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My Brother's Love

Page 5

by Chara Croft

  Had he changed his mind?

  Was he going to fuck me after all?

  Would he forget about lube and pull out his cock and finally push it inside me, the way I’d been dreaming of?

  “So pretty,” he repeated, his voice sounding all throaty and low. And then I felt those big hands on my butt again, spreading me open, and—

  “Oh God,” I gasped, my entire body going taut with shock. “Omigod, Jonah!”

  Shock and fire. Pure, electric sex. Bone-melting heat that liquified me into a puddle of gasping, begging want.

  Jonah hadn’t pulled his cock out. Instead, he was tonguing me. There. Right in my tight little hole.

  The sloppy, wet heat of his mouth pressed against me and I started making embarrassing sounds that I couldn’t have stopped if I’d tried. It didn’t feel like anything I’d ever done before and it lit me up from the inside out, making me feel crazy and desperate and like I had to come or I would really, literally, not even joking, die.

  It was dirty and wicked and delicious and so hot I felt like I was going to explode. It was overwhelming. Too much and not enough. It was the most erotic thing that had ever happened to me, and as Jonah licked me—over and over without letting up—it felt like a spring was coiling inside me, tighter and tighter and tighter; so tight that I teetered on the edge of snapping.

  Then he bit me and I screamed, my balls pulling up so hard and fast it made me dizzy.

  “That’s right, baby brother,” Jonah muttered with his lips still pressed against my skin. He turned his cheek and pressed it against me, his breath fluttering against my needy little hole and the rough scrape of his stubbled jaw dragging across my spank-tender flesh and shooting fire right through me. “Scream for me, Caleb,” he said. “Say my name. I want to hear it when you come. Want to make sure you know who you’re coming for.”

  It was for him. Always him.

  He spread me open even wider and plunged his tongue all the way inside me, and I did exactly what he wanted, shouting his name as my whole body started to shake.

  “Jonah. Oh please, omigod. Please Jonah. I need you… I need you… I need—ahhhhhhhhhhhh.”

  His tongue was still inside me, fucking in and out of my little hole, but all of a sudden he pushed a finger in, too.

  It burned.

  It made me crave things… things I’d already wanted, but that now, with that delicious burn lighting me up from the inside out, things I needed.

  Well, not things. Just one thing—

  “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” I begged, my mouth on autopilot as I rocked back against him. “Omigod Jonah, please do it. Please. Please.”

  I didn’t know what I was saying, only that he kept pushing his tongue into me, in and out, and that finger, and then another finger, finally touching a spot inside that made me shout and shake and feel like I was going to shatter to pieces, and I couldn’t hold on…I couldn’t… I couldn’t…

  “Come for me, kitten,” Jonah growled, driving both fingers in deep again, right against that spot.

  I came.

  I hadn’t even touched my dick and neither had he, but the orgasm slammed through me hot and fast on his command, coming not so much from my dick and balls, but from a place deep inside me that I hadn’t even known existed.

  I gasped out Jonah’s name as I came, thick ropes of cum pumping out of me like they would never stop. Hitting my stomach. My chest. Splattering the pillow and my chin and the bedspread and still coming.

  “Oh my God,” I whispered, my ass feeling hot and raw and my limbs like they’d melted and couldn’t hold me. I was warm all over, inside and out. Liquified. I collapsed onto the bed, my voice muffled by the pillow again as I tried to catch my breath. “Oh my… oh my God.”

  Jonah shoved my thighs apart, the rough rasp of denim rubbing against my overly sensitized skin as he wedged himself between them, groaning my name. And then, finally, I heard the sound of his zipper—yanked down so fast it sounded like he’d ripped it right off.

  I tried to open my eyes, but my body wouldn’t obey me. My brother had wrecked me.

  It had been amazing.

  “Caleb,” Jonah gritted out, the slick, rhythmic sound of him jerking his cock filling the room. “My baby… my kitten… so pretty… you’re mine.”

  “Yes,” I whispered, my cock trying valiantly to come back to life as I listened to him working himself faster and faster behind me. “Always yours, Jonah. Always.”

  He groaned, gripping my ass roughly and spreading me wide again. Then he gave a hoarse shout and heat splattered over my still-wet hole, his cum drenching me as he grunted out his release. It dripped down my crack and pooled behind my balls, and Jonah rubbed it between my cheeks… over my hole… pushed some of it inside me and then held his finger there like he wanted it to stay.

  “Mine,” he whispered again, leaning down to press a kiss into the ticklish spot at the back of my neck. Then he collapsed onto the bed next to me, rolling me into him and pulling me in tight, my back molded against his chest.

  I snuggled back against him, sticky all over. Warm and naked and deliciously dirty. Happy, for the first time in so long. And when Jonah whispered that he loved me, an entire year’s worth of heartache disappeared, gone completely as if it had never existed.

  I was whole again. I finally had my big brother back. The one who’d always been there for me. The one who I knew now for sure always would be... because he’d promised, and I knew he meant it because I could hear it in his voice. I could feel it in those arms he had me wrapped so securely in; had proof that it was real in the impossibly sweet things he whispered in my ear as I drifted off to sleep.

  I really was his now, in every possible way. Nothing could tear us apart ever again.




  Waking up with my brother in my bed had been a serious test of my willpower. He’d been half draped over me, snuggled so tightly against me that it was like he was trying to meld us into one person, and the only way I’d been able to resist rolling him under me and fucking him the way he’d begged me to the night before had been to hustle us both out of bed before I could give in to temptation.

  I was serious about not fucking him without lube, though. I’d take care of him if it killed me… which, at the moment, I was feeling like it just might. Death by blue balls.

  I stifled a groan and willed myself to ignore my cock, hugging Caleb against my side as we stood in line at a coffee shop that had opened since the last time I’d been home and doing my best not to breathe in the familiar baby-brother scent that was like an aphrodisiac to me now.

  Oh, hell, who was I kidding? I sucked in his scent like it was oxygen. I’d missed him like air, and the relief of finally giving in to this pull between us, of making him mine, was so great that I almost felt giddy with it.

  “Why aren’t we still in bed, Jonah?” Caleb asked, blinking up at me blearily and snuggling even closer. He was not a morning person, and it was fucking adorable.

  “It’s ten in the morning, kitten,” I said, kissing his cheek—okay, the corner of his lips—even though I wanted to do so much more. “We need caffeine.”

  His cheeks went pink when my lips touched him, but not with embarrassment. The way his breath hitched and the arm he had wrapped around my waist tightened, I knew exactly what the color meant.

  He was going to be the death of me.

  “We have coffee at the house,” he said, his tongue darting out to lick the spot I’d just kissed. “Can’t we… um… we could just go back and—”

  I pressed a finger over his mouth to shush him. “Caffeine,” I said. “Then shopping. Then home.”

  “Shopping? Like… Christmas shopping?”

  The line shuffled forward and I pulled him along with me, not willing to let go now that I’d finally given myself permission to hold him like this. Not, honestly, that it was all that different from how we’d always been. I’d always been physically a
ffectionate with my brother—people had used to comment on it, call it cute how close we were and how I always looked out for him, how I took care of him—but just knowing that there was more between us now made wrapping my arm around him feel different.

  The barista handed the customer in front of us their coffee and I leaned down to whisper in Caleb’s ear. “Depends what you want for Christmas, baby. We’re shopping for lube. Then home. Then I give you what you asked for last night. Will that do for your Christmas list?”

  Caleb made a sexy little squeaking sound and nodded furiously, and the barista in front of us laughed.

  “Sounds like a Merry Christmas to me,” the barista said with a sly wink.

  Caleb’s eyes darted anxiously between me and the barista. I hadn’t even noticed the customer ahead of us walking away, and I guess my whisper hadn’t been nearly as quiet as I’d meant for it to be.

  The barista grinned. “Would you two like some coffee to help fuel your… shopping?”

  He waggled his eyebrows at us suggestively, and Caleb clutched me even tighter. He was trembling, and for a split second, I worried that I’d really fucked up. It was one thing to assure my brother that letting ourselves love each other this way was okay, but it was another to actually go out in the world and come face to face with people who wouldn’t understand. There was no way in hell that I was giving Caleb up, but I hadn’t exactly figured out how to protect him from the shit storm that we’d have to face if other people caught on.

  I would protect him, though. Now that I’d finally gotten out of my own way, I wasn’t going to let anyone come between us.

  “Let me guess, you want to order something sweet and creamy for your boyfriend, right?” the barista asked, turning all his attention to me—probably because it was obvious that Caleb was too flustered to speak. The barista winked again. “He looks like a white chocolate peppermint mocha to me.”

  “Boyfriend?” Caleb repeated, melting against my side as a wide smile spread across his face.

  The protective caveman in me backed the fuck down, replaced by a warm satisfaction that I probably shouldn’t get addicted to. The barista didn’t realize we were brothers. My mind started to race with all sorts of possibilities. It wasn’t like I’d actually thought this whole thing through before. Hell, I’d been determined not to touch him… right up until I’d realized that someone else would if I didn’t.

  That wasn’t going to happen. Not ever.

  But could it really be this easy around people who didn’t know us? Honestly, Caleb and I didn’t look all that much alike—his slight build and sky blue eyes took after our mother, whereas I’d gotten our father’s height, build, and dark coloring—but I couldn’t honestly expect to pull off “boyfriends,” could I? Especially not here in our hometown.

  I huffed out a breath as the barista raised an eyebrow, waiting on our order. It was too much heavy thinking with my dick so hard and the rest of me still uncaffeinated, but fuck if I didn’t like the permission that the “boyfriend” mistake gave me to act unbrotherly toward Caleb in public.

  “Is that what you want, kitten?” I asked, nodding toward the waiting barista and unable to resist teasing him a little. “You want me to get you something… creamy?”

  Caleb’s breath hitched as he nodded, his eyes wide.

  I grinned, thankful that my winter coat covered my swelling cock.

  “One white chocolate peppermint mocha, coming up,” the barista said cheerfully.

  “Oh, you meant a drink?” Caleb asked, blinking and still looking a little dazed.

  The barista and I both laughed. He really was adorable.

  I ordered something for myself, too, then hustled my brother over to a corner table to wait for the drinks.

  “He thought we were boyfriends, Jonah,” Caleb whispered excitedly, positively glowing as I tucked him into one of the stools and then crowded in next to him. “Omigod, do you think he knows what we’ve been up to? Is it obvious?” And then, with a hint of nerves in his voice, “Do you… do you mind?”

  “Of course I don’t mind,” I said, wrapping a hand around the back of his neck to hold him steady. “I told you, Caleb. You’re mine now.”

  His cheeks went pink again, and I regretted stopping for coffee before hitting the drugstore for the lube. Because that look on Caleb’s face? I wanted to be home. I wanted my brother naked. I wanted to be inside him, and I wanted it now.

  “I was always yours,” he said breathlessly, leaning into me. “Is it… is it really going to be okay?”

  “I’ll make sure it is, baby boy,” I promised as the barista called out that our drinks were ready.

  I wasn’t sure how I’d make good on that promise, but I’d find a way. The thrill that had gone through me when the barista had mistaken us for boyfriends and the way it had made my brother light up like it already was Christmas meant I had to.

  Fuck what the rest of the world said, Caleb was made for me, and I was going to keep him.




  Over the last year, I’d gotten used to worrying about things. Little things, like whether or not my I’d saved my files right after I’d clocked out for the day at Dad’s office, and bigger things, like whether my brother would ever forgive me for what had happened between us the last time he’d been home. Up until I’d driven him away, I hadn’t realized just how worry-free my life had been. Before, Jonah had always been there to tell me what to do and make sure I was doing things right, but without him around, all those worries had kept piling on top of each other, one after another, until they’d become a crushing weight that made every day feel like a burden to get through.

  Now, though, they were gone, and in their place—with Jonah promising me that somehow, someway, everything I’d ever wanted would work out—I didn’t just feel lighter, I almost felt like I was flying… especially when we got home from our morning shopping trip with the promise that he was finally going to fuck me.

  “Can we do it right now?” I asked as we walked in the door, shrugging out of my coat and letting it fall right on the floor, the way Mother hated. “Do you want to do it right here? I’m totally ready. I could bend over the… um, the entry table? Or the couch? That’s not too far away. Or you could—”

  Jonah laughed and covered my mouth, but his eyes were all hot and sexy, so I knew he wanted to hurry up and do it, too. “Your first time is going to be in a bed, baby boy. My bed.”

  “Okay,” I agreed as soon as he let me talk again, feeling breathless and eager and so, so horny that I almost couldn’t see straight. I pushed his coat open and snuggled inside, wrapping myself around him. “But I don’t know if I can wait that long.”

  It was all the way upstairs, and our house was big.

  Jonah laughed again, his hands moving down to cup my ass as one of his hard thighs wedged between my legs and gave me something to rock my erection against, and just hearing him happy was almost better than coming.

  “You’ll wait if I say so. You’ll do what I tell you, kitten. Isn’t that right?”

  “Yes,” I answered. An easy answer, since doing what he said was pretty much all I’d ever wanted. “But please tell me to get naked, Jonah. Tell me to… to—”

  He shushed me with his hand over my mouth again, and I didn’t think, I just reacted, parting my lips and licking his thick fingers and then, when he groaned and pushed one into my mouth, sucking on it like I’d done to his tongue the night before.

  “Fucking Christ, Caleb,” he gritted out. “I need your mouth.”

  It was his. He could take it however he wanted. I’d do anything.

  “Mmmph,” I said, trying to let him know all of that all at once, even though I was so distracted by how much I loved sucking on him that it was hard to think straight.

  My dick flexed as I ground it against him, and when he groaned, I stroked his finger with my tongue and silently begged him to show me what else he wanted me to do.

bsp; Jonah pulled his finger away, dragging his hand down over my chin and wrapping it gently around my throat. He stroked it possessively as he stared at me.

  “So pretty,” he whispered, making me whimper.

  Then he pushed me down to my knees, and I almost came then and there.

  “Are you… are you going to let me suck you?” I asked, palming my achingly hard cock as he ripped open his jeans and shoved them down to his thighs.

  He was already hard, and his cock slapped up against his stomach the minute it was freed, leaving a dark, wet smear on his shirt. My mouth started to water, and when he pulled his shirt up—exposing his hard abs as he held it against his chest and putting his other hand on the back of my head to guide me closer—I made an embarrassingly needy sound, nuzzling up against him and breathing in the scent of his sex as I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock and… and suddenly got hit with an attack of nerves.

  “I… I don’t know how, Jonah,” I confessed, looking up at him for guidance. I wanted to do it right and make him proud, but his cock was a lot bigger than the fingers I’d just been sucking on, and even though I’d watched some porn, I had no idea how to do it right.

  “That’s okay, kitten,” he said, his voice sounding thick as his grip tightened on the back of my head. “Just open your mouth and lick the head.”

  I did, and the deliciously hot sound he made when I swirled my tongue around him told me I’d done it right. His taste made my cock throb in my jeans, and I moaned, doing it again.

  “That’s it,” Jonah said, the hand holding his shirt to his chest moving restlessly as he rubbed it across his nipples. “Now open wider, baby. Take a little more.”

  He pushed into my mouth as he said it, groaning deep as his thick shaft slid across my tongue, and the feel of it filling me up and forcing my jaw open, the musky flavor and the way my cheeks had to stretch wide as he kept pushing it in farther and farther, it was almost too much. It was so hot it was going to make me come in my pants.


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