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Riftkeepers: Pursuit

Page 14

by Carrie Whitethorne

  Really believes Lolly has power. Not possible. She shows no signs.

  Must get away before he harms her.


  Going into hiding. He can't be trusted with her.

  Moving to Cumbria. Rory taught me the wards. We'll be safe.

  She skipped a huge chunk of pages and continued to scan.

  Convinced I saw him today.

  Lolly at nursing college. She's safe, warded. He can't get to her.

  Fortified the house this morning.

  Warned Rory.

  It ended, abruptly, there. She closed the book and dropped it back into the chest, slamming the lid.

  Callan entered the room, “Okay?”

  “Yeah. Just had a read of Carlie's translation of Mum's diary. She knew he was coming for her by the looks of things.” She sighed and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

  When they were finally ready, Callan took them directly to the ballroom.

  “There you are!” Taran greeted them warmly as the children ran to Caoimhe, “No formalities his evening. Everyone is here to celebrate the very first day of a brand-new year together,” he explained.

  “Happy new year, Taran,” Charlotte said, kissing his cheek.

  “Go and enjoy yourselves. We'll watch the children. I saw Alayna and Dane over by the bar earlier. It's self-service this evening, no-one works today.” He turned and joined Caoimhe and the children.

  “So where are the…” She didn't know how to word it.

  “Staff. They're paid,” he laughed, “They're here. Ma and Alayna cater this function. Everyone who works in the palace is invited. They receive a solstice gift and this evening as thanks for their hard work. We also remember each birthday, no-one works on their birthday.”

  “That's really good,” she smiled, “shall we find Alayna?”

  Dressed in jeans, heels and a silver off the shoulder top, Alayna was chatting with three Fae women by the bar. Dane looked thoroughly bored.

  You took your time!

  I didn't know I was babysitting you.

  Honestly, I think I'm about to die of boredom. Please, get my girlfriend back for me.

  “Alayna. This is amazing!” she exclaimed. Alayna turned to her, smiling and her companions made their excuses and left.

  Dane grinned. “She's been busy all day. I helped where I was allowed.”

  “Thank you,” Alayna smiled, handing her and Callan goblets of wine. “Are the children with Ma?”

  “Yeah, probably chewing her ear over Disneyland. I think they'd go and live there given the chance. Thanks.”

  “Is Dagda here?” Callan asked, scanning the room.

  “Not yet. I haven't seen him for three days.” Alayna frowned. “I assumed you knew where he was.”

  Callan and Dane exchanged glances and Callan sighed, “I'll go.”

  “Go where, Callan?” Charlotte asked in surprise.

  “Ferne's house.” He smirked and disappeared.

  “Oh, for the love of Pete! He hasn't?” she groaned.

  “We don't know yet,” Dane sniggered, “I'll put ten Merk on it though.”

  “Merk?” Charlotte asked, frowning.

  “Scottish currency from eons ago. Silver coins,” Alayna clarified with a click of her tongue, “I'm busy, I'll find you later.” She kissed Dane's cheek and disappeared into the crowd.

  “And then there were two,” Dane sighed, watching her leave, “How was Disney?”

  “Amazing! Honestly, I've never seen anything so magical and I've lived here,” she gushed.

  Dane raised his brows. “And the kids?”

  “Oh, yeah, they had a great time,” She laughed. Then added, “they're dreading school on Monday.”

  “It won't hurt them. They've had it easy for months. At their age, I had to attend classes in languages, human studies, physical training and magical defense.”

  “Human studies?” Charlotte snorted, “What was there to study?” She stepped to the bar to refill her glass from a large barrel of wine,

  “Plenty. You're an interesting bunch. All those silly wars, religions, how you had to learn to do things without magic and still managed to make it into space. You're amazing.”

  “You really believe that?” Her brows raised with the question.

  “Yeah. Without our magic, we're nothing special,” he shrugged.

  “Of course, the strength, speed, size and appearance aren't an advantage at all.”

  “Hmm, suppose. Still, humans are special,” he smiled and took a drink from his goblet. “Here we go…” He glanced to the space at her side.

  Callan appeared, sniggering.

  “He isn't?” Charlotte gasped.

  “Yep.” He poured a drink. “He shouldn't be long.”

  “For god's sake. He hasn't told her, has he?”

  “Looks like she has an idea given her lack of surprise when I turned up at her door.” He took a long swallow of his drink. “Her exact words were, 'That's a hell of a drive on an off chance'.” He flashed his brows and took a drink.

  “Oh well. Could have been worse,” Dane said, cheerfully.

  “How could this be worse?” Charlotte hissed.

  Dane shrugged and rose his goblet.

  “That was different!” She laughed, “I had his children!”


  Callan snorted into his drink, “Fair enough.”

  “I'm glad you find this so amusing.”

  “It isn't?” Dane asked.

  “No! She's always being let down.”

  “Who says I'm letting her down?” Dagda asked from behind her.

  Charlotte whirled on him, “If you hurt her I'll…”

  “Calm down. She invited me,” he shrugged, “I'm helping her get over the last loser, that's all.”

  Callan handed him a drink.

  Dagda declined and instead extended his hand to her, flashing her his best smile. “Would you care to dance?”

  Passing her goblet to Callan, she accepted, leaving him with his hands full of drinks.

  Placing a hand on his shoulder, she allowed him to lead her into a slow waltz. “I didn't know you liked to dance.”

  “I don't. It's the only way to get you away from Cal long enough to have a conversation,” he whispered.

  “Sneaky. What would you possibly want to talk to me about?”

  “Ferne. You don't need to worry about her. She's fine.”

  “How is she fine, Dagda? There's no way she's just accepted what you've told her. Did you tell her about me? About him?”

  “No. I told her about me. And Callan. She knows you know and has accepted that.”

  She nodded. “Please don't break her heart. She's been let down so many times before. I'm not saying I expect you to marry her and all that but…”

  Dagda met her gaze and said, “I promise I won't hurt her. We'll just see where it goes, okay?”

  “Thank you.”

  “I know how important she is to you,” he smiled, “and let's face it, I'd be stupid to piss you off.”

  “Yes, you would,” she laughed. “We haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been?”

  “Hunting that lunatic down, mainly.” He felt her back tense, and continued, “No luck yet though. He's completely disappeared after the whole Meg thing. The druids, the ones capable of shape shifting, are searching the most magically powerful sites in Britain but haven't found anything yet. We can only assume he's shacked up somewhere densely populated with Meg and is biding his time.”

  “What happens when you do find him?”

  “Honestly? I don't know. It'll come down to a fight. Meg was always very good with blood magic. I have it on good authority that she'll be building him an army of Daeva. We'll be ready.”

  “I'm not. I'm nowhere near ready.”

  “You won't be anywhere near him,” he growled.

  I'm the only one who can get close enough.

  She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. />
  This is going to end badly.

  She caught a glimpse of Dane as Dagda led her around the floor. His face was etched with sadness as he watched them. She didn't reach out to him, she knew he was thinking the same as her.

  Chapter 19

  “Have a great day,” Callan said, handing the children their bags.

  “We'll be here at three thirty. Aoife is your emergency contact and she can get us at the palace. Please, please try not to blow anyone up!” Charlotte held them each by a shoulder as she spoke. She kissed them on the cheek and they walked into the playground, glancing back briefly.

  “They're fine, Charlotte,” Callan said, “Come on. It's only a few hours. Blair is probably waiting and we have to drive home and change first.”

  On the short dive home Charlotte picked at her nails as she stared out of the window. “You know, on their first morning at nursery I went home and drank three red hot cups of tea one after the other. For three hours, I did nothing but sit and listen to the silence. It was bliss! Now I don't want them out of my sight.”

  “They're easier to be with now, I imagine, you needed the break,” he said, quietly as he parked the car in front of the house.

  “I can't help thinking something is going to happen. It doesn't take much for Enya to get upset with other kids…”

  “She'll be fine,” he assured her.

  After quickly changing into her training clothes, Charlotte found Callan in the kitchen. Holding out her hand she sighed, “Come on then, the sooner we're there the sooner we're home.”

  “Where's your dagger?”

  Huffing, she dropped her arm to her side and stomped back up the stairs. She'd left it on top of the wardrobe, well away from the children. Taking it down and weighing it in her hand she frowned.

  I really don't see why I need this.

  Callan appeared behind her. “Need help?”

  Nodding, she handed him the sheathed dagger and he gently attached it to her belt. Kissing her gently he took her hand, “Ready?”

  Glancing at the clock on Callan's side of the bed she nodded.

  “Finally, I'm a very busy man you know?” Dagda called across the cairn.

  Blair laughed and asked, “What shall we practice today? Any requests?”

  “Not really,” Charlotte shrugged. “I'm not really feeling it today so whatever you want.”

  Dagda grinned, “Excellent.”

  Oh no…

  Callan eyed his brother and said to Blair, “It's their first day at school today, Charlotte is worried about them.”

  Nodding, Blair said, “Okay. We'll start with physical. Dagda?”

  “Dagger out, Princess,” he said, cracking his neck as he walked toward her.

  “Dagger out? I can't fight you, you'll kill me!”

  “We'll see,” He rushed her as she reached for her dagger.

  Side stepping, she said, “You're cheating.”

  “There's no such thing as cheating in combat.” A sword appeared in his hand, blue gems glittering along its hilt in the bright sunlight as he circled her. “Not that I need to cheat against a little human girl.”

  She sighed and slumped her shoulders, her arms limp at her sides. “You're right. I really don't stand a chance against you. I mean, look at you. Dagda the all-powerful.” Offering a small curtsy, she batted her lashes at him.

  Dagda laughed, stepping back spreading his arms wide, “Well th…”

  Callan burst out laughing as Dagda fell backwards, sprawled on his back.

  “That's cheating!” Dagda raged, springing into a crouch. “Blair said physical, not magical.”

  “No such thing as cheating in combat, mighty Prince Dagda,” she mocked, half smiling and angling her dagger.

  “I didn't see her shadow that time at all,” Blair said to Callan, “has she been having extra lessons with Lukas?”

  “Not that I'm aware of,” he shrugged, watching her closely as Dagda moved closer to her.

  She didn't glance their way, eyes trained on her brother in law.

  “Get ready. I'm not Cal,” he said in a low growl.

  “Clearly not, come on curly.”

  Okay, hold him.

  Before he could move an inch her shadow wrapped itself around his arms. His eyes flashed in fury before he responded with a wall of wind. It hurtled towards her, flattening the rich green grass as it came.

  She turned and ran, dagger still in hand. Dagda appeared before her, sword gone, arms outstretched to catch her. She ducked and lay a fire around his feet.

  I need to hide.

  “Where the… Cal where is she?” Dagda sounded concerned.

  “I don't know,” Callan laughed, “watch yourself though.”

  She daren't move a muscle, with no idea how she'd managed to conceal herself she didn't want to lose her shield just yet. Panting, she watched Dagda.

  “Now this is cheating, Charlotte,” he said, his sword appearing in his hand again, “if you don't show yourself I'll force you out.”

  Gingerly stepping away from him, she watched for a sign that he'd noticed her move. Another step, then another put some distance between them as she decided how to proceed.

  “Fair enough,” he huffed a cyclone forming behind him. It was only a couple of feet high, but it tore at the grass of the cairn as it moved from left to right behind him. “Last chance girly. When you get caught up in this you'll have to work hard to get out.”

  Taking a few more steps, she edged parallel with his small vortex of wind. It had sucked up small amounts of earth and grass now and was tinted brown and green. He sent it forwards, to where she had been when he lost sight of her. Edging closer and closer, she held her breath.

  Not a sound, stay hidden. Hide.

  His eyes scanned the cairn as his tornado ripped its way towards Callan and Blair then suddenly changing direction. She heard a growl of frustration rumble from his chest as she finally came within striking distance.

  Quickly and carefully she pressed the point of her dagger into his ribs and dropped her shield. “One to…”

  He grabbed her wrist, twisted and brought her arm up her back, his free arm coming up and around her throat. “Yes?”

  “Me,” she breathed as flame engulfed her. Dagda sprang back, disappearing.

  Cool. No burns. Rain fire.

  At the simple thought her fire fell from the sky, the sunlight casting a violet hue as it hit the flames. Dagda materialized by the stream to her left, a small disc of swirling wind shielding him from the raining fire. He stalked toward her, fury burning in his eyes. “Losing to a girl, Dagda!” She clicked her tongue.

  He was close enough for her to see the muscles in his neck go taut, the veins popping as he prepared himself. Meeting his gaze her mouth went dry. He was furious.

  Fire wall, slow him down. One behind, don't let him close.

  Unable to see him through the flames, she moved carefully back several steps.

  He's coming. Shadow, pin him as soon as he makes it past the fire.

  There was a roar from behind her and she spun to face him. A broad cone of wind spread from his sword hand, extinguishing her fire and pushing her back. Bending her knees, she dug into the ground, determined not to lose her footing now.

  Take his sword, pin him. I'm done.

  The sky cleared as she pulled her power inward. Thrusting her dagger arm out, she matched his cone with her own. Shadow and flame spread from her dagger, meeting his with a roar.

  His eyes widened as the shadow-fire moved closer and closer to his hand, swallowing up his wind, feeding from it, adding to its own force. His sword was ripped from his strong grip, caught in the vortex for several seconds before it landed on the ground between them.

  Hold him.

  Taking tight hold of his wrist, she pushed her power over him. He fought with everything he had, he tried to port away, tried to run but he was held tight. “On your knees, Dagda, the all-powerful,” she smiled, walking towards him.

Get this shit off me.” He dropped to his knees.

  As she drew level with him, she reached out a hand and ruffled his short curls and whispered, “Good boy.”

  His eyes narrowed. “It's a good job I like you,” he muttered, pushing up from the ground. He grabbed his sword and marched to the rock Blair and Callan leaned on. “You could have warned me!”

  “Where's the fun in that?” Blair laughed. “The cloaking is new. Has Lukas been giving you tips, Charlotte?”

  Shaking her head, she bent, hands on her knees and took a few deep breaths. “No, I just wanted to hide so it hid me. How does that work?”

  Callan rubbed her back and said, “We think it's to do with the light. Somehow, you bend it, leaving yourself invisible to the naked eye. Not really invisible but well enough hidden to get away or launch a surprise attack.”

  “Both of which you did beautifully,” Blair added. “A few more months like this and you'll be fully trained.”

  Dagda was still angry.

  “Dagda,” she said quietly as she straightened.

  He looked down at her, his lips twitching at one side. “I'll get you next time.”

  “We'll arrange a team exercise for Saturday. Here, same time. I'll get a few others involved and let the children go to town on some fresh faces.”

  “Sounds good, Blair. We'll see you here in the morning. Ready for a run?” Callan asked.

  “No,” She muttered.

  Dagda laughed, clapped Callan on the shoulder, nodded to Blair and left. Blair followed.

  “Just along the beach at home, then we'll have a late lunch at the pub before collecting Zander and Enya.”

  “Oh, well, if you're buying me lunch,” she grinned, taking his hand.

  The pebbled beach stretched as far as she could see, forming a rough path for them to follow.

  “Where are we?”

  “Holy island. The one you can see from the house. There's nothing here but a visitor's center, a lighthouse and some wild ponies. We'll run south from here, finish at the lighthouse. Less than two miles.”

  “No-one lives here?”

  “A few. Just the people who man the lighthouse and run the visitors center. Come on. It's going to rain.”

  Soaked to the skin, she sat and nursed a glass of wine by the fire in the small pub. “Lunch was lovely, thank you,” she said as Callan sat beside her.


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