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Because You're Mine

Page 7

by Nikita Slater

  Jay was too used to issuing orders and expecting all within his influence to fall immediately into line. Those that didn’t wouldn't live long enough to regret their actions. Of course, Allie was different. He would never truly hurt his love, but some persuasion would be necessary. Perhaps he would have to learn a little more patience with her. Something he’d understood and cultivated when she was young. He’d grown tougher and more uncompromising in her absence.

  Gently, so as not to wake her, Jay brushed long strands of hair from her forehead. He pressed his lips against her soft skin. He had so much more to lose now.


  Allie’s heart beat faster in anticipation as she caught her first fleeting glimpse of the city she’d known and loved as a child. There were things about it that weren’t good and memories that she hated, but it defined her as much as the man that sat patiently beside her watching every emotion cross her expressive features. As they cleared the mountains and drove closer toward the ocean, she turned excitedly toward Jay and asked if she could open the window.

  “Of course,” he said indulgently, leaning his head against the leather seat and watching her with a look that could only be described as satisfaction.

  Allie turned her back on him, not wanting to understand what that look meant. She opened the window partway and breathed, taking the scent of the ocean deep into her lungs and savouring it. She hadn’t been to the coast since her mother moved to Kelowna seven years ago. Though she longed for the ocean, like a tiny missing piece of her soul, it made more sense to visit her mother in the mountains and for her mother to visit Allie in the prairies. She had no reason to come to Vancouver, in fact, secretly feared coming back to the city a little. She hadn’t wanted to come near Jay’s city. Not with the invisible clock she felt ticking away over her head.

  Despite that, her heart belonged to this city. Only someone born and raised here could truly understand. The smell of the ocean, the rush of the SkyTrain, the ferries, the bridges, the unique pulse of the city itself. It all called to her, like a child that had been lost but now found her way back.

  “You missed it,” Jay said quietly, picking her hand up and kissing her knuckles before placing her hand on her thigh with his on top.

  Allie nodded, not taking her eyes off of the scenery. So much had changed. Things she didn’t recognize any more. But the tangy ocean smell was still the same. She closed her eyes and breathed in and out with a smile. Jay described the construction of a new suspension bridge that they drove over to get to his home in North Vancouver, an area she’d never had the privilege of being in before. Allie’s eyes widened as they turned onto Sunshine Falls Lane and began passing some of the most beautiful houses she’d ever seen. They drove until the houses became fewer and fewer. She glanced at Jay with a frown.

  “I value my privacy,” he explained meaningfully.

  They drove for about twenty minutes before Jay’s driver finally turned along a driveway that was so thick with trees it could be easily missed it you didn’t know it was there. The drive curved down toward the ocean again and Allie smiled in anticipation as the sparkling azure water opened up once more to her greedy eyes through the trees. She realized right away that Jay’s home must be right on the water, which meant it was incredibly expensive, because so few homes in Vancouver had actual water access. She shifted excitedly, trying to take everything in at once.

  The drive curved around the house and stopped directly by the front doors. The house was subtle but beautiful, built to complement the sweeping landscape. It was a two-story sprawling open concept estate with an abundance of windows facing the ocean. Allie flung her door open excitedly, ignoring Jay’s chuckled demand that she wait for him. She jumped from the Lexus, stretched her arms over her head and went immediately around the side of the house to check out the back, which she caught a glimpse of as they drove up.

  “Wow!” she breathed, taking in the sweeping view of the forested cove below them. Winding stairs created a pathway down to a boat dock that peeked through the trees. Then the pool caught her attention. It was about ten steps away from a set of double patio doors and it was huge, stretching out toward the ocean. It started out shallow and went deep, ending in an infinity ledge as it neared the forest. There was a jacuzzi tub as well and modern furniture that looked like it came straight out of a luxury magazine.

  “Holy shit!” she said, staring around in awe.

  Jay came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back into the heat of his body. “You like it?” he asked, kissing the skin behind her ear.

  “How could I not? You have a beautiful home, Jay,” she said evenly. “I had no idea you were doing so well.”

  “We have a beautiful home,” he corrected her. “Everything I have belongs to you now too, Allie.”

  She shook her head and stiffened in his arms, but didn’t try to break free. She had learned a painful lesson at his hands that she didn’t wish to repeat too soon. “I don’t want your things.”

  He didn’t say anything, but his arms tightened around her, reminding her of how few choices she had. He released her and, taking her by the hand, led her inside through the back door. She looked around the spacious house with subdued appreciation. It was tasteful and lovely without being ostentatious. She knew that Jay would have hired someone to decorate, not having the patience to do it himself. Yet somehow it still captured his stark tastes. Jay did not like being surrounded by clutter.

  “You can make any changes you want,” he said quietly from beside her, watching the expressions flit across her face.

  Allie shook her head and looked away, swinging her hair forward so he couldn’t look too closely at her. How could she explain the myriad emotions she was feeling? She didn’t plan on staying so there was no need to change anything. His implacable personality made it impossible for her to stay. Yet the thought of leaving him pierced her heart in a way it shouldn’t. Even if somehow she did find herself staying there with him, she still wouldn’t change anything about the place. The home was too much a part of him. And even though the new Jay was frightening, unyielding and possessive, she still couldn’t bear to change anything. He was still the man she remembered and loved.

  Tears filled her eyes and she turned toward the stairs. “Where are the bedrooms? Can we look upstairs?” she asked huskily.

  “Of course,” Jay said taking her arm and leading her toward the open staircase. His sharp eyes watched her, trying to discern her shifting moods, but he made no comment.

  He conducted her on a tour of each room on the second floor. Allie blushed and backed away when he showed her an empty room explaining that it had been built by the original owners as a nursery. Finally, he escorted her into the magnificent master bedroom. The windows stretched across half of the back of the house and wrapped around the side showing views of the mountains to one side and the ocean cove below them on the other.

  Allie stood next to the window with her back to Jay, staring with wonder at the opulent view. She lifted her hand to touch the glass. “I had no idea, Jay… no idea you were doing so well. It’s all so… stunning… I guess is the word.”

  He didn’t say anything for a moment. He stood leaning against the door behind her. She could feel his eyes on her as she tried to take everything in. After a moment he said, “I had powerful motivation.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at him, her dark eyes filled with pain despite the way he was treating her. “You had nothing for so long. It must have been tempting to take what you could when you were finally able. You weren’t one to take no for an answer, even back then.”

  He lifted a shoulder. “That wasn’t my only motivation. I wouldn’t’ve gotten this successful without something else driving me.”

  She shivered and turned back to the window refusing to be baited.

  “You won’t ask me what it is that motivated me?” he demanded, his voice low.

  When she still refused to speak he continued. “I�
��m going to tell you anyway,” he said, stalking a few steps closer. “I wanted something I couldn’t have, Allison. Something that I knew was within reach, but still untouchable. So I focused all of that aggression into other pursuits with the singleminded goal that one day, when I could, I would finally reach out and take what I wanted. I knew if I became one of the most powerful players on the west coast that I would be in a position to keep the most precious possession in my world safe.”

  Allie stared sightlessly out of the window barely daring to breath.

  “You understand me, Allison?” he asked, his voice hard.

  Allie shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself. She wondered desperately where her mother was and what she was doing. A wave of longing assailed her. Just as Allie knew her mom was tucked away somewhere, she knew without a doubt that she was safe. Jay would ensure it. He would never let anything bad happen to Allie or Veronica. Or at least he would do everything in his power to ensure nothing ever happened to either of them.

  The mother made it easier than the daughter. Though both women tended toward kind-heartedness, Veronica was more willing to go with the flow and accept a situation as it was. As evidenced by her marriage to a wonderful, kind man that was not only approved by Jay, but Allie suspected carefully vetted and selected by him as well. Allie was much more of a trial to Jay’s protective tendencies. She tended to question the world around her and rebel against authority.

  She shivered and stiffened as Jay came up behind her, moving quietly. He didn't touch her. Perhaps he could sense her volatile mood.

  "Can I see my mother?" she asked, her voice almost a whisper.

  She knew the answer, which is why she hadn't bothered to ask during her weeks of captivity. Asking the question now was almost a challenge. She wanted him to know she wasn't ready to accept things the way they were. That she would continue to fight him and his edicts even if she knew his iron will would win in the end.

  "No." His voice held finality.

  Allie closed her eyes for a second, then opened them to stare out once more at the gorgeous forested scene before her, sloping down to the cove below where she could barely see a dock and sailboat. Suddenly, the lovely shaded trees felt claustrophobic. Just another beautiful prison, like the vineyard. Allie crossed her arms protectively in front of her and eyed the long shadows the trees cast on the sunny tiles surrounding the pool. In that moment she preferred the wide open, sun-scorched prairies Jay had taken her from.

  "When can I see her?" she asked.

  He seemed to think the question over carefully. Allie knew what must be going through his mind. Mother and daughter loved each other very much and any lengthy separation would harm them, which was unacceptable to him. He cared about both women too much to want to damage their relationship. Yet he also couldn't allow them to be together while Allie was still fighting him.

  He sighed heavily and rubbed a hand over his hair. "I don't know the answer to that, Allie."

  "Can I at least talk to her?"

  "I don't think that would be a good idea," he replied, his voice growing firmer.

  "Why?" she demanded, finally turning to look at him. He was standing so close the tips of her breasts brushed against him. She took a step back and stumbled a little against a lamp. He caught her arm and steadied her. She tried to pull her arm away, but he retained his hold.

  His grey eyes held hers as he spoke. "You haven't settled yet, Allie. I care about Veronica almost as much as you. I wouldn't want to see her hurt by this situation."

  Allie gasped angrily and tugged harder on her arm. "You think I would do that to my own mother?"

  He refused to release her. "I think you would do almost anything for your freedom right now, love. I think you could hurt Veronica without meaning to."

  "I really think I hate you right now," she hissed, glaring at him.

  He pulled her steadily toward the heat of his body and took hold of her other arm. He spoke against her lips. "While you might hate the situation, we both know you don't hate me, Allie. I'm happy to prove it to you."

  He lowered his mouth to hers, forcing her to stand pliant in his hold with her head tilted back. Tension ignited in a flare of heat as her lips parted involuntarily and his breath caressed her. She brought her hands up to his chest in an attempt to put some distance between them. A sharp knock on the door startled Allie and drew an impatient growl of acknowledgement from Jay. Setting her gently aside, Jay strode swiftly to the door and greeted their visitor.

  Knees weak, Allie sat on the edge of the bed and tried to ignore the low-voiced conversation. She caught enough to understand that there was trouble at a dockyard with one of Jay's less legitimate contacts, someone named Li Wei. Her shoulders stiffened when he came back to the bed and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. When she refused to look at him, he tugged her head up and forced her to meet his eyes.

  "I have to meet with someone. You won't be leaving the property today, so please don't try," he said quietly, holding her head still for a moment and letting his steely gaze drift over her features.

  Allie didn't say anything. What was the point? Jay knew her opinion. He pressed his lips together and his fingers tightened in her hair until the strands tugged against her scalp almost painfully. She pushed her head back against his fist to relieve the pressure and glared up at him.

  He ran his thumb lightly over her lips. "Those dark eyes of yours are eloquent when you refuse to speak actual words. Curse me all you want, the end result is going to be the same.”

  He leaned down to press a hard kiss against her lips where his thumb had been, then turned to leave the room. Her eyes lingered as he moved, the muscles of his shoulders stretched beneath the expensive wine coloured dress shirt. He wore a thick leather belt around his lean hips and black dress pants on his long masculine legs. His ass flexed and shifted against the fine material as he reached for his suit jacket that had been tossed carelessly across a leather chair by the door.

  Allie dropped her eyes quickly before he could catch her staring then jumped up quickly as he made to leave. "Where did you send her?” she blurted.

  Jay turned back to her with an eyebrow raised. He knew what she meant. Allie was afraid he would leave without answering, but he said, "Greg had Robert take her down to my place in Arizona at the same time we flew out to pick you up."

  Allison nodded slowly. "She loves it down there. At least I know she’ll be happy shopping and hiking.”

  "Indeed. Anything else?"

  "Does... does she know I'm here with you?" Allie asked hesitantly.


  Jay waited patiently. Of course they both knew what she was going to ask next.

  "Does she approve… of us?”

  Jay's eyes hardened to liquid steel. He watched Allie for a moment without saying anything then turned away and closed the door softly. She sank back onto the bed and dropped her head into her hands. She felt emotionally drained. She understood his response to her question. It didn't matter if Veronica approved or not. Jay may love and respect Allie's mother, but her opinion wouldn't sway his decision. Allie was here to stay. And until she settled down and accepted her captivity with some level of serenity, Jay wasn't going to allow mother and daughter to reunite.

  Allie lay back on the bed moodily and smashed her fist into one of the pillows with a thump. She rolled angrily onto her side and curled into a ball, glaring at the far wall of the bedroom, which opened into an ensuite. So it was going to be blackmail. If she didn't settle down and accept the life Jay was forcing on her she wouldn't get to see her mom. Jay never said things unless he meant them. Which meant he was willing to wait Allie out, to wear her down, no matter how long it took. Even if it meant hurting Veronica and Allie in the process. Because he was a ruthless bastard. He knew, without a doubt, that eventually she would give in.

  Just not yet. She wasn't ready to give up on everything she had worked so hard on. Walking away from her marriage was easy. But turning her back on the peopl
e that trusted her to get them through their addictions was impossible. She would find a way back to them. Somehow.

  Allie glared down at the bracelet that ensured that, even if she managed to run from Jay, he would find her. The beautiful intertwined gold and silver loops glinted in the light of the sun shining through the window. With a sigh Allie shoved her wrist up under a pillow, hiding the offensive object of her captivity from view. Questions whirled relentlessly around her head as she slowly drifted off to sleep, wrapped in the warm embrace of the sun.


  Allie loved everything to do with water. She enjoyed swimming, surfing, sailing, diving, fishing. She even loved building sandcastles, as long as she got to search for decorative seashells in the water. She thought it was because she was raised on the coast and the water was in her blood. No matter how poor they were, the ocean was always free. Allie was not materialistic and though she would have loved to reject Jay’s things on principal, there was no way she was going to be able to walk away from his pool without swimming in it.

  After her nap, Allie had woken feeling marginally better and determined to enjoy at least one aspect of her luxurious prison. She hoped the pool was heated, because evening was approaching and the sun was rapidly dropping below the forested skyline. Knowing that Jay would be well prepared for her arrival she quickly found a closet stocked with a wide array of women's clothing, all in her size. She randomly chose a white one-piece bathing suit off the rack and headed into the ensuite. After changing she grabbed a big, fluffy towel and headed down the staircase.

  “Ms. Klassen,” a professional voice said as Allie skipped down the last of the steps.

  Startled, she let out a scream and stumbled, losing her balance on the last step. Arms reached out, righted her and released her in the quickest possible amount of time it took to get Allie settled back on her feet with minimal touching. She found herself staring into the eyes of a man that looked like a cross between an assassin and a professional dog walker. Allie opened her mouth to say something, but the only thing that emerged was a giggle. She closed her mouth and covered it with her hand.


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