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Dragon Knight Of Khoth

Page 18

by Brenda Trim

  “Go ahead and stay with your dragon. He’ll leave you soon enough now that you can’t give him babies. Tell Angus I’m only getting started. I’ll take everything from him. His throne, his land, and Keira,” Cyril roared then disappeared. Lorne pushed Cambree against the wall and held his weapon at the ready in case the male reappeared.

  Shouts down the corridor offered Lorne some relief. Angus and reinforcements had arrived. Legette called out to the king while Lorne checked on Cambree.

  “Are you alright?” he asked. Cambree lifted a shaking hand, and rubbed her bruised cheek. Tears shimmered in her eyes and her mouth trembled.

  “No. He made me drink that potion, and my insides feel like they’re on fire. Something is very wrong,” Cambree whispered before her eyes slipped closed and she fell against his chest.

  Lorne brushed the hair from her forehead and lifted Cambree in his arms. Angus and Zander burst into the room. They had matching scowls on their faces.

  “What happened?” Angus barked.

  “Cyril happened,” Lorne growled.

  Legette joined them and held out an empty bottle. “Cyril boasted that he could take away her Tuya blessing. Lorne, do you still feel your mark on her?”

  Lorne clutched Cambree closer to his chest. No one was going to take this female from him. “No, it’s gone. Gods dammit!” he shouted.

  “We will figure this oot,” Angus promised him. “Right now you need to focus on Cambree. I can barely sense her as Cuelebre. We need to get her oot of here.”

  Legette turned and pointed at the knights just entering the cave. “Grab everything you can. We need to leave as soon as possible. That prole can teleport to this location.”

  Zander and Angus cursed as their group quickly gathered as much into their empty bags as they could.

  “Don’t leave any papers behind. I want to know what he gave Cambree. I think he used something on Finn last night, as well,” Lorne divulged.

  “What?” Zander asked at the same time Angus barked, “How did he get past the wards without tripping them? Finn didn’t leave the city.”

  Lorne understood why both kings were concerned. It was their job to keep the population safe. They combined resources and used everything at their disposal to secure the city after the attack at the market, yet they failed.

  “I don’t fucking know how the asshole managed to get into the city. Finn was in a serious fight last night and couldn’t recall any of it. You saw his injuries. How could he forget what caused that? Cambree didn’t remember anything, either. I know Cyril was responsible,” Lorne explained.

  “Shite. You sure you still want to move your mate and daughter here, Z?” Angus asked as they headed out of the tunnels.

  “Aye. This is still the safest place for us, especially Izzy. She isna the focus of your enemy like she is in the Tehrex Realm,” Zander replied as he stormed toward the exit.

  Lorne tuned out everything except the female in his arms. He glanced at Cambree’s shoulder. Her Tuya mark was gone. Lorne had failed her yet again, and this time she lost the most sought-after blessing in their realm. He didn’t care if she could give him a dragonette. He just wanted her to wake up and say she still loved him.

  * * *

  Chapter 20

  Loud voices caused Cambree’s head to throb. She wanted to scream for them to stop yelling before her skull split open, but she knew if she spoke that would cause even more pain. Perhaps her head was broken open, and that was the source of her agony. She tried to open her eyes, but couldn’t.

  “Cambree, my love. Wake up,” Lorne whispered against her ear. His warm breath puffed against the side of her aching face and soothed some of the ache. Knowing he was close by was all that mattered.

  She tried to answer Lorne, but couldn’t get her mouth to cooperate. What happened to her? She mentally scanned her body, cataloging each ache. It felt as if someone took a massive hammer and beat every square inch of her body, focusing primarily on her head.

  As Cambree assessed her aches and pains, she realized her dragon wasn’t there. She couldn’t feel the creature that had been part of her since the moment she was conceived. Cambree tried to sit up and groaned. Pain wracked her body even though she barely moved.

  “It’s okay, baby. I’m right here beside you. Hey, Doc. She’s moving,” Lorne called out, which sent another rush of pain to her head. Cambree acknowledged the only relief she felt was Lorne’s hands as they rubbed circles up and down her aching arm.

  “You’re safe now, and Cyril isn’t going to hurt you again. You’re at the castle where he can’t reach you,” Lorne explained.

  Cyril. The Unseelie King. Just the mention of his name had her heart racing and her mind whirling. Images flashed through her mind in a rush. The male pretended to be interested in her, all the while, he planned to strip her of the Tuya blessing. She recalled Cyril admitting his primary goal was the queen. If she played any part in Angus losing Keira she’d never forgive herself.

  “Let’s see what’s going on. I’m Dyson, Cambree. You should remember me,” murmured a familiar male voice.

  Yes, she remembered. How could she forget Dyson? He was the doctor who explained her body’s needs the first time she went into heat. The conversation was extremely embarrassing. It was easier to hear females tell her she needed to masturbate than it was to have a male say it, even if he was a doctor.

  Movement jostled her, sending more searing pain through her nerve endings. Hot lips pressed to her cheek a moment later. “It’s going to be okay, Cam,” muttered Lorne.

  Gentle fingers touched her eyelid, and lifted it. Cambree’s body retreated and her head jerked when Dyson flashed a bright light directly into her eye. The process was repeated on her other eye and elicited the same response.

  “I can see you’re in pain, Cambree. I’m going to give you more pain medication,” Dyson informed her.

  A second later cold fluid flushed through her veins, and soon after that, the discomfort eased. Her breathing evened, out and her heart settled. It wasn’t too much later that she could blink and open her eyes enough to take in her surroundings.

  The room was white and smelled sterile. There were no personal effects anywhere. Several beds lined one wall, and the opposite side housed cabinets and multiple gadgets. There was a long rectangular-shaped light overhead, illuminating the room.

  She was in the castle’s clinic. Cambree recalled visiting and donating blood so they might better understand heat cycles in female dragons.

  Lorne’s gorgeous face came into view a second later. “Welcome back, beautiful one. Is the pain lessening?”

  “Yeah…” She paused to swallow and moisten her dry throat. “Could I have some water, please?”

  Dyson picked up a pitcher and poured her a glass then stuck a straw in it. He handed the cup to Lorne who held it to her mouth. “Take small sips. I don’t want you getting sick.”

  She nodded and took several drinks. “How long have I been out?”

  “Three days. What can you tell me about what Cyril gave you?” Dyson asked.

  Cambree flinched at the mention of his name and curled closer to Lorne as she recalled more from that night. “Jeffrey. Is he okay?”

  Lorne lowered his eyes and gripped her hand. “No, I’m sorry. When I arrived there was nothing I could do to save him.”

  “It’s my fault,” she muttered as she closed her eyes against the building tears.

  Lorne lifted her chin with his finger and met her gaze. “No, Cam. Cyril is responsible for all of this. You are not to blame. He’s a crazy motherfucker and will target anything and anyone to achieve his goals,” he replied adamantly.

  Cambree nodded and looked at Dyson. “He made me drink a pink liquid. But the night before he made me eat a cupcake that had something in it. I didn’t remember that part until he lifted his spell. He told me he was getting rid of a gift I didn’t want,” she explained, sobbing the last words.

  Guilt and shame stole her breath. She’d b
een so upset about the changes brought to her life by the Tuya blessing that she never stopped to consider the promise it offered. The Gods bestowed her a legacy and a future heir, something all dragons craved as much as their hordes. Her discomfort with the attention made her reject her status, but now she would give anything to have it back.

  “I can’t seem to reverse the effects no matter what I do,” Dyson told her, making her feel even worse.

  If Dyson couldn’t bring back her Tuya mark, she couldn’t give Lorne dragonettes. The thought made her sick to her stomach, and she clutched her side. She didn’t want to face the inevitable. Lorne would reject her if she couldn’t bear his children. Why did she get mixed up with the likes of Cyril?

  “It’s okay,” Cambree murmured. “Thank you for trying. Can I go home now?” She wanted to curl beneath her blanket and forget the entire ordeal.

  “I don’t know what you’re thinking, love, but stop it. You aren’t going anywhere until Mack talks to you,” Lorne informed her.

  Dyson cleared his throat and crossed his arms over his chest. “This isn’t a tested method, but Elsie suggested the female could use her ability on you.”

  Cambree looked from Lorne to Dyson. “I don’t understand,” she admitted. “Isn’t Mack the one that makes shirts for the queen and one of the stores downtown? What can she do to help me?”

  Lorne smiled and nodded his head at her. “She’s everything you said and more. Hopefully, she can remove the spell and return your Tuya blessing. If that’s what you want.”

  Cambree opened her mouth to answer when Dyson interjected, “I cannot guarantee you’ll survive if you don’t give this a try. You’ve been asleep for three days because Cyril’s spell not only acts against the Tuya mark but your dragon, as well. That’s what has taken you so long to heal. It’s as if she’s no longer there. Angus couldn’t even force a shift so you could heal.”

  “What?” Cambree blurted. “How is that possible? She is me!” she shouted and didn’t care about the blast of pain to her skull.

  Something of that nature shouldn’t be possible. Cambree and her dragon were completely intertwined. They were one being, for crap’s sake.

  “You’ve hit it on the head. That’s why I cannot guarantee your survival. Whatever that jackwagon did is affecting both your forms. Part of the reason you hurt so much is because your organs are shutting down,” Dyson informed.

  “What the fuck? You didn’t tell me all that,” Lorne blurted and stood so fast, his chair fell on its side. Thick cords on his neck poked out, and a vein pulsed in his temple.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered, but neither male was paying attention to her.

  “That’s because you’re not immediate family nor are you mated,” Dyson explained. “And before you piss me off further, understand that I’m bound by ethics. I couldn’t tell you anything without her permission. It wasn’t intentional, and I know how hard this has been for you. You haven’t left her side for three days.”

  Lorne ran a hand through his blond hair and stood the chair upright. He plopped into the seat then propped his head in his hands. Cambree tried to reach for him, but she was too weak.

  Lorne’s head lifted and green eyes locked on hers. The dark circles beneath his deep green orbs told her exactly how much he’d suffered the past few days.

  “Alright then, it’s settled. I need to see Mack. Do we have to go to the Tehrex Realm?” Cambree didn’t think she had the energy to travel, but she’d do her best.

  “No, love. You aren’t strong enough to make the trip. The Vampire King went home right away and brought back Mack and her mate, Kyran, who happens to be Zander’s brother. They’re waiting outside the room, and are ready when you are,” Lorne replied and brought her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it.

  Cambree smiled as warmth spread from where his lips touched her skin. “I’m ready now. I want whatever he did fixed. It felt like Cyril set my insides on fire after I drank that stuff, and it still burns.”

  “Come in, please,” Dyson murmured, drawing Cambree’s attention to the doorway.

  Mack strolled into the room and Kyran was right behind her. The spiky-haired female looked the same as Cambree remembered. Dressed head to toe in black leather. Lethal was the first word that came to mind. Determination rode hard as Mack made her way to Cambree’s bed.

  “Hey, Cam. It’s good to finally see you with your eyes open. So, I hear that asshat Cyril put a spell on you and took away your ability to conceive little dragon babies.”

  Cambree nodded and couldn’t help but stare as Mack removed her leather jacket, revealing colorful ink on both arms. “Well, that’s unacceptable, and we’re going to fix that shit. I can’t wait to add that fucker to my kill list,” Mack declared and cracked her knuckles.

  The movement brought Cambree’s attention to Mack’s chest, and she almost burst into laughter as she read the slogan printed across the front of her t-shirt. In sparkly silver letters, it said YUCK FOU in bold letters. The saying clearly fit the feisty female’s personality.

  “Good to see you again, Mack,” Lorne stated and embraced her. “Kyran.” The males clasped forearms before Lorne returned to his seat by Cambree’s side.

  He picked her hand up again and smiled. It made her stomach do little flips. Lorne was so gorgeous, and to have his undivided attention made her feel wanted, and loved. Cambree prayed he would look at her the same way if this didn’t turn out the way they hoped.

  “I doona think we formally met the last time I was here. I’m Kyran,” the hulking male boomed. Another burst of pain shot through her skull, but she wasn’t about to tell the intimidating male to take it down a notch.

  “Nice to meet you,” Cambree whispered.

  “Zander didn’t tell me this was your mate,” Mack blurted. “I can’t lie. I was hoping Blaine was finally settling down. That man-whore is going to fight mating every step of the way,” she professed. Cambree chuckled at that. She liked the female’s straight-forward personality.

  “I don’t think you’ll ever see Blaine committing to one female,” Lorne stated. “But, Cambree isn’t my mate. She is, however, my everything,” he added and held Cambree’s gaze as he spoke.

  Lorne’s declaration melted Cambree’s heart, and she squeezed his hand. She felt guilty for doubting his love. He never once implied he was with her because she was Tuya, and she was wrong to jump to conclusions.

  “Did Dyson tell you the extent of the spell?” Lorne asked and looked at the black-haired female.

  Mack glanced over at Dyson then back at Lorne. “He said she was dying because Cyril also blocked her dragon when he blocked her babymaker skills or something like that.”

  “Yes. Cambree will die if you can’t reverse what he’s done.” Lorne’s voice cracked as he spoke and Cambree thought she saw a tear in the corner of his eye, but he quickly turned away from her.

  “Cyril didn’t take anything. He is not God, and only a God has that kind of power. Look, I don’t know how magic works, or dragons for that matter. Hell, I don’t even understand how I do what I do, but for some reason, I can undo magical spells. So, let me give this a shot,” Mack mumbled as she approached Cambree. She noted Kyran was one step behind his mate.

  “Thank you for coming so quickly. I’m touched my king, and yours care enough to bring you here,” Cambree croaked through a dry throat.

  Mack sat on the bed next to her and cocked her head. “You don’t know Angus or Zander at all, do you? They would do anything in their power to save one of their own. In this case, they worked a bit harder because Lorne loves you, but they would’ve asked me regardless.”

  Cambree lowered her eyes, feeling foolish for being ignorant of her king. She should’ve known he would help her. He was the best king Khoth had ever seen.

  “Hey now. None of that,” Mack said and plopped on the bed beside Cambree, and grabbed her hand.

  “Pardon my mate. She has no filter and no idea what it’s like to grow up in a socie
ty with a monarchy. Average subjects would never presume to mean so much to their king,” Kyran interjected.

  “Thanks, bloodsucker. Now that we’ve established I have a big mouth and often stick my foot in it, let’s see what we can do about this spell. I wouldn’t have guessed you were affected by magic until I touched you. Whatever he did is strong. This is going to be difficult,” Mack confessed as she ran a hand across Cambree’s cheeks and forehead.

  It was the oddest sensation, but as Mack touched her flesh, Cambree felt a vibration beneath her skin.

  “What happens now?” Cambree asked.

  “In a nutshell, I’m searching for the threads of the conjuration. Once I find it, I’ll trace a pattern my mind lays over it,” Mack explained.

  “Will it hurt?”

  “It shouldn’t, but I’ve never done anything like this before. Do you want some pain meds?” Mack asked.

  Cambree considered the offer, but then she thought about the medication counteracting with Mack’s efforts and decided it wasn’t worth the risk. She wanted this to work.

  “No. Do whatever you need to do,” Cam mumbled.

  “I like you, Winky-Dink,” Mack murmured as she ran her hands over Cambree’s shoulders and arms.

  Cambree looked to Lorne who smiled and shook his head. “Mack enjoys giving nicknames to people.”

  “Only those I like,” she countered and winked at Cambree.

  “What’s a winky-dink?” Cambree asked curiously.

  Mack’s hands traveled over Cambree’s chest and down her abdomen. “It’s like a cartoon character. In this case, your dragon appears like a winky-dink in your body. She’s adorable, by the way. Okay, hold onto your asses. Here we go.”

  Cambree watched Mack’s hand move all over her body. Her eyes watered and her insides froze when Mack moved her hands in a peculiar pattern. Cambree gritted her teeth and clenched her fists to keep from crying out.

  “Are you okay, love?” Lorne asked against her ear.

  “Yes.” Mack glanced up to see her reaction then continued when Cambree nodded.


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