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My Brother's Love

Page 6

by Chara Croft

  I lunged forward, trying to get more.

  “Whoa, kitten,” Jonah said, laughter and heat and something sweet in his voice, too. “Watch the teeth.”

  He let go of the back of my head to tug on my chin and force my mouth open wider, and I rolled my lips over my teeth and tried to nod, looking up at him for approval as I made myself slow down and ignore my own dick and try to do it better.

  Jonah smiled down at me. “Good job, kitten,” he said, rocking his hips back and then pushing forward again, his cockhead going deep enough this time to hit the back of my throat. “Now suck.”

  I moaned, letting my eyes fall closed and grinding the heel of my hand against my dick as I did what he told me to.

  I loved not having to think. Jonah said suck and I sucked. He told me to open wider and I did. He moved his hand to the back of my head and pushed me down farther on his cock, and I breathed deep so I wouldn’t gag and took more of it, then bobbed back up when he tugged my hair and did it again. And again. And again.

  I made Jonah groan again. Over and over. Deep and low like he couldn’t get enough.

  I did that.

  Everything good swelled up inside me as he told me over and over what a good job I was doing… how hot my mouth was… how proud he was of me… how much he loved me. My jaw had started to ache and I could tell by the way his voice was getting choppy that he was close to coming, but I never wanted it to end, not ever.

  “Oh fuck, Caleb,” Jonah finally panted, pulling his hard, wet cock out of my mouth all of a sudden and making me whimper at the loss. “Your mouth feels too good. You’re going to make me shoot, baby boy, and I don’t want to do that until I fuck you.”

  “Please,” I gasped, my hands scrabbling at my own jeans to free my dick. I’d done a good job of ignoring it while he’d been feeding me his cock, but I was so hard it hurt and I had to do something about it. I just had to. The minute I had my zipper down I thrust up into my fist, but that didn’t stop me from begging my brother for his cock again. “I want to taste it when you come, Jonah. I need to suck you more. I need you back in my mouth. I need—mmph.”

  With a low curse, Jonah pushed his cock back into my mouth. He pulled my jaw open and slid it right over my tongue, shutting me up, and even when tears sprang to my eyes and I dropped my own dick to clutch his thighs, he didn’t stop, not even when I gagged.

  Oh, God. I loved him so hard. My brother always gave me what I needed.

  “Take it, baby,” he said. “All of it this time. Open your throat for me.”

  The hot, salty taste of his precum flooded my senses as his thick length cut off my airway, pushing through the resistance at the back of my throat and sliding all the way home with a wet pop. My face pressed up against his soft pubes as he groaned and ground against my face, panting out my name.

  “Caleb, baby, holy shit,” he muttered, staring down at me like I was… like I was everything.

  He’d always looked at me that way, but now it was more, too, and I would do anything, anything, to make him happy.

  “So sexy,” he murmured, eyes locked on mine as his breathing grew ragged and his cock swelled even larger in my throat.

  My eyes started to burn, watering in earnest now, but I never wanted to look away.

  “You’re doing… so good,” he muttered. “Fucking amazing, baby boy. So… good.”

  My balls pulled up tight at the praise, my whole body got tight, like every cell was thrumming… vibrating… balancing right on the edge of the biggest orgasm of my life. My lungs started to burn and I grabbed my dick again when it started to throb, and when Jonah finally pulled back with another low curse, I gasped for air and came so hard I saw stars, spilling over my fist in hot, pulsing waves that positively wrecked me.

  Jonah gritted out my name and shoved his cock back down my throat while I was still coming.

  “Fuck fuck fuck,” he growled, holding my face against him again, so tight that I wouldn’t have been able to breathe even if I hadn’t been choking on his cock. “Fuck, kitten. You’re fucking beautiful like this. Fucking perfect.”

  I swallowed, my body getting desperate for air, and with another curse, he swelled so large in my mouth that it almost broke my jaw. Then his hot cum was pumping down my throat, practically choking me as I desperately swallowed it down and stroked myself through my own endless orgasm and felt like the entire world had shrunk down to just cum and cock and all the best feelings in the world—

  My brother’s voice, telling me I’d done it right.

  My brother’s thighs, hard and strong where they pressed into me and shaking as he came.

  My brother’s hands, holding me so tightly against him that it should have hurt.

  But nothing did.

  Nothing could.

  This was what I was made for: him, forever.

  Then Jonah shuddered one last time, his cock finally starting to soften, and he pulled back, just a little. My mouth was still stuffed with his cock, but I could breathe again. I gasped for air, because I needed some, but I still kept my arms around him tight, so he wouldn’t leave me all the way.

  “Caleb,” he said, stroking my hair and sounding wrecked, too. He smiled down at me. “Baby, you’re—”

  I desperately wanted to hear what he’d been about to say, but instead, I heard something else, and all the good feelings that had filled me up were instantly replaced by pure, blinding panic.

  A piercing screech cut Jonah’s loving words off, followed by a horrified gasp that sounded a lot like my name and then a whole bunch of other words that made me want to shrivel up and die.




  I started to shake. Jonah’s cock slipped out of my mouth with a wet plop as he straightened up tall, his hands coming down firm on my shoulders, and I stared up at him in terror so I didn’t have to turn around and see. His eyes held me for a second, burning into me like a promise, then they moved away from me to focus on something—someone—behind me.

  It was Mrs. Hawthorne’s voice, our housekeeper for as long as I could remember. I’d thought our parents had given her the whole holiday season off. I’d thought we were safe. I’d thought, after the thrill of being called Jonah’s boyfriend at the coffee shop earlier, that somehow, in some fairytale existence, what we were doing would end up being okay.

  But it wasn’t, was it? Jonah was my brother, not my boyfriend, and I’d been a fool to think I could really have him be both. The world just didn’t work that way.

  Tears leaked out of my eyes as Mrs. H’s voice got louder. Jonah pulled me up to my feet and tucked me against him, his jaw clenching tight. His arms were my shelter, but even as I closed my eyes and huddled against him, I couldn’t stop myself from hearing everything she shouted.

  She was freaking the fuck out the way anyone would—of course they would if they knew the way I really loved my brother—and even though Jonah was still holding me, I realized with a sinking sense of despair that there might be something even worse than the last year without him.

  Then, he’d left, but he’d come back.

  Then, he’d left, but he’d never stopped loving me.

  But now, worse than not having him at all would be having had him, had this, believing I actually could and that it could last and be real and be forever… and then losing him for good.

  I knew Jonah had meant every word of the promises he’d made to me. I’d believed him when he’d said it would work out. I trusted even now that he really and truly wanted to take care of me. That he loved me. That this was right—for us, at least. But in the face of Mrs. Hawthorne’s outrage and disgust, with all her screeching promises to tell our parents and her nasty threats about how Jonah’s life would be ruined for having ruined me, I had to face the truth. If I let him keep those promises to me it would cost him everything. This was bigger than us, bigger than our love, bigger than even Jonah could fight against.

  We’d always be brothers, but the rest
? The world didn’t understand, and now that we’d been caught, there was no way he’d want to keep me now.

  And even if he did, if I really loved him, I couldn’t let him… right?



  When Mrs. Hawthorne had walked in on Caleb and me, my first and only thought had been to protect him. He’d been so scared, trembling and shaking in my arms as she’d ranted, that as soon as I’d gotten over my shock enough to make my mouth work again, I’d roared at her to get the fuck out. All I’d wanted in that moment was to get her away from him so I could make sure he was okay, but letting her out of my sight had been a mistake… and goddamnit, now I’d really fucked things up.

  “Can we just keep ignoring it?” Caleb asked, staring at our father’s name on the incoming call notification of my phone like it was a viper. “Please, Jonah?”

  We were alone in the house again, cuddled up on my bed and fully clothed. Not the way I’d seen this day going.

  Once I’d calmed Caleb down enough, I’d chased after Mrs. Hawthorne—she’d scampered off into the bowels of the house instead of leaving the property completely—and I’d put the fear of God into her once I’d found her. Our family money hadn’t come from playing nice in the cutthroat world of business, and even though I had no intentions of turning out like my parents, let’s just say that I wasn’t my father’s son for nothing. I’d made some promises to Mrs. Hawthorne about what would happen if she ever breathed a word about what she’d seen—not threats; promises—and they’d been harsh enough that I trusted she’d keep quiet.

  Of course, that didn’t help a damn bit with the fact that while I’d been taking care of Caleb, she’d run straight to the house phone and reported what she’d seen to my parents.

  The screen of my phone finally went dark and I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration, trying to think. Our parents had been blowing up my phone for the last two hours, but there was no way I was going to answer them before I had a game plan. First, I’d had to deal with Mrs. Hawthorne. Next had been making sure Caleb got cleaned up, ate some lunch, and then calmed down. Now… well, now was now, and I still had no clue how to handle things.

  I had to, though. It was my job to take care of my baby brother, now more than ever.

  The phone started up again, this time with Mother’s ringtone, and I sighed, tightening my arm around Caleb as he burrowed against me miserably.

  “If we keep ignoring their calls, baby, they’ll just get on a plane and come back,” I told him, hating that the best thing in my life had been tainted by this intrusion from the outside world. Hating even more that I hadn’t figured out how to make it right yet.

  “Maybe Mrs. H didn’t tell them everything?” he asked hopefully.

  I laughed, kissing the top of his head. No chance. Our parents never bothered to get in touch with us. Calling nonstop for hours? Yeah, they knew. I almost would have wondered why they cared, though, given how little attention they’d ever paid us, but then it hit me. They didn’t know that I’d silenced Mrs. Hawthorne. They were worried about other people finding out and ruining things for them.

  Something eased inside my chest at the realization. Sure, they might also think we were wrong, immoral, sick, all the things Mrs. Hawthorne had yelled, but I didn’t care about that. That was bullshit, no matter what anyone else thought. Those words just didn’t apply to Caleb and I, not with how much we loved each other. But even if our parents did think all that about us, I knew them. At the end of the day, they’d be more concerned with what others thought—with the effect on their own lives if word ever got out—than any big moral stance on what Caleb and I actually did with each other.

  Mother’s call ended, unanswered, and I pulled Caleb up and kissed his pretty temptation of a mouth.

  “It’s going to be okay, kitten.”

  His brows crinkled together. “But—”

  I kissed him again, hard. “Trust me.”

  “I do,” he said instantly, even though I could still see fifty shades of despair in his eyes. “But Jonah, you can’t… if they know… what if they stop paying for your school?”

  Oh, my sweet boy. Even though he’d taken a gap year, I knew he’d still be expected to attend the same Ivy League university I’d be graduating from this year—our parents’ alma mater, and on their dime, of course—but as usual, his first worry was for me.

  “You’ll get kicked out of the fraternity,” he went on, his voice getting smaller with every word. “You’ll lose your internship. You’ll… you’ll be ruined, just like Mrs. H said. Your whole life will be ruined.”

  His big eyes welled up with tears and I brushed them away just as my phone started up again. Father this time.

  “You are my whole life,” I reminded Caleb, ignoring the phone again. “I’m not giving you up.”

  I was ready to talk to our parents now that I’d finally worked it through in my head, but not until my brother was okay again.

  He shook his head, and I grabbed his chin and held his head steady to stop the denial.

  “Who do you belong to?”

  “You,” he said without hesitation. “But—”

  “No buts, Caleb. I made a mistake.” Oh, God. Seeing the pain in his eyes just about killed me. “It wasn’t this, kitten,” I rushed to reassure him, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his trembling mouth before I went on. “Never this. You’ll never be a mistake. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, baby. You always have been.”

  His eyes went wide, and I smiled.

  “My mistake was running away the first time you kissed me, instead of holding you close. It was missing out on an entire year of my brother’s life. It was not figuring out what mattered sooner. I’m not going to let anyone steal any more time from us, do you understand? I’m going to make this right. You’re mine, and from now on, we’ll always be together, just like this. Always.”

  Caleb bit his lip and nodded, but there was still a hopeless look in his eyes that just about broke my heart.

  “I’m going to talk to Father,” I told him.

  Caleb whimpered, trying to burrow even closer even though he was already molded against my side.

  “Do you want to be here while I do, kitten, or would you rather not hear the conversation?”

  “I don’t want to hear it,” he said, squeezing his eyes closed and grabbing onto me like a lifeline. “But I don’t want to be away from you, either.”

  “Okay,” I said, prying him off me just enough that I could sit up straight. I wiped the tear tracks off his face and then smoothed his hair, pushing his short, sweat-dampened bangs off his forehead. “Stay with me, then, but let me do the talking.”

  Caleb nodded, shaking against me. I took a deep breath and dialed Father’s number. He answered halfway through the first ring.

  “Jonah,” he said, his voice tight and hard as it blasted out of the phone’s small speaker. “I’ve received a disturbing report from Mrs. Hawthorne.”

  “And it would be even more disturbing if that report were to become public knowledge, wouldn’t it, Father?” I asked, my voice just as hard. “I doubt your board of directors would appreciate our family’s dirty laundry being made public.”

  Caleb flinched, and I squeezed him tight, slapping the mute button on the phone over the sound of Father’s sharp intake of breath.

  “Dirty laundry?” Caleb whispered, looking up at me. “Are you… are you ashamed of me?”

  “Never,” I said quickly. “Trust me, kitten.”

  Father’s sputtering voice came over the speaker again as I unmuted the phone. “Are you saying that Mrs. Hawthorne was… that she actually saw… Jonah, are you and your brother—”

  “Yes,” I said, thankful my voice stayed calm when everything inside me wasn’t. “Now let me tell you what you’re going to do about it.”

  “I’ll tell you exactly what I’m going to do about it,” Father said, his voice rising.

  “No,” I snapped, cutting him of
f. “I’m telling you, Father, because while I did manage to muzzle Mrs. Hawthorne—” a huff of approval came through the speaker, “—I can still make this public if you push me. Very public.”

  “Jonah.” It was our mother’s voice. Father must have the call on speakerphone, too. “How could you do this to us? We thought better of you, son.”

  “How could I do this to you, Mother?” I parroted back, my lip quirking up even though it wasn’t funny in the slightest. “I haven’t done anything to you or Father.”

  Yet. But if they pushed me…

  “You know what your mother meant.” Father again. “How could you do this to your brother, Jonah? It isn’t… it isn’t natural. And Caleb looks up to you. He’s far too easily influenced by you, and you’ve taken advantage of that. We’re disappointed in you, son.”

  I restrained myself from pointing out which one of their sons made the first move. That wasn’t their business, and it wasn’t relevant anyway. They didn’t really care about what I’d “done” to him. Their sudden concern didn’t fool me at all. I was the one who’d always looked out for Caleb, not them.

  “We never should have asked you to come home,” Mother said.

  I snorted back a sharp retort. Asked? That was funny. The way they’d threatened to cut me off financially when they’d “asked” me to come home for the holidays and take care of my brother certainly hadn’t left me a lot of room to say no. It had, however, set a precedent that I was more than happy to follow now. If there was one thing they’d taught me well, it was that when getting a “yes” mattered, all you needed was the right leverage.

  “Don’t worry, Mother,” I said. “It won’t happen again.”

  “What?” Caleb blurted, his head jerking as he looked up at me. “You’re… you’re not coming home again, Jonah?”

  “Caleb?” Father’s voice blasted from the speaker. “Is that you? Listen, son, whatever your brother’s done to you—”

  “Jonah hasn’t done anything,” Caleb blurted, snatching the phone from my hand and holding it up to his mouth as his face turned red. “Mrs. H got it all wrong, Father. She… she just… I mean, don’t make… don’t make Jonah stay away again. Please, Father.”


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