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A Waterfall Wish

Page 5

by Anna Samuels

  Fun and games

  Nikki and I wiled away the next hour playing monopoly. I hadn’t sat and played a board game since childhood and I found it to be not only fun but relaxing. Nikki, I was coming to realise, was funny, intelligent and witty. She was a real joy to spend time with.

  ‘I love a good board game,’ Nikki said as we packed it away sometime later.

  ‘That was really fun! It’s a shame everyone doesn’t do this anymore really. As kids, this was our entertainment!’ I laughed.

  ‘Well, you know why?’

  ‘Why?’ I wondered, looking up.

  ‘Because board games just don’t cut it anymore in today’s world. People are too busy being involved in their phones to care…much less spend more than ten minutes focusing on something like a board game.’

  I nodded, thinking of friends I went out with who spent most of the time on their phones. ‘On the whole, I agree. I don’t get tied to mine. If I can avoid it, I will.’

  ‘Anything for the quiet life, eh Sarah?’ she smiled.

  ‘Exactly that,’ I nodded.

  ‘I took my ex-girlfriend on a little holiday last year to a place in rural Cornwall. We had no reception as it was right out in the sticks. You would have thought the world had ended, Sarah! She was ridiculous! It was like you’d cut off her right arm!’

  ‘What a nightmare,’ I frowned.

  ‘How would you have coped?’

  ‘There would have been no ‘coping’ required! I love going to places where there’s no reception and I can get a bit of peace and quiet!’

  ‘Me too,’ she smiled.

  ‘Well, except when people break their legs,’ I chuckled. ‘A little phone reception in cases like that would be advantageous!’

  She laughed. ‘How are you feeling after that ordeal? I still can’t believe you managed to lug me all the way up that incline!’

  ‘I am a little sore,’ I admitted, grimacing and circling my shoulders against the pain.

  ‘Maybe you should have a soak in the bath,’ she suggested. ‘Ease the muscles.’

  ‘Yeah…I was thinking the hot tub!’ I told her, smiling.

  ‘Oh, yeah! You’ve got a hot tub here?’

  ‘Yes. Bliss, right?’

  ‘Amazing! I’m very jealous I don’t get to go in it with you.’

  ‘Oh…yes, how are you going to do all that? Shower or bath?’

  ‘Very carefully, I guess,’ she replied.

  ‘I, uh…I’ll obviously help you if you need me too,’ I said, feeling awkward.

  ‘I may have to take you up on that. I mean, clearly if I can do it I will but I think the first time may be a little tricky.’

  ‘How do you have a shower with that cast?’ I questioned.

  ‘I don’t think I can,’ she frowned. ‘Surely I’ll need to have a bath with my leg stuck out?’

  ‘Yes, I think that sounds like a plan.’ I watched as Nikki yawned and rested her head back against the sofa. ‘Are you alright? You look tired suddenly.’

  She looked at me blearily. ‘Yeah, I’ve come over all tired. I guess it’s all beginning to catch up with me.’

  ‘That’s hardly surprising,’ I commented.

  ‘It was an awful night too.’

  ‘Was it?’ I questioned.

  ‘Yeah…the hospital was so noisy! I kept waking and trying to get comfortable.’

  ‘I hate hospitals,’ I murmured. ‘I’m glad we got you out of there.’

  She nodded, ‘I can’t thank you enough.’

  ‘Do you want to sleep?’ I asked her.

  ‘I might take a little nap if you don’t mind?’

  ‘Not a bit! I’ll go and chill in the hot tub!’ I smiled. ‘It’ll mean we can both relax for a little while.’

  ‘So long as you don’t mind?’

  ‘Nikki, relax. You sleep. You look beat, if I’m honest. I’ll give you some space and go and enjoy the hot tub.’

  ‘Okay,’ she smiled.

  ‘Do you want me to help you to the bedroom or are you staying there?’

  ‘I may stay here if that’s okay? It’s actually pretty comfortable here.’

  ‘No problem. I’ll leave you to it,’ I told her, standing and stretching a little.

  ‘Thanks Sarah…’

  I gave her one last smile before turning to head to the bedroom where my suitcase was. I would change a take a dip in the hot tub to rest my aching muscles. I hadn’t had the opportunity yet and the idea of relaxing in the warm water sounded heavenly.

  I changed into my swimsuit and wrapped a towel around myself before heading back out to the lounge. When I got there, I glanced over to the sofa to see Nikki fast asleep already. She looked absolutely shattered, her head resting back against the sofa.

  I couldn’t help but watch her for a long moment. She was such a beautiful woman with strong features and such gorgeous eyes. She looked relaxed and restful and younger too in sleep. She captivated me in a way that no other woman had ever done before and it excited me but also bothered me. I didn’t know how to deal with it and wasn’t sure what I wanted to do about it. She had offered me a fling and yet I wasn’t sure that that was something I wanted. I wanted more than that with a woman. The trouble was; I found myself wanting her.

  I turned away and headed to the hot tub. It was outside on the back patio and I opened the lid and steam rose immediately. With a smile on my face, I climbed into the tub and sank down into luxuriously, hot water. The water bubbled away merrily while I relaxed into the corner where a head rest nestled my neck comfortably.

  I lay there quietly, enjoying the serenity and peace. It had been a busy twenty-four hours and only now was I beginning to decompress and relax after such a hectic time.

  It wasn’t long before my thoughts began to stray. I began thinking of Nikki and her smiling eyes and it wasn’t long before I was beginning to think of her in ways which I wasn’t quite prepared for. I shifted uncomfortably in the water and sat up straighter. I found myself considering the offer she had made me earlier and wondering why I would even dream of saying no. she was gorgeous, intelligent and funny and she was offering me a no-strings fling. I had never had a no-strings attached fling. Maybe it was something I should consider, I mused.

  After twenty minutes, I felt too hot so I climbed out and replaced the top. After drying off with a towel, I sat in the sun for a short while before going inside. Nikki was awake and leafing through a magazine.

  ‘Hey,’ I smiled.

  ‘Oh hey! There you are!’

  ‘You didn’t sleep for long!’

  ‘No, I didn’t,’ she laughed. ‘Just a short nap was all I needed, I guess!’

  I smiled at her and joined her on one of the sofas.

  ‘So, how was the hot tub?’ she asked.

  ‘It was gorgeous! Baking hot and so relaxing! I could have stayed in all day…well aside from the fact it gets too hot and I begin to feel dizzy,’ I laughed.

  ‘Oh dear…you don’t want to be overdoing it! I’m in no fit state to be saving you!’

  ‘No, don’t worry,’ I told her, ‘I’ll be more careful.’

  She nodded and then looked at me thoughtfully. ‘So, Sarah; tell me why you’ve come to South Wales. You mentioned your Grandma?’

  ‘That’s right,’ I nodded. ‘She grew up near here and I wanted to investigate the area and find the place where she used to live.’

  ‘Why now?’

  ‘Because I needed to get away…this seemed as far away as I could manage on my own so I just left!’

  ‘Were you close? To your Grandma?’

  I nodded. ‘Yes, very close. I used to spend a lot of time with her as a child. She’d look after me while my Mum worked and also, she’d come on holiday with us a lot. She was special and I always wanted to see the home she spoke of so highly.’

  Nikki nodded. ‘This must be a bit of a pilgrimage for you then.’

  I nodded, slowly. ‘It is in many ways,’ I murmured. ‘And also, just a good cha
nce to get away from it all.’

  ‘Yeah! That too!’

  I sat back and relaxed against the sofa. ‘It’s funny coming away though,’ I began slowly.

  ‘How so?’

  ‘Well, this place for starters. I feel so chilled out here and comfortable. I don’t feel that at home and I should. Surely a person’s home should be their absolute sanctuary? The place where they feel absolutely content and relaxed?’

  ‘Maybe,’ she replied, ‘but not if you’re sharing it with the wrong person.’

  ‘No…I think I may move,’ I said, surprising even myself.

  ‘Really? How come?’

  ‘Because the place is not me. It’s not what I want.’

  ‘What do you want? And why is the place not ‘you?’

  ‘Because it’s a flat and in the city centre. I don’t want to live in a flat and I don’t like busy, city centres. I’d much rather find a little house closer to the sea.’

  ‘More expensive though, right?’

  ‘I may look at a sharing situation…anything else right now would be preferable, if I’m honest!’

  ‘Is it because of the relationship breakdown?’

  ‘That has a lot to do with it I guess, but I never liked the place.’

  ‘Why did you move in then?’

  ‘Because she had her heart set on it.’

  ‘So, you just went along with it?’ she questioned.

  ‘In many ways, yes. I wanted to live with her and I thought it might become something it didn’t.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I mean, I thought it would blossom into a relationship which would go further. We’d move in to a flat and things would be all perfect and wonderful…later we’d get married and move into a house. Next would come children and then my world would have been complete.’

  ‘So, you want much the same thing as I do then?’ she asked, regarding me closely.

  I met her eyes and held the contact. ‘Yes,’ I said simply. ‘That’s pretty much all I want now.’

  She stared at me, without replying. I felt my stomach flip over and I clenched it tightly.

  ‘I guess those things will come later for me…’

  Again, Nikki just held my eyes and seemed to be thinking deeply.

  ‘I’m not going to give up on the dream, you see.’ I couldn’t seem to help prattling on. The way she was staring at me was making me nervous. ‘What about you?’

  ‘What about me?’ she asked, finally breaking her silence.

  ‘Will you try again?’

  She met my eyes. ‘For children?’

  ‘Yes…and all of it really? Do you still want to go down that route?’

  ‘More than anything,’ she replied. ‘I’m miserable alone and I don’t want this to last.’

  ‘Do you have a plan?’

  She shook her head and laughed softly. ‘No…’

  ‘I don’t have a plan,’ I murmured, looking over to the window, thoughtfully.

  ‘I have considered many ways and means of doing it…especially considering the children idea,’ she revealed.

  ‘What did you decide?’ I asked, curious to the inner-workings of her mind.

  ‘I haven’t decided anything,’ she replied, ‘but I will admit-I have even considered going it alone lately…’

  ‘You have? No way!’

  ‘Yeah…I mean, I’ve had enough time to get over the miscarriage now and it is something I want. I’m not getting any younger and women aren’t falling over themselves to be with me. Perhaps all I need is to get pregnant and get on with that part of my life. Perhaps that would give me what I’m looking for.’

  I nodded slowly. ‘I guess only you can decide that…for me, I don’t want to give up on the chance to have a partner and then children. I just hope I don’t miss out on that.’

  She met my eyes once more, studying me intently once again. ‘For new friends, we’ve become very deep and meaningful very quickly,’ she said, laughing softly.

  I chuckled. ‘We sure have! We need to lighten up, I reckon! What do you want to do?’

  She pointed to her leg. ‘Nothing much…it aches right now. Whatever we do, I think it needs to be quiet and sat here.’

  ‘Yeah…I’ll get you some painkillers, okay? Then we could just chill out in front of the TV? I could do with some down time as well…what with the drama of your accident and all this heavy talk of what’s wrong with our lives, I suddenly feel exhausted!’

  ‘Yeah, I know!’ she laughed. ‘Let’s drop it and relax, shall we? There’s a lifetime ahead of us both to figure out the deep and meaningful bit, right?’

  ‘Right,’ I agreed.

  ‘So…painkillers, please?’

  ‘Coming right up!’ I said, standing. I headed for the kitchen while Nikki turned the television back on.

  Chapter 8

  Bath time

  Some hours later, we were both half asleep in the sofa. We had followed exactly what we had said and relaxed deeply, watching silly programs and chatting about light-hearted topics.

  I looked over at Nikki as she yawned widely and smiled. ‘You should go to bed!’

  ‘You should too,’ she laughed.

  ‘Yeah…shall we?’ I asked.

  ‘Is that an invitation?’ she smiled.

  I felt myself swallow involuntarily. ‘Uh, no…’ I stuttered.

  ‘I was joking, Sarah.’

  ‘Yeah, I know,’ I said, clearing my throat. She had the most bizarre effect on me. I found it most unsettling.

  ‘Can you give me a hand tonight, Sarah?’

  ‘Yes, of course! What do you need?’ I said, sitting to attention and realising that she might need assistance with her first night out of hospital.

  ‘I’d quite like to clean up a bit…have a bath…do you think you could help me get in?’ she wondered.

  I tried and failed not to gulp a little. I would never had made a nurse…never in a million years. ‘Yes of course,’ I said, instead of running for the hills.

  ‘Thanks,’ she said, struggling to sit up.

  I quickly stood and crossed to where she had been resting. ‘Here, let me help you. Take my arm…’

  ‘Thanks,’ she said, and reached for my arm.

  I pulled her up to standing and she toppled, swaying towards me unsteadily. ‘Whoa…steady!’ I said, reaching out to stabilise her with both hands.

  ‘Sorry…I think I’ve been sitting down too long,’ she said, smiling down at me.

  I looked up and her and remembered how much taller she was than me. I had to lift my chin quite a lot to meet her eyes.

  As Nikki looked down at me, I felt my insides churn with tension. My reaction to her was purely physical and when our eyes met, electric current raced through me swiftly.

  ‘Sarah, I…’

  ‘Come on,’ I interrupted her, ‘let’s get you sorted so we can both sleep,’ I said, unwilling to hear what she had been about to say. The look in her eyes was too intense. The feeling inside me too uncertain. I handed the crutches to her and helped her to the bathroom.

  After running a warm bath for Nikki, I waited outside while she undressed. As I stood outside, I didn’t know what would be facing me when I went back in. Surely, she would be naked, I mused. I didn’t know how to deal with that. It was one matter that she was a stranger who was going to be nude but coupled with the fact that I found her incredibly attractive, it made it even more awkward.

  ‘Sarah?’ she called.


  ‘I’ve tried but I am going to need your help,’ she told me.

  ‘Okay…uh…should I come in?’ I asked.

  ‘Yes,’ she replied.

  I took a deep, steadying breath and headed in. sure enough, she sat naked on the side of the bath tub. I averted my eyes immediately, trying desperately to ‘unsee’ the gorgeous lithe body which sat before me. ‘How can I help you?’ I asked.

  ‘I need help lowering myself into the tub-without getting the cast wet.’

  ‘Okay,’ I said, glancing over to her leg which wore the heavy cast. ‘Shall I cover it with a bin bag first? To protect it a little from water splashing?’

  ‘Good idea.’

  ‘Okay,’ I said, turning to disappear into the kitchen. I collected a black bin bag and then walked back to the bathroom where Nikki was waiting in all her glory. ‘Here,’ I said, bending to wrap it around the cast. I fashioned a cover of sorts and then stood up. ‘That’s better. At least now it’s protected from the worst of the water.’

  ‘Brilliant, thanks.’

  ‘So, uh…how are we going to do this?’

  ‘Well, could you come behind my back and kind of lower me into the water? I’ll keep this leg on the side and away from the bath.’

  ‘Okay,’ I murmured under my breath, moving around to do as she said.

  I went behind her and eased my hands under her arms. I then helped to ease her down into the water slowly and between us, we managed it easily. The manoeuvre was easy but the contact was not. I tried not to mention how soft her skin felt. I tried not to notice the soft brush of her breast against my hand. I tried not to feel her supple strength as my skin touched hers. I tried, and I failed. By the time I had finished helped her, my heart was hammering hard.

  ‘You okay now?’ I asked.

  ‘Yeah! Perfect!’ she smiled, sinking down into the water. ‘This is glorious!’

  ‘Good,’ I nodded. ‘Well just give me a call when you want to get out and I’ll come and help you.’

  ‘Thanks, Sarah. You’re helping me so much.’

  ‘It’s my pleasure,’ I told her, smiling warmly.

  She smiled back.

  ‘Call me when you’re done.’

  ‘I will…thanks.’

  I turned and headed to the kitchen to occupy myself. My heart was hammering a million miles per hour. I kept trying to ‘un-see’ what I had witnessed in the bathroom but it was impossible. I had seen Nikki as naked as the day she was born and she was beautiful.

  I busied myself with washing up the plates and cutlery in the sink. That way, I didn’t need to think for a short while. When I was done, I paced around the cabin, wondering what to do with myself. For someone who had come on holiday to be alone, I was suddenly craving more company.


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