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Riftkeepers: Pursuit

Page 13

by Carrie Whitethorne

  “No, we need a few days for the children's birthday celebrations. We have a family gathering and things planned.” Callan said. We'll need some time. I'll be in touch.”

  Blair gave a nod. “Charlotte,” he inclined his head and was gone.

  “Thank you,” Charlotte said, turning to Lukas and Anton, “I really appreciate your help.”

  “It's a pleasure,” Lukas smiled. “It's been an honor to work with the Prince and Princess too.”

  Enya giggled and grinned at him.

  “You are both very talented,” Anton said to them, “I look forward to working with you again.”

  They both bowed and left hand in hand.

  “If Anton can ward, and the Druids can ward, why is Zander needed?” Charlotte asked when they were alone.

  “None are as powerful as Zander's. Earth is a defensive element,” he explained, “The earth creates, shields, provides food and shelter. As such, his wards are far more powerful than any Anton or the druids can place.”

  “Okay, that makes sense, I suppose.” She turned to Zander, “What would you like to do for lunch?”

  “Can we go home? We've been at the palace for ages.”

  “Home sounds perfect.”

  Chapter 17

  The house was awash with balloons, banners and streamers. The rarely used dining room had been rearranged to fit in extra tables, a lavish buffet spread around three of the four walls of the room. In the center of the main table sat a three-tier cake decorated with animals of all descriptions.

  In the kitchen, there were drinks of all descriptions, from barrels of wine to rare bottles of whiskey.

  “I know it's solstice, but this is a bit much. It's a children's party,” Charlotte whispered to Callan as they laid out glasses.

  “We couldn't invite everyone if we were at the palace. Security wouldn't allow it.” He shrugged. “Anyway, their day is tomorrow. Tonight, is more for us.”

  “That's all the food,” Alayna said as she walked into the kitchen, “Dane will be here soon.”

  Callan nodded. “I'll go and light the fires outside.”

  There was a knock at the front door. Charlotte clicked her tongue and went to answer it. “Dane, I've no idea why you're knocking. You usually just turn up in the… Ferne!” She pulled her friend into a tight hug. “Did Callan arrange this?”

  “Yep. I need air, Lottie!” Ferne gasped, “As if I'd miss their birthday.”

  Looking behind her, she saw Dane leaning on the wall, smiling. “Happy Solstice, Lottie.”

  “Come in. It's bloody freezing! Zander, Enya! Come here!”

  They looked over the banister, their faces spread into broad smiles. “Aunty Fe!” They ran down the stairs and into her arms.

  “Oh, I've missed you,” Ferne choked, tears in her eyes, “Look at you! You've grown so much. What are they feeding you up here?”

  She heard voices from the kitchen and looked at Dane.

  Shit, they'll all look like fae!

  No, they all know she's coming. They're all very human looking.

  Just Dagda and his mouth to worry about then.

  Dane walked past her laughing to himself.

  “Come and meet everyone,” Charlotte said, beaming, “Come on you two. Everyone's here.”

  Ferne stopped in the doorway to the kitchen and gazed at the family in front of her. “Charlotte, you didn't say they were so… pretty,” she whispered.

  Callan smiled, “Welcome to our home, Ferne. Can I get you a drink?”

  “Yeah, please. Umm, wine please.”

  “Ferne, this is my sister in law, Alayna, you know her boyfriend Dane. Dagda, Caoimhe, Taran. Our friends, Carlie and Aoife should be here soon.”

  Ferne nodded and smiled as she was introduced to them in turn, flushing at the sight of Dagda. As soon has Callan handed her the wine the children dragged her off to look at their newly decorated bedroom. With an apologetic glance over her shoulder she allowed them to escort her upstairs.

  “She's pretty,” Dagda mused.

  “You stay away from my friend,” she warned, laughing as he pouted and wandered over to speak to Taran.

  Callan handed her a glass of wine, “Happy Solstice.”

  “Happy Solstice,” she grinned, “How long have you been planning this?”

  “Just the last week. I asked Dane if he was well enough acquainted with her to manage the drive up. I wasn't sending Dagda. For obvious reasons,” he laughed, rolling his eyes.

  Charlotte almost choked on her drink. “I had no idea he was such a womanizer!”

  “He's had his moments. He's charming and reliable. Ferne's certainly his type. Safer not to lock him in a car with her for five hours.”

  “You know I can hear you,” he grumbled from across the kitchen.

  Callan tipped his glass to his brother and continued. “Dane had the afternoon free, has met her a few times before when he's checked in on her. He was happy to.”

  “Thank you. I didn't think I'd be able to see her again for a long time,” She said as she pushed up on her toes and kissed him.

  “She's welcome to stay any time, you know that. You're always able to go there too. Whatever makes you happy.”

  “No. I'm not ready for that,” she mumbled, “I didn't think you would be either.”

  Taking her hand, he said, “It isn't about me. Ferne's coming down. Spend the evening with her, don't worry about us.”

  “Who decorated that room? It's amazing,” Ferne asked as she reached Charlotte's side.

  “Alayna. She's very talented,” Callan said, “It keeps her busy.”

  “You say that like I don't have duties, Callan,” Alayna said smoothly.

  “Personal grooming is not a duty.”

  “Yes, it is! I've been dressing you for years,” She looked him up and down, “At least I've tried to.”

  “Well, you can dress Dane now and leave me to be comfortable,” he laughed.

  “Oh no. I can dress myself,” Dane grumbled.

  Alayna shot him a scornful look and clicked her tongue.

  Ferne took a gulp of wine and glanced at Charlotte.

  “You get used to it,” Charlotte laughed, “Alayna had to handle Callan and Dagda on her own for a long time. She did her best but there's no getting them out of jeans and into a suit.”

  “I wear suits,” Dagda complained.

  “Yes, you brush up beautifully,” Charlotte said kindly, glancing at Ferne who was blushing again.


  “Thank you,” he grinned, “I'll go and collect Aoife.” He drained his glass and strode to the back door.

  “Front door, please,” Charlotte said into her glass. He turned on his heel and flashed his brows at her. “Ferne, come and meet Caoimhe and Taran.”

  While Ferne and Caoimhe were discussing the children, Dagda arrived back with Aoife and Carlie.

  Aoife had brought her mums chest back with her. “It's all there. Carlie has left the translations in there for you to read through.”

  She smiled taking the heavy chest and slid it into a storage cupboard beneath the stairs. “Callan's in the kitchen. He'll be thrilled to see you. He's surprised me by bringing my friend up for the party.”

  “Dagda mentioned it,” Aoife smirked. Carlie scowled.

  Once everyone had greeted the druids Callan announced, “Now that everyone is here we should light the candles.”

  It took two individual choruses of Happy Birthday and blowing out of candles before the children were satisfied. Then it was time to open their gifts.

  Callan handed them an envelope each. “This is from Mummy and I. Happy Birthday.”

  Enya squealed, Zander's eyes widened and he grinned up at them.

  Charlotte hadn't been told about this either. “What is it?” she asked.

  “Disneyland? Mummy we're going to Disneyland!” Enya jumped on the spot with excitement.

  “Thank you!” Zander said, drowned out by Enya's squealing.

, ours next!” Alayna insisted, handing them a large bag each. Enya's was filled with pretty clothes and shoes, hair accessories and costume jewelry. Zander received a new set of soldiers.

  “This is from my father,” Dane said, handing them a parcel each.

  Enya held up a mauve body suit decorated with silver studs. “It looks like Vlasta!”

  “It's armor. He had it specially made for you,” Dane explained.

  Ferne looked confused. “They've been having fencing lessons,” Dagda explained. She nodded and sipped her wine.

  Fencing! Good catch Dagda.

  “Mine are in the red paper,” Ferne said, “I hope you like them.”

  “Ferne they're beautiful!” Charlotte gasped, admiring the matching rings they showed her.

  “I wanted them to have something special since I won't be seeing much of them now.” Her eyes glazed.

  Charlotte hugged her. “You're welcome to visit whenever you like, Fe.”

  “Thanks Aunty Fe.”

  “What stones are they?” Callan asked.

  “Onyx. It's meant to help with personal strength,” She shrugged. “They're only silver. It looks better on boys.”

  “They're perfect, thank you,” he said and turned to the children, “don't you ever take those off,” They nodded and placed the rings on their middle fingers. “Perfect fit.”

  Aoife gave them a new story book each, Carlie had hand carved small figurines of them to put by their beds. Of all their gifts, they were most impressed with the carved figures. Enya's showed her standing in a defensive pose, a wave of water rising behind her. Zander's had him standing on a mound of earth, hands outstretched. The likenesses were uncanny.

  “They're amazing, Carlie!” Charlotte said quietly.

  Carlie smiled shyly, “Thanks. I'm glad they like them.”

  “Our gifts are back at home,” Taran said, “You can collect them another time.”

  Everyone helped themselves to food and took their plates outside. Charlotte steered Ferne into the lounge so that they could talk.

  “This is amazing, who catered?” Ferne asked through a mouthful.

  “Alayna. She's the family planner. I'm struggling to find something she isn't good at.”

  “How are they all so good looking? They're all like something out of a magazine, it's disgusting.”

  Charlotte shifted in her seat. “Dunno. I knew the kids didn't get it from me.”

  “Now that's unfair,” Dane drawled from the doorway, “You have an inner beauty.”

  “Thanks.” She rolled her eyes. “Are here to insult me or did you bring wine?”


  You love it.

  “I brought wine,” he grinned, waving a bottle as he sauntered over. “How are you, Ferne? Not too tired after the long drive?”

  Choking down what she had in her mouth she said, “No, I slept most of the way, remember. Thank you for bringing me, Dane. It was good of you to give up your day.”

  You knocked her out, didn't you?

  Might have done.

  “Don't mention it. It was worth it to see the look on Lottie's face.” He filled their glasses and left the bottle on the table. “I'll leave you to it.”

  “So, that's Alayna's boyfriend?” Ferne asked when he'd gone.

  “Yeah. He's the first real friend I made here. Everyone else was sort of just Callan's family. He's a bit of a dick sometimes but he's a good bloke.”

  Ferne nodded and was quiet for a few moments. “Lottie, what happened?”


  “When?” Her face was a mask of calm curiosity.

  “When you came home. I woke up on the sofa the morning after we went out, you didn't answer the phone, you weren't at the house. That Dane turned up nearly two weeks later and said you were okay and was sorry you hadn't been in touch but you'd lost your phone.” Her brow wrinkled as she waited for a reply.


  She forced a laugh, “I dumped your drunken arse at yours and went home. I must have dropped my phone in the taxi.”

  “But your front door was smashed!”

  “Yeah. I fell over. When I woke up I text Callan and he insisted I go to A and E to have my head looked at. He met me there.” She hoped it was enough.

  “Piss head,” Ferne snorted, “This house is huge. You've landed on your feet!”

  She clicked her tongue. “It's just a house. He has a good job.”

  “I'm just glad you're happy. When's this wedding then?”

  Oh, no…

  “Erm. We had it… It was quick. Once I decided to come and live here we decided to do it quickly and quietly at the registry office.”

  “I was expecting a huge do!”

  “Nah, it's not us. It was small, quiet. Just family. I'm sorry,” she frowned.

  “Don't be. You deserve to be happy, Lottie.” She gave her a watery smile. Shaking the emotion, she sat forward and asked, “So, is your brother in law single?”

  “You know, I don't know,” Charlotte laughed, “It's never come up. I assume so, but everyone thought Alayna was until a couple of months ago,”


  “Yeah, but they kept it quiet for years. What about you?” She cringed inwardly as the question slipped out. “Still with what's his name?”

  Ferne sighed. “No. He just disappeared about two weeks after your visit. He started showing up at mad hours of the night in a foul mood. I threatened to phone the police one morning and that was it. Never saw him again.”

  “Wanker,” she spat, “you can do better than him.” Just thinking of him made her power roil in her veins.

  Calm. She can't know. She won't understand.

  “Yeah, the shine wore off quick. You're one of the lucky ones.”

  “I waited for him. I'm still expecting it to go tits up if I'm honest.” She filled their glasses. “It's been too easy.”

  Ferne laughed. “Always the pessimist, Lottie! I love that tree.”

  Charlotte turned to the corner of the room. There stood a fir tree in a huge pot. It was simply decorated with thin silver thread, berries and tiny candles. “Yeah, it isn't a traditional Christmas tree. It's a solstice tree. There's a gemstone spider in there somewhere, the silver thread is its web.”

  “Solstice? Suppose you did meet him at a druid festival so it isn't surprising. Have you converted?”

  “From what? I dunno. Suppose I have, to a point. We had a pagan wedding, I took pagan vows. It doesn't make any difference to me. I just wanted to marry him,” she shrugged.

  “Whatever marriage has done to you, it suits you. You've lost weight. You been hitting the gym?”

  “Callan's making me go running every morning. I honestly think he's trying to kill me,” she laughed.

  A cheer came from the garden. Ferne's head snapped up, “What was that?”

  “Either drinking games or Dagda has annoyed Enya. He's good at that.”

  “What sort of drinking games?” Ferne asked with an impish grin.

  Chapter 18

  After their solstice get together things slowed down. With no training sessions while they were away, the excitement of their break at Disneyland and everyone busy with their own new year's plans they were left with some much-needed time together.

  “Do we have to start school on Monday?” Zander asked from the space he'd used to set up his castle and soldiers.

  “Yes. You need to get back to normal. You'll make new friends, some of the kids are from Druid families so you'll have that in common. You'll enjoy it,” Charlotte said softly.

  “We aren't druids, mummy,” Enya stated, looking up from her book.

  “No, you're part Druid though. You haven't seen any other kids for months. You must miss having friends your own age, don't you?”

  “Suppose. When will we see Blair?”

  Zander looked to her. “We won't be able to use our powers at school, will we?”

  “No, you mustn't let anyone know about them. You'll train on Saturdays with Bla
ir, me and Daddy. Sometimes other people will come to help. Like Lukas and Anton did.”

  “There isn't much more you can learn in training. Now it's more about learning to work with others as a team. You've both done very well, it took me years to get to your level. Don't worry about training,” Callan added, “It's important that you learn other things outside of magic.”

  “Can we play upstairs?” Enya asked, closing her book.

  “Try not to trash your room. We're going to see Nanna and Granddad later so be ready.”

  They ran upstairs leaving Charlotte and Callan in the lounge.

  “I knew they'd be like this,” she sighed, “They need to go to school.”

  “They'll soon settle in. You need the time for training, I need to get back to work. They'll be fine.”

  You trying to convince me or yourself?

  “I need to get back out running. I've eaten and drunk so much over Christmas,” she prodded her stomach, “I've undone everything I managed to do.”

  “Hardly. It's only been a few days,” Callan laughed, “Last one today. Informal party at the palace. Markus usually attends this one. We don't have to stay long.”

  “No idea what to wear. What does informal mean in fae terms?”

  “Anything you like. Whatever you're comfortable in,” he smiled.

  “Okay. I'll go and have a bath and do my hair. What time do we have to be there?”

  “Six. There's no rush.”

  Dragging herself from the sofa she made her way into the hall, pausing at the cupboard she'd left her mums chest in on solstice night.

  Carlie translated it all for me.

  Retrieving it she trudged up the stairs, into their room and sat on the bed. On top of her mums notes there was a red book that hadn't been there before. She ran her fingers over the ridges and bumps of the leather binding before taking it out. Carlie's careful handwriting was beautiful. Flicking through the first few pages it read like any other diary. Then the tone changed. Scanning the pages, certain sentences leapt out at her.

  Robert isn't himself.

  Lost his temper with Lolly.

  He's so frustrated.

  Finally, calm. Found someone to help.

  Admitted he's summoned a demon. No control over it. I'll have to help.


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