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Rannigan's Redemption: Complete Collection

Page 43

by Pandora Spocks

  Uncertain, she looked up at him, eyes wide. “I hope you don’t mind. I sort of thought I’d surprise you.”

  “It’s the best kind of surprise after a long day,” he assured her, kissing her cheek once more. “What do you say we blow this pop stand?”

  He held her hand on the cab ride to her apartment and they chatted briefly about his trip. When the taxi pulled to a stop at Maggie’s building, Bobby paid the driver and they made their way inside. Maggie let them into her apartment and Bobby closed the door behind them, pulling her to him and kissing her passionately. “I’ve been missing my strawberry wine,” he chuckled lightly.

  “I missed you, too,” she smiled up at him. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “I’d love some water for now,” he answered. “I’m wondering...” He glanced at her, a slight frown on his face. “Would it be incredibly rude if I asked to borrow your shower? It’s been a long day and I feel covered with road grime.”

  “Of course!” She smiled up at him. “You should feel free to make yourself at home. I don’t stand on ceremony around here.” Bobby followed her into the bedroom, bringing his bag with him. Maggie handed him a fluffy blue towel from the closet.

  He gave a nod at the bed. “Is the bed with the clean, un-fucked upon sheets?”

  “It is. For now,” she added wryly, and he gave her his best lop-sided grin. “Enjoy your shower. I’ll go start dinner.”

  Back in the kitchen, Maggie heard the shower, and she smiled to herself. Now to get dinner going. She began taking ingredients out of the fridge and putting them on the large Boos Block on the counter. Oh, I meant to...

  Taking out her phone, she linked it to the Bluetooth speakers on the bookshelf and cued up Jimmy Buffett. Margaritaville began playing softly in the living room. Maggie shrugged out of her denim jacket and placed it on an overstuffed chair before kicking off her sandals and returning to the kitchen to peel shrimp for the scampi.

  In the bathroom, Bobby stepped out of the shower and dried himself with the blue towel Maggie had given him. The bathroom was tiny. The whole apartment was small. But he could see how Maggie felt at home there. The thought of her dislike of the furnishings in his place made him smile. He glanced at her bathroom counter with her pink toothbrush, curling iron, and the basket of creams and cosmetics, letting the feminine vibe soak in. There was something civilizing about the clutter. He missed having that kind of thing around.

  He padded out to the bedroom and rummaged in his bag, pulling out a dark blue short-sleeved henley and a clean pair of jeans, opting to go without shoes. After he was dressed, he ran a comb through his wet hair and checked himself in the mirror.

  Jimmy Buffett was singing about a volcano when he opened the bedroom door, and Bobby smiled to himself. This was shaping up to be a nice relaxing evening. Maggie was in the kitchen with her back to him. She was chopping something on the counter, singing along and swaying her hips to the music. He’d been thinking about her birthday coming up in a few weeks. Hearing the music, taking in her light mood... He had the perfect idea to celebrate her thirtieth.

  “I don’t know where I’m gonna go...” Maggie sang as she turned, a bowl in her hands. She stopped mid-sentence when she saw him watching and she grinned guiltily. “Oops! I didn’t realize you were out.”

  “Don’t stop on my account, I was enjoying,” he grinned. His eyes were drawn to her cleavage, which was on full display. She must have been wearing a jacket at the airport, he realized. The fabric of the dress clung to her curves and emphasized her perfect round tits. Bobby sighed contentedly, feeling the stress of the day leave his body. This. This feels right. He crossed the room and pulled her to himself. “Cher, you look absolutely amazing.”

  “This old thing?” she teased as he leaned his forehead against hers.

  “I love this dress,” he breathed, lightly tracing the outline of her breast with his fingers.

  “I was hoping you would.” Maggie held onto his shoulders and leaned up on her toes, planting light kisses on his chin. “God, you smell good,” she breathed, moving her lips to his, capturing his lower lip between hers. Bobby felt the rush of heat that started in his center and radiated out through his body as he responded to her kiss.

  They both jumped at the knock on the door. “Hey, Flynn, it’s us!”

  “Holy shit!” Maggie gasped, stepping back from Bobby. “I’m so sorry. It’s my friend Ben.”

  Bobby blew out a frustrated breath. “No worries, cher.”

  Maggie opened the door and Ben sailed into the apartment followed by Nate. “Your neighbor was heading out and let us in the door.” He slid his eyes up and down Bobby. “Uh oh,” Ben said, artificially flummoxed. “We didn’t know you had company.”

  “Yes, you did. I told you yesterday that Bobby was coming for dinner.” She make quick introductions. “Bobby, meet Ben and Nate. Guys, this is Bobby.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Bobby murmured politely, shaking hands with the two of them.

  “Enchanted!” Ben quipped. “So you’re the hunky baseball player who’s swept our Flynn off her feet.” Maggie smacked his arm with the back of her hand.

  “It’s an honor,” Nate said. “I’m happy to meet a fellow Tulane grad. I was lucky enough to see you play a time or two.” He turned to Maggie. “We didn’t mean to interrupt your dinner, honestly. It’s just that we have news.”

  Maggie looked from him to Ben. “We’re engaged!” Ben blurted, holding out his left hand to reveal a wide platinum band with a diamond solitaire set flush into the metal.

  Squealing, Maggie threw her arms around both of them. “Oh, my gosh, I’m so thrilled for you!”

  Bobby offered his hand. “Congratulations!”

  “Thank you,” Nate said. “We won’t stay any longer, but we just couldn’t wait to tell you. Plus...” he glanced at Ben.

  “We want you to be our maid of honor!” Ben told Maggie.

  Her eyes widened. “I’d be absolutely honored. No pun intended,” she laughed. “Just tell me when and where. I’ll be there with bells on.”

  “Mm-hmm, which is exactly why I’ll be choosing your ensemble, girlfriend,” Ben quipped, arching his eyebrow theatrically.

  Maggie hugged them both again, and after they said their goodbyes, she pushed the door closed and leaned back against it, risking a glance at Bobby. “So... That was Nate and Ben.”

  Bobby chuckled. “I’m glad to meet your friends. They seem really nice.”

  “Yeah, they’re the best. They’re my family really,” Maggie said. “Well, back to dinner.”

  “What can I do?” Bobby asked.

  “I’ve got it all under control,” she smiled. “Just have a beer and relax.” She handed Bobby a chilled Heineken and he twisted off the top, taking a long pull from the frosty green bottle.

  “Thanks, cher.”

  Rather than sitting, he wandered back to the living room. “You can change the music if you want,” Maggie called after him.

  “I like it. I’m feeling the island vibe.” He looked out the window for a moment then turned back to see the antique dresser against the opposite wall. “Here’s where you put the dresser. I didn’t notice it before.”

  “Yes, I tried it in the bedroom for a while, but I kind of like it out here. I’ve put table linens in it for now, and the top makes a great place for my pictures.”

  Bobby scanned the dozen or so framed photographs clustered on the top of the dresser. The first one that caught his eye was the one of him and Maggie from the inn. “Hey, you framed us,” he called to her.

  Maggie looked up from the stove, grinning. “I had that printed and found a frame I liked. I love that picture.”

  He smiled as he replaced the frame. In other photos he saw Nate and Ben in addition to others he didn’t recognize. Maggie was in a couple, dressed up in wedding party attire. “Are these from weddings you were in?”

  “Those are some of my dearest friends. The tiny one with blonde hair is Casey.
And the tall gorgeous brunette who looks like a model is Des. I was in both their weddings.”

  “And now Ben and Nate,” he added.

  “Yep. Always a bridesmaid...” she muttered as she slipped linguine into the pot of boiling water.

  As Bobby looked closer at the photos he realized that Michael was in several, usually with a group of people. There were a couple of pictures that included him along with Nate and Ben, ones that seemed to be from Christmases past. Some were clearly taken in bars. Toward the back, a picture was half hidden behind another and he lifted it up. The photo showed Maggie and Michael gazing at one other in a loose embrace, each of them looking like they were having the time of their lives. He felt doubt grip his heart like an iron fist.

  Chapter 10

  Maggie and Michael had both said that they’d never dated each other. Michael did admit that they’d slept together once. Bobby rubbed his chin as conflicting thoughts whirled through his mind. Michael and Maggie are friends. He inspected the photograph in his hands. They look like more than friends. He exhaled sharply. Damn Deanna for wrecking my heart.

  “Everything’s just about ready,” Maggie called, breaking into his thoughts.

  He shook his head and replaced the picture. Let it go, son. Just let it go.

  It was easier said than done. Maggie smiled at him and asked him to pour the wine for them and he had to resist the impulse to believe that her smile mocked him. They sat at her small kitchen table and heaped their plates with scampi. A small garden salad of fresh greens was topped with her homemade vinaigrette, and a fresh warm baguette complimented the meal.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” Maggie said, lifting her glass.

  He touched his glass to hers. “Santé.” He sipped his wine then took a bite, feeling his eyes roll back in his head as the flavors melded in his mouth. “This is delicious, Maggie.”

  She’d been watching him, anxiously waiting for him to taste his dinner. At his words she beamed. “I’m happy you like it.”

  Bobby took in her sparkling green eyes, her open smile. I’m being paranoid. This girl isn’t playing games.

  “Tell me about your trip,” Maggie prompted. “I suppose it was a long day, all the way from Louisiana.”

  Grateful for the distraction from his dark thoughts, he told her how Savannah had risen early that morning requesting that his mother make French toast for them before they left for the airport. Maggie smiled as Bobby described the way the little girl had batted her eyes and gotten her way.

  He laughed. “I’ve said it before, that girl is a hot mess.” The flight to Dallas had been smooth and uneventful. He recounted the hassle that had been renting the car to take Savannah to her mother’s house.

  “It’s none of my business,” Maggie began, “but was there no way for Deanna to meet you at the airport? Just take Savannah home and you could be on your way?”

  “That would be what civilized people might offer to do.” Bobby pursed his lips and sighed. “Then when we got to Deanna’s it was a whole thing.” He frowned and looked down.

  Unsure if she should ask, Maggie sat for a moment and waited. Finally she couldn’t stand it. “Why? What happened?” she asked softly.

  He raised his eyes. “There was some guy there. A new one, not the one she left me for. Anyway, Deanna was all mad at me, said I brought Savannah back too early.” He shook his head angrily. “Not, ‘Oh, I’m so glad my child is back.’ Just ‘How dare you inconvenience me.' ”

  “Wow.” Maggie blinked, then reached across the table to link her fingers in his. “I’m so sorry. No wonder you were worn out when you got here.”

  Together they cleared the table when they’d finished eating, Bobby helping Maggie to rinse off the dishes and place them in the dishwasher. He continued telling her about his weekend and they laughed together as he described the overabundance of Easter goodies for Savannah. “She’ll be in chocolate bunnies for the next six months,” he chuckled.

  Kitchen restored to normal, Maggie looked up at him. “Maybe we could go relax in the living room,” she suggested. “Would you freshen our wine?”

  “Of course, cher. I’d be happy to.”

  She smiled at him. “I’m just going to pop into the...” She gestured with her thumb toward the bathroom.

  “No worries. I’ll pour and meet you at the couch.”

  Maggie disappeared into the bedroom. Bobby carried their freshened glasses into the living room, placing them on the coffee table in front of the sofa. But rather than relaxing, he was drawn once again to the array of photos on top of the antique dresser, unable to stay away from the one of Maggie with Michael. He felt his heart pounding. There was no mistaking the look in her eyes.

  “I’m back,” she said brightly as she entered the living room.

  Bobby didn’t turn around. “Are you in love with him, cher?” he asked quietly. “Are you in love with Michael?”

  “What? Why would you ask that?” Maggie crossed to where he stood, photo in his hand. She looked up at him. “That’s a very old picture.”

  He glanced down at her, his face stone. “You didn’t answer the question,” he murmured.

  She faced him squarely. “No. I am not in love with Michael.” She looked at him unblinking, seeing in his eyes pain rather than accusation.

  Bobby sighed. “Because if you are, just say so.” He crossed the room and sank onto the couch. “I can’t take my heart being ripped out like it was with Deanna. I’m too old and tired to play games.” He sounded resigned.

  She stayed where she was. “Bobby, like I said, that picture is old. I was twenty-three, I’d only been with for the firm for a few months.”

  He leaned his forearms on his thighs and looked at the floor. “You both said you never dated.”

  “We didn’t. That was a charity function Michael invited me to, to bring a date with me. I brought Ben.” Bobby was watching with cautious interest. “It got so fucked up. Ben had just broken up with his boyfriend. He got totally wasted, as did Michael’s date. Ben passed out at the dinner table and Michael sent his date home in the limo he’d rented.” Her eyes pleaded with him to believe her. “While we waited for the car to come back we shared a dance. That picture was in a magazine, it you can believe it. Michael gave me the picture a couple of months later.”

  “Michael told me that you and he slept together once,” Bobby said softly. “I’m wondering if it was that night.”

  Maggie gaped at him. “He what?! He’s such a fucking pig!”

  He shook his head. “It wasn’t like that. I had asked him if you two were together. It was that day at the hospital, before you and I ever went out.”

  Blushing furiously, she tried to pull herself together. “Sleeping with Michael was a huge mistake. First of all there was a lot of alcohol involved. I hope he told you that part.” She looked challengingly at Bobby.

  “We’d won a big case that day, one I wasn’t too proud of, I might add. It was only later that I realized he’d called all his usual dates and nobody was available.” She looked down at her feet. “So he settled for me.” Her voice was lower. “That was the day I stopped being in love with Michael.”

  Bobby’s expression said that he remained unconvinced. Maggie waved the frame at him. “This girl in the picture? She’s twenty-three years old and she thinks that loving someone enough will change him. I wised up.”

  Maggie crossed the room and sat on the coffee table facing Bobby, forearms on her thighs, mirroring his posture. “I care deeply for Michael. He’s like family. But I’m not in love with him, and I haven’t been for a long time.”

  She reached for his hands, grasping them in hers. “I couldn’t possibly be in love with Michael. Because, Bobby, I’m in love with you.”

  Bobby looked up at her, surprised. Maggie shrugged. “I know, it’s a little soon. We haven’t been going out for very long. And it’s breaking all kinds of dating rules to be the first one to say it.”

  She fixed him with an earnest g
aze. “But dammit, life is short, and tomorrow is not a given. And I think that if I feel something I should say it. I don’t expect you to say anything in return, but you should know how I feel. Just know,” she gently cupped his jaw in her hand, “Bobby Beaulieu, I’m in love with you.”

  “Are you?” he breathed, crystal blue eyes wide open. She nodded, gazing at him unblinking. “I don’t mean to be so insecure. I just... Well, I saw that picture and all my doubts came up, all that Deanna put me through, I mean...” He looked up at her, his entire body radiating pain. “I was humiliated. I loved her and she just ran me over.”

  Maggie gave a wry smile. “You know what I think? I think if you’ve gotten this far in life with no scars, you haven’t really been trying.” She sighed, shaking her head. “Bobby, I’m not Deanna.”

  She watched the smile slowly spread across his face. “You’re in love with me?” he asked, disbelievingly.

  She nodded her head. “Yep. Sorry, but it’s true.”

  “That’s kind of a coincidence. I was talking to my mother the other night. I told her that I’m in love with you.”

  “You told your mother that? What did she say?”

  “Something like ‘Oh, my Lord.' ” They both laughed lightly.

  “So are you saying,” Maggie said, shifting up to kneel on the couch and straddle his lap, “that you’re in love with me?”

  Bobby nodded, lop-sided grin back in place.

  “Then the question becomes, bayou boy,” she said with a mischievous grin, “what are you going to do about it?”

  She leaned down and claimed his lips, kissing him hard in an effort to chase away his doubt. He responded to her kiss with intensity, gripping her ass to pull her closer to him. She tangled her fingers in the hair behind his ear as tongues sought and found, their breath entwined.

  When Maggie leaned back, he could see desire sparkling in her green eyes. His gaze moved to her shoulder, to the thin strap there, and he gently hooked it with his finger, slipping it down. She nodded down at him as he repeated the motion on her other shoulder, and the top of her dress slipped down, revealing her perfect round tits, nipples pebble-hard with desire.


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