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Alien Romance: Sold To The Warrior: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, BBW, Alien Invasion Romance) (Alien Protectors Book 2)

Page 4

by Zena Zion

  When she stepped through the doorway Rox turned towards her with slow movements. His eyes widened and his head drew back in surprise at her dramatic change in appearance. Had she been on Earth, Eliana would have felt ridiculous. However, the approving look with which Rox was staring at her revealed that she was well within the terms of Heptonian fashion.

  Rox gaze flickered briefly over the length of her body eventually coming to pause at the sheer covering of her breasts. His brows drew together in confusion before he released a sharp burst of deep laughter.

  “Human, you are full of surprises.” He continued to laugh as he approached her. Eliana knew that he was referring to her attempt at modesty, though she had not thought that the alteration would be laugh-worthy.

  “It is wrong?” she asked in a soft voice as Rox slipped a matching golden band around her arm.

  “No, Eliana.” Rox stared down at her and placed a warm hand over one breast. The possessive action made the beat of Eliana’s heart increase dramatically. She could not explain why the use of her name made the moment of intimacy fill her with longing rather than fear.

  “It pleases me that you would keep yourself covered. I would have no other eyes look upon you, but mine.”

  Eliana found it hard to breathe. She was not supposed to enjoy the touch of the Heptonian, she told herself.

  Unconsciously, she found herself leaning against the overlarge hand. She knew that Rox could feel the hardened peak against his palm when his breathing suddenly deepened to match her own.

  With cautious movements, he slipped his other hand around to rest on the bare skin of her back, coaxing her closer until her body rested against his.

  Eliana’s hands swung, limp, at her sides. She sensed that he would go no further without her encouragement. Though, the growing pressure against her stomach told her that he very much wanted to.

  Eliana was torn. A large part of her hated everything about this planet, including the male standing in front of her. Yet, another part, one that she did not want to evaluate, found itself yearning to act upon the primitive desire that was building between them.

  Rox continued to stare down at her, watching the battle that she was certain was playing across her face.

  With one soft stroke he brushed his thumb across the peak of her breast, releasing an explosion of sensation that rippled to Eliana’s core.

  Without taking the time to consider her actions, Eliana raised her hands to his biceps. She used the leverage of his arms to lift herself closer to his height and pressed her mouth with determination against his. The arm around her back tightened as he suspended her weight easily above the ground.

  His hand moved from her breast to cup her bottom and lift Eliana’s body more comfortably against him. Instinct had her wrapping her legs securely around his waist, allowing his hand to return to its meandering caress of her body.

  Her entire body seemed overwhelmed with sensation. His tongue worked expertly against her own in a tangled dance that drew quiet groans of pleasure from her lips. His roaming hand seemed determined to discover every detail of her body as it fluctuated from exerting tight pressure against her thigh to feather light strokes along the length of her spine.

  She realized with certainty that her first sexual encounter was going to occur with this ultra masculine humanoid. The rage of passion that was building between them ensured, as Rox had implied the night before, the inevitable. There was no avoiding it and Eliana was forced to admit that she would be a more than willing participant.

  There was a slight cough from the doorway that caused Eliana to still and Rox to release a low growl of frustration.

  The soldier with the knot of red hair had entered the chamber and was staring at the ceiling in an attempt at discretion.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, Sir, but we must leave now if you do not want to insult the Commander with tardiness.” The soldier continued to stare at the ceiling.

  “Thank you, Jorm.” Rox’s voice was gruff with discomfort. He turned his back to the soldier and lowered Eliana to the floor so that his body created a wall of privacy behind which she could adjust her garment.

  When she was decent, Rox placed two fingers beneath her chin and forced her to meet his eyes.

  “Tonight?” he asked in the softest of whispers.

  Knowing, somehow, that there could be only one answer to his question, Eliana nodded.

  Chapter 5

  Commander Xargo’s residence was on the ninth level. If Eliana had thought that Rox’s lodgings were elegant, the Commander’s could be considered nothing less than opulent.

  The central chamber was a long, narrow room that was comprised of two formal sitting areas on either side of a dining space that seated at least fifty guests. The hundred individuals, each guest being accompanied by a silent slave, milled about the room in small groups.

  When Rox and Jorm entered, the many occupants of the room happily accepted them. Eliana could see that Rox was a regular guest at his commander’s table as he easily moved from group to group speaking in the native tongue of Hepton.

  Eliana was amazed at the diversity of the room. While all of the primary Heptonians were dressed similarly to their attire, though the bright colors varied, the slaves were comprised of a wide array of alien life forms. Eliana realized that she was the only slave that could have possibly passed for a native of Hepton.

  She also realized that she was one of only three slaves who were given the freedom of moving about without the discomfort of shackles and chains. Mimicking the prevailing behavior, Eliana positioned herself neatly behind Rox’s left shoulder and pretended to be his shadow.

  For the most part she was ignored. Often, Rox would receive a hearty clap on the shoulder and a gesture in her direction that she determined was congratulation on joining the ranks of slave ownership, rather than a direct reference to Eliana.

  When the Heptonians began to collect at the table Eliana remembered the instructions of the bath attendant. She found a place along the wall opposite Rox, to stand where he could give her direction without needing to turn his body. She thought she saw Rox nod with approval but the motion was so subtle that she may have imagined it.

  Once the guests were seated, the doorway at the far end of the room opened to admit the largest Heptonian that Eliana had ever seen. No less than six assorted slaves flanked him. His neck was the size of her waist, his hands like dinner plates, and he stood nearly a head taller than Rox.

  Commander Xargo was a frightening sight to behold. His face was formed into a perpetual scowl and he moved with slow, but forceful motions that implied a barely restrained violent nature.

  The commander sat and made a brief announcement in a guttural language before waving his hands for his guests to begin eating. Eliana kept her eyes glued to the floor until a sharp jab in her side had her accepting a small tray from the Cyclops female beside her.

  On the tray was pyramid of small brown cubes. Glancing down the line of females, Eliana saw that each had taken one cube and was placing it in their mouth.

  She withdrew a single chalky cube and passed the tray down the line. When Eliana placed the cube on her tongue she nearly vomited from the thick paste that it quickly dissolved into.

  The flavor was not terrible, but the sticky texture took her nearly fifteen minutes to clear from the lining of her mouth. By the time she had finished, Eliana was surprisingly full. It was apparent that the small cube was enough to constitute an entire meal.

  When the Heptonians had finished eating Commander Xargo’s personal slaves set about clearing the table. Eliana’s legs were tired from standing in one place for such an extended period. She had been trying to distract herself with mental games before she realized that she was being addressed.

  “What excellent behavior, Rox.” The Commander praised. “See how she does not even acknowledge my questions. Tell her to come to me, I wish to evaluate your investment.”

  Eliana’s eyes snapped to Rox. She knew that he sa
w the fear in her eyes. She was not supposed to have been noticed. Rox looked uncomfortable with the request. There was a long moment of silence in which the two males stared at each other before Rox finally submitted.

  “Come, Earthling.” His short directive sent Eliana the distinct message that she was not to behave with the casual familiarity that he allowed her in private.

  Eliana took a deep breath and stepped out from the line of slaves. She heard the sharp intake around her and knew that this was an extraordinary circumstance. She walked toward the end of the table, where Commander Xargo sat at its head. As she got nearer, she saw the terrifying Heptonian smile in appreciation as his eyes roamed her exposed body.

  Eliana nearly panicked until she caught Rox’s eye and saw the nearly imperceptible shift of his eyes toward the tile floor beside him. With a sigh of relief she realized that he had directed her to come to him, not the Commander. With increased confidence in her steps she rounded the table, passed the shocked Commander, and came to pause silently at the side of her owner.

  She kept her eyes on Rox’s shoulder, resisting the urge to glance at the Commander who was now roaring with laughter.

  “So loyal, in such a short time!” he chortled. “I must have her, Rox. Name your price.”

  “She isn’t for sale, Sir.” Rox spoke with quiet, but firm tones.

  “Of course she’s for sale. I want her. How much? I can double your men.” Xargo began a list of offers that were each rejected promptly by Rox.

  Eliana could sense that the commander was beginning to get angry.

  He slammed his fists on the table and stood to lean across the surface as he shouted a string of obscenities at the warrior.

  With an eerie pause, Commander Xargo returned to his seat and spoke with a voice smooth as honey.

  “Have you consummated?” he asked in such a way that Eliana sensed a trap.

  “Excuse me, Sir?” Rox returned with sudden anger.

  Eliana sensed a change in the room. Those seated at the table were turning to each other and muttering, even some of the slaves had looked up with distressed expressions.

  “The law of consummation for pleasure slaves.” Xargo elaborated. “If an owner fails to utilize their purchase, the slave may be re-sold to a more willing bidder. I repeat. Have you consummated?”

  Eliana’s face flushed. Xargo could forcibly buy her all because Rox had not forced himself on her immediately. The thought disgusted her. How could that be a law, she wondered.

  “The law does not apply to my purchase.” Rox lied with smooth assurance. “The deed has been sealed.”

  “Liar!” Xargo shouted. “You spent too much time stationed on Earth, studying their ways and adopting their customs. You’ve said many times that you prefer their method of courting to the ways of your own people, as if we don’t have a right to enjoy the spoils of our conquests.”

  “I said that the sale has been consummated, Sir.” Rox persisted.

  “Bring a scanner!” Xargo shouted. Eliana’s heart pounded as she remembered the light that Benjloc had flashed over her body to determine her virginity. They could not dispute the evidence.

  From the far end of the table Jorm stood.

  “Commander, Sir, Rox speaks the truth. I,” he paused as he gathered the courage to go on, “I saw them. I walked in, on accident, and saw them in the act. There can be no doubt.”

  “So be it.” Commander Xargo clenched his mouth and grunted in defeat. “Rox, you get to keep your pet another day.” The commander’s mood suddenly lightened and the entire table breathed a collective sigh of relief. “If you ever do decide to sell, I demand the first offer.”

  Rox nodded his head in agreement and Eliana watched him unclench his hands that had been fisted beneath the table.

  Following dinner the guests were free to leave. Many would choose to stay for a night of entertainment but Rox mingled for only an hour before saying goodbye to his host.

  Eliana followed him in silence down the lift and back to his lodgings. When they entered, Jorm was waiting.

  “Sir, I told you not to take her.” he began as soon as the door clicked shut. “Xargo can’t resist Earthlings and we’ve never seen one this beautiful before.”

  “Keep the guards posted.” Rox commanded. “I want an extra guard with her whenever I’m gone.”

  “Absolutely, Sir.”

  “And, Jorm,” Jorm had moved to exit the room when Rox stopped him. “Thank you for your statement.”

  Jorm shrugged his shoulders and exhibited a knowing smile.

  “I figured, after seeing… what I saw.” He cleared his throat. “With that kind of response to each other, it was only a matter of time if it hadn’t happened already.” The soldier moved to leave again before stopping to address Eliana.

  “You know, human, slaves aren’t supposed to form connections with their masters. It’s a lot easier when they merely coexist with each other.” He placed his hand on the door to leave. “You’ll need to remember that most owners don’t protect their slaves. If you aren’t careful, you could get us all into a lot of trouble, even killed.”

  When the door had closed behind Jorm, Eliana turned to Rox with an expression of dismay.

  “I’m sorry.” She was surprised to find that she meant it. Eliana’s anger toward Rox had dissipated when she realized that his purchase of her had actually been an act of mercy, one that put Rox in danger rather than her. She shuddered to think about what it would have meant had she been sold to another bidder, especially the worm.

  “It’s my fault.” Rox grumbled. “I shouldn’t have brought you to Rathsmura.”

  He looked at her with a very serious expression.

  “You aren’t going to survive here long. Once Xargo wants something, he doesn’t stop until he gets it.” Rox laid a hand on her cheek. “I never thought that I would say this, but we need to get you off of this planet.”

  Eliana’s heart soared.

  “You’ll help me?” she threw her arms around his waist and squeezed with all the happiness that she felt.

  He disengaged from her embrace and moved to sit on one of the long white benches. Eliana realized that Rox did not seem happy about his decision. He ran a hand roughly over his face and released a long exhale.

  “What is it?” Eliana moved to sit beside him. He seemed to be waging a battle in his mind, one that left his face contorted in an expression of deep concern.

  He exhaled once more before turning to look at Eliana, searching her face for some answer that she did not know how to provide.

  “If I help you…” Rox opened his hands between them in a gesture that expressed his inability to explain. “Slaves don’t leave this planet, ever. If I help you escape, or even just allow you to travel with me, well, it has never been done.

  “Eliana, what you need to understand is that if you stay here Xargo will just send me away on a mission that I can’t possibly survive in order to take you for himself.” He took another deep breath. “You can’t stay here. However, if you leave Hepton it means that I can never return.”

  Eliana began to realize the magnitude of the issue. Her escape would mean permanent exile for Rox. Her ability to go home would mean that he never could.

  “Why would you help me?” she whispered.

  “My life here is over either way, Jorm understood that. That’s why Xargo stopped fighting. He knows he has other ways of getting what he wants. He is my superior. I have to go where he tells me.”

  Eliana slipped her hands into his.

  “Then come with me.” She tightened her grip on his fingers. Her hands like a child’s against his. “Come back to Earth with me. You’ve lived there before and no one suspected that you were anything but a human. You could live on Earth again.” To Eliana the plan seemed like the perfect solution.

  Rox gave a pained grin.

  “Eliana, I can get one of us off this planet. I’m not so certain that I can get two.”

  Eliana raised her hands to
frame his face.

  “You will, Rox.” She assured him. “You will get us both to Earth. I know you can.” As if to display her utter confidence in his skills Eliana leaned forward and sealed her statement with a kiss.

  She rose to her knees and continued to ply his mouth with kisses. When her tongue slipped between his lips, Rox’s stoic control snapped. He lifted her from the couch and swung her across his lap so that she was now seated with one knee on either side of his hips.

  Eliana scooted closer so that their chests were pressed against each other. The urges in her body told her that even that was not close enough. She allowed her hands to roam his body, skimming over his rugged chest and bulging arms. His arms were crossed behind her back as he crushed her against him.

  Rox’s lips moved to her neck and Eliana leaned her head back with complete abandon. She moaned as his tongue dipped into the hollow curve of her shoulder.

  Beneath her, Eliana felt his instant response to her vocalization. She found that she enjoyed the sensation of the pressure between her legs. Without realizing what she was doing, Eliana rubbed herself against the length of his erection. The growl the erupted from Rox had her quickly apologizing for the action.

  “No.” he placed his hands upon her hips and encouraged the motion. “Don’t stop.”

  Eliana now understood that the sound had been a result of them both enjoying the gentle rocking of her hips.

  His hands moved away from her hips to release the clasp at the base of her neck. The sheer fabric dropped between them, leaving only the skin-toned bra.

  Rox quickly peeled away the fabric that clung to her breasts. He cupped her breasts in his hands and looked at Eliana with pure, unrestrained adoration. His thumbs worked lazy circles against her skin causing an urgent heat to build inside of Eliana.

  Eliana found herself begging, though for what she was not entirely sure.

  She felt Rox chuckle against her mouth.

  “Be patient, my human.” He murmured. “There is no need to rush.”

  Rox dipped his head and replaced his hand with his mouth. Eliana found herself arching against him, her body moving of its own accord.


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