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The Praetorian

Page 27

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  “You got it, boss.”

  “I didn’t think it was relevant,” Esto says in regard to my question about Logan as we sit in my dressing room.

  “Why? Couldn’t Logan have just as easily taken the iPad and framed Kari?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because I’m fairly certain that Logan is in love with Kari,” he replies in a frustrated tone. “They formed a secret alliance from the day of interviews. Their chemistry was one of the reasons we selected them. We’ve seen how he looks at her. We’ve watched their interactions. We’ve heard their diary room confessions. We’ve listened when they thought no one was listening. I know these contestants, Roman. I know more than you give me credit for.”


  “Covering cameras doesn’t kill microphones, Roman.”

  His words make my blood heat. Is he referring to Reed and me by the pool? “I don’t think I like what you’re saying. Are you threatening me?”

  “Hell no. Look, all I’m telling you is that I’m doing what I think is best for the show. Jean Paul and I have split the contestant tapes. He watches half, I watch the rest. I have Kari and Logan, so I know what I saw and what I’ve heard.”

  “What about when the cameras supposedly stopped recording? How do you know you didn’t miss something?” I ask.

  “It’s only happened a handful of times.”

  “Wait… more than once?” I ask, alarmed. “Why am I just hearing this now?”

  “The blips were small and random. Sometimes cameras malfunction. We swap them out and move on. It happens on every show, not just this one. If I were alarmed, I’d tell you.”

  I lean back into my chair and rock slightly, creating a steeple with my fingers as I think.

  “I’m going to protect you, Roman. You’re part of the Seamore family and the fact is, romance increases ratings.”

  “Are you referring to Logan and Kari?”

  He teeters his head back and forth and smiles. “Sure.”

  “Dammit, Esto. If you have something to say, say it.”

  “I see the draw with Reed. The kitchen, the dining hall, the forum, and the pool. It’s all good TV and completely harmless. We won’t let it look like you’ve been biased should she win. We don’t want the show to appear rigged. Trust me.”

  He makes no mention of her coming upstairs. Quickly reviewing my time with Reed, I note that what he’s seen and heard probably appears as innocent flirting. I decide to speak to that end. “Hey, I like the girls. Know what I mean? I figured why not make it fun if I have to be here?” I laugh.

  He laughs too. “Absolutely. It’s good TV.”

  “I’m glad we talked. Thanks for taking the time,” I say, walking to the door.

  “Anytime. Just know I’m going to do everything I can to keep you safe while making this the best show possible.”

  After patting him on the back as he leaves, I close the door behind him and return to the monitors.

  It doesn’t take me long to find her. She’s in her room, flipping through a magazine. Where’s Tori? I locate her, sitting with Raul and Cedric in the dining hall. Logan is in his room. I focus on Reed, watching her start to pace. I’m ruining this for her by getting too close. The last thing I want is to make her look bad on national television, but maybe after this is over? Unless she wins, and then what?

  If I ignore her or stop talking to her, she’s either going to think I’m scared or a dick. My chest hurts. I don’t want her to hate me. I can’t be selfish. I promise myself one more meeting and then I’ll leave her alone.

  As I sit and wait for her in my bedroom, I try to remind myself to think about what’s best for her.

  Dawson opens the door and she rushes right into my arms. He wasn’t happy with me about wanting to see her, but when I told him it was for the last time, he agreed. I hope I’m doing the right thing. I probably hold her a little too tight.

  She stares into my eyes. “I’ve missed you.”

  I nod my head. I can tell from her reaction, she knows something is wrong. She pushes back from me. “What is it?”

  “Reed, we need to stop this. I can’t do it anymore. You need to know this is me, not you. You’re a great girl, just not for me.”

  “Really?” she asks dryly, moving away from me. “Okay. Well, it was fun while it lasted.” She shrugs starts to leave.

  “What the fuck, Reed? That’s it?” Is it that easy for her to walk away? I thought I was going to have to pull an Edward from Twilight.

  She turns back to face me and leans on the door. “Are you going to be honest with me now?”

  She catches me completely off guard and reminds me, yet again, why I’ve met my match. I don’t know what to say. I wasn’t prepared for this.

  She strolls back over to me, takes my hands and places them on her hips before kissing my lips. I want to fight her, but I can’t.

  When I pull her into my chest, I feel her smile through her kiss. I want to be angry that she got me, but I can’t because she gets me. She gets me better than women I’ve known a lot longer. Does she already have me figured out? Either she’s brilliant or I’m losing my touch. Maybe both.

  “That’s a much better greeting,” she says. “Now tell me why you decided breaking my heart was a good idea.”

  I push my hands through my hair. “Esto knows I like you. I don’t think he knows you’ve been up here, but he knows I stare at you too much. Plus, Dawson thinks I need to limit my interaction with everyone until this is over, for my safety. He also might have said you could never work for me now that we’ve slept together.”

  “He’s right. But I don’t want to work for you. I never did. I only wanted the cash prize. Does that make it better?”

  I’m not sure how to take her. “Well, that’s cold.”

  “I’m being honest with you. When I first started this game, I wasn’t sure I wanted to be a cop anymore. But I love figuring things out. I love being presented with different challenges and solving them. No offense, but following you around all day sounds really boring.”

  “Well that’s fine because I didn’t really want you around all the time anyway.”

  “Good, because having to look at you makes me want to hurl and you stink.”

  I can’t help but smirk.

  “Why are you so damn adorable?”

  I brush a stray hair out of her face. “Because I was made for you.”

  She leans into my hand. “I think you were.”

  I kiss her cheek. Keeping my lips pressed to her face, I lean my forehead against hers.

  “I’m worried about you,” she says.

  “I’m fine.”

  “What does Dawson think about all this?”

  “He wants me to kick everyone out of the house. He suspects everyone.”

  “Including me, I assume. I could tell by the way he spoke to me tonight. It’s okay. He’s doing his job. But I hope you know I’d never hurt you. I like your face too much.”

  “You like my ass too much.”

  “That too,” she says with a smile that doesn’t touch her eyes.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking Kari was set up. There was something going on between Logan and her. I think they had an alliance or maybe they knew each other before they got here.”

  I lay down on the bed. “Esto thinks Logan’s in love with her.”

  “Really?” She sits on the edge of the bed. “I can see that. I noticed something else today that bugs me. How well do you know your makeup person, Jen?”

  I push up on my elbows. “Not at all. I met her when the show started. She tried to kiss me.”

  “What?” she questions, eyes narrowing.

  I smirk. “Jealous?”

  She rolls her eyes once more. “No, I couldn’t care less who you kiss.”

  “I only have eyes for one girl, you know.”

  She grins and circles back to Jen. “She was listening when
Logan spoke to you after filming. She seemed nervous. I think Dawson should talk to her. I think she knows something. I wanted to do it myself, but she took off backstage and I’m not supposed to be back there.”

  “You’re not supposed to be up here either. Speaking of that, you’d better go.”

  I stand and hold out my hand to her. She places her hand in mine and I pull her to her feet. Walking over to my guitar stand, I pull out blank sheet music and grab a pen.

  “I don’t know what’s going to happen from here on out. I don’t know if I’ll have alone time with you again. I want you to have this.” I scribble on the paper and hand it to her. She glances at the numbers and back up to my face. “Put it somewhere safe. If we get separated, use it. If you want to, I mean.”

  “Is this your phone number?” she asks, surprised.

  “My cell.”

  “You’re giving me your digits? Wow, I wonder how much I could get for these?”

  “Probably not $100,000. You’d better still try to win.”

  She tears off a corner of the paper and picks up the pen. After she writes on it, she pushes it into the front of my jeans pocket, lingering there until my breath hitches.

  “In case you want me,” she whispers in my ear. Her breath and her hand in my pocket makes my head spin. Turning my face to hers, I grab her head and pull it to mine, crashing my lips against hers. “You know I want you.”

  “Not as much as I want you.”

  “When this is over, promise me you’ll come back.”

  “Nothing could keep me away.”

  “In today’s challenge, we’ll be testing your ability to handle a stressful situation with both mental and physical limitations.”

  Jean Paul is standing directly in front of me. I do my best to look completely focused. We spent the last three hours learning about crowd control and risk assessment. Now we’re finally ready to get to it.

  “In today’s society, criminals and ‘bad guys’ live among us. They look like us, walk like us, talk like us, and might even live next door. They are smart, evil, highly motivated, and quite possibly desperate. Desperate for what? An autograph, a piece of clothing, to be close to the principal, or maybe to do them harm.

  “As an EPO you need to protect your principal while maintaining humility, respect, and a positive attitude. You are a reflection of the principal. This requires situational awareness, composure, strength, and stamina. You will deter possible threats while ensuring your client is relaxed and all his needs are met.”

  I glance at Roman, who is listening from the throne. He’s looking especially yummy today in his black jeans and fitted shirt. It’s difficult to pry my eyes away.

  “Earlier today, you had the chance to learn the layout of the challenge. That is, how to get Roman from point A, through the recording studio, to point B, through the crowd and into a waiting car. Your challenge will be to move Roman through a crowd of reporters. It will require you to think on your feet and adapt. You’ll all be equipped with a wrist monitor that will track your steps, heart rate, and respiration.”

  Cedric is extremely focused. Raul looks a little sweaty. I wonder if he’s feeling all right.

  “How will you cope with stress?” Jean Paul walks to the center of the room. “Will you rise or will you crumble? How will you handle a pushy photographer when you can’t see two feet in front of you from all the camera flashes? How will you get Roman to his car when his path is blocked? We’ll be watching you closely.”

  “Thank you, Jean Paul. Now, contestants, if you would please follow me, your escort awaits.”

  I wonder how Dawson feels about this challenge. My guess is he’s not happy at all.

  Raul is slow to stand. “You okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, fine why?”

  “You seem off today.”

  “Me? No way. I’m just focused. Need to kick some ass.”

  “You guys coming?” Tori asks.

  “Let’s go,” I say with a smile.

  Even though she apologized to me for her attitude yesterday, I haven’t forgotten. She claimed she was just on edge, but I saw a different side to her. I’m not letting my guard down with any of them.

  My face is flushed as I take my place on the center stage for the results. We’re all there, standing arm to arm. I’m so angry I want to punch myself in the face. I glare at Raul as he steps next to me. I let him mess with my head. It’s my own fault.

  He and I were the last two to walk Roman through the flashing lights of photographers and pushy reporters. After Cedric was called to take his turn, Raul started talking about the contestants and what he’d heard about me. He said Tori talked shit about me all the time. She secretly hated me. He said Kari and Logan thought I was a joke and he had stuck up for me because we were friends. Then he started in on Roman and the threats against him. He worried that one of the photographers wasn’t an actor. What if one of them was the real stalker? What if Roman got hurt because we failed to pay attention?

  He talked about his experience in Iraq. He told me what it was like to consider someone a friend and have to stand by as they were killed in front of you. When bullets flew unexpectedly and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  By the time I got to Roman, I was paranoid. He could see it. He told me to breathe, but all I could see was him falling to the ground in front of me and turning blue. What if someone tried to hurt him? Could I stop them?

  I panicked when a photographer rushed past me and got in his face. I took him down and lost my cool. I wonder if I would have handled it the same way if I hadn’t been so close to Roman. If I wasn’t romantically attached to him. If I wasn’t in love with him.

  As soon as I think the words in my head, I know they’re true. I am in love with him. How did I let my emotions cloud my judgment yet again?

  I glance at him from the tops of my eyes and burn his face into my memory. I know just by looking at him. I’m going to have to fight hard.

  “As the drums beats, two shield lights will go out. If your light goes out, you are safe and have made it into the finale. If your shield light stays lit, you are in the bottom three and two of you will be going home. You’ll each have a chance to fight for to stay in the game. Your fellow contestants will vote to keep you or send you home. Are you ready?”

  The guards pound their spears next to Roman on his throne.

  I don’t bother looking down, but I can’t look at him either. Instead, I stare at the Core Damage logo on the shield of the soldier. When the drums finally end, Cedric and Tori are high-fiving each other. Logan, Raul, and I are in the bottom three. What can I possibly say to get them to keep me here?

  “Congratulations to Cedric and Tori,” Bryce begins. “You’ll be joining Roman at the Festival Concert tomorrow to compete in the final venue challenge. Raul, Logan, and Reed, you may each make a statement on your behalf. You will all have a chance to vote for the two contestants you want to stay. Logan, we’ll start with you.”

  “I guess I must have pissed someone off here. I don’t think I belong in the bottom three, but does it matter what I say? If they want me gone, they’ll figure out how to do it. Just like Kari. I’d tell you to vote for me if I thought it’d make a difference.”

  Bryce smiles awkwardly. “Thank you, Logan. Raul—”

  “I deserve to be here. I’m Special Ops. I know what I’m doing. I’m not sure why I’m at the bottom tonight, but I can tell you this, I haven’t kissed asses on my way here, like Logan and I haven’t lied and flirted my way to the top like Reed. I deserve to be here because I’ve got the skills. I stand here in a cop sandwich. I applaud our police for all they do, but when it comes down to it, who do you want by your side? Special Ops or special cops?”

  “Thank you, Raul. Reed?”

  “Special cops?” I laugh and then stop suddenly. “Raul can point fingers, but what he won’t tell you is that he’s done more ass kissing and flirting than anyone in this room. He puts on a persona of being a stand-up guy
, but after today’s challenge, I saw a new side of him. Trust me when I say he’s not who you want on your team. I know what I’m doing. I’m smart and I have what it takes. Give me a chance to show you.”

  “Thank you, Reed. You’ll each be called to the diary room to cast your votes. Cedric, you’re up first, followed by Tori.”

  I may still have a shot. Tori nods to me and smiles as I return to my seat. Raul whispers something to Logan and Logan does a double take at Raul and then stares at me.

  What the hell was that about?

  As the guard escorts Logan and me out of the forum, I take one last look at Roman. His eyes are pained but he nods and winks. I feel I let him down. It’s pretty clear to me now that Tori voted against me. She had to have. I don’t believe Cedric would have, but I guess I don’t know anything anymore.

  I climb the stairs to my room to pack my belongings, getting angrier with every step. I’m pissed at myself for letting anyone in my head and I’m pissed at Raul for manipulating me. I don’t think he was ever my friend or even interested in me. He was playing the game. But more than anything, I’m angry Roman is still in danger, and there’s nothing I can do about that from home.

  I stomp into the bedroom as the guard waits by the door. I grab the first suitcase I see in the closet and throw it. The contents fly about the room and I realize it’s Tori’s, not mine. I scramble to pick up her things.

  I toss her hairdryer back into the suitcase, along with her travel-sized containers of lotions. I never saw her use any of them. I bend down to grab her notebook and lift the bedspread to get the tape recorder. The wires are hanging loose, and the box is open. It looks like I broke it. I’m no tech expert, but I never would have guessed there would be so many loose pieces inside and where are the batteries?

  Great, Reed. More points for you today. I decide to write her a quick note, explaining what happened and to let her know where to contact me so I can replace it. I open her notebook and flip through pages to find a blank one. As I turn the pages, I see a thick piece of folded paper.


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