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Dragon Knight Of Khoth

Page 17

by Brenda Trim

  Lorne left the smell of decay behind as he stalked toward Caleb. By the time he reached his fellow knight, Caleb had the fight under control.

  “Need help?” Lorne asked as he clutched his side.

  Caleb didn’t stop moving while he swung and ducked and battled the Unseelie. “Nah. I got this one, but you’d better find room to shift. There might be more, and the ceremony isn’t over yet.

  “Watch that one’s left hook. It cracked my rib cage,” Lorne warned his friend.

  “Yeh, I saw that. You must be getting old, bro,” Caleb retorted and stabbed his blade through the creature’s eye.

  “Fucking prole,” Lorne murmured as he walked away from the knight.

  Lorne’s advanced healing was already at work which enabled him to run to an open area in the forest. Caleb was right. There could be more Unseelie, and he needed to shift so that he’d be at maximum strength.

  Reaching a small river, Lorne paused and stripped off his clothes. When he couldn’t summon his dragon, he called up images of Cambree to distract from the pain. A second later, Lorne’s bones, muscles, and flesh shifted and changed until his dragon ascended. Lorne felt his body heal then quickly shifted back to human form. He redressed and returned to Caleb’s side as fast as his feet would take him.

  “Let’s make sure there aren’t anymore,” Lorne told the male as they proceeded through the vegetation. “The ceremony is almost over, and I have a female waiting.”

  Lorne’s dragon did a last sweep of the ground below as he watched the females leave the ceremony. A few more Buggane were discovered, but other Máahes took care of them before he and Caleb arrived. The Civapu was a success, and the Gods selected several Tuya. It was a good day, he surmised. Guilt suddenly swamped Lorne when he spotted Legette and Natasha embracing.

  As eager as he was to get to Cambree, he should’ve stuck around to find out if Natasha was blessed. He made a mental note to call his friend later and ask how the ceremony went for them.

  Excitement bubbled through his veins as he headed toward Cambree’s house. Delilah waved at him from the ground, catching his attention. Circling back around, he hovered in the air above her long enough to hear her shout, “Thank you for saving us. You’re my hero.”

  “You’re welcome,” he sent to her via dragon speech. “It’s my job to protect everyone. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Cambree is waiting for me.”

  His massive wingspan ate up the distance in no time. When Cam’s building came into view, Lorne landed on a wide street. Luckily, no passersby were in sight. He dropped the bag in his mouth and shifted then quickly pulled clothes from his satchel and dressed.

  On swift feet, he hurried to her apartment building. Eagerness rode him hard at seeing her again. It had been only a few hours, but Lorne couldn’t wait to have Cambree in his arms again. She was his beautiful one.

  When Lorne neared her building, the scent of blood filled his nostrils. His speed increased, and he closed the distance in seconds flat. He pushed his way through the door to her building and stopped short when he didn’t see Jeffrey at his post. The male wasn’t a trained knight, but he was skilled enough to prevent intruders.

  Lorne spotted several droplets of blood splattered near the desk and followed their trail. It led him to a supply closet. He flung the door open and discovered the guard slumped on the floor. The smell of death attacked his nostrils.

  Lorne’s instincts went haywire, and he turned and sprinted toward the stairwell. He didn’t have fucking time to wait on the piece of shit elevator. He shoved the door and raced up the stairs, taking two and three at a time. His heart pounded and his chest constricted. Cambree had to be okay.

  The instant Lorne reached her floor, he knew he was too late. Cambree’s scent filled the hall, and it was tainted with fear. He busted through her front door and ransacked the entire apartment. Cambree wasn’t there.

  Lorne’s dragon burst from his skin in the next second. He charged through a large window and roared as he flew through the city. Flames exploded from his massive jaws, lighting the night sky. Someone had taken his mate, and they were going to pay with their lives.

  * * *

  Chapter 19

  “Lorne, I need you to stop and focus. We canna find her if we doona have a plan,” Angus stated as Lorne paced back and forth.

  “No offense, Sire, but when Keira went missing, your plan led you to another realm where you were trapped for a thousand years,” Lorne snapped then immediately regretted it when the king’s magic pricked his skin.

  “‘Tis impossible to focus when your mate is missing, Angus. You know that as well as I do. I nearly destroyed Zeum when Elsie was taken,” Zander added and patted Lorne on the back.

  The petite Vampire Queen wrapped her arm around Zander’s waist and pulled him close. “I never appreciated supernaturals’ possessiveness until I became one. Trust that Cambree is feeding off your strength to survive whatever she’s going through. I know it doesn’t help the worry eating at your heart right now, but when I was taken, it was Zander that saved me. I used the mating bond to draw on his strength.”

  Lorne’s heart constricted in his chest. “But that’s the problem. We aren’t mated.”

  “Neither were Zander and I, but we had enough of a connection that I could draw from him,” Elsie replied. Seeing her wrapped up in Zander’s arms only compounded his urgency. He wanted Cambree back.

  Keira walked over to Lorne and hugged him. “Don’t forget that Cambree is a Cuelebre dragon. Her animal will give her strength, as well,” she reminded him.

  Angus tapped on a map that was laid over the table. “Did you feel any energy signature at her apartment?”

  Lorne hung his head. When he smelled Cambree’s fear and found Jeffrey’s dead body, his dragon reacted before he could take in the whole scene. All he knew was Cambree was missing.

  “I didn’t feel anything but her terror,” he choked out.

  “Och, lad. Doona beat yourself up. We will find her. I will use every resource at my disposal to locate Cambree,” Angus announced, and Lorne heaved a sigh. He appreciated his king’s support more than he could say.

  “Thank you, Sire. I can’t just sit here anymore. I’m going to search near Mount Batia. It’s unlikely she’s there, but I have to do something.”

  “Shite. I understand, but I doona like it. If you find anything, call immediately. Doona take action withoot backup. You could put her in greater danger,” Angus warned Lorne.

  Lorne nodded and said he wouldn’t do anything rash, but everyone in the room knew better. If Cambree’s life was in danger, nothing would stop him from going in with both barrels loaded. He’d burn the fucking volcano to the ground if that’s what it took. Gaia be damned. Nothing was more important than finding Cambree.

  Turning on his heels, Lorne strode from the audience hall and toward the armory. Legette followed him from the room. “I’m coming with you.”

  Lorne cocked his head and met his friend’s gaze. “Thank you. I’ve been so consumed over Cambree’s whereabouts that I haven’t asked how the ceremony went for you and Natasha.”

  Legette’s blue eyes hardened, and he glanced away. “Nothing new. I wish she’d give up trying, but she refuses. After Keira’s experience, she believes everyone can receive a second chance. She won’t hear that the queen earned it after suffering for a thousand years.”

  Lorne felt for the couple. It was an impossible situation. At times like this he felt the Gods were capricious. There wasn’t a more deserving couple than Legette and Natasha.

  “You’ve sacrificed everything for this realm, Legette. Don’t forget that. She’s not crazy for trying. We need to find a way to remind the Gods of your service,” Lorne offered.

  They entered the armory and quickly selected their weapons. “You’re a true friend,” Legette said as they both stripped before sliding a weapons belt over their shoulders.

  The garment was a magically enhanced leather strap that grew with them as they shif
ted. “In the midst of your crisis, you take the time to ask about my mate and I. Thank you.” After securing a bag filled with clothes to their belts, they headed for the nearest balcony.

  “And, you are here when I need you most. Thank you, brother,” Lorne replied and clapped the Máahes on the shoulder. “Ready?”

  “Let’s find your female,” Legette announced then shifted into his dragon.

  Lorne followed suit, and they were in the air a second later.

  “Why Mount Batia?” Legette asked in mind speech.

  “I’m not sure. Something kept telling me to check beneath the volcano as I was looking at the map,” Lorne admitted.

  Legette’s elongated head turned his way. “Did you mark her?”

  Lorne’s heart raced at the question. He’d been too preoccupied to recall that fact, let alone use it to his advantage. “Fuck! Yes, I did.”

  “Then I’d say you’ve found her,” Legette murmured, stating what Lorne wouldn’t allow himself to hope. Not until he had tangible proof.

  Lorne’s massive wings beat the air around him, picking up the pace. The trees thickened as they left the city, and headed toward the mountain. The hard knot in his stomach and the vise around his heart eased with every mile they covered.

  They landed at the base of the mountain and shifted to human form. Legette and Lorne quickly dressed as they scanned the area.

  “Do you sense anything?” Legette questioned.

  Lorne closed his eyes and focused on the mark he placed on Cambree. It was a tiny portion of his essence, and only Lorne could detect it, but it shone like a beacon to him.

  “Yes. Cambree’s here, but how the fuck do we get inside?” Lorne asked as he shoved his feet into boots then slipped his weapons belt over his shoulder.

  “I need you to wait once we find the entrance. I’ll send for the others.”

  “Do whatever the fuck you have to. Call them. Return and tell them. But, I’m not waiting. She’s in there, and I’m going after my mate,” Lorne promised.

  Legette’s curse echoed behind Lorne as he searched between bushes in search of a cave opening. He heard the male call and report their location, and was relieved the cavalry was in route. Lorne acknowledged there was a good chance they were going to need assistance.

  “I think there’s a cave fifteen feet to the left,” Legette muttered and headed the direction he mentioned. Within seconds they were standing outside a small entrance, and Lorne was bombarded by Cambree’s terror, and Unseelie magic.

  “It could be a trap. You know that, right?” Legette informed.

  “Yes, but whoever took her doesn’t know about my claim on her. Wait for the others if you want. I’m going in,” Lorne professed as he stepped forward.

  Legette’s voice was right behind Lorne as he crouched and walked through the entrance. “You’re not going alone, jackwagon.”

  “When we find Cambree, I want you to take her to safety. I’ll take care of the Unseelie,” Lorne instructed his friend and superior.

  “Watch out for Foawr,” Legette warned.

  “Yeah, I hate those rock-looking fuckers,” Lorne agreed and recalled the last time he fought one. He was covered in blue blood when it was all said and done.

  Heat engulfed them the further they went into the dusty chambers. The hot magma created the tunnels inside the volcano, and Lorne sent a silent prayer to the Gods that there wasn’t an eruption anytime soon.

  Coming to a fork in the path, Lorne motioned to the right and continued in the direction he sensed Cambree. With the heat and sulfur, it was far more challenging to pick up her scent.

  Muffled sobs reached his ears, and he had to fight his dragon for ascendancy. If he shifted, his beast would cause the tunnel to collapse which would strand Cambree and leave him trapped.

  Legette grabbed his arm and motioned to an area ahead where it looked like the space opened into a larger room. Creeping forward as quietly as possible, Lorne took one side and Legette the other.

  Lorne peeked his head into the room, and the blood froze in his veins. Cambree was sprawled across the dirt floor. He could see bruises on her face, and blood seeped from a cut on her head. The ice in Lorne’s veins quickly turned to fire when he saw the male responsible.


  The Unseelie King stood at a nearby table, humming as he went about his tasks. Fucking humming, without a care in the world while his mate lied on the floor, bleeding. Lorne wanted Cyril’s blood for marring Cambree’s beautiful face.

  Without pause, he rushed into the room. “You fucked with the wrong dragon,” Lorne shouted as he grabbed the Unseelie King by the shirt and tossed him onto his work table. Jars, herbs, and foul-smelling liquids scattered where Cyril landed.

  “Ah. So you’re the dragon I sensed in her body? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but she doesn’t belong to you anymore,” Cyril snarled.

  Lorne curled his lip and moved to stand between Cyril and Cambree. “And, I hate to tell you, but my bond is intact, motherfucker. It’s how I found you,” Lorne growled.

  Cyril bent down and picked up an empty glass vial that contained glowing pink residue. Lorne’s heart thudded in his chest as he wondered what the Unseelie King held in his hand.

  “Within moments, your mark, along with her Tuya blessing will be gone, and Cambree will be mine to do with as I please,” Cyril replied nonchalantly. The male was certifiable.

  Legette entered the room and rushed to Cambree. Lorne looked over his shoulder to see Cambree flinch when Legette’s hand landed on her shoulder.

  A memory surfaced of her grimacing when Lorne rubbed his hand across her Tuya marking. This wasn’t the first time Cyril had done something to his female.

  “Get her out of here,” Lorne ordered Legette.

  Cyril waved a hand in the air. “No one is going anywhere. Angus cannot find out about my success. It would cause problems I can’t afford right now.”

  “You don’t need to worry about Angus. I’m going to rip your fucking head from your shoulders,” Lorne threatened as he stalked toward the male.

  “You can try,” Cyril taunted. “But, you’re not taking Cambree with you. I’ve put too much effort into dismantling her blessing to let her leave.”

  Suddenly, Cambree cried out and doubled over. Lorne was at her side in a heartbeat. She looked up, eyes filled with tears.

  “It hurts,” Cambree whispered then started tugging at her shirt.

  Lorne lifted the fabric and watched in horror as her Tuya marking glowed brightly before it sank into her body and disappeared.

  A growl left Lorne’s throat as he jumped to his feet and charged Cyril. The Unseelie King grabbed a knife from the table and slashed through Lorne’s bicep. Despite the injury, Lorne grabbed Cyril, but his fingers went numb, and the male’s wrist slipped from his grasp.

  Lorne felt a tug at his arm and turned. Legette shoved a knife into his other hand. Blood dripped down his injured arm, coating his hand and fingers. He glanced to Cambree who was crawling toward him.

  “Stay back. We’ll get you out of here, Cam. The Máahes will be here soon,” Lorne reassured as he met her gaze. Cambree nodded and made her way to the opposite wall.

  Legette surged toward Cyril and Lorne was right behind him. Legette swung his blade but missed the Unseelie bastard. Lorne slashed out and felt his knife cut through a barrier surrounding the male.

  “You’re such a coward, hiding behind spells and magic. You aren’t strong enough to battle me one on one. No wonder Keira picked Angus over your sorry ass,” Lorne taunted, hoping to goad the male into acting irrationally.

  Cyril’s eyes narrowed then the male disappeared. Lorne’s head jerked side to side, searching for the Unseelie King. Moments later, he reappeared beside Legette and Lorne pushed the knight to safety and swung his blade a heartbeat later.

  Lorne’s dragon trumpeted in his head when the steel sank into the Unseelie King’s forearm. With a flick of Cyril’s fingers, the weapon lifted from Lorne�
�s arm then snapped in half. Lorne couldn’t believe his eyes. His sword was infused with ash from the volcano and was the strongest substance in the realm.

  Panic blinded Lorne as he worried none of them would escape alive. The Unseelie King was powerful enough to give Angus a run for his money and Lorne should’ve taken more caution with Cyril, but he was consumed with the need to save Cambree.

  “Lorne,” Legette called out. As soon as he turned his head, silver flashed as his friend tossed another weapon to him.

  Lorne caught the blade and smirked at Cyril. “I really liked that disappearing act, but you should’ve vanished for good. Angus has entered the tunnels and will be here soon.”

  Fear flashed momentarily in Cyril’s dark eyes, but then the male waved his hands and muttered foreign words. Instantly, the feel of razors slicing his flesh washed over Lorne, but he refused to back down.

  Gripping his weapon tight, Lorne stepped closer to Cyril and hurled his knife into the male’s side. Blood poured from the Unseelie King, and the spell he cast over Lorne lessened.

  Legette joined Lorne’s side, and they proceeded to attack Cyril in waves. The spell’s strength renewed, and Lorne could see it affected Legette, as well. It seemed to weaken them, and Lorne prayed Angus reached them before it was too late.

  Cyril rushed toward Cambree and grabbed hold of her matted hair, yanking her to his side. “I’d love to stick around and see my old friend, but I’m afraid we have to go,” Cyril announced then suddenly cursed, “Fuck, you little bitch,” then slapped Cambree.

  Her head flew back, and Lorne grabbed Cambree before the Unseelie bastard got hold of her again. Cyril reached to his thigh and yanked a blade from his flesh. Cambree had stabbed the male, nearly castrating him.

  Lorne leaned down and whispered, “Shit, Cam. You’re a fucking badass,” he stated and kissed her hard on the mouth.


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