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Forged by Fate (Entangled Embrace)

Page 25

by Reese Monroe

  He undid the knot around her neck, and the fabric shifted. Slowly, he peeled it back, tracing the exposed flesh with his lips. Her fingers fisted in his hair, pressing him to her when he’d reached her breast.

  He grazed, learning every inch of her skin.

  “Theo,” her voice was strained. “Oh my gosh.” Her body pulsed against his, and he swallowed her gasp as she let the pleasure consume her.

  Her wings tightened around them, the feathers triggering his cliff dive. She clung to him as if he were the only thing that kept her afloat. And he would. No matter what, he would.

  As he drifted back down to reality, he held her in silence, basking in the feel of her body. She rested her cheek against his shoulder and caressed his back. Slowly her heart rate diminished to a normal patter, along with his. So in sync.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He nuzzled her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of her hair. “For what, love?”

  “This.” She hugged him tighter. “Everything.”

  Maybe she felt as refreshed as he did with the contact. Energized.

  Theophilus, Halena’s voice rang in his head, and he jerked at the surprise of it. He’d been so into Sadie, everything else had been shut out.

  As it should be.

  “What is it?” she breathed against his neck. She dusted kisses just behind his ear, and it sent a tiny electrical current down the side of his neck. His body stirred, wanting her again.

  Soon. Soon he’d be able to take her to the bed and make love to her. He drew her hand from around his neck and pressed a kiss to the ring he’d given her. “I think everyone grows restless waiting for us.”

  She smiled. “You said they’d understand Mates need to be alone.”

  “Evidently they’re willing to risk my wrath.”

  “Who spoke to you?” Sadie’s eyes darkened.


  “I don’t like her in your head while we’re together.”

  “Oh, she wasn’t.” He feathered a kiss to the tip of her cute nose. “You were the only one on my mind. Trust me.”

  She combed his hair back and kissed along his jaw. “The things you do to my body…” She inhaled long and deep, tracing her nose over his Mark as she breathed down his neck.

  He worked his hands up between them and found her breasts. Her eyes widened, then the lids hung heavy over her blue orbs. She loosened her grip around him and gave him free rein.

  Oh yes. The gang could wait while he explored his Mate a little longer.

  Chapter Forty-eight

  “A bathing suit?” Halena’s finely tuned eyebrow quirked up.

  She was just too beautiful for her own good. Sadie squeezed Theo’s hand, and a flush took hold. She had just been very close to Theo; she shouldn’t even give Halena a second thought.

  “It’s all we could think of right now with the wings,” Theo said.

  “Whatever. So, Batya. Daughter of God. Justin was doing something smart on his computer while you were—”

  “What’d you find out?” Theo smiled.

  “Nothing. It’s what Halena says. It has Hebrew roots. It appears to be an old language for the most part. But names have meanings all the time, so Batya doesn’t necessarily mean Sadie’s literally God’s daughter.”

  “And how do you explain the wings?” Dasha said, rubbing her warm hand on Sadie’s shoulder. She felt bare with shorts and a bathing suit top. Hopefully they’d find out what was up with her parents and the ring so she could find out how—or if—she could retract them.

  “Yeah, well. You got me.”

  “You’ve been extra strong all your life?” Halena sat at the kitchen table, staring at Sadie. “As in, lift-a-car strong or just bench-pressing a few extra pounds?

  “It wasn’t lift-a-car strength. Mostly just extra strong, enough to be noticeable sometimes.”

  As in times when she had to bend metal to get out of a group home that had barred windows.

  “D’accord.” Halena stood next to Justin, her arms crossed over her chest. “Nothing else in regard to your powers?”

  “Only if you count supersmart. I pick things up pretty easy.”

  “She was done with high school by age sixteen and college by eighteen.” Dasha flicked her shoulder. “Just graduated from college. I’m sorry you had to miss the ceremonies.”

  “Yeah, well, it wouldn’t have gone over well sprouting wings on the stage, huh?”

  “No.” Halena pointed. “No one must see you. If they do, we must erase their minds. This is very delicate.”

  “Relax, Halena.” Theo smiled. “We’ll protect our supernatural existence as we have for centuries.”

  The edge in his tone was noticeable. Tight, harsh, yet commanding. Halena dipped her head, then looked at Sadie. “Strength, intelligence…anything else?”

  “Not until my Mark showed up on my shoulder.”

  “The growing, morphing, that’s normal.” She shook her head and looked at Justin. “Seeing Heavenly Hosts isn’t. Not to mention a mysterious ring. Let me see it.”

  “Jeez. She’s a bossy little thing,” Dasha whispered into Sadie’s ear.

  “Bossy little thing with excellent hearing, human.” Halena held out her hand. “The ring.”

  Sadie plopped it onto her open palm and glanced at Theo. He studied Halena with narrowed eyes, as if reading her mind. Searching her out.

  She held the jewel up to her face, turning it in every direction. She moseyed over to the bright window over the kitchen sink. “This inscription… Justin, type this in to your trusty laptop. ‘Batya. Most treasured from our hearts.’”

  “It’s just a phrase from a mother to her daughter,” Justin said as he typed.

  “We know how powerful words are,” Theo said. “For some people.”

  “Like, when you say Reverto ut Abyssus, demons turn to vapor. But when I say it, they just blink and commence with the killing, right?” Dasha said.

  The idea of Dasha’s dying sent Sadie’s stomach churning. Maybe she should have Theo erase her friend’s memory, so she’d be safe. Hell, maybe he could erase her own. There were plenty of things she wanted to forget witnessing.

  “Hey. I found this funky website. All things mystical.” Justin leaned toward his laptop, which rested on the kitchen table. “Mentions the Batya name again. But nothing else, really.” He read it out loud again, then looked at Sadie. “Maybe you have to read it aloud.”

  Sadie perked up. “I’ve said it before.”

  “While holding the ring?” Halena offered it back to her.

  Theo nodded. “Nothing happened.”

  Halena tapped her finger to her lips. “The Mavet dagger must be in the demon’s body somehow while we chant the vanquish. Maybe it’s the same with the ring. Only on her finger.”

  Theo regarded Sadie, eyebrows puckered. “Okay. But we try it in the safety of this house. Down in the gym.”

  A stream of anxiety flooded Sadie’s gut. “What might happen?”

  “Not sure. If anything, it might just summon the entity who can help us.” Theo patted her hand. “Hopefully.”

  “And they could tell me who my parents are.”

  “Or they’ll be your parents,” Dasha said. “It was your mom’s ring, right?”

  “According to Nicole.”

  “Then there you go,” Halena said. “Let’s head downstairs and find out.”

  Sadie didn’t move. She gripped the ring and sought out Theo’s eyes.

  “Don’t worry, love.” He curled a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’ll be right there.”

  “Me, too.” Justin slapped his computer shut. “And Halena.”

  “Don’t forget me, you big jerk.” Dasha smacked his stomach. “I’m the best friend. I trump you and Halena any day.”

  Sadie noticed how she hadn’t said Theo. Even she’d accepted him as her Mate. Sadie accepted it in her mind and her heart, but was she ready to give her body to the commitment?

  Yep. She was ready
. Maybe this ring would bring them to her parents, and they could be present at a wedding. It was a dream every orphan had: to find his or her parents. Let alone to have her father give her away at a wedding.

  But ultimately, it didn’t matter. She was ready for him.

  She made her way down the stairs, Theo close behind. Halena had already started moving equipment to the side, freeing up a space that rivaled half a basketball court.

  “Ready?” Halena said.

  “What should I do?” Sadie asked Theo.

  “Start first with putting it on.” He nodded. “We’ll take it slow.”

  Theo slid his dagger out from his thigh holster, and Halena and Justin did the same.

  “What do you think’ll happen?” The daggers hadn’t helped her confidence.

  “Not sure.” He grinned. “But we want to be ready for anything.”

  “Perimeter is clear.” Justin stepped away from the wall of security monitors and clapped his hands. “Let’s do this.”

  Theo nodded and moved a few feet away, leaving Sadie standing in the middle, alone. She held out her right hand and propped the ring on her forefinger. She pulled in a deep breath and slid it over her knuckle.


  More silence.

  “Clearly just putting it on isn’t enough.” Halena jutted out her hip, staring at Sadie. “Say the words.”

  Sadie shifted her stance and drew in a deep breath. “Batya. Most treasured from our hearts.”

  The oxygen sucked out of the room. Dasha’s fidgeting stopped, and she stood frozen, eyes wide. Sadie turned and found that Theo, Justin, and Halena were frozen, too, only they were reaching for her.

  Sadie grasped the ring to pull it off.

  “Don’t,” a gentle female voice said. “You’ve only just arrived.”

  Sadie whirled around. There stood the two people she’d seen in the woods. The woman smiled, her bright-blue eyes flickering.

  “What’s happening?” Sadie glanced at her friends.

  “We suspended time for you to enter our realm,” the man said. He stepped forward. “I am Paxon.”

  The female stepped beside him. “And I am Abby.”

  They stood side by side, hands clasped before their swaying robes. Wait, how could they be swaying? There wasn’t a breeze in the gym. They were only five feet from her, yet they floated, not quite making contact with the padded flooring.

  Sadie glanced at her hand. The ruby flared bright red.

  “It means you are in our realm. A plane that runs parallel to the human world.” Abby stepped forward. “Dear, sweet Sadie. It has been so long I’ve wished to speak with you.”

  “What do you mean? I—this just—please, tell me what’s happening.” She swallowed hard. “Are you my mom and dad?” Tears burned.

  “In a fashion, yes.”


  “We are angels. Unable to reproduce. Yet you were created from us. By The Great One.” She smiled. “Where there is a willingness, The Great One provides.”

  Sadie glanced at Theo. His eyes widened. Very slowly, he began to move. His hand dropped to his side, and he raised his other that held the Mavet dagger. He looked from side to side. The rest of her friends were still frozen.

  “He is very strong,” Paxon said. “Very strong indeed.”

  “Of course he is. He’s a friend of God. Close ties to The Great One. With complete dedication and loyalty.” Abby smiled, her blue eyes focusing on Sadie. “And loyalty to his Mate as fierce as to The Great One.”

  “What am I?”

  “Batya.” She nodded. “You are exactly what it means. Stronger than anything earth has seen.”

  “Not stronger than Theo.”

  “Not yet.” She smiled.

  Theo approached them, and Sadie turned to face him, reaching forward. He stopped abruptly and pounded on an invisible barrier. He yelled her name, though only a muffled sound penetrated what encapsulated Sadie, Paxon, and Abby.

  She stepped toward him.

  “You have yet to consummate your union with your Mate. Why is that, child?” Abby asked, facing Theo. Pride beamed from her smooth, opalescent face.

  “Everything was happening too fast. I just wanted to slow down. Figure things out.” She glanced at the two angels before her. “And wait until I found my parents.”

  They both looked to her and smiled. “Fiercely loyal to your convictions,” Paxon said. “Admirable.”

  “But you know you’re mated, correct?” Abby asked.

  “I do.”

  “That it’s binding, more so than a human wedding, correct?”

  Sadie nodded.

  “Yet you seek out the approval of your parents.” Paxon eyed Abby.

  Theo’s voice trickled through the barrier again.

  “Theo,” Sadie whispered.

  “Invite him in, if you so desire.” Abby stepped to the side. “According to the human laws, he would be our son-in-law, yes?”

  Paxon laughed. “Indeed.”

  “How do I let him in?”

  “Simply reach out and touch him.” Abby smiled.

  “But the barrier.”

  “Things are not always as they seem, Sadie. You are new to the supernatural world, but you’ll learn.” She gestured toward Theo. “Go on. Reach for your Mate.”

  She stepped forward and stretched out her hand. Nothing blocked its motion, yet Theo pounded against something as if it were a brick wall. Sadie glanced back at Abby and Paxon. They both nodded.

  Turning back to Theo, she made contact with his hand. Warmth enveloped her and traveled up her arm and to her shoulder.

  “Sadie.” Theo squeezed and stepped through. “What’s happening?”

  She tugged him to her and glanced over her shoulder. Theo immediately moved in front of her. “Who are you?”

  Paxon smiled. “No need for your weapon, Theophilus. There is no threat here.”

  Sadie stepped beside Theo, but he held his hand out, keeping her close.

  “Strong, indeed,” Abby said. “Theophilus, I am Abby, this is Paxon.”

  “Heavenly Hosts,” he whispered.

  Sadie looked up at him. “My parents.”

  Chapter Forty-nine

  Theo’s body stiffened. So Sadie was a full angel? How was that possible? He looked down at her but found no fear or anxiety. He sensed the feeling of finality, completion, closure. Her feathers ruffled, and she squeezed his hand.

  “Why do you not have wings?” he asked. “Yet she does.”

  “Sadie is not an angel. Only The Great One can create those. She is a…hybrid, if you will,” Paxon said. “Abby and I gave portions of our angelic heritage. We combined them with The Great One’s energy, and she was created.”

  “As in created like the Gatekeepers?”

  “Similar.” Paxon nodded. “Only a different creature. More human in the sense that she was but a baby. A newborn when she took form.”

  “You dropped her into the human realm, defenseless, alone, and abandoned.” Theo’s heart hammered. “How could you? How could The Great One?”

  “You know the journey, Theo. It forms the soul. The character. Even you, though you were created in your current form 911 years ago, your experiences molded you. Your choices determined your paths for the most part.”

  “Because of free will,” Sadie said.

  “Very wise, sweetheart.” Abby smiled. “All beings, heavenly or not, have choice. And times called for an even more unique creation than the Gatekeepers.”

  “My wings?” Sadie shrugged her shoulders.

  “They appeared when most needed. To preserve life. Yours in particular, but your dear friend Dasha’s, too.” Abby motioned to Sadie’s friend.

  Justin, Halena, and Dasha remained frozen. “What’s happening to them?”

  “They’re catatonic for a bit while we chat. You broke free, Theo.” Paxon offered an outstretched hand to shake. “Your strength abounds, and for that I’m grateful you were chosen for Sadie.” />
  Theo accepted the hand and shook, then released, focusing on Sadie. “How is Sadie connected to Aggie?”

  Abby’s shoulders slumped. “She is the answer to that unique creature.”

  “Meaning?” Sadie asked.

  “Evil evolves. Adapts. That adaptation is Agares. Our adaptation is Sadie.” Abby smiled. “And you, of course.”

  Theo broadened his shoulders.

  “The strongest of the Gatekeepers. Nearly a millennium of wisdom, experience, and devotion.” Abby focused on Sadie. “She needs you as much as you need her.”

  “I give him more strength, yet also sign his death warrant.” Sadie slouched. “How is that good?”

  “Oh, dear. His neck is a vulnerability, yes, though you must understand, no one is truly immortal. Beings pass on as they’re meant to. Why, he could meet his demise by merely being separated from you long enough. Even now, before you’ve mated.”

  Sadie twined her fingers with his. “He could die if he doesn’t touch me for a long time?”

  Theo nodded. He’d known that, but had been taught it was only after they’d mated.

  “Your connection is a bit different because of what you are, dear.” Abby cupped Sadie’s face. “As they would say on earth, you’re a Mate 2.0.”

  Sadie laughed. Really? Laughing? How could she? This should be scaring her into a paralyzing panic, yet there she stood, tall and confident. Radiant.

  “Her wings?” Theo asked.

  “Simply command them inside of you, child,” Abby said. She stepped away, and in the next breath radiant white wings protruded from her back.

  “I’ve tried. It doesn’t work.”

  “It will if you have the correct word.” Paxon’s brown wings curled into his body and disappeared behind his back. “And soon, you won’t have to verbalize it, only think it.”

  “The word?” Sadie asked.


  “Sounds Latin,” Theo said. “And to let the wings out?”

  “Claudo, and yes, they have Latin roots.” Paxon nodded. “Try it, Sadie. Our time runs short.”

  “You can’t stay? I mean, you can’t come to my realm with my friends?” Sadie asked. “I want to know you more.”


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