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Alien Romance: Sold To The Warrior: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, BBW, Alien Invasion Romance) (Alien Protectors Book 2)

Page 5

by Zena Zion

  As he moved to her other breast, Eliana curled her fingers into his dark hair.

  “Rox,” She gasped his name. “Please.”

  Again he chuckled.

  “You humans are bossy.” He laughed.

  Rox stood, lifting her with ease. Eliana wrapped her legs, once again, around his waist and allowed her mouth to trail along his neck while he moved them toward the door to the bathing room. She heard him press a series of buttons on the wall before entering the room, except this time the room was not a bathroom, but a glorious pale bedroom.

  Rox moved with purposeful action toward the low bed. He released her, and stood her upon the soft covers. For the first time, Eliana’s face was level with the Heptonian’s.

  He stepped back and removed the gilded pants that adorned his body. Eliana’s eyes widened as she finally viewed his entire naked form. He certainly is not human, she thought. That level of perfection was unnatural. Every muscle of his body was beautifully molded, every detail as if carved to model a Greek god of legend.

  Eliana released the breath that she had been holding. She found that she was not afraid. Rox had never been anything but gentle with her and she knew, somehow with certainty, that he would maintain much more control than she would.

  She reached her arms for him as he approached the bed. With a quick flick of his wrist he released the final clasp on the waist of her dress and allowed the fabric to pool around her feet. Eliana experienced a moment of modesty. She blushed and made a fruitless attempt at covering her body with her arms.

  Rox peeled her hands away and placed them on his shoulders.

  “You are beautiful, Eliana.” He spoke to her eyes but the message rang in her soul. “You need never cover yourself around me.”

  Rox gently guided her to turn away from him and sit on the bed. Eliana was confused about his intention until he began to efficiently remove the pins that held her hair. As the curls began to tumble about her shoulders Eliana closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of his fingers brushing through her hair.

  When he had finished, he sat beside Eliana on the bed and drew her onto his lap. As their mouths connected Rox secured an arms around her waist and expertly transitioned their bodies to lay alongside each other on the bed.

  Eliana’s back sank into the pillows. Rox lay on his side, pressed against her hip.

  His hand brushed across the surface of her body, teasing the valley between her breasts, crossing the plain of her flat stomach to eventually come to rest at the joining of her thighs.

  She could see that he was waiting for her to rebel against his touch. On the contrary, her body was aching for his hand to continue on its journey. Eliana placed a hand on his cheek and looked at him with complete honesty and surrender.

  “I’m not afraid.” She spoke with certainty.

  Rox’s mouth curved into an exquisite smile of perfectly white, straight teeth. He leaned over her and kissed her with all the passion that she had been wanting. His hand slipped between her legs and his fingers began to rub a rhythmic tempo against her pulsating core.

  Eliana gasped with pleasure when he slipped a tentative finger inside of her. The sensation sent rivulets of pleasure shooting throughout her entire body. She realized that she wanted more.

  Rox pulled his hand away at the sound, afraid that he had harmed her. He looked down at his massive erection resting against her leg, and then once again to her face.

  “I don’t think this is going to work.” He worried.

  “I’ll be fine.” She assured.

  “Eliana, I don’t think…” His speech stopped short as she laid her hand against his manhood.

  “I’m ready.” Eliana said with a confidence that she could not explain. She rolled to her side and placed him against her warmth. “Rox, I’m ready.” She repeated.

  Something snapped in the warrior. His resolve disappeared at her expression of complete confidence and desire. He had said she would come to him willingly, and here she was. She understood his statement now, their passion made this moment inevitable. Neither would have been able to resist the other, only he had known it first.

  Rox rolled Eliana to her back and positioned himself above her. He claimed her mouth with an energy that he had never released before.

  Eliana placed her hands on his backside in an attempt to guide him inside of her.

  He laughed again at her urgency, but with gruff passion this time.

  A moment later she felt him press against her. With tentative, measured movements he eased himself further, inch by tantalizing inch. Eliana moaned with pleasure and lifted her hips against him.

  She felt the bridge of her virginity cast aside as the entire length of Rox’s erection pulsed inside of her. It was a sensation unlike any she had felt before.

  Eliana thought the experience could not get any better, until he started to stroke her with the slow motions designed to bring about their joint climax.

  When the moment came, Eliana was unprepared for the intensity with which her body clenched around Rox. Her cry of pleasure was swallowed by the deep groan that Rox released against her mouth.

  She lay there afterward, gasping as aftershocks of pleasure rolled through her body. Eventually Rox rolled to his side and drew her close, wrapping her body in the secure cocoon of his arms. Eliana drifted asleep amidst a gentle haze of pleasure.

  Chapter 6

  The next few weeks were a blur of pleasure for Eliana. Rox had informed her that they were safe in Rathsmura until he received orders that forced him to leave the planet.

  He was gone for large portions of the day as he completed his regular tasks and meetings, or conferred with Jorm in secret about an opportunity to escape. They had yet to discover a solution that would guarantee Eliana’s arrival on Earth, let alone one that would allow Rox to join her.

  At night, he returned to her waiting arms where they would attempt to satiate their growing passion. Their lovemaking only seemed to increase the force that inexplicably drew them together.

  Eliana was afraid that she was falling in love with her captor. In fact, she knew with a certainty that her emotional attachment to Rox far exceeded anything that she had imagined in all of her daydreams about finding her soul mate.

  He, on the other hand, was much more difficult to read. Eliana had grown up with visions of love, marriage, children and a future built on mutual respect and understanding.

  While Rox exhibited all of the characteristics that Eliana would have imagined necessary to make that dream come true, she was not certain that a male raised on Hepton fully understood an Earthling’s interpretation of love and commitment.

  He was thoughtful and caring, respectful, passionate, and extremely gentle considering his brute strength. However, at the end of the day she was still his slave. She could not leave his chambers without permission; at which point, her personal guards followed her closely. She could never leave the eighth level without him physically beside her. Eliana realized that while she had his affection, she did not have freedom. There was no point of her day that was not scheduled, monitored, or regulated.

  She tried to tell herself that he was simply conforming to societal expectations in order to prevent suspicion about their relationship, but the truth was that she did not even know if what they had could be considered a relationship.

  They had sex. Passionate sex, to be sure. Eliana would even go so far as to call it lovemaking, but a relationship was not something that she could say with any certainty that they shared.

  This knowledge made her growing feelings for the warrior complicated. She tried to force her emotions away from their bond but this was impossible. Each time he displayed a new level of kindness her affection grew. Eliana told her self that kindness was not the same thing as love, but she could not stop the tiny voice in her head from telling her that kindness was Rox’s form of love.

  She had been mulling over this exact issue when Jorm burst into the room, a look of sheer terror on his face.

  “We have to leave, now.” He pulled her forcibly from the upholstered bench where she had been laying, listening to strange Heptonian music.

  “What’s happened?” she asked breathlessly as he pulled her into the golden hallway and began jogging away from the central tunnel.

  “Commander Xargo executed one of his slaves this morning.” Jorm pulled her along, encouraging her to run faster than her bare feet could handle on the rough tile. “She was disobedient and he decided that he needs one who behaves better.” Jorm gave her a pointed look.

  “Me?” Eliana was shocked. “I thought he could not take me without first getting rid of Rox?”

  Jorm kept jogging in silence without looking at her.

  Eliana ground her feet to a halt, resisting the anxious tugging on the sleeve of her shirt.

  “Where is Rox?” she demanded.

  Still he did not answer her.

  “Where is Rox?” she repeated, wrenching her arm free of his grasp.

  “I don’t know.” Jorm breathed deeply. “He was in the mountains trying to convince a retired pilot to smuggle you both out of here. Somehow, word got back to the Commander about what he has been trying to do. Xargo declared him a traitor immediately and ordered a group of assassins to ensure that he never returns. The commander then claimed rights to all of Rox’s belongings, including you.”

  Jorm held out a hand, imploring her to continue down the hallway.

  “We need to hurry, Human. There is a ship passing by Earth that is willing to carry one passenger.”

  “How many assasins, Jorm?” Eliana needed to know if there was any chance of Rox surviving.

  “I don’t know.”

  “How many?” she demanded.

  “At least twenty. Maybe more.” Jorm admitted with a defeated air. “They will work individually. He can’t protect himself from all of them. Eliana, he isn’t coming back.”

  Eliana felt all of the air rush from her lungs. She experienced a soul crushing defeat that rocked her to the very core. Without Rox, she suddenly did not see the point of returning to Earth.

  Then she remembered the terrifying fate that awaited her with Commander Xargo. Eliana snapped into action. Rox had wanted to protect her from that fate and she would not allow him to die in vain. She might never experience a love as ardent as that which she felt for the Heptonian, but at least she could live out her days without falling into the slavery that he had worked so hard to prevent.

  Eliana placed her hand in Jorm’s and allowed him to pull her, once again, down the gilded hallway.

  The further they ran from the central tunnel, the darker the hallway became. Eliana froze when she realized that the tunnel ended abruptly at a firm dead end. There were no exits to be found.

  “We’re trapped!” She exclaimed.

  Jorm sighed heavily.

  “Human, have you learned nothing about our walls and rooms?” he lectured. Jorm pressed his hand against the center of the dead end wall and a door appeared with remarkable speed. “This is an except exit used for emergencies only, only a member of our military can activate it.” He informed. “Let’s go.”

  Jorm preceded her down the steep staircase. The steps were deep and tired Eliana’s legs quickly. She realized that they would have been designed for the Heptonian’s natural height, making them difficult for a human of her stature.

  As they descended Eliana counted the levels. When they reached the second she felt a renewal of energy in her leaden legs. They were almost there, she told herself.

  Jorm paused at the door to the first floor, waiting for Eliana to catch up.

  “When we enter this level you must not speak to anyone.” He instructed. “This is level one, those that live here are less civilized, so stick close.”

  Eliana nodded her understanding. Now that they had stopped she noticed that the muscles in her legs were quivering uncontrollably.

  “You’ll need to run to the portals.” Eliana guessed that he meant the pneumatic tubes in which they had arrived. Jorm placed a small gem in her hand. “If we get separated, take the port labeled Anjlar. It will take you to the market town. You’ll need to wait for me there, and hide.”

  Eliana grasped the loose fabric in the back of Jorm’s vest.

  “We won’t be separated.” She assured. “I can keep up.”

  Eliana never had a chance to prove her statement for when Jorm opened the door to the first level there was a bright flash of maroon light before he slumped to the floor at her feet. She stared in horror at Jorm’s dead body before looking up to see a line of soldiers waiting outside of the doorway.

  A large, Heptonian male with frighteningly pale blue eyes held a weapon that was smoking slightly at the end.

  “Human. You will follow me.” The male gestured with the weapon for her to move ahead of him. Eliana could not move. She continued to look back and forth between the smoking weapon and Jorm’s lifeless body. “Human, NOW!” the soldier shouted. “Commander Xargo will wait no longer.”

  Eliana’s mind went blank. She retreat within herself as she approached the soldiers with a morose sense of impending doom.

  Eliana was marched up the central tunnel flanked by twelve malicious looking guards. They rode the lift to the top floor and proceeded to enter the massive central chamber of Commander Xargo.

  He was lounging in the entertainment space furthest from the doorway. Eliana felt bile rise in her throat as she stared at his hulking form. The females that surrounded him wore expressions of deep concern and fear.

  They hovered around their master with bowed heads and gentle murmurs, clearly attempting to please him in any way that might prevent their unlikely demise.

  The soldiers and slaves dispersed, leaving Eliana standing in front of the sprawling girth of the Commander. Knowing that she had been advised against eye contact, but unable to control the anger that boiled inside of her, she raised her eyes to glare into the man that had killed the only two men on this planet that had cared about her well being.

  An image of Jorm sprawled lifeless at her feet flashed through her mind. She imagined Rox being destroyed by the same laser-like weapon. Jorm had been right, there was no hope for his survival.

  “Ah, human.” The Commander propped himself on one elbow to better gaze with lust at her body. The action made Eliana feel physically contaminated. She wanted to rub her skin in the places that his gaze hand lingered, as if there was a residue that had been left behind. “You surprise me with your insolence.”

  He was waiting for a response, an explanation perhaps; Eliana clenched her jaw in silence.

  “I knew that you were loyal,” he eventually continued, “but I did not realize that your loyalty would extend even after death.”

  She watched as a satisfied grin spread across his face at her uncontrollable reaction to his blunt statement. She had flinched, despite her best efforts to remain detached from this conversation.

  “Yes, I see now.” He pushed himself up and stood to walk in deliberate circles around her. “You aren’t a loyal slave. Your human emotions have caused you to care for my warrior.”

  He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her forward so that his face was only inches away.

  “Do you know how difficult it will be to replace a warrior as skilled as Rox?” As he shouted the spit that punctuated his every, angry word assaulted Eliana’s face. She turned her face away only to have her chin forcefully turned back toward him. “Will you still be so loyal when they bring his traitorous body to be burned in shame for all to see?”

  When she did not answer he shook her with extreme violence.

  “Will you?” he demanded.

  “Yes.” She forced through clenched teeth. “I will still be loyal to him. It doesn’t matter what you do or say, I will never serve you.” she spoke the words with such vehemence that, at the end of her speech, Commander Xargo flung her to the floor. She slid, in a crumpled heap, across the glistening tiles.

  The massive male grabbe
d Eliana by the back of her hair and lifted her, once again, from the floor. Her feet dangled precariously as he held her at arms length to prevent a will-aimed kick. Xargo’s strength surprised Eliana. He lifted her as if she were a small doll to be tossed at will.

  Eliana’s hands encircled Xargo’s wrists in an attempt to relieve the pressure at the back of her scalp. No matter how she tried to suspend her weight above his arm he only jerked her head back further.

  “Rox was always soft with the females.” He carried her dangling body in front of him as he spoke, walking around the room to access a control panel on the wall. “I never understood that. Maybe you can explain the difference once you’ve tried both methods.”

  At his words Eliana began fighting even more viciously against his constraining arm. He seemed unfazed by her behavior as he went about typing codes into the panel.

  “I find,” he turned to her with a sneer, “the experience is altogether more enjoyable when there is a good fight involved.”

  Eliana landed a kick to his chest.

  His only response was to rub his free hand over the spot and release a mirthless laugh.

  “You are feisty,” he admitted, “but much too small to deter the likes of me.”

  Unable to reach his torso with her legs, now that he had moved her further away after the kick. Eliana had settled on attacking the arm from which she hung.

  She swung her body in a full force thrust that had her heel colliding with the inner lining of Xargo’s elbow. His arm bent in agony and he dropped her with an unceremonious grunt to the floor.

  Eliana scuttled away as Xargo’s grasping hands attempted to lay claim to her body once more. She sprinted out of reach, vaulted an armchair and flung herself beneath the expansive table in the center of the room.

  It was a useless place to hide considering that Xargo was advancing upon her location with ferocious growls. Every piece of furniture that he passed was abruptly launched over his shoulder to land in a broken pile across the room. The chairs of the table began to fly, forcing Eliana to crawl further along its length with the end approaching at a rapid speed.


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