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african americans, 12, 51, 76
with, 31– 32; efforts to stop colonization, 28,
agriculture, 10, 13, 35
30; indian alliances on eve of american
allegany indian territory, xi, 171, 174
revolution, 84– 85, 87; native allies’ needs
allegheny mountains, 1, 17, 39, 41, 106, 107
and, 123; Ohio declared part of canada, 2;
allegheny Valley, 6, 8, 107, 116
seven years’ War and, 7; six nations treaty
amberson, John, 173, 174
with, 31, 92; war effort against rebel colo-
american revolution, 14
nists, 92
anipassicowa (shawnee), 10, 12
Brodhead, daniel, 115– 17, 120, 122, 134; dis-
anishinaabeg, 12, 13, 97, 160. See also Odawas;
pute with militia officers, 125, 129; food
s; potawatomis
commandeered from farmers, 124;
appalachian mountains, 1, 8, 18, 134
goschachgünk delawares and, 127, 133;
arbuckle, matthew, ix, 94, 103– 4
moravians and, 137
articles of confederation, 161, 165
brokers (coalition builders), 3, 21, 59
aston, george, 75– 76
Brown, richard, 42
augusta Boys, 39, 41
Buckongahelas (delaware), 109, 132, 148, 150,
autonomy, local, 2, 21, 171, 172, 175, 176
169, 171
aylett, William, 103
Bul , John. See schebosh, John
Bullitt, Thomas, 46– 47, 49, 50, 63
Baker, Joshua, 54
Butler, richard, 46– 47, 54, 75, 76, 198n13,
Beaver river, 27, 42, 45, 53, 54
199n17; colonization of Ohio and, 159;
Bemineo (delaware), 35, 36, 41, 190n25
death of, 170; as emissary of continental
Bible, cited as justification for killing native
congress, 82; indian dispossession and
people, 4
ambitions of, 167; negotiations with corn-
Bird, henry, 115
planter, 168; Ohio Valley inhabitants’ help
Blue Jacket (shawnee), 169, 170, 171, 172
given to, 157
Blue licks, Kentucky, 87, 98, 143, 160
Boone, daniel, 51, 65, 67; capture of, 98– 99;
cameron, alexander, 87, 88
charisma of, 59; rescue of girls by, 87, 98–
camp charlotte, 64
99; “transylvania” colony and, 71
canada, 87, 123, 146, 149, 151, 174; French loss
Boonesborough, Kentucky, 67, 71, 85, 87; food
of, 7; Ohio declared by British to be part
shortage in, 72; map, 69; in revolutionary
of, 2
War, 99
canandaigua, treaty of, 170, 171
Booth, James, 41
captives: adopted into indian groups, 12, 13,
Braddock, general edward, 7, 8, 170
158, 159; exchanged for logan’s prisoners,
Brant, Joseph (mohawk), 126– 27, 149, 151, 169,
164– 65; handed over to Virginia as condi-
tion of peace, 82– 83; in Kentucky during
Britain/British empire, 24, 60, 176; abandon-
revolutionary War, 99; during revolution-
ment of indian allies, 173; cherokee treaty