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Because You're Mine

Page 6

by Nikita Slater

  He lifted a hand so suddenly that she flinched back, closing her eyes with a gasp. When no blows landed she opened her eyes. He locked eyes with her and brought one long finger down to touch her lips, running it along her lips. Unconsciously, she licked her lips nervously, touching the tip of her tongue to his finger for a second. His body tightened, his shoulders stiffening slightly. He spread the moisture along her lip with his finger.

  “Be careful what you say to me, little girl,” he growled softly, his voice vibrating with tension. “Never forget who I am. I carved a bloody place for myself in one of the most brutal cities on the west coast and I hold it with an iron fist. You are the only person that I love, but I will not allow disobedience from even you. You’ve been warned.”

  Allie held her breath as his words sank into her frightened mind. The girl in her was giddy with happiness that Jay loved her, but the woman in her was terrified at the implications of his words. He meant to take her, keep her and own her. She would belong to him and he would tolerate no fighting from her. Yet how could she meekly accept her fate without a fight? Would he really hurt her? How far would he go?

  He pressed his finger against the softness of her lip until it bit into her tooth and she cried out, bringing her hand up to clasp his wrist and tug. He pulled his finger back until he was no longer hurting her, but didn’t release his hold on her face. He was showing her his control over her body, how easily he could subdue her. Her heart sped up in fear.

  “To answer your question, I will drug you whenever I feel it’s necessary and if I feel it’s to your benefit, as I did on the night you arrived here. Your health is my concern now. As to your second… accusation,” his voice, which had been quietly cold, became glacial. “No other man will touch you again. It’s probably saving your worthless ex-husband’s life that he hasn’t touched you in a year. Because I can’t stand the thought of him touching you.”

  “Why are you being so cruel?” Allie whispered, her voice quivering under the onslaught of his anger.

  His lip curled in a twisted smile that didn’t touch his grey eyes. “This is nothing, Allie,” he said softly, brushing a lock of hair off her face and sending a shiver skittering across her sensitive skin. “Now, be a good girl for me.”

  Her earnest, dark eyes held his. She bit her lip.

  “I don’t know if I can,” she whispered. “I… I used to love you, Jay. Maybe a part of me still does. But I can’t just accept what you have planned for me. Every day, at work, I fight oppression and subjugation… I fight so I can help people lead cleaner, healthier lives without hate and prejudice. Now you want me to… to just accept for myself what I fight against on behalf of my clients? It makes me sick!”

  “You don’t have to fight anymore, love,” Jay said calmly, clearly trying to keep his temper.

  “I want to fight!” she snapped, shoving his hand away. “I loved my work. Being a counsellor gave my life meaning!”

  He gripped her arms firmly and gave her a tiny shake. “We’re done talking about this, Allie.”

  She stared up at him mutinously, taking in his features, the features that used to be beloved to her, but now looked sinister and shadowed. She raised her chin and said defiantly, “I won't have sex with you again.”

  His body went rigid against hers, his fingers biting into her arms through her cardigan, wrapping around her biceps. She barely dared to breathe as he dragged her away from the window against his unyielding body. She felt every hard muscle as he moulded the softness of her curves against him. She braced herself against his chest, but he used his hold on her arms to jerk her hands away and drag her closer. He ran his lips across her cheek, her temple and into her hair. He teased his tongue across the top of her ear until she was shivering.

  Finally, he spoke softly, his voice cold with controlled anger. “Now that I’ve fucked that delicious body, I won't stop. Don’t ever think of denying me, Allison. Because I’ll fuck you when I want, how I want.”

  He held her motionless, letting his words sink in. Her breaths rushed in and out of her lungs in gasps. He swung her away from the window and backed her up until her thighs hit the edge of the bed. He pushed her backwards with hard hands and leaned across her. Allie whimpered in fear, certain he was about to rape her. He leaned down, placed a hard kiss on her shaking lips and then strode out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

  Allie rolled onto her side with a sob. She pulled a fistful of the bedding toward herself and cried into the bunched up blanket. She didn’t understand how Jay could say such horrible things to her. The Jay she used to know would never in a million years scare her like this. He used to read books with her and encourage her to dream. He taught her how to ride a bike and bought her Sailor Moon bandaids when she fell off and scraped her knee. He stole a car and sold it so he could afford to take Allie and Veronica whale watching for her 8th birthday.

  This man was not the Jay she had fallen in love with when she was a girl.


  Jay leaned back in his chair and touched the snifter of brandy to his lips, taking a slow sip. He had work to do, calls to make, even at… he glanced down at his phone… 10:23pm. He’d spent the afternoon in his spacious office conducting long distance meetings. His evening had been spent down at the vineyard offices meeting with the estate manager. The vineyard itself was marginally profitable and run entirely by the manager with Jay handling only minor details. Jay used the vineyard to clean up several sources of income. Sources that would soon become legitimate. Now that Allie was in his life he was less willing to associate with his dirtier business dealings. There would be fewer profits, but he was already an extremely wealthy man several times over. Their future was secure.

  His thoughts inevitably drifted to the woman slumbering peacefully in one of his guest rooms. After her storm of tears had passed that morning she had exchanged her moccasins for running shoes, thrown open the patio doors and started running. Jay had watched her dispassionately through the property cameras. He thought about going after her to insist she come home, but he knew she needed an outlet, and running on the property was relatively safe. Allie wasn't much of a runner anyway, she would burn out soon. Jay had called down to the guard house and set a tail on her, describing her projected location and arranging an intercept.

  “Try to stay out of her way. She doesn’t need to see your guy if he can help it,” he’d ordered quietly.

  Allie had stayed outdoors for about two hours before coming grudgingly back to the house where she had proceeded to ignore Jay as completely as if he wasn't there. He had watched in amusement as she fixed herself a sandwich and some raw vegetables, eaten on the patio and then washed dishes in complete silence. Jay told her of his work plans for the day, but she ignored him, walking past him as though he didn’t exist.

  Jay quirked a brow at her and followed behind to watch while she chose a book from his library, went out the library patio doors and settled onto a lounge chair in the shade to read. Jay had thought about showing her exactly how long her silent treatment could hold up if he chose to actively disturb her peace, but instead decided to leave her alone until later.

  Now he found himself smiling in amusement as he thought of her small defiance earlier in the day. His phone vibrated on the arm of the chair next to his elbow. Jay glanced down, his lips tightening into their customary line. It was Li Wei, probably wanting to negotiate payment on a shipment coming into the harbour in five days. Jay downed the rest of his brandy, placed his glass on the table next to his chair and scrubbed a hand across his face and hair while he ignored the call.

  Fuck work. The Chinese could sweat for another day. Allie’s gorgeous body lay just down the hall. Finally within his reach, after all these years of waiting. Jay placed his phone next to the brandy snifter and stood. Pacing stealthily through the house, he made sure all doors were locked and the alarm was set. He checked in with the guards at the gate. Satisfied that his property was secure for the night, he strode purposef
ully down the hall toward the room Allie had chosen for the night.

  He’d wanted to go gently with her after their argument that morning. He’d intended to show her more of the delights she had missed over her years of having a selfish lover for a husband. But first, Jay needed to impress on Allie how much he meant what he said when he told her she would be sharing his bed from now on. Even if it meant scaring her into compliance. He didn’t care that she’d given him the silent treatment. Hell, he thought it was cute. She could rage at him if she wanted. The end result would be the same. But the one thing she would not be allowed to do was go to any other bed except his.

  Silently, Jay removed his clothes, letting them drop to the hardwood floor. He could see Allie clearly in the light of the moon and stars coming in from the glass windows. She hadn’t bothered to close the blinds, preferring to have them open at night. His eyes gleamed possessively as he looked down at the woman he’d loved for as long as he could remember. The blanket had been pushed down to bunch around her small, bare feet. She wore light cotton pyjama pants that were loose around her hips and a white tank top. He could barely see her dusky nipples through the thin cloth of her shirt. His cock grew impossibly harder as he stood over her, taking in every curve. One of her arms was curved against her waist while her other hand rested against her cheek.

  He could watch her forever, but his body insisted he do much more than look. He took his cock in one hand and squeezed, then let go, stepping toward the bed. He kneeled over her for a few seconds more, hesitant to disturb her peace before sighing with regret. Eyes growing hard he thrust his knees between her legs and wrapped long fingers around her wrists before she had a chance to fully wake up. He brought them together over her head and held them in one hand while tugging her pyjama pants ruthlessly off her body with the other. She cried out in surprise and fear as she came completely awake in his arms.

  “Quiet Allie, its me,” Jay said in her ear, flattening himself along her body as he continued to tear the cloth from her legs.

  Her chest heaved as she sucked in air. She tilted her face up to his, her eyes wide and luminous. “Jay, what are you…?!”

  “I think that’s obvious,” he said, kissing and licking his way down her body.

  She began heaving against him now that she was fully awake and aware of his intent. “Jay! I said I wouldn’t… I don’t want…!”

  He ignored her, continuing his sensual assault. He had to release her hands to reach her pussy his with mouth. She immediately tried to shove his head away. He recaptured her wrists, but she managed to wriggle until she was sideways and he was unable to reach her soft folds with his tongue. With a frustrated growl he flipped her over onto her stomach and smacked her ass with his palm. She shrieked in surprise and tried to crawl away but he hauled her back and spanked her ass several more times.

  “This defiance is getting old, Allison!” he snapped.

  “Then leave me alone!” she gasped, still twisting in his arms.

  She cried out when he plunged his fingers deep into her pussy pressing them against the front wall. Without thinking, she rocked her hips back, seeking the mindless pleasure he was forcing on her. She whimpered as he rubbed his long fingers against her g-spot, sending sparks of intense pleasure through every nerve ending in her body.

  “Your body is telling me something else,” he whispered silkily from behind her, one hand gripping her waist in a tight hold while she desperately clutched the pillows in front of her.

  “You… you misogynistic asshole! Just because my body is confused doesn’t mean my brain doesn’t hate you!” she gasped, rocking her hips back one more time before groaning in despair and trying to crawl away from the sweet agony he was forcing on her.

  “I think you’ve had too many women’s classes, love,” he growled at her and reached out for her pyjama pants, tearing the legs into strips.

  He took her arms, forced them behind her back and tied them tightly at the wrists. Allie struggled, but was no match for Jay’s brutal strength. He hauled her up until her bound arms were pressed tightly against his bare chest. He turned her face to the side and subjected her to a devastating ravishment of the mouth before shoving her forward onto the bed.

  Holding her hips in a ruthless grip, he bent to the plump lips of her cunt and devoured her with ferocious intent. Allie screamed at the intense lash of his tongue as it attacked her sensitive clit and plunged into her dripping channel. He punished her until she begged him to stop, squirming helplessly in the bedding. He forced her distraught body into orgasm after orgasm as she screamed and twisted helplessly in his arms.

  Finally, he straightened, kneeling behind her. He watched her with satisfaction as she panted and whimpered, her shoulders turned one way and her hips turned another while her bound wrists still lay against one rounded ass cheek. He leaned over top of her, planting his fists next to her shoulders, and bent until his breath tickled her flushed cheek. Her eyelashes fluttered as she looked into his savage grey eyes with a dazed expression, her swollen lips slightly parted.

  “Mine, Allison. You understand?” His voice held steel.

  He didn’t give her a chance to reply, pushing her shoulders down into the bedding and sliding more fully between her spread legs. He yanked the soft fabric holding her wrists together, untying them. He brought her hands up over her head and held them there. He shoved her legs apart with a push and in one swift move, thrust his cock into her soft, wet pussy. She cried out and stiffened underneath him. He held her hard against him, wrapping an arm around her middle and pulling her up more tightly against him. She moaned, her ass pressing up against his belly from the force of his cock.

  Jay held her tightly, shifting his body so he could thrust more fully into her tight pussy, closing his eyes as her pussy clasped him like a fist. Fuck, she was the best thing he’d ever felt. Having her in his arms was even better than he could have imagined. Years of masturbating to thoughts of her hadn’t prepared him for the reality. She was fucking heaven and he was never letting her out of his sight again.

  Using his knees, he spread her legs wider and withdrew from her only far enough to thrust his cock back home once more. He fucked her slow, savouring each stroke, but taking her hard, branding her so she would remember whose bed she belonged in. He let go of her wrists where she clutched at the pillows over her head and wrapped his forearm around her neck, forcing her head to arch back until he could reach her neck with his lips. He bit into the tender skin of her throat, marking her with his teeth, making her cry out before soothing the sting with his tongue.

  “Jay!” she yelled, her voice hoarse as he thrust into her so hard he pinned her to the bed for a few seconds before withdrawing.

  He could feel her pussy clamping down on his cock like a vice and slid his hand from her waist, down her body to her clit and pinched the soft, slippery nub, coaxing her into one more orgasm. She screamed, her pussy fluttering and clenching around him. She tried clawing her way up the bed, but he bore down on her back, pinning her in place while he came with her. He fucked her hard, slamming into her with savage intent before pumping semen into her hot, curvy body.

  Finally, Jay let her go, allowing her to collapse onto the bed. He sat back on his heels between her sprawled legs looking down at her body gleaming darkly in the moonlight. Her rounded ass was bare to him and her back heaved with effort as she tried to catch her breath. The shirt she’d gone to bed wearing was now rolled up around her armpits. Her head was facing the windows, her hair tangled over her cheeks. He couldn’t tell from this angle what she was thinking or what her mood was.

  It didn’t matter. He had come in here for a reason. He stood beside the bed and rolled her onto her back. She automatically tried to cover herself defensively. He knocked her hands aside and dragged her to her feet by her arms. She gasped and tried to resist as he yanked her shirt off, but again he subdued her easily.

  “Stop it, Allie,” he growled, pushing her hands down. “Unless you think you can take
more of what we just did, I suggest you calm the fuck down.”

  She froze. He didn’t like the idea of frightening her, but he needed her compliance. He bent over and swept her up into his arms. She gasped and grabbed his shoulders for balance. He carried her down the hall to their bedroom where he placed her gently on the bed. She stared up at him with her dark, innocently mysterious eyes that never failed to drive him crazy.

  “You sleep in my bed, Allison,” he said to her, infusing his words with as much steel as he was capable of when it came to this woman. “Always.”

  He stepped back and turned toward the ensuite. When it looked like she might get off the bed he snapped, “I don’t suggest you move that ass, Allison.”

  He came back with a warm cloth and washed between her legs. She moaned in embarrassment and refused to look at him. Jay chuckled at her reaction and then shook his head in wonder. He never laughed. When Allie left ten years ago, she took away the only thing he had to laugh or smile about. Now that he had her back in his life he could feel the lightening of his heart.

  He tossed the damp cloth into the sink and went back to the bed. Allie had already wrapped herself in the blanket and was sinking rapidly into slumber when he joined her on the bed. Pulling the covers away from her languid arms, he lay down next to her and pulled her snuggly against his body, wrapping the blanket around both of them. She stiffened slightly as the rounded curves of her bare ass cheek met his cock, which was rapidly hardening against her flesh. He refused to hide his reaction from her, nor would he allow her more space as she tried to roll away from him.

  Gradually, she relaxed in his arms as he did nothing more than hold her while sleep claimed her exhausted body and mind. He wondered if she would have bruises tomorrow. Her beautiful brown skin didn’t mar easily, but he had been rough with her in his driving need to assert authority. He felt some regret in his handling of Allie. She was such a sweet woman with a gentle nature. Even as she fought him, he knew it wasn’t in her nature to rage.


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