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Forged by Fate (Entangled Embrace)

Page 26

by Reese Monroe

“You will, child. The ring is the gateway to our realm. Use it sparingly, though, as those around you are rendered immobile.” She gestured toward Justin. “Time slows within the vicinity of our splice, but those around are still very aware.”

  “That would be quite a few memory alterations should this be done in a group,” Theo said.

  “You were wise to wait with the ring and try it in the safety of your home, Theophilus.” Paxon slapped his shoulder. “It’s best used in private.”

  “Are my friends hurting?” Sadie asked. “Are they okay?”

  “Oh, yes, dear. They are moving, just too slow for you to notice right now, yet they can see you.”

  “And how was Theo allowed to enter the realm with me?”

  “Because he is your Mate. You share the lifeline. Once consummated, he will not slow down at all if you open the splice to us. And since you touched him, he was allowed in. To share this with you. Support you.”

  “Try your wings, dear,” Paxon said.

  She drew in a deep breath and looked at Theo. He nodded, willing her his strength as he released her hand and stepped back. “You got this.”

  “Abeo.” She jerked forward but stayed upright. He reached for her, but she waved him off.

  And then the wings were gone.

  “Ow.” She palmed her thighs and sucked in a deep breath. “I think my back ripped open, and the feathers turned into razors on their way in.”

  “The first time is a bit…jarring.” Abby stepped toward Sadie, arms open wide. “You will practice. Ready yourself to battle Agares.”

  “What are his plans?” Theo asked as he watched Abby embrace Sadie.

  “We are not privileged to know that as of yet. Nor may we ever. Just know, only you, Sadie, can truly vanquish him.”

  “Me?” She jabbed her finger into her chest. “How? I’ve said the words.”

  “The Great One provides.”

  “How do we find the new words to end Aggie?” Theo stepped toward Sadie, arm outstretched for her to take.

  Abby smiled and leaned forward, mouth to Sadie’s ear. He heard whispers, yet couldn’t make out the words. After several seconds, Sadie turned and clasped his hand. Her face beamed. Eyes flickered. A sense of peace washed over him. What had Abby said to Sadie?

  “See you again soon, my child.” Abby raised her hand in a slight wave. “Valete.”

  In the next breath, Theo and Sadie stood, hands clasped, before Justin, Dasha, and Halena. They fell into motion, Dasha stumbling to her knees.

  “Merde,” Halena yelled, arms flailing to stay upright. She turned a circle, dagger up and at the ready.

  “Theo?” Justin asked.

  “We’re okay.” He turned Sadie to face him. “Right?”

  She nodded.

  “Your wings,” Dasha said. “Where’d they go?”

  “What the hell is going on?” Halena yelled.

  Sadie rested her hands on Theo’s chest and pushed to her tiptoes. Less than an inch separated their lips before she whispered, “I think it’s time we got married.”

  Chapter Fifty

  “Are you sure, Sadie? I mean, really, really sure?” Dasha brushed the dangling strands of hair from Sadie’s face. “This is huge.”

  “I’m sure.”

  Sadie watched her reflection, her cheeks flushed bright with anticipation. Marriage. Sex. Love. Demons. Wings. All these thoughts flurried through her mind.

  “Tell me more about what happened in that little time bubble of yours.” Dasha dabbed some blush on Sadie’s cheekbones. “I could see, but couldn’t hear anything, or move for that matter.”

  “I met my parents.” She shook her head. “Well, they’re kind of my mom and dad.”

  “You mentioned them giving part of their angelic essence…what exactly does that mean?”

  “I’m not entirely sure, other than part of their spirit. So, I’m part of both of them, yet a little human, too.”

  “Two angels made you; wouldn’t that make you fully angel?”

  “That’s not how The Great One wanted it. He’s part of this, too. The glue.” The words came from her mouth as if she knew, yet she didn’t really. She only felt it as true.

  “I’m so going to need eons of therapy after all this. For realz.” Dasha stepped back. “So, did they know anything about where this Aggie jerk is hiding?”


  “Halena said her contact found him snooping around some tombs somewhere crazy for an artifact or something.”

  “Hey. No more talk about Aggie and demon stuff. It’s my wedding day—er—night.”

  “So, what are you wearing to your wedding, missy?”

  A wave of anxiety swarmed her stomach, but as quickly as it came, it left. “White, of course.”

  “Figured. You nun…” Dasha went into the closet, but Sadie stepped into the bedroom and glanced out the window. Streaks of purple spread out over the horizon like fingers clinging to the last of the daytime light.

  “Claudo,” she whispered. With a small jolt of energy striking down her back, her wings shot out. Only a few shifts and pops that time.

  “Holy shit,” Dasha said from behind her.

  She whirled around, and her wing caught the edge of a vase on the wall table. It toppled to the side, but she lunged, palming it before it met the carpet. “Abeo.” The wings slid into her body, and it might have been the distraction of the vase almost toppling over, but she barely even felt them folding into her back.

  “Okay, that’s just freaking crazy,” Dasha screeched.

  “Sadie?” Theo called out from behind the closed door.

  “It’s okay. Practicing my wings and knocked over a vase. I’m okay.”

  “He’s going to be the protective-type hubby.”

  “Oh yeah.” But that was okay by Sadie. She’d been on her own for eighteen years. It felt nice to have someone at the ready to take care of her. To be her strength when it waned.

  “Sorry. Didn’t mean to freak. Still getting used to those things popping out randomly.” Dasha smiled.

  “Tell me about it,” Sadie said with a laugh.

  “Getting easier?”

  She nodded. “What’d you pick out for me?”

  “When that guy of yours got your stuff, he did good. I’m just sayin’.” She held up a long white tank dress.

  It looked as if it would hug her body until it met her hips, then flare out slightly. At least she didn’t have to work around the wings.

  “Did your folks mention what you’d become when you did the deed?”

  “No. I only know what Theo has told me.”

  “You ready for fangs?”

  “Maybe I won’t get them since I’m not the typical Mate. You know?”

  “Nothing would surprise me now. Or ever again, thank you very much.” She grinned. “There’s another skirt and shirt that’s kinda cream and white, but I think this one is best. You have a rock-solid bod, and this’ll look good on it.”

  “This one for sure.” Sadie held it against her body.

  “So, where’s the honeymoon?”

  Sadie laughed and pointed to the bed. “I’m assuming here.”

  “Hey, can’t he breach time? I’m thinking Cayman Islands or something. Bahamas? No, wait, France.”

  Sadie headed into the bathroom. “You don’t like Halena much, do you?”

  “No. I don’t know. She’s all tough and do this and do that.”

  Sadie kept the door cracked open. “I know. But she’s really proven herself. The way she scrapped with all those demons at Richard and Nicole’s. She saved my ass a few times.”


  True, yet Halena had taken a dagger for Sadie. Even if Halena didn’t like her, the French beauty took her responsibility of protecting Theo’s Mate seriously.

  “Oh, and by the way, Theo can’t breach time at will. There has to be a demon coming through a gate or splice or something.”

  “Well, that’s rather limiting, isn’t it?”

  She laughed. Finally free of her bathing suit top and jeans, she slipped the silky dress over her body. She felt totally human at the moment, standing in the bright bathroom, all dressed up and about to walk the aisle to Theo.

  God. Eighteen and getting married.

  “Well?” Dasha called in from the bedroom.

  Sadie smoothed her hand down the front of her dress and stepped into the doorway.

  Dasha’s eyes widened, and she sucked in a breath. “Oh yeah. I’m hereby appointed your fashion coordinator. Screw school. I’m staying here and dressing you forever. Wait. Are you immortal now?”

  She gulped. “I will be in a few hours. I mean, living forever until someone chops off my head.”


  Yeah, that’d be weird watching Dasha grow old while she stayed the same. Eighteen forever.

  Dasha shook her head. “No thinking about that stuff. It’s your wedding day. Are Mom and Dad going to pop in to walk you down the aisle?”

  “No.” Sadie stopped in front of the vanity mirror. As much as she’d wanted her father to walk her down the aisle, she knew they couldn’t come. But she knew they’d be watching.

  Mom had kissed her cheek after whispering her approval and blessing of Theo. It was almost as if she knew Sadie needed that. Not needed it, wanted it. Just like the fairy-tale wedding.

  Sure, it wasn’t a church and a fancy wedding gown with a long train trailing behind. But it was fine. None of those things mattered now. Only Theo.

  And once they were together, truly and completely mated, Sadie and Theo would figure out how to find the words needed to vanquish Aggie to true death.

  “You nervous?” Dasha brushed her hand down Sadie’s bare arm.

  “No. Well, maybe a little.”

  “Don’t be. Theo will take awesome care of you. I can tell. Look how quick he came when you knocked over that vase. Not to mention the shower thing. No man would have been able to refrain from tackling a naked woman like that. You know I’m right, right?”

  She nodded. He had been amazing. Such restraint, despite the amount of desire she knew was coursing through him.

  Over nine centuries of it.

  “Okay, then. Let me tell them you’re ready.”

  She gathered Dasha into a hug. “Thanks, Dash. For everything. You’re a huge part of the reason I found my parents.”

  “Sure, hon.”

  “I’m so glad you’re here with me.”

  “I love you like a sister, girl.” She dropped a kiss on Sadie’s cheek and hurried toward the door. “See you at the altar.”

  Sadie faced the window again, drew in a deep breath, and watched the purple fade into gray across the sky. No clouds. A picturesque scene perfect for a wedding day.

  And night.

  Her body warmed at the thought. Soon she and Theo would be bonded in the most intimate way. She finally belonged somewhere, with someone, and her life had meaning. One bigger than having a six-figure-a-year job. One bigger than having the best car or house or all the toys one could ever want.

  Eternal meaning.

  And she would use all her new powers, and the ones she got from Theo, to wipe Aggie off the face of the earth. So he couldn’t hurt anyone ever again.

  “Okay, Sadie,” Justin hollered out from the hallway. “We’re ready for you.”

  She stepped toward the doorway and made her way to the top of the stairs. There stood Justin, watching her, a big smile plastered across his face. He was a fine stand-in to walk her to Theo. He was Theo’s Companion, after all. He’d watched his back for all those centuries.

  The stairs didn’t give her trouble, but the minute she made it to the doorway leading into the library and saw Theo, her legs morphed into wet noodles.

  He stood, wearing a black suit, with his hands clasped behind him. He latched his focus onto her and swept a gaze down.

  “Hold on. I’ll get you to him,” Justin said.

  She clutched his arm. “Let’s just hope my wings don’t shoot out and ruin my dress.”

  Chapter Fifty-one

  “This is for us?” Sadie turned a circle, her arms out to her side, in the middle of a huge hotel suite. It was bigger than her entire group home.

  Theo laughed, and she stopped, hands on hips, and smiled. “Sorry. Still getting used to all the luxury.”

  “You’ve been in want for a long time. But that ends here and now.” He stepped toward her, having shed the bags near the door. His hands slid around her waist and rested on her lower back.

  She still wore the thin wedding dress, so she felt every bit of heat his hands emitted. The crisp sea air rolled in through the open windows, filling her senses with salty goodness. She’d never seen the ocean. The Pacific side of the United States was a great place to start.

  Her stomach roared with hunger, and Theo let out a smile. “Eat out or order in?”

  “In. Definitely in.” She planted a kiss on those yummy lips and held him close. “Later.” On the flight to California, she’d gotten a little taste of him, but now she wanted all of him. No more waiting.

  “I won’t have my wife starving.” Theo leaned back.

  “You’re all I want,” she whispered against his neck. He’d been waiting for over nine centuries, and she’d allow him to wait no longer.

  He slid the zipper down her back. “You sure?”

  “Never more sure.” She nipped at his lip. “I love you.”

  He took the kiss deeper, cradling her head with his strong hand. His free hand dipped in where he’d unzipped her dress and caressed her lower back.

  Heat bloomed low in her abdomen, a fire she knew only he could sate.

  He leaned back slightly, then rested his forehead against hers. “I’ve loved you for 911 years, Sadie. Only you.”

  “Thank you, Theo. For keeping yourself for me and me alone.” She unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his sculpted chest. She ran her hands over his pecs and shoulders, relieving him of his shirt, then pressed her cheek against the Mark on his neck. Their Mark.

  He said they’d change after they made love. Everything in her world would change. And that was okay.

  “I give myself to you, Theo. Mind, soul, and now my body.” She stepped back, and he pulled the strap of her dress over her shoulder.

  His eyes flared with swirls of orange as he watched the fabric slide down her arm. He shifted to the other side and guided that strap off as well. “You’re beautiful.”

  Leaning forward, he kissed along the column of her neck and her collarbone, then nipped at her Mark.

  A thrill shot down her spine, and she pulled in a sharp breath. He offered a sexy grin as he pushed her dress the rest of the way down.

  It puddled at her feet, and she stood in only a bra and undies before her husband.

  Husband. Wow, that sounded amazing.

  Hopefully she wouldn’t disappoint him.

  His eyes bathed her in a slow gaze from head to toe as he stepped toward her, a little growl rumbling through his body. God that was sexy.

  She backed toward the king-size bed as he worked his pants down, keeping his focus on her. The connection was palpable, the air crackling between them. She might have been imagining it, but at this point, she wasn’t sure. And didn’t care. All she felt was flooded with love.

  The backs of her knees hit the mattress, and she stopped. She reached for the front of her bra, but he stayed her hand. “Let me,” he whispered, his voice strained.

  He flicked the clasp, releasing her breasts for his perusal. His heated stare ignited a flush that crept up her neck.

  His fingers hooked the straps still on her shoulders and slid them off, following the trail with light kisses. “God, you’re so sexy.”

  He caressed her body to the point she feared her legs might turn to jelly. Heat coiled around her stomach. Her vision tilted beneath the ministrations of his tender hands.

  Theo trailed a line of kisses from between her breasts to her shoulder, making contact with her t
hrobbing Mark. Cupping the nape of her neck, he guided her down to the bed, holding her steady in his strong, encompassing arms.

  “Scoot back, love.” He breathed against her lips.

  She did, positioning herself in the center of the massive bed. He removed the last of his clothes and crawled toward her. Each inch he neared, he stopped and placed a kiss on her.

  First the ankle, then the knee. He nipped at her inner thigh, and she couldn’t hold back a squeal.

  “You like that?” He licked where he’d bitten at her, then sucked hard.

  She nearly shot out of the bed. He looked up her body and grinned. Inching higher, he made a stop at her belly button. He paused there and worked his hands around her bottom. “May I?” he asked as he started to slide the panties down.

  All she could do was nod. Oh God, this was it.

  Featherlight kisses dusted along her waist while he turned her as needed to remove her panties. With the last bit of fabric peeled away, she lay before him bare. Not only in body but in spirit.

  He drank her in as though she was the water he needed after forty nights in the desert. Her body softened beneath his intense gaze, heating to the point of near pain.

  “Theo,” she whispered, not sure what to do next, but wanting to do everything.

  He propped himself beside her, his hand tracing up her leg, over her waist and to her breast. He dropped a thigh between her legs as he leaned in to kiss her.

  She met him with a burst of energy, the need to taste him driving her. Her hands grazed over his shoulder, absorbing the feel of each corded muscle they encountered.

  His mouth replaced his hand, and the moist heat of his tongue on her flesh ignited an even more intense heat deep in her abdomen. She trailed her hand around his waist to his butt and pulled him against her, feeling every hard line of his body against hers.

  He let out a moan as his hand drifted down her stomach. “Finally,” he whispered. “After all this time.”

  “I’m yours.”

  His hand found her heat, and she arched into him with a gasp. “You’re ready for me.” He kissed her chin. “So ready.” He claimed her lips as he shifted over her, still touching her intimately.

  Oh, God. She shuddered beneath his ministrations. “Theo.”


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