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Surrender to Fate (Fate's Path Part One: A New Adult Romance Series)

Page 28

by Jacelyn Rye

  She would have to call for help. But a terrifying thought intruded before she could think further. Her voice. The thought of summoning the strength to talk, let alone yell for help, seemed as daunting as trying to move. She was afraid to even try. She couldn’t ignore the fear that enveloped her now. Would she even be able to speak?

  Taking a deep breath, as deep as her pained ribcage would allow, she knew she would need to try. Fearing what might, or what might not, come out of her mouth, she gradually let her jaw muscles loosen, and let her lips come apart slightly. She had no moisture to speak of in her mouth, but she licked her cracked lips anyway. Forcing her mouth to open a fraction more, she mustered everything she could.

  “Hhhh…elp?” A cracked whisper filled the silence. The sound of her voice was unrecognizable to her. It was as if someone had opened an old steamer trunk that had been stored in an attic for decades, until someone finally opened the lid, only to release a puff of dust and dry air.

  It wasn’t much, but it was something. Sarah was filled such relief, that for a moment she had to close her eyes and savor the elation she felt in her small victory. She could talk, she had a voice, and she had the strength to use it. Fueled by the glimmer of hope, she swallowed hard, and tried again.

  “HH…elp!” Although in reality, it wasn’t much louder than the first time, Sarah felt that it was, and continued with the momentum that she was feeling. “H…elp! Someone…help?”

  It was exhausting, and Sarah closed her eyes to catch her breath. She reopened them at the sound of soft, squishing sounds of shoes entering her room.

  “Oh my heavens, you’re awake.”

  Sarah blinked, taking in the new information. She watched as a tall, slender woman, with black-rimmed glasses resting on her nose, and dressed in an all-white nurse’s uniform, pulled a clipboard from the side of the bed and began scratching notes. When she was done, she slipped the clipboard into its slot by the bed, and smiled warmly.

  “Hello, my dear. Nice to see those pretty eyes. Now, I know you’re scared. I am Nurse Tillie, and you are in the hospital.” She smiled in such a way that it reminded Sarah of how her grandmother used to look at her. It was a look of comfort and compassion. Sarah was doing her best to keep the panic from rising in her chest, and the more she looked into Nurse Tillie’s soothing eyes, the more she wondered if somehow she knew her.

  Despite the comfort of Nurse Tillie, the alarm in Sarah couldn’t be quieted. Knowing that she was in the hospital wasn’t enough. What she needed was for the nurse to fill in the remaining blanks, and that was what scared her the most. Where were her parents?

  Fate’s Path Continues…

  Shattered by Fate (Part Two)

  **Releasing October 2013**

  One heart cannot remember. Another heart cannot forget. Both hearts reach toward something to grasp. For Sarah, it is her past. For Will, it is to bring that past back. The only thing standing squarely in their way — is their future. Each has promised their heart and life to another. But where happiness should be, instead are the dark billowing clouds of a storm of reckoning. The thunder of regret splits a horizon now raining down upon them in shards of shattered promises and unreachable memories.

  Chosen by Fate (Part Three)

  **Releasing December 2013**

  Both Will and Sarah are still connected to each other by an indescribable draw seemingly groping out from the deepest reaches of fate. A fate that deliberately leaves the door of temptation cracked open, giving Will a yearning peek at the naked truth of Sarah, who reaches out with the same tortured passions. But Will is trapped by guilt and obligation, and Sarah must choose between her memories of a happy past, or a future spent in renewed hope. Fate will leave both to fight the battle as secrets are revealed that will forever alter all of their lives, and for someone, take the very breath of life from them. Their paths have been chosen, but will fate see to it that their paths are brought together as one?

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  About the Author

  I like to think of myself as many things. I can be as alluring as the love that flows from my pen: pure, honest, simple. But then, like a storm that suddenly appears over the mountain, I can also have you running for shelter where there's no place to hide. Like life, itself, I try to deliver the hard with the soft, the pain with the joy, the instant with the forever. All of it, for a reason. And it's there that one can best enter my life.

  Growing up in the blue sky country of Colorado doesn't leave an impression, it becomes a lifeblood. For me, the clarity of that truth flows through my stories, my characters and my inherent spirituality that somehow knows faith, in the end, triumphs over despair.

  And then, there's serendipity. I believe everything happens for a reason, and I try to listen to the signs that present themselves to me. I accepted one such sign when I moved from my beloved Colorado to an unknown life awaiting me in Southern California, where I happily live today.

  In the quiet mornings, you'll find me savoring my coffee, outside. To me, it's all about listening, breathing in, appreciating being here for another day. And of course, there's time spent in the mountains, fishing, and wading in creeks with the people I love. Curiously, the girl who comes from the mile-high mountains, still fears the miles-deep ocean I frequently visit, but only to sink my toes in the hot sand and watch, in awe and respect, the thundering surf.

  On any given day, be it in the mountains, at the beach, or on my terrace, I am dreaming and writing, my way of sharing something meaningful with those who come to know me through my stories.




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