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Alpha World Book One: Gamer for Life

Page 35

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Lilith called out to her, catching Fluff by the door, “Dear, you are welcome at our inn any time. My daughter has taken a liking to you and considers you a friend. On top of that the one she calls master holds a spot for you in his heart. It was a pleasure to have met you, and I hope to see you again.”

  Fluffball blinked, her face pinking before she bowed again, “Thank you, Lilith.”

  “Oh, and if you ever want to talk about your troubles I might be able to help with that. We shall save that conversation for a more private moment, though. I wish you a pleasant night.”

  Fluffball gulped and hastily groomed an ear, leaving the room a moment later. Alistern got to his feet, his eyes going to Alburet, “Me daughter seems smitten with ya. I will only say it once more; iffin ya hurt her I will pay ya back with interest.” He took Lilith by the hand and led her out of the room.

  Alburet watched the couple go before he got to his feet, taking Stacia’s hand, “We should head home for the night as well.”

  “As ya wish, master,” Stacia said as she took his arm.


  Human Summoner

  Level 15

  Strength: 20

  Agility: 20

  Constitution: 25

  Intelligence: 46

  Wisdom: 50

  Charisma: 30

  Health: 1000

  Mana: 1250


  Demon Skin-Rank 2

  Demonic Retribution- Rank 2

  Summon Least Imp

  Fire Blast- Rank 2

  Sap Strength

  Demonic Haze

  Summon Lesser Destroyer

  Demonic Vitality

  Fire Burst


  Personal Spells

  Flame Weapon

  1 Ability to train; see your trainer

  Orc Village

  After waking up and enjoying breakfast with Stacia, Alburet told her he would be back shortly as he had to see Stewart about training his ability. Making his way down the stairs, he found one of Stacia’s sisters behind the bar. “Morning. Is Stewart in the deep dark hall?” Alburet asked.

  Stacia’s sister looked him up and down with pursed lips for a second before shaking her head, “I think I can see what she does in you, but no he isn’t. He just stepped out the front door. He may be sitting on the bench we keep outside, he does that sometimes.”

  Alburet smirked at her first sentence before shaking his head. It was bad enough that Stacia, Karen and Fluffball all seemed interested in him as it was, so he was glad Stacia's sister didn't throw herself at him too. He thanked her offhandedly as he made his way to the door, his mind considering the women issues he had. Karen was fine, she would be a decent person to fight with who maybe wanted action on the side at times. Stacia seemed obsessed to a degree that he couldn’t figure out. Even she couldn’t really put it into words. Lastly, there was Fluffball. If he wasn’t a condemned man who was sentenced to live the rest of his life as a VR experiment he might have tried to get closer to her. As it was he felt a connection to her as she was the shy type he liked to mold to his own desires. Plus being into anime as much as he was, he thought. Over all though, if he was going to hook up with anyone Stacia was probably the best bet. He doubted his past would phase her or cause her problems and hell, he was probably going to be here for a few years anyway.

  Stewart glanced at Alburet as he came out the door, “Morning, Alburet.”

  Alburet shook his head to clear his rambling thoughts before greeting Stewart. “Morning, Stewart. I was hoping to train my next ability this morning before heading out for another hunt. Oh, curious as well if you might know why Stacia doesn’t have a class. You’ve known the family since before she was born, so I thought you might have a clue.”

  Stewart frowned, “No, none of us do. We’ve tried a lot of different things and sources to get more information. As for training, yes, but it means going once more down into the pit.” He got to his feet stretching, watching the sun light brighten the day. “Are you taking Stacia with you again?”

  “Probably,” Alburet replied, “I’ll leave that up to her, though. Even though she calls me master it’s not as if actually own her. I have not purchased her, collared her or placed a compulsion on her. As such I will not order her to risk her life, slim though that risk may be, to accompany me.”

  “I’ve been wondering about that. She has never shown such focused intent on a man before you came along and while you are unusual, more than just being two-souled, you don’t seem to possess anything that would explain her intense feelings. How and why did she begin to call you by that title, if I may ask?” Stewart asked as the duo began to trek down into the bowels of the earth under the inn.

  Alburet gave him a very brief rundown of the night that led up to her asking to call him by that title. “So with all that said, I don’t know why she was intent on that title either.”

  Frowning, Stewart took his seat as they arrived at his desk, “Very unusual. I shall have to ask a few people who owe me favors to see if they can get me any information from greater beings than us mere mortals. As for your ability choices this level, the two you passed by the first time are still available as well as the next two. I can’t wait to see what you take this time.”

  Alburet looked down at the book Stewart had opened and placed before him. He could still take Infernal Fire for 10% more fire damage, which might mean for the flame weapon as well. The other was the one he wouldn’t take, Heavenly Summoner. The first new ability was Ranged Fire Burst, it made his Fire Burst spell go from the twenty foot explosion centered on himself to one he could toss out up to a hundred feet away. The last option he had for this level was Demon Copy. It would let him summon an exact copy of one of his demons for half again the mana cost it normally took to summon the demon and both the original and copy each ended up with 75% of the normal stats of the original.

  Alburet did some math in his head, factoring in Bob’s happiness with him and the bonuses that gave him to his stats. Factor in that instead of losing 10% of his mana it would take a total of 15% to have Bob and Copy Bob to both be up at the same time. Alburet chewed his lip as he considered all the ways the Copy Ability could be used before he nodded his head. He could always summon two Tinys so he could have an off tank to do things like pick up ranged mobs, or he could have an extra 50% damage if he had two Bobs. Decision made, he touched the Demon Copy ability.

  “First normal choice I’ve seen you take. Well, normal for people like me. All the two-souled I’ve dealt with almost always take the ranged Fire Burst instead. It’s as if they can’t understand how important it is to keep their demons happy.” Stewart said, taking the book back from Alburet and putting it in his desk.

  “Well, the math works out to give me an increase in damage if I use two imps, more if I can get Bob to max happiness. Or, when necessary I can have two destroyers with one dedicated to pick up adds, or dedicated to just protecting Stacia,” Alburet said with a smirk.

  Stewart chuckled, getting to his feet, “I see. It does me good to know you are considering that a priority. If we are done, I think I’m going back upstairs to get some coffee.”

  “Sounds like a good idea. I need to see what Stacia would like to do today, as well,” Alburet said, stepping towards the rune.

  Stewart coughed once to get Alburet’s attention before he stepped on the rune. “How serious are you about her exactly, Alburet? None of us has asked if you are trying for more than just casual sex.”

  Alburet shrugged, “As soon as I can figure it out in my own head I’ll let you know. I’m torn on whether a two-souled has any right to court one of this world or not. As for Stacia specifically, I do like her a great deal but I’m not sure I should end up in a relationship with anyone.” He turned his head just enough to catch Stewart’s eyes, “I have done things that while right were also very wrong in other ways. It’s a weight I carry and will for the rest of my days and because of that I find myself wary of em
bracing others. If they find out my crimes they very well might cast me away, as my own family has done.” He stepped onto the rune, vanishing from the darkness to reappear in the light of day.

  Pushing the thoughts aside, he hurried into the inn to see what Stacia would like to do for the day. He was going hunting regardless. As he climbed the stairs he got a message from Fluffball, he paused to read it.

  Message from Fluffball:

  I’m thinking of hunting the Orcs again today, but this time picking up the quests from the fort. I would also like to talk with Stacia about her mom, if you don’t mind me taking her time for a bit.

  Instead of replying right away he went up to his room, entering to find Stacia getting her gear on. A smile twitched at his lips as he watched her get dressed in the leathers. Her eyes were sparkling when she noticed him. Closing the door, he leaned against the wall enjoying the view as Stacia somehow made putting clothes on as much of a show as taking them off usually was.

  “Are we off to hunt, master?” Stacia said once she was ready.

  “Possibly. I was meaning to go hunting again, but was unsure if you wanted to come along today or go spend all your wealth.”

  “I would rather be by ya side, master,” Stacia said, coming over to stand before him. “Unless ya wish me to stay behind.”

  Alburet embraced her gently as he replied, “You can come. Fluffball wants to hunt Orcs again so we should hook up with her again today. She was also asking if she could take up some of your time to discuss something about your mom. I wanted to check with you first,” Alburet told her as he held her to him.

  “Aye, that be fine master. Shall we invite her over here before we head out then?”

  Alburet sent Fluff a message letting her know that Stacia agreed and to come on over to the inn. He sighed, “Guess we’ll have a late start to the day. Why don’t you go get some tea so we can greet her properly, kitten.”

  Stacia leaned in, stealing a quick kiss before she slipped away, “As ya wish, master.”

  Stacia returned to the room a few minutes before Fluffball knocked on the door. Stacia welcomed Fluff into the room as Alburet stood by the table. “Hey Fluff, welcome to my room. Would you like some tea while we talk?” Alburet asked, holding up a cup.

  “Err, I was hoping to speak with Stacia alone, if that’s okay,” Fluff said nervously.

  Alburet nodded, setting the cup down, “Lady talk, got it. I’ll be downstairs. Come get me when we’re ready to go kill some Orcs.” Alburet said, making his way out of the room. He wondered what Fluffball could possibly want to talk about that she didn’t want to discuss in front of him. Shaking his head at how odd women could be he went downstairs to wait. He snagged a mug of dark ale as he took a seat at the bar.

  An hour later the women came downstairs. Alburet was chatting with a seemingly friendly Alistern and didn’t see them come down the stairs. Stacia approached, gently touching Alburet’s shoulder, “We be ready now, master.”

  “Oh,” Alburet said as his muscles relaxed after the unexpected touch on his shoulder. “Okay. We’re heading out, Alistern. I’ll do as I said though, so worry not.”

  “I will always worry when me girl be out huntin’, but after we discussed ya plans mayhap I will worry a mite less,” Alistern replied before turning to his daughter. “Be careful Stacia. More deaths are because of over confidence durin’ a hunt than anything else.”

  Stacia leaned over the bar giving her father a brief hug, “I promise, Da’. Alburet will guard me with his life, no worries.”

  The trio left the inn, heading out to the portal guild. As they walked Alburet looked over at Fluff, who seemed to be lost in thought. He sent her and Stacia a group invite, which was accepted by both of them. Stacia took his left arm proudly, as any woman might of a man she adored. After a few more steps Fluff took his other arm a little hesitantly, glancing at Stacia who nodded encouragingly.

  They got to the portal guild, finding it as busy as the day before. They exchanged pleasantries with Kim briefly before going off to wait. Alburet spotted the envious looks a few of the single male adventurers threw at him while they waited. When Rolland retrieved them for their portal, Alburet tipped him as had become habit before he used the teleport.

  “We should get the quests from here before we head out,” Fluffball said when he appeared.

  “Good plan. Can’t believe we didn’t do it yesterday,” Alburet agreed as they headed inside to get the quests for the Orcs.

  They entered the fort proper to find a Sergeant behind a desk in then main room, who watched them with interest as they approached. “How can I help you folks?” The Sergeant asked as they got to the desk.

  “We’re going to be out thinning the Orcs today, so we thought it prudent to stop by and see if you had any quests for us, sir,” Alburet replied, taking an at ease stance before the Sergeant.

  “Yeah, there are a few things you can do depending on just how aggressive you want to be. Kill off thirty orcs for one of them, ten wargs for another, and if you’re feeling really froggy you can assault the orc village and kill the current Chief.”

  “We’ll see what we can do for you, sir,” Alburet said, giving a salute before the trio took their leave.

  Quest: Kill thirty Orcs

  Reward: Increased Reputation with Stormguard Guard factions plus ten gold.

  Quest: Kill ten Wargs

  Reward: Increased Reputation with Stormguard Guard factions plus ten gold.

  Quest: Kill the Orc Chieftain

  Reward: Increased Reputation with Stormguard Guard factions and an item from the Quartermaster

  “Fluff, the quests show you XP rewards as well as rep rewards right?” Alburet asked as they left the main fort.

  “Yes. The only reason it wouldn’t would be if you disabled all XP notifications,” Fluffball replied as they stopped at the gate.

  “Oh good. Did you get the quests as well, Stacia?”

  “Aye, master,” Stacia replied, checking her daggers, “I be all ready.”

  Alburet grinned as he summoned Bob and Tiny to his side, “Welcome back boys. More Orcs today. If we feel really ballsy we might try for the village to kill the chief.”

  “Well, if you’re the one leading us it might be in doubt,” Bob snickered.

  Rolling his eyes Alburet ignored the imp, “Tiny, you’re about to have a twin.” With that said he used his new ability as he targeted Tiny. He watched as a second Tiny, shaded a little darker, pop into existence next to the original. “Awesome. So how do I address you, new Tiny?”

  The original Tiny turned to Alburet, “It is still me. Just give your orders and I will direct me and my shadow.”

  “Interesting, indeed. Have your shadow guard Stacia first and foremost. His second concern is to pick up any adds that you do not have control of in melee, including picking up ranged adds so they don’t target the rest of us.”

  “Yes, master,” Tiny rumbled, both he and the shadow nodding in unison.

  “So it’s like having another hand?” Fluff asked, curious as to how it worked.

  “Very similar to that,” Tiny agreed.

  “So I have me own personal Destroyer?” Stacia asked, looking at the darker Tiny.

  The darker Tiny rumbled, “Yes.”

  Alburet chuckled, “Glad I picked two Tinys and not two Bobs then.”

  Bob blew a raspberry, “You just don’t want her dad angry with you.”

  Shrugging Alburet replied, “Partially. Tiny, you take point. Let’s move out and get this show on the road, it’s only seven hours or so until sundown.”

  As they moved out and began their systematic slaughter of the Orcs Fluffball spoke up. “The Orc Village is an instanced area, we’ll want a full party for that.”

  “Good to know. We’ll worry about it after we grind for a bit,” Alburet said as they engaged the first group of Orcs.

  The next three hours went by with quickly as they resumed their routine for killing the orc patrols. Alburet cons
idered how hard it would be to solo out here with the small groups, glad he was a pet class so could handle multiple mobs. Others would need groups to even give it a good attempt. He chuckled softly at one point as he considered how rarely he had even soloed since he picked his class. His minions were what really helped out with killing stuff. Bob did okay damage but having Tiny was a god send. Not having to take damage most of the time was great as he was never a big fan of pain.

  They took a break, nibbling some jerky. Alburet sent Gerald a message asking if he and Marysue were up to raiding the Orc Village. After their snack, they continued with their slaughter of the Orcs. After a few groups he noticed the message icon flashing, so he called a pause to check it.

  Message from Gerald:

  We’re up for it, do we need extra or do you have two others with you?

  Alburet sent back a message, telling Gerald that they only needed him and Marysue. A moment later Gerald’s reply came back saying they would be there in an hour. Alburet informed the other two, “Gerald and Marysue will be along to help tackle the village in about an hour. Let’s head back to the fort so we can meet them there.”


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