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Rannigan's Redemption: Complete Collection

Page 44

by Pandora Spocks

  “Oh, cher,” he breathed.

  Maggie leaned up on her knees bringing her breasts to his face. Bobby obliged her by taking first one pert nipple then the other one into his mouth. Maggie leaned back her head and moaned softly. As she became more aroused she moved her hands to hold onto his shoulders, grinding her pussy against his burgeoning erection.

  He gripped her hips harder, stopping her movements and she gazed down into his face. “I want you now, ma ‘tite cher.”

  He reached down to unbutton his jeans, and Maggie smiled at the sight of his rock-hard cock. Bobby moved his hands under her skirt, pulled aside her black lace panties and shoved himself home. She immediately began to ride him, slowly at first, keeping her eyes on his. He took her hands, lacing his fingers through hers, and she used them for leverage as she began to ride him harder. Bobby leaned forward to capture her nipple with his lips, and he suckled voraciously, causing her to cry out in pleasure.

  “Oh, Bobby, I’m so close,” she breathed.

  “Come for me, cher,” he murmured.

  “Oh. Sh-sh-shit. Fuck!” she called out, and he felt her spasm around him.

  He gave a hard thrust and his climax was there. As he came he called out her name. “Maggie! Oh, Maggie.”

  She breathed out sharply as her body collapsed against him. Bobby wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to himself. Maggie rested her head on his shoulder as their breathing returned to normal.

  “You realize,” she murmured, “that the bed is still unfucked-upon.”

  Chapter 11

  Spent, Bobby tenderly kissed Maggie’s temple, separated his body from hers, and collapsed beside her on the bed. Following their union on the couch, they’d moved into the bedroom, making love for hours.

  “Now the bed is much fucked-upon,” Maggie giggled.

  He gave her a wry look and linked his fingers with hers. “Lucky bed. Lucky me,” Bobby murmured.

  Maggie rolled onto her stomach and propped her chin on her hands. “I’m pretty sure I’m the lucky one. Sore, in a good way obviously, but lucky.”

  “We’ll compromise and say we’re both lucky,” he said, lightly tracing the tiny sun tattoo on her hip. A smile played on his lips. “Tell me about this, cher.”

  She glanced over her shoulder to the yellow and orange sun before looking back at him, a sly smile spreading across her face. “Casey and I went to Daytona for Spring Break one year during law school.”

  Bobby grinned as he imagined young Maggie on the loose for Spring Break. “We were kind of drunk and I wanted to go back to the hotel, but on the way we passed a tattoo shop and she dragged me inside. She got this really stupid unicorn.” Maggie laughed. “I can’t ever tell her it’s stupid. She probably realizes it by now anyway.”

  She looked back at Bobby. “So there we were and I couldn’t decide what to get. Then I saw this.” A pensive look crossed her face. “Casey didn’t realize that it was the anniversary of my father’s death.”

  She breathed out and paused. Bobby waited patiently. “My dad used to sing this song to me when I was little.” She looked up at him through her lashes. “When I saw the sun, I knew. It’s kind of weird, I suppose, getting a tattoo on my ass to remind me of my dad.”

  “It’s your hip, not your ass. And I think it’s a beautiful reminder of special times with your father.” He gave her a look. “I sing that song to Savannah. Must be a father/daughter kind of thing.”

  She watched him steadily, her eyes sparkling in the half-light. “I never told anyone that before. Even Casey doesn’t know why I chose the sun.”

  “I’m honored that you shared it with me.” He stroked her cheek, and she turned to plant a kiss on his palm. “Speaking of sharing intimate things, you mentioned something over the phone that I found interesting.” She waited, brow furrowed, to hear what he would say. “You said you might be interested in having my cum on you?”

  “Oh, God!” Maggie muttered, covering her face with her hands. “I’d had some wine and you were far, far away.”

  Bobby grinned, arching an eyebrow. “Maggie Flynn is something of a kinkster,” he teased, twirling a lock of her hair around his finger. “I love it. Cum on your tits, don’t mind being a little sore... What else might you be interested in?”

  She blushed deeply. “I don’t know, I was just talking.” Uncomfortable, she chewed her lower lip.

  He lightly stroked from her shoulder down to her tattoo and back up again. “You can tell me. Blindfolds? Cuffs? Toys?” he asked softly.

  She chewed her lip harder and nodded sheepishly. Bobby laughed. “Oh, cher, you are such a hellcat. Have you done those things before? Why are you shy to tell me what you like?”

  Her eyes widened and she pushed herself up, sitting on the edge of the bed with her back to him. “Because I don’t want you to think...”

  “Think what?”

  “I don’t want you to think I’m a whore,” she whispered.

  Baffled, Bobby sat up behind her, his hand on her back. “Jesus, Maggie, why would I think that? Is this about your fiancé? You told me before that he wasn’t good to you. I didn’t mean to open up old wounds.”

  She waved him off. “It’s no big deal.”

  He pressed his lips to her shoulder. “You can talk to me, cher.”

  Maggie sighed and allowed him to pull her back against his chest. They rested against the pillows and he wrapped her in his arms, tucking her under his chin. Absently she stroked his chest. “I met Mike when he was the arresting officer on one of my cases. After I met with him and his partner at their precinct, he followed me out and asked me to have a drink with him that night.”

  “Mm-hmm,” he encouraged. She felt the vibration through his chest.

  “Well, so I did meet him for drinks that night after work.” She breathed out sharply. “And I slept with him.”

  Bobby waited but she seemed finished. “And? Cher, you met a guy you were attracted to and you had sex with him. Consenting adults do it all the time.”

  “I don’t. I don’t do it all the time,” she said. “But I was lonely and he seemed nice. The next thing I knew we were dating, and then we were engaged, for fuck’s sake. I didn’t really even like him. And he was crap in bed.”

  She looked up at him trying to decide how much more to say. “I never came with him. Not once. I tried to, you know, suggest a few things. But he just shut me down.”

  Thinking about the multiple times she’d come since they’d been together, he pulled her closer, kissing her forehead. “So what made you finally end it?”

  “We went to Rance’s wedding. It turned out that Michael was there, too. I was surprised. I hadn’t seen him in over a year. So he and I talked for a few minutes and that was it. When Mike and I got home he went ballistic, practically accused me of fucking Michael right there at the wedding.”

  Bobby’s mind went to his own insecurities that had been on display earlier in the evening. He sighed as he lightly caressed her upper arm.

  “He told me that nobody but a whore would sleep with a guy on the first date,” she whispered. “I felt so ashamed.”

  “Oh, ma ‘tite cher,” he hugged her tightly. “Remember what you said earlier about scars? You’re a sensual, passionate woman. You enjoy making love. That doesn’t make you a whore. He’s an idiot. You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.”

  Maggie looked up at him solemnly, unsure whether or not to believe him.

  “You scared him, cher. He didn’t know how to handle a smart, hot blooded, sexy woman like you.”

  She seemed thoughtful. “Do you know how to handle me?”

  He gazed at her lovingly. “Learn what you like and give you a lot of it. It’s not that complicated.” Leaning down, he placed a chaste kiss on her lips.

  * * *

  When her alarm sounded at 6:00 the next morning, Maggie quickly turned it off, glancing over at the sleeping form of Bobby in the bed beside her. She was happy he’d stayed. Tiptoeing, she made her way i
nto the bathroom to shower and get ready for work. When she emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a towel, she was surprised to see that the bed was empty.

  Did he leave? Curious, she left the bedroom in search of Bobby.

  She found him in the kitchen making coffee, dressed in navy sweatpants and a white t-shirt, his hair rumpled from sleep. “Good morning, beautiful,” he said when he noticed her, bathing her in his sleepy lop-sided smile.

  “Hi, yourself,” she smiled, crossing to him and reaching up to give him a kiss. “You don’t have to get up.”

  “Thought I’d make you some breakfast before you head out into the cold cruel world.” He gripped her towel and opened it, surveying her up and down before closing it again. “Yep, amazing. Just like I remember.”

  She giggled happily.

  “How about you go get ready and I’ll fix us some omelets. Because if you stay here in that towel any longer, I’m going to have to take you back to bed, you’ll miss work, get fired, get kicked out of your apartment...” He rolled his eyes comically. “I can’t have that on my conscience.”

  She laughed again. “Okay, just to save your conscience, I’ll go get ready.”

  Twenty minutes later, they sat across from each other at her kitchen table. “This is terrific,” she said.

  “Just a little something I whipped up,” he laughed. “Actually, breakfast is the only thing I can cook. So you’re in luck.”

  “When do you work today?” she asked, sipping the coffee he’d made. “We can just leave the dishes in the sink. I’ll get them tonight.”

  “I don’t have to be there until 3:00. I can get this all cleaned up.”

  Maggie chewed her lip thoughtfully for a moment, then left the table, reached into the drawer beside the stove, and removed something. “I’d like you to have this,” she said solemnly, placing a small object beside his plate. Bobby picked up the brass key and looked at her questioningly.

  She shook her head. “After Mike, I had the locks changed. This is brand new. I’ve never given it to anyone.”

  He smiled. “I can lock up before I leave today.”

  “And you can come over anytime, skip the buzzer and everything.”

  “Thanks, cher” he said, pulling her onto his lap. “I like what’s going on here.”

  She smiled. “Me, too.”

  Chapter 12

  In front of Maggie’s office building, Bobby leaned casually against the door of a taxi, a smug smile playing on his lips. Over the last several weeks he’d put into motion a plan for celebrating Maggie’s thirtieth birthday. He’d coordinated with Michael and Ben to ensure that the whole celebration would take place across four days, with one surprise after another.

  “You need to take off work on the Friday before your birthday,” he’d told her.

  Maggie had eyed him suspiciously. “Why?”

  “Beautiful women with birthdays coming up soon should not ask questions,” he’d replied, kissing her nose lightly. “I’ll meet you in front of your work at 4:00 sharp on Thursday afternoon. Bring your suitcase packed for the weekend.”

  She’d giggled. “I need a suitcase? What should I take?”

  “Pack tropical,” he’d answered cryptically.

  At the stroke of 4:00, Maggie pushed her way through the revolving door and out into the afternoon sunlight. Bobby grinned as she clipped down the steps in her black high heeled pumps, and he allowed his gaze to climb slowly up her shapely legs to her fitted green knee-length skirt and the white short-sleeved blouse that did nothing to conceal her firm round breasts.

  A breeze lifted her red hair off her shoulders as she got closer and she beamed at him. “Hey, there, bayou boy.”

  “Hey there, yourself, sexy lady,” he answered, lightly kissing her lips and taking her bag from her. The driver popped the trunk, and Bobby place her suitcase alongside his own.

  “So where are we going?” Maggie asked him breathlessly as soon as the taxi pulled away from the curb.

  Bobby adjusted his mirrored aviators over his eyes, smug smile firmly in place. “You’ll know soon enough, cher. Let it be the first of many surprises.”

  The cab dropped them at the airport and they hurried inside, Maggie following Bobby to a VIP check-in kiosk. “Yes, Mr. Beaulieu, Ms. Flynn, we have you in First Class to Key West,” the agent efficiently informed them. “Your flight won’t be boarding for about an hour. Would you care to wait in the lounge until they call you?”

  “Yes, we’d love to,” Bobby answered. He turned and picked up their carry-on bags. “Come on, cher. Let’s go get comfortable.”

  “Key West?” Maggie giggled. “You’re taking me to Key West?”

  Bobby winked at her. “Surprise number one.”

  She giggled again and followed him downstairs to the airline’s first class lounge. Maggie stopped just inside the entrance to take it all in. The large room was modern, all steel and glass and concrete. The industrial design was complimented by comfortable looking conversation groupings of dark brown leather sofas and chairs, muted lighting, and soft music piped in through hidden speakers. There was a glass and steel bar to their left and dining tables topped with crisp white linens to their far right.

  “You could go change in the ladies room if you like,” Bobby said. “Shed those work duds and get ready for island time. I’ll go get us something to drink.”

  Maggie grasped his hand. “In case I forget to say it, I’m having a wonderful time.”

  “We’re just getting started, cher,” he smiled, grazing her knuckles with his lips before sending her on her way.

  In the ladies room, Maggie changed from her work clothes into a sundress of pale green rayon printed with large tropical flowers of pale yellow and cream. The halter top had a modest v-neckline and the skirt had an asymmetrical hemline, longer at the sides and shorter in the front and back. She traded the black pumps for brown leather wedge sandals. Checking the mirror, she touched up her makeup and hair before returning to the lounge.

  Across the room, she could see Bobby standing at the bar and she pulled her bag behind her as she made her way towards him. When she was about halfway there she realized that he was flanked by two sophisticated-looking women who seemed to be flirting with him. As she got closer she could hear one of them speaking. “Why don’t you join us for a drink?” the taller blonde woman was saying.

  “Like I said ladies, I’m just waiting for my girl to come back from the restroom,” Bobby deflected.

  “Hey there!” Maggie said, much sharper than she’d intended. “Babe,” she added for emphasis as an afterthought.

  Three heads turned her way. The two women looked none too pleased, but Bobby was all smiles. “Here she is now,” he said, “looking absolutely breathtaking. Come on, cher, let’s find someplace quiet.” With that, he handed Maggie a glass of white wine; he took his own along with his bag, giving the women no further acknowledgement, and they crossed to a small leather sofa on the other side of the room.

  “That was...” Maggie searched for the right words, “not cool.” They sat on the soft leather cushions and looked out the windows into the fading daylight.

  Bobby sighed. “It happens from time to time. Fangirls. Some people are really nice and others are rude. I’m sorry about that. Are you mad?”

  “Of course not, certainly not at you. But who does that? I mean, seriously!”

  “You’d be surprised.” He winked. “You look beautiful. That dress is luscious.”

  Maggie blushed slightly. “You said ‘tropical’ so this seemed to be right. I didn’t know you meant Key West. I’ve never been there before.”

  Bobby grinned broadly. “I’m glad to be with you for your first time.” He arched an eyebrow suggestively.

  She caught her lower lip between her teeth, attempting to stifle a smile.

  Three and a half hours later, Maggie slid into the back of a cab at the airport on Key West while Bobby spoke privately to the driver. She grinned excitedly to herself. No one had e
ver done anything remotely like this for her before. Her friends usually took her out for her birthday to some restaurant or bar, but none had ever whisked her away to some exotic location.

  Bobby opened the door and slid in beside her, lightly kissing her cheek. “We’re all set,” he said. “Let’s start this vacation.”

  The cab drove them through the streets of Key West. Once they were on historic Duval Street, Maggie curiously watched the crowds strolling along between bars, restaurants, and shops.

  Bobby was watching her take it all in, a pleased expression on his face. “What do you think so far, cher?”

  She turned to him, beaming. “This is so cool!”

  At the end of Duval the taxi turned left and pulled up in front of a huge luxury hotel. “Hang on, I’ll get your door,” Bobby said. He let her out of the cab, and she stood staring up at the massive building.

  “This is beautiful,” she murmured.

  He grinned mischievously. “We’re not staying here.”

  A confused frown wrinkled her brow. “We’re not?”

  After Bobby paid the driver, they entered the enormous lobby of the hotel, pulling their bags along behind them. Maggie followed him across the lobby to the large glass doors that led outside. Spread out before them was a large marina.

  Bobby turned to wink again, and she giggled nervously. He pointed to their right. “See that plaza over there? That’s Mallory Square. We’re too late for the Sunset Celebration today, but we can go tomorrow.”

  Wordlessly, Maggie continued following him into the marina and to a small office. “Wait here, please,” he said, and he entered the office, returning a few minutes later with a set of keys and a huge grin. “Let’s go, cher.”

  Bobby led them through a maze of docks and boat slips until they came to a large blue and white sailboat. He stopped and took her hand, kissing her knuckles lightly. “Surprise number two. This is a forty-six foot Bavaria cruiser. And it’s ours for the entire weekend. What do you think, birthday girl?”


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