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The Praetorian

Page 26

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  Esto looks to JP for help. JP clears his throat. “It makes sense.”

  “No, it doesn’t,” Dawson says. “What’s the motive? What does this contestant think Roman’s done?”

  “We’ll know more after we question them,” JP says. Everyone is frustrated.

  “You could be questioning them now instead of letting them sit in the forum. Where the hell is the gun, huh? Who has the fucking gun?”

  “I can tell you’re really upset and believe me when I say we are too,” Esto begins. “But I can assure you, my people are trying to reach the actor who had the gun last night. I’m sure, with all the commotion, he simply forgot to return it.”

  Dawson advances on him and I reach out to stop him. “You were supposed to get that gun back to me. I told you we should use a prop, but you insisted on it. Why is that? How do I know this isn’t all you?”

  “Whoa!” JP shouts, standing with his arms up. “You can’t possibly be accusing Esto of threatening Roman.”

  I rub my forehead. I have a headache.

  “I’m not accusing him of anything, but I also know how this shit works. I know you’ll do anything for ratings.”

  “Dawson, if you could just calm down,” Clark says, reaching his hand out to touch Dawson’s shoulder. Dawson shrugs it away.

  I shake my head. Hasn’t Clark learned anything about what happens when you tell someone to calm down?

  “Roman’s safety is my responsibility. Can we agree on that?” Dawson asks, glancing at each person in the room. They nod. “So when I feel his life is danger, it’s my duty to protect him. That means eliminating potential threats. Since we don’t have the proof to back up your claims, I say everyone goes.”

  Clark gestures to Dawson and glances at me. He wants me to say something to him. I shrug and Clark’s head rolls back.

  “This is ridiculous!” Clark says. “We’ll beef up security. We’ll limit Roman’s interaction with everyone.”

  Dawson lowers his head. “You said you got a tip about who had the iPad. Who gave you that tip?”

  “We didn’t see where it came from,” Jean Paul comments.

  “Bullshit. How many cameras are in this house? You’re going to tell me that no one saw anything?”

  “There was a note left on the dining hall table after breakfast, but for some reason the cameras malfunctioned. We lost the footage. At some point today, the entire crew, contestants, and half your staff were in that room. It could have been anyone.”

  “Have the cameras malfunctioned before? Have you checked out who was in the production room at the time they stopped working? And how did this person know who had the iPad? It’s way too convenient, if you ask me.”

  “My team is looking into it, but it sounds like it might have been a virus in the system. As far as the tip goes, all I can say is, it panned out. We reviewed the tapes and this person was in the forum after hours during the time we believe the iPad may have been stolen.”

  Dawson shakes his head. “Things don’t add up.” He turns to me. “I have a bad feeling, boss. Trust me on this. Call it quits.”

  “I didn’t want to have to bring this up, but we have a contract,” Esto says to me. “If you break it, you pay the fees.”

  I grit my teeth. “Don’t threaten me. I’ll walk based on the way you’re looking at me. You and I both know you’ll lose a hell of a lot more than I will if this show flops and I will make it my purpose in life to let it be known Seamore Productions cared more about their show than my life.”

  “Hold on now…” Esto pulls his chair over to me. “That was premature on my part. I apologize. I know you’re professional and the last thing I want to do is upset you. You’ve been through enough. All I’m asking is that we try to figure out the best way to make sure you’re safe while we wrap things up.”

  I cross my arms and glare at him.

  “We’ll cut a challenge or two and only do one more before the finale. You’re doing the award show regardless, right? So we beef up security for this last challenge. We let two more go in the next challenge and leave three for the end. Then we’re out of your hair for two months, until the show hits the network and we announce the winner. Since we lost the challenge today and the award’s show is day after tomorrow, it makes sense to cut some. What do you say?” Esto asks.

  All eyes are on me. Everyone has their own agenda. I wonder what Deacon would say? He’d probably say, “You made a commitment. Keep your promises. It’s only two more days.” My insides clench. People are counting on me. “Two more and that’s it.”

  Esto clasps his hands together and Dawson turns and faces the door.

  “We’ve got the cops standing by to question the suspect. We’re going to film it. Can you be downstairs in ten minutes for makeup?” Esto asks.


  “You won’t regret this.”

  I nod but deep down, I already do.

  “Welcome back to the The Praetorian,” Bryce says in his normal host tone with his special host swagger. “Reality TV means just what it says. It’s real. And in real TV, sometimes things go wrong. Last night we all had the shock of our lives when our principal, Roman Creed, almost died from an allergic reaction.”

  There are at least five additional camera operators in the room today. Usually there are a lot less for a results show. I haven’t seen Roman since this morning. I hope he’s alright.

  “Although it was a freak accident, our contestants were told that everything was scripted. They thought it was part of the challenge. Because Roman’s health and safety were threatened, the contestants were unable to discover the planned threat. Jean Paul Beck will tell us more.”

  “Thank you, Bryce. As you at home can see, there are cameras everywhere. The contestants have been living here and going about their tasks, fully aware their every move is being watched. It would take weeks for us to show you all the footage from every angle. It would also be nearly impossible for you to know all the ins and outs of filming a show of this magnitude unless you were here every second of the day.

  He steps over to the left and crosses his hands down below his waist.

  “To that end, Roman’s iPad was recently removed from his private area. Our contestants are fully aware they are not allowed access to the internet while they’re here. Any violation of that rule would result in their immediate dismissal from the game. We were fully prepared to judge the contestants based on how well they performed up until the accident, until we found the iPad in one contestant’s personal effects.”

  I glance left and right, noting that everyone seems shocked. I find it hard to believe that any of us would be dumb enough to jeopardize a chance at a $100,000 prize over an iPad. Plus, we’re all in the security field.

  “Theft is a crime and inexcusable in this profession. The police are waiting to escort this individual from the game immediately. Roman?”

  My heart leaps when he walks on stage, joining JP. I’m glad to see him, even though he looks exhausted and defeated.

  “To say I’m disappointed would be an understatement. I expect a great deal from you. You’re supposed to be the cream of the crop. I truly believed, up until a few hours ago, that this person could have won it all. Kari Haston, your gig is up. It was me that let my guard down this time. It won’t happen again. See ya.”

  “What?” Kari shouts as she stands. Two guards suddenly bracket her.

  Jean Paul steps between Kari and Roman. “Don’t make this harder for yourself, Kari. We found the iPad in your room.”

  Logan jumps to his feet. “There’s no way!”

  “I didn’t take your iPad. There’s been some kind of mistake. I would never do that. Roman… you have to believe me. It wasn’t me. I’m being set up.”

  “Kari, we have footage showing you sneaking into Roman’s dressing room. It’s open and shut,” Jean Paul adds.

  “No, it isn’t!”

  “Kari would never do that!” Logan yells.

  “Logan, please be seated
or you’ll be removed as well.” Jean Paul motions to the guards and they lead Kari out. “Logan…” she shrieks. “Tell them. Roman, please listen to me.”

  The doors close behind her, and Logan sits down, placing his head in his hands.

  The camera turns to Bryce. “We’ll be right back.”


  I can’t believe they filmed that. How awful. I gaze at Roman and his expression tells me he’s thinking what I am. Kari? No way.

  “If I could have your attention,” Jean Paul says. “We need to make you aware of some things that could impact your desire to continue the game. If you choose to leave now, we completely respect your decision.”

  “Roman, do you need a chair?” Esto asks.

  He shakes his head and waves him off.

  “As you all know, last night Roman almost died when he suffered a severe allergic reaction. What we’ve since discovered is that someone purposefully slipped honey into his drink. It wasn’t an accident. It’s now being investigated as attempted murder.”

  I gasp and make direct eye contact with Roman. He narrows his eyes. I think he’s telling me to stay calm, but I have so many questions.

  “A few months before the show, Roman received threats to his life. The police and FBI believed they had caught the person responsible, but it turns out he was only an accomplice, not the perpetrator. Whoever threatened Roman is still on the loose. At this time, even though we feel we have a break in the case, we cannot rule out that the threat is still very much active.

  “Roman received a note last night that wasn’t discovered until this morning. It could have been placed in his pocket during the party or while he was in the hospital. We don’t know. Security is going to be tightened and for the next two days, we’ll ask you to refrain from leaving the house. No walks or pool time until further notice.”

  I glance at Tori, who mouths “What the fuck?” I nod my head.

  “We will continue the game as planned and there will be no mention to the viewing audience of any danger. We truly believe it will not affect the game, but as always, you must do what’s best for you, even if that means leaving the show.”

  Cedric is the first to speak. “I’m staying. I never walk away from a challenge. The way I see it, the more of us there are, the safer Roman will be.”

  “I agree,” Tori says. “Obviously you think Kari had something to do with this. I’m glad she’s gone.”

  Logan’s face drops. I really need to find out what was going on with him and Kari.

  “I’m in,” Raul says.

  It’s my turn to talk. “I’m not going anywhere. Possible danger and threats are part of the job.”

  Roman glares at me as he crosses his arms. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s part of the act.

  “Logan?” Jean Paul asks.

  “Kari would never steal anything. I’d like to talk to someone about what happened.”

  “Right now all we need to know is whether or not you’re staying,” Jean Paul says sharply. It’s pretty obvious he’s aggravated with Logan.

  “There’s no way I’m walking away,” he responds, leaning back in his chair.

  “Good. Esto?”

  “We’re ready to continue. Bryce, take your mark by the tapestries.” Esto’s voice crackles over the speakers. “Roman, have a seat on the throne.”

  Roman flinches a bit when he takes the stairs. I imagine his leg is still sore. It probably doesn’t help that he didn’t get to ice it or rest last night.

  “On Bryce in three… two… one…”

  “Welcome back to The Praetorian. We promised drama and twists and boy, have we delivered. We just watched as Kari Haston was eliminated from the game. Now we’ll hear from Roman Creed about what was supposed to happen last night. Roman, I can’t tell you how relieved we are to see you’re feeling better. You gave us quite a scare last night.”

  “Thank you, Bryce. I’m tougher than I look.” Roman rises from his throne and stands in front of it. The camera swerves to get a different angle.

  “Last night we had a staged attack challenge for our contestants. I can now reveal to you who it was that was supposed to make a move on me. The ‘loner’ at the bar, as you called him, Tori, was the attacker. Props to you for seeing him first. There will be no winner or loser in this challenge since we lost a contestant already and the challenge could not be completed. But I was able to watch the footage this morning, and you all did a fantastic job.”

  He comes down the stairs and moves to center stage. I feel in tune with every move he makes. Every facial expression, every adjustment in his posture, every look means something different to me now. I need to speak with him. How can I make that happen?

  “We’re coming closer to the end of the challenges and they will continue to get more difficult. Two people will be sent home next time and the final three will compete during a real-life event for a chance to become the winner and my next bodyguard. So prepare yourself for a challenge like nothing you’ve seen before on any reality show, ever. This one will go down in the books.”

  “Thank you, Roman,” Bryce says, turning to look directly into the camera. “Don’t forget to go online for additional behind-the-scenes footage and join us next time for the most difficult challenge to date. Who will become The Praetorian? You will decide. We’ll see you next week. Goodnight.”

  “That’s a wrap.”

  I stand and stretch. Roman sits down on his throne and grabs his lips with his hand. He’s deep in thought.

  Logan pushes out from his seat and crosses forcibly to Roman.

  Jean Paul steps in front of him. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I want to speak to Roman. Why, is that an issue?”

  “It’s not,” Roman murmurs, waving Logan to him.

  Cedric and I share a questioning look.

  “I want to hear this,” I say.

  “Me too,” Cedric says. We start toward Roman. Tori and Raul join us. Jean Paul holds up his hands and starts to speak.

  “I’m good, JP. I want to talk to them.”

  The cameramen follow us. I guess they do film everything.

  “She didn’t do it,” Logan says adamantly. He notes our presence. “Can we please speak in private?”

  “Anything you have to say can be said in front of everyone. If you want privacy, go to the diary room. You can say whatever you want there and no one else will hear.”

  “I don’t want to go to the fucking diary room,” Logan shouts. Roman clenches his jaw and Logan recoils. “I’m sorry I yelled. I’m just ticked off at this whole situation.”

  “I get angry. I’m pretty angry myself. Why don’t you tell me why you’re so sure Kari didn’t do it?”

  He hesitates as if he’s trying to find the words. “Oh, fuck it. I was with her both times we went to your dressing room. One time your iPad was on the desk and the other time it was not. Kari didn’t take it. If she had, I would have seen her.”

  “What were you doing in his dressing room?” Cedric asks.

  “How do we know you two aren’t working together?” Raul adds.

  “Why don’t you guys lay off,” Logan pleads. “The point is this: if they saw Kari, then they had to have seen me. Why am I not being questioned? Something’s going on here,” he whispers, looking at Roman directly.

  Movement out of the corner of my eye catches my attention. Jen is standing near the curtain, biting her nails. We make eye contact and she darts out of sight.

  What does she know?

  “I know you like her, but she’s just as suspect as everyone else.”

  “Look at me when I say this because I want you to know how serious I am,” I say to Dawson. “Reed has nothing to do with this. I would bet my life on it.”

  He scrubs his hands over his face. “Your emotions are clouding your judgment.”

  “No, they’re not. When have you ever known me to put pleasure before business? Do you think I’d risk my life and my future over my dick?”

  He shakes his head. “We both know this isn’t about sex, Roman. She’s not like the others. I know you. You’re falling for her. You realize she can’t win this game, don’t you? Even if she’s cleared, she has to go.”

  Picking up my pad of paper, I throw it across the room. I hate everything about this conversation.

  “All I can tell you is what I see. Right now, I trust no one. I think we should subject everyone to a personal search of their belongings.”

  “Didn’t you do that before they came into the house?” I ask as I flop into my desk chair.

  “Yes, but now we have a missing gun.”

  “No bullets. What are they going to do, throw it at me?”

  “Dammit, Roman. I need you to think about this. Someone is threatening you in front of cameras. Do you know how ballsy that is? That means they want attention.”

  Pondering his words for a moment, I spin in my chair and gaze out the window of my office. “Other than social media threats, a note, and some possibly misplaced honey, there have been no real attempts on my life. Maybe this is simply a harmless prank.”

  “A harmless prank? You could have died.”

  “We don’t know for sure that someone did it on purpose.”

  Dawson shakes his head and takes a deep breath. “This is my job, Roman. Let me do my job. All I’m asking is that you have minimal contact with the contestants, extras, and production crew until this whole thing is over.”

  “I want to see her.”

  He sighs. “Just bear with me for a moment. What if Reed is your stalker? She’s had way more access to you than anyone else. Would you consider the possibility?”

  Slamming my fist on my desk, I rise and lean forward. “It’s not her. Don’t say it again.”

  He lifts his hands defensively and then moves toward the door. “I’m only trying to protect you.”

  After he leaves, I close my eyes and try to clear my head. My gut tells me Kari was set up. Logan had a point. Why didn’t Esto tell me about Logan? What else do I not know?

  “Dawson!” I shout.

  He opens the door, concerned.

  “I want to see Esto Rivera, alone. Can you make that happen?”


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