten icy. Jake hasn’t cut back on his man-whoring despite my warnings that he seems to be slowly breaking Harley’s heart. He insists she’s a tough girl who can handle it, but I can see things that he either can’t or won’t.

  Or maybe he’s more of a jerk than I want to admit and he just doesn’t care.

  “Here,” Harley says as she practically shoves a wrapped package at Jake. I really hope he got her a present but I wouldn’t bet money on it.

  Riley places her hand on my arm. It’s still cold from being outside. I take both of her hands in mine and rub them to warm them up. When Riley smiles up at me I almost can’t wait any longer to pop the question.

  “Let’s all sit by the tree and open our presents,” I suggest.

  “We need some eggnog,” Hunter adds. “And Christmas music.”

  He turns on the stereo and Blake Shelton starts to play throughout the house. We all file into the kitchen. As Tucker pours eggnog, we each grab a mug.

  “This is really good,” Riley comments, after she’s taken a sip.

  “Don’t drink it too fast,” I warn. “It’s spiked.”

  Once everyone has a filled mug, we all file into the living room and take seats around the well-adorned Christmas tree. There’s probably fifty years’ worth of ornaments filling the massive tree. My mom was a lover of the holiday and took every opportunity to add to her ornament collection.

  Tucker opens his gifts first. They’re mostly weight lifting related with a few iTun
es gift cards thrown in. We all chipped in and bought Hunter some of the police equipment he’ll need for the academy. He’s all smiles when he opens his presents.

  Riley hands me a large box and when I open it, I’m surprised to see it’s a new guitar that I’d been eyeing, I thought rather discreetly, but apparently not.

  “Everyone chipped in,” she says. “Do you like it?” I can tell by the tremor in her voice that she’s a little nervous about the gift.

  “I love it,” I assure her, and place a kiss on her cheek.

  Jake’s up next. He actually rolls his eyes when he opens the box. Accounting books.

  “Just what I always wanted,” he jokes.

  “Sometimes you don’t get what you want,” I tease. “You get what you need.”

  Next he holds the small box he got from Harley but doesn’t immediately open it. When he starts to bite the inside of his cheek, I can tell he’s nervous.

  We’re all staring at him, willing him to open the package. Finally, he tears into the wrapping. When he opens the box, he removes a gold chain bracelet with an infinity symbol weaved into the design. He looks over at Harley and says, “Thanks,” in a voice so soft it’s almost impossible to hear.

  I breathe a small sigh of relief when Jake takes a small box from under the tree and hands it to Harley.

  Her eyes go wide with surprise. Maybe Jake isn’t as much of a jerk as I thought. Harley wastes no time ripping open the wrapping and opening the box. Everyone, including Harley, seems shocked to see that it’s a nearly identical bracelet to the one she gave Jake but in a smaller size to fit her wrist.

  Riley’s now the only person left who hasn’t gotten a gift. I grab her hand and get down on one knee in front of her. I can feel my heart start to race and my throat gets very dry all of a sudden. But when she gives me the biggest smile I’ve ever seen, it calms my nerves a bit.

  I remove a small velvet box from my pants pocket and open it in front of her. The solitaire diamond sparkles in the light from the Christmas tree.

  “I wanted to propose here, in front of my family, because I feel like you won’t just be marrying me. You’ll be stuck with these guys as well.” When I look up at her, she’s still smiling and I take that as a good sign, so I continue. “Riley Smith, will you marry me?”


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