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Alpha World Book One: Gamer for Life

Page 34

by Daniel Schinhofen

  The group set out across the grasslands. As they approached the first patrol Alburet buffed Tiny. When he was all buffed up, Tiny ran a few steps ahead of the others to get the attention of the patrol. The Warg Handler turned his warg loose onto Tiny as he and the Orc Rover with him also closed the distance. Tiny got a solid hit in on the warg as the combat started.

  Letting out a howl of pain, the warg lunged for Tiny’s leg, just grazing the demon as Tiny sidestepped. Alburet ignited his axe as he came up behind Tiny, waiting to join in. Fluff had pulled her two handed weapon and went to the other side of Tiny, staying a step back so Tiny could get aggro on the Orcs who were nearly in melee range now.

  Stacia stayed a few steps back next to Bob, who began to toss his Fire Blasts at the warg. Tiny landed a second strike on the warg before turning his attention to the Orcs who had finally reached him. Fluff slid around behind Tiny, putting herself at his back and cutting the warg off from attacking Tiny from behind. As the warg tried to go around Fluff, it got an axe firmly planted into its shoulders right on the spine from Alburet, causing a big chunk of its life to vanish. Fluff wasted no time as the warg howled again, launching her own attack as the warg spun towards Alburet. Her axe connected with its side, causing it to stumble.

  “Stunning Strike worked,” Fluff said with a cheer as she pulled her axe back for another blow.

  Alburet beat her to the punch, his axe crashing firmly down on the stunned warg’s skull with a grisly sound. The warg shook its head, baring its fangs at Alburet just as Bob's Fire Blast hit it and Fluff’s axe slammed into it again, this time killing it. Wasting no time the trio turned their attention to the orc Tiny had been damaging while they killed the warg.

  Alburet beckoned to Stacia, who stood back with her mouth open in fascination as she watched the speed and damage the group was causing, “Come, join in.”

  He turned back to the orc and slashed with his axe, getting a solid hit into the orc’s side. Fluff, not to be outdone also connected, her strike pulling more life off the unfortunate orc just as a Fire Blast hit it as well. Stacia came in more slowly, a dagger in her hand, as if uncertain about how to fit in. Alburet stepped a bit further around the orc to give her a little more space. Still nervous, Stacia lunged forward, her dagger sinking into the Orcs hide. It did minimal damage but still hurt it. Yanking the dagger out she stepped back as if afraid it would turn on her. That wasn’t likely with Alburet, Fluff and Bob all hitting it again. Those three attacks left it with a sliver of life, at which point Alburet left it and went to the last orc. Fluff stayed with Stacia as Bob shifted his target as well.

  “You got this, Stacia,” Fluffball said encouragingly, “just stab it one or two more times.”

  Nodding, Stacia lunged in again sinking the dagger into the orc for a second time. Yanking the blade free she quickly struck a third and fourth time in rapid succession. The last attack was enough to kill the Orc, which gurgled as it collapsed to the ground. Feeling bolder now that she had killed her first monster, Stacia jumped in with the others on the last of the patrol. The others all stopped when it reached low hit points and let Stacia finish it off. As it died the group let out a small cheer for Stacia, who was engulfed in a flash of light.

  “You leveled, well done Stacia,” Alburet said, hugging her with one arm, his axe in his other hand. “See? I told you everything would be fine.”

  “Aye, master. I never doubted ya,” Stacia said as she knelt, touching the orc, which vanished as she looted it. “It only had coin?”

  “That is very common,” Fluff said as she rested her axe on her shoulder. “I’m sure we’ll end up with more loot by the time we stop, though.”

  The group looted the other corpses and set out again. They slaughtered at least two dozen patrols before they reached the tree that Alburet was aiming for. It was the tree the messengers had met under the other day. Knowing the spawn rate, the group settled in for a nice relaxing day of slaughtering the Orcs. While they rested briefly between packs they would chat about different things. Stacia did at one point start to go into detail about all the wonderful things Alburet had done for her.

  Alburet listened for a few moments as Stacia started off talking about how he had treated her with respect. He turned his attention to the fields around them, waiting for a new patrol to appear. It wasn’t until Bob broke out laughing that Alburet glanced over at the women. Fluffball was wide eyed and crimson as she stared at Stacia with rapt fascination. Stacia was describing in detail how Alburet had taken her by force the first time.

  Spluttering slightly, Alburet cut in, “Stop! Stacia, there is no reason to go into detail like that. Besides, Fluff doesn’t want to hear that.”

  Stacia blinked, looking at him, “But master, she asked why I be so enamored with ya. I be just tellin’ her the truth. Never have I felt so complete as when ya control me.” She shivered at the last few words, her eyes glazing slightly.

  Covering his face with one hand he groaned silently, wondering what he had done to her. Bob was cackling like this was the best entertainment he had ever had. Alburet finally gathered his words to reply to Stacia, “Unless she says she wants to hear graphic details, do not share any.”

  Stacia pouted, “As ya wish, master.”

  Fluff shook her head as if coming out of a trance, her face still crimson. Before she could say anything Tiny rumbled out his warning of a patrol coming their way. Alburet buffed Tiny up as the others got to their feet and readied themselves for battle. The rest of the day went relatively smoothly. Stacia never came close to pulling aggro, only taking a single wound all day which healed in seconds after combat was over. The conversations never went back to X-rated topics, much to Alburet’s relief. He didn’t want to alienate Fluff, he really did enjoy her company. He did notice her giving him the occasional odd look as the day wore on. The trio shared Alburet’s jerky, cheese and tea in the field, staying out until the sun was about to set.

  “I think it’s about time to call it a day,” Alburet said, happy that everyone had leveled at least once. He was looking forward to seeing what abilities he would be able to pick up from Stewart. Everyone used their Homestones to teleport back to Stormguard, agreeing to meet at Grimgar’s to sell loot as Alburet was carrying most of it. Stacia appeared right next to him outside the inn, so he wrapped her in a hug and gave her a kiss. Once they broke for air he said, “That is your reward for not going back to the topic I asked you to stay away from.”

  “I think more is required. Master. It was very hard for me not to share,” Stacia said as she nuzzled his neck, “please.”

  A shiver of desire lanced though him at her words, “Later, kitten. Right now we need to sell loot off, then we’ll go find some dinner before we come back here. If you’re really good until we get back to our room I’ll give you another hard spanking, just the way you like.”

  Panting slightly, Stacia nodded, “As ya wish, master. I’ll be a good kitten for ya.”

  Taking her arm in his, he led her down the street towards Grimgar’s Weaponry to meet up with Fluffball. The trio reunited just outside the shop, going in as a group. The bell announced them, bringing Grimgar out to meet them. He smiled when as he saw them, “Glad to see I will nay have to be huntin’ ya down, Alburet.” He turned his attention to Stacia, “How was ya first hunt, lass?”

  Stacia beamed at him, “Wonderful, Unca Grim! Fluffball was amazin’ with her axe work, she was always knowin’ where she should be. Master kept me safe the entire time, he made sure his Destroyer, Tiny, made me the priority to keep safe.”

  Nodding, Grimgar turned to Alburet, “Glad to hear tha’. Now tha’ I’m sure everythin’ be okay, wha’ can I be doin’ for ye?”

  The group unloaded all the weapons they’d looted onto his counter. “We need to sell these and split it three ways,” Alburet said as he put down the last axe.

  Grimgar blinked, a smile spreading over his face, “Aye, be glad to do tha’.” He quickly took stock of the weapons before handing e
ach of them ten gold. “There ya are.”

  Stacia tried to hand her gold to Alburet, who shook his head. “But master, as ya are me owner this belongs to ya.”

  “No. That is yours and yours alone, Stacia. As a valued member of our party you contributed to our success, so you get an equal share. You can do anything you wish with it except give it to me.”

  You are now Friendly with Grimgar Smith.

  “Listen to him lass, tha’ be how real adventurin’ is done. Everyone gets an equal share,” Grimgar said, nodding at Alburet with respect.

  “Ma did nay get an equal share when…” Stacia began only to get cut off by Grimgar.

  “Tha’ be a special case, lass. Ya Ma can explain it to ye. Now tha’ business be done, why don ye go home and make ye Da’ happy to know ye be fine, eh?”

  “Actually, we have leather and mail armor to sell first,” Alburet said. “Then we were going to go find a place for dinner to celebrate her first successful hunt.”

  “I know of the perfect place,” Grimgar said. “Give me ye map and I’ll mark it. I’ll also tell them to set a table aside for the event.” Alburet held out his map to Grimgar who pulled out his own map and tapped it to Alburet’s. “The Victory Lap, they be known for celebratory diners.”

  “Okay, we’ll go there. Thanks, Grimgar,” Alburet said, opening the door for the women.

  Stacia gave Grimgar a hug before heading out the door. The trio went off to sell the chain armor before ending up at Tanned Hides. Almira greeted them with a professional smile until she saw Stacia. “Stacia, what are you doing with these two?”

  “I was huntin’ with them today,” Stacia said with a broad smile.

  Almira blinked, “Your father let you go hunting?”

  “It took a bit of convincin’,” Stacia replied.

  “I bet, he has always been very protective of you and your sisters.” She turned to Fluffball and Alburet, her smile widening. “You have more to sell me, I bet. Glad to see she was out with a two-souled who knows their manners.”

  “I did promise to keep her safe or I would turn myself over to Grimgar to slaughter endlessly,” Alburet said with a wry smile. “So of course I tasked my trusted Destroyer to guard her with his life.”

  Whistling softly, Almira shook her head, “I don’t think you understand exactly what Grimgar is capable of doing if you agreed to that. Needless to think about though, as Stacia obviously made it safely through her first hunt.”

  “Did nay die even once, only got hurt once and tha’ was me own fault,” Stacia said as she put her loot up on the counter as the others did so. “We need to sell these, iffin ya don’ mind.”

  “Of course I don’t. The crown reimburses us for buying what adventurers bring us,” Almira chuckled. She looked over the gear and handed each of them nine gold, “There you are.”

  Stacia blinked, “More in one hunt then I made me whole life at the inn.”

  “True, but you have the chance of dying the final death hunting,” Almira pointed out. “Are you off to the inn to let your father know?”

  “Actually, we’re going to be taking her to dinner first to celebrate,” Alburet said. “Grimgar was making a reservation for us at the Victory Lap.”

  Almira’s eyes sparkled, “Oh, was he now? Well, go enjoy your meal. I’m sure tonight will be filled with joy.” She walked them out of the shop, waving goodbye as they set off down the street.

  After a bit of a walk they got to the Victory Lap. The exterior had roman columns crowned with figures in various poses denoting victory. Opening the door Alburet, ushered the women in before him. They found themselves in a small anteroom where a single gentleman covered in scars stood behind a small podium.

  “Welcome to the Victory Lap, who is the reservation for?”

  “Good question, that,” Alburet chuckled. “Let’s see if we can get a fire started here. Grimgar was making the reservation, but I don’t know if it was under his name, or Stacia Crowley’s name, or perhaps even under my name, Alburet.”

  The maitre d’ eyed him briefly, nodding, “The reservation is for Stacia Crowley, as the rooms are always reserved under the name of celebrant. If you will wait one moment.”

  Alburet offering an arm to each of the women as they waited. A few minutes later a woman came through the door behind the maitre d’, “Your room is ready. If you will follow me?”

  They followed the woman down a richly furnished hallway, passing numerous doors until she stopped before one of them. She opened the door, stepping inside and to the side to bow them in. “Please have a seat at the spot with your name. Servers will be with you shortly.”

  As Alburet passed the woman he noted the very thin scars crisscrossing on the backs of her hands. He gave her a pleasant smile as he went to seat his companions, wondering why the table had so many extra settings. None of the other places had names next to them. Taking the seat between Stacia and Fluffball, he wondered what they would be waiting for. A few minutes later the door opened again, the same woman bowing in more people. Grimgar was the first one through the door, followed by Almira, Stewart, Alistern and finally a stunningly beautiful woman with bright red hair. Alburet felt his breath stop for a moment upon seeing her.

  He stood up, greeting the four additions, now understanding why the table had so many extra seats. Alistern sat the redhead next to him on his left as he took the single seat at the head of the table, which put Stacia on his right in the place of honor. Grimgar ended up across from Alburet, a smirk on his face after he seated Almira to his side. Stewart took the seat at the foot of the table. Once everyone was seated, Alburet sat back down as well.

  “Now, this is how a celebration should be. Family and friends celebratin’ together,” Grimgar said.

  Alburet nodded before turning to Alistern, “Sir, I do not think you have met our companion Fluffball. She was with us today as we hunted orcs,” Alburet made introductions for Fluffball around the table, pausing at the redhead since he didn’t know her name.

  “This be me wife, Lilith Crowley,” Alistern added when Alburet paused.

  “It is a pleasure and honor to meet you, Mrs. Crowley,” Alburet said.

  The throaty voice reached out and plucked at Alburet’s primal urges as Lilith spoke, “The pleasure is all mine.”

  Alistern’s eyes flashed red as he stared at his wife, “Ya promised to nay do anythin’ like tha’ tonight.”

  “Oh, yes. I forgot dear. I guess you will just have to punish me later,” Lilith said with a sweet smile before looking back at Alburet. “I do apologize for my true voice coming out like that.”

  Swallowing, Alburet gave a polite nod as his body calmed down, “Forgiven.”

  A cough from Grimgar got their attention, “Now tha’ we all be here, let’s get this celebration under way, aye?” He picked up a small crystal bell and jingled it. A moment later the door opened and a dozen people all came in with carts.

  The staff began to set a truly massive feast out on the table along with numerous pitchers of various drinks. Alburet noticed that the staff all carried scars. As the last of the food was laid out the staff filed right back out the door. As the door shut behind them Alburet looked at Grimgar, “Why are they all scarred?”

  “Ah, tha’ be because they all used to be champions, lad. Each one of them used to hold the top spot in the arena here in the city. This be a retirement for them tha’ wants it, they work for five hours and get to split half of what the house takes in for the night, which is a very pretty gold indeed. Now, a toast,” Grimgar said, changing the topic as he stood and hoisted his mug. “To Stacia, who has gone into the world and come back again. Ye first hunt was successful as ye fought alongside ye friends. Friends and family be wha’ life be all about, and ye seem to have found a real good friend.”

  They drank to his toast before Stacia stood up, holding her own mug which she had filled with mead. “A toast, to me family who even with reservations allowed me to go on me first hunt with me master Alburet.
Also to me master Alburet, he who is showin’ me the world in many ways. I ha’ been blessed to ha’ meet ya and have had ya take me…” She trailed off with a wink at him as she tilted her mug for a drink.

  Almira and Lilith giggled at her ending before drinking with her. Alburet drank, only too aware of the eyes of Stewart, Grimgar and Alistern burrowing into him. The evening was filled with truly good food that would have been at home in any of the very best restaurants on Earth. Conversation was mostly stories from the others at the table, recalling their adventures together before they had settled down in Stormguard after the death of Alistern’s father had left him the family inn.

  Eventually the meal came to an end with Almira, Grimgar and Stewart the first to leave as a group. Fluffball stood up a few minutes later, “I thank you for inviting me to dinner with your friends and family.” Fluff bowed to Alistern and Lilith before she started for the door.


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