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The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One

Page 13

by Brad Carr

“Angus, it’s really nice to see you again.”

  The insignia above her left breast had changed since he saw her last. She was now a higher rank. He knew he could no longer speak to her as an equal.

  “Thank you Ma’am. I am glad to see your rank has been promoted. It is well deserved,” he slightly paused and stood in attention, “Ma’am.”

  “At ease Angus, in this office you may address me by my name; but not outside of it.”

  He unglued his eyes from looking straight forward, relaxing his chest. “Lieutenant now huh? You are moving up in the world. How are you?”

  Rebecca stood up and grabbed Angus’ forearm, and he did the same to hers. This was the Capital Kingdom’s way of greeting fellow soldiers when permission was granted to be “at ease.” It was a firm grip, because a weak forearm embrace was a sign of disrespect.

  “I am doing well Angus. You look good. All that basic training made you a different man.”

  He looked down at his body for just a second and responded, “Yeah, well they are working me hard.”

  “It’s for your best interest, trust me.” Rebecca replied, letting her grip remove from his forearm. “Well, AG Vol is through the next door. He is expecting you.”

  Angus glanced at an old man sitting in the corner of the room behind a desk. He was sleeping with his head rested on his fist and drooling on the desktop. The elderly man seemed out of place for such a high office.

  “If you don’t mind me asking, who is that?” Angus questioned.

  “That is Joel. He’s been AG Vol’s advisor for decades. He’s getting up there in age. AG Vol keeps him around because Joel won’t retire. Guess the Alpha General has a soft spot for him,” answered Lieutenant Yu. Changing the subject, “Well, I suspect you don’t want to keep the General waiting?”

  “No, no of course not,” Angus gulped silently after responding, wondering again what was going to be expected of him.

  Yu sat down on her chair and began to read her tablet again; signaling the end of the conversation. Walking past Joel’s desk on his right was another iron door. He pulled down on the shiny metal handle and entered.

  Brakion sat behind the desk on his chair. Wearing a casual black shirt, he looked up to see Angus. It was odd to see Brakion without his uniform or armor. But it was a holiday, so a uniform wasn’t necessary. Although AG Vol was seemingly healthy and strong, Angus felt the stress fade away. He seemed more approachable when he wasn’t seated upon Bantam.

  “Angus my boy!” Brakion said with a little excitement getting up from his chair and strolling over to him. He grabbed Angus by the shoulders and gave him a warm embracing hug. The differences in height of both men made the hug slightly awkward since Angus towered above him. Letting go of Angus he remarked,”You look a lot like Salem at your age. I am happy to see you again. Much taller than I realized being this close to you.”

  “I’ve been here for some time.”

  “Of course you have. It hasn’t escaped my notice. I couldn’t show you special treatment in front of the other recruits. It was for your own good. But now that you are almost done with the first stage of training, I figured it was time to speak with you and answer any questions you may have.”

  “But AG Vol, I have too many questions to burden you with.”

  “Nonsense, and while we’re in my office speaking privately, you can call me Uncle Brakion. Or just Brakion if you’re uncomfortable with that title. But not in front of other soldiers. Understand?”

  “Yes…um Uncle Brakion.”

  “Pull up a seat in the corner there,” Brakion commanded.

  Angus marched over to the room where three chairs sat. Picking one of them up, he plopped it down and sat in front. Brakion began to speak across the desk from him, interlacing his fingers.

  “There is a lot to explain to you Angus. Maybe it’s best if I start at the very beginning and show you. You can ask your questions after I am done. I don’t have time to give all specifics. The information is too vast to tell all. In fact, it is quite unbelievable. But you need to know a secret about your father and I. This is a big chance I’m taking.”

  “I will keep your trust.”

  “Thank you Angus. You and all other soldiers saw the memory I allowed the Messengers to show you. I asked Bittersmith to leave out certain details.”

  Gabriella Bittersmith entered the room. Glaring back at her, Angus felt uneasy. Although he was being trained by Bittersmith almost daily; something felt unnatural. Like the feeling someone gets when danger is approaching. The hairs stood on the back of his neck.

  “Angus, “ she greeted him. Her skin began glowing bright, transforming into the young female messenger, revealed in the memory from the day the Exodus Coalition nearly destroyed humanity. She wore the same cherry red dress.

  Angus jumped out of his chair and backed against the wall. “What, what is going on here?”

  “Do not be alarmed, I will not harm you. I am the being from the memory. I saved Brolin and Sam, as well as many others that day. I am a Messenger, a being from another planet. Mankind has called us Angels, but it’s much more complicated than that.”

  “I’m dreaming. That’s it! I know I’m dreaming. It just feels real. Just like when I converse with my father in my dreams.” Angus justified her transformation as a simple trick of the mind. “I’m going to wake at any moment!”

  “Angus sit down. Now!” Brakion ordered. “It will all be fine. Just, trust me.”

  Angus reluctantly seated himself again. “Okay, Brakion. I will give this a shot.”

  “Before Bittersmith reveals more memories of that time, you must know that those two boys are more than you ancestors.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I am Brolin Vol. The other boy was your father. Sam is Salem.”

  “That is impossible. You would be dead by now.”

  “No, you’ll see that it is quite possible. Bittersmith, start the memories.”

  Holding onto one of Brakion and Angus’ wrists, she stated, ”You may feel slight discomfort afterward.”

  The room began to blur. Angus slumped down in his chair and closed his eyes. Brakion did the same. In a trance, the room faded from the immediate existence. Memories poured into Angus’ brain as he could hear Brakion’s voice telling the account.

  After Bittersmith found us, and delivered us to the facility, I woke.

  The young Brolin Vol sat up in a well lit room. Walls were bright white and blank, the room was empty. His bed was fitted for only a solo occupant. A warm comfortable linen blanket covered his legs; he was clothed in a loose, light gray jumpsuit. Sweeping off the blanket, he spun to allow his feet to dangle off the side of the bed. Jumping onto the cool tiled floor, the boy’s face began to twitch in fear.

  “Sam! Sam where are you?”

  “He is fine,” a woman’s voice reassured over an intercom. Bittersmith peered through a interior glass window. She wore a light gray doctor’s jacket. We had to keep you in this room for observation. Sam is in another room.”

  Defiantly walking over to the glass observation window, he pounded on it with the palm of his hand, “I want to see my god damn brother!”

  Bittersmith smiled, she was amused by the boy’s courage. “I assure you, you will see him soon. I am opening a door to your room. Just walk out into the hallway, and I will greet you there.”

  A door appeared, opening to his right side. Brolin exited into the brightly lit hallway. On the opposite side, another door opened to reveal Sam. Wearing the same jumpsuit, he stood there smiling. Both brothers hugged each other.

  “You look like hell,” Sam laughed.

  Bittersmith, standing next to them, intervened, “Let’s go boys. It’s time to meet the other survivors.”

  “There were only forty-three survivors in this facility. The gas had killed hundreds of thousands in our area alone. Thirty years had passed since the Exodus Coalition attack, Sam and I woke up as children from stasis beds. Without human upkeep, the Messeng
ers waited for the power plants to break down due to disrepair. Along with whatever chemicals were mixed with the Exodus Coalition’s gas orbs; the power plant failures created a catastrophic addition. This left most of the world unsafe for exposure. The world needed to renew and repair itself, humanity would have hindered this necessary process. Our parents were dead, but we were raised by the community. The Messengers took care of everyone’s needs, until we were self sustaining. Base Ninety-Five stretched for over a square kilometer above ground. I don’t know how they kept this location secret, especially its shear size, but they did. Since the dawn of man, it has remained hidden from prying eyes. We were educated on what was happening to the world outside the facilities. Mankind would have to rebuild the world when the time was right. But while we were fortunate enough to be protected in Base Ninety-Five, we had to endure more changes too. At first we had a routine vaccination schedule. The Messengers sped up our evolution through these vaccinations. But life was good. We had a community, families, crop development,education, athletic training, and learned many trades. Some of the education was banned from learning, the Messengers decided we needed to rediscover some aspects on our own. If we knew too much too soon, they feared we would create the same destruction the Exodus Coalition accomplished. The world was going through major changes. Not much of it was inhabitable. In fact, the islands wouldn’t be habitable for another two hundred and twenty-three years. Sam and I thought we would die inside that base. But we had hope that our descendants would be able to see the blue skies again. We lived through many adventures inside. You know, your typical human errors and successes always cause variations. But the hardest job Sam and I endured was with the security crew. When the population increased in the facility, trouble started to resurface. Living space became more cramped. Surprisingly, disease and sickness didn’t become much of a factor because of the cleanliness and vaccines given. Humanity has a short memory. Many who lived there became agitated because they desired more. Selfish human inclinations rise. We had food, shelter, relative safety, and a thriving community. All of our needs were met. But a rebellion ensued anyhow. Just as it does from time to time. Arrests had to be made. That was the responsibility Sam and I had. The next memory is disturbing, but I won’t conceal it from you.”

  Brolin and Sam were now aged in their mid forties. Their security apparel consisted of a gray kevlar helmet and torso, gray boots, and white jumpsuit worn underneath. The brothers, along with three other security officers were standing to the side of a dormitory entrance.

  “Maria Sharo! This is security. We need you to open up! You are required to be questioned,” commanded Sam.

  “Go to hell you pieces of shit!” Exclaimed a woman’s voice from the other side.

  “Ma’am, this will go a lot smoother if you just talk to us,” said Brolin, trying to plead with the furious woman.

  “Honey, just open the door. Don’t do this in front of Kyle,” a man’s voice could be heard from the same room as Maria. It was her husband, James Sharo.

  “Mommy, don’t let them take you,” cried a little boy in the same room.

  “Ma’am, I am giving you to the count of five to open the door, or we’re going to open it against your will! Think of your son! I am sure he wouldn’t want his mother harmed,” Sam tried to reason with her.

  Brolin warned the other officers, ”She may be armed. A laser was stolen from the stock room this morning. I don’t think this woman is going to come quietly. Lasers on stun.” They all nodded in agreement.


  “Fuck you!” she screamed.


  “Honey please,” James begged.


  “Fucking gestapo!” Maria yelled.


  “Last chance Misses Sharo,” warned Brolin.


  The door opened with a hail of laser fire coming out of the room. Maria was armed and dangerous. The officers refused to shoot inside the room, to avoid hitting the child. Instead, they waited patiently in safety with their backs resting against the hallway wall for cover. Maria, exasperated at shooting nothing, sprinted out of the dormitory and began firing. Before she could hit any of the officers, they unloaded stun charges to her body. But to no effect. She simply laughed maniacally, firing off her gun.

  “Lasers on kill! Lasers on kill!” exclaimed Sam.

  It was too late. Three officers were shot full of holes before they could switch to deadly fire. Sam was hit in the right leg. Brolin forced out a shot that took off Maria’s right hand. It was the hand that held the laser. Red mist sprayed from her wound. Screeching out in horror, she stared at a nub that used to be her hand.

  Brolin growled with rage, tackling her to the ground. Fists pounding against her face as it bloated with bruising and hemorrhaging. Crimson liquid began oozing from her eyes, nose, and mouth. Maria began choking on her own teeth, now separated from her gums.

  “No! Stop!” James Sharo shouted as he jumped on Brolin’s back. Pulling out a knife from his back pocket, he raised his arm ready to strike him in the neck.

  Brolin’s adrenaline spiked further, pumping through his body. He caught James’ arm by the wrist, and pushed him off onto the hallway wall. James dropped his knife on the floor. Brolin was in a violent and brutal state of mind. Picking up the large knife, he walked over to James. As James tried to get up off the floor, he was hoisted up in the air by the top of his hair. Slammed against the hallway wall, James looked at Brolin, pleading for his life while the sharp blade rested near his throat.

  “Brolin, no!” yelled Sam.

  But Brolin was lost in a fiery rage, deeply entrenched in blood lust. He pushed the knife across James’ neck. Blood spewed out as his head plopped and rolled onto the floor. Turning his attention back to Maria’s bloodied body, he stalked over to her. Sam did not recognize his brother. Brolin was known as a kind, intellectual man, but his true darkness revealed itself, without control.

  “Brolin! Listen to me! Snap out of it!” Sam exclaimed while falling to get to his knees, holding onto his injured leg.

  Brolin couldn’t hear his brother’s voice. Ringing sounds penetrating his head, with a stereo pulse that simulated palpitations of his heartbeat. Kneeling over Maria’s quivering body, Brolin pushed her eyes deep into her skull with his thumbs. Her body flopped around in a what could be likened to a seizure. Maria’s legs stopped kicking, and a last gasp of air exited her lungs. There on a large pool of blood, her lifeless body rested. A small frail voice from a four year old boy broke the silence.

  Kyle Sharo stood behind the dormitory entrance, “Momma? Momma are you ok?”

  Brolin’s psychological state transformed into remorse, he wept loudly, whimpering like a child. He had never killed another human being before. Looking down at his blood soaked hands, Brolin cursed himself.

  Sam shot Kyle with the “stun” setting of his laser. Kyle collapsed to the floor, unconscious. Sam didn’t know any other option. He didn’t want the boy to see his parents’ bodies.

  “I felt so guilty for killing that boy’s parents. My superior officer agreed with my actions. Maria killed three officers and James attempted to stab me. I was within my rights to protect myself and my fellow officers. But I was so brutal and animalistic in the way I murdered them. Wish I could say that was the last time I took a life, but that wouldn’t be true. Time has a way of transforming the softest of skins, into hardened callouses. As it turned out, Maria couldn’t be stunned because she had taken the drug,’Spiker.’ The narcotic gives a person a copious amount of pain tolerance. This is why we couldn’t bring her down. Kyle was taken to one of the Messengers to have his parents brutal death erased from his mind. Instead, he was convinced later on that his parents abandoned him and left the base. Later on in another lifetime, Kyle’s new name came to be Kansas Sparks. But I will explain more on that later. After another decade and a half, small insurrections started to make the quality of life in Base Ninety-Five
miserable. The once bright and hopeful sanctuary became a dark and unloving place to dwell. To rectify this, the Messengers instructed us to let them go outside and find another place to live. The rebels didn’t believe us when we tried to convince them it is unsafe. At this point, I’m ashamed to admit this; but I wanted them all to go out there and die.”

  Oxygen masks were strapped to the faces of the security force. The exit doors were opened. A long line of people traveled outside the base. Sam was further inside, Brolin was stationed outside the exit. Looking up as the rebels peacefully walked past him, he gazed intently at the green foggy morning. It had been so long since he saw the heavens above. Haze covered the sky. Brolin expected the land to be barren, but it wasn’t. Wild grass and strange new trees now graced the landscape. However, the fog rolled in and out like an animal racing across a path.

  Some of the rebels mocked the security officers as they strolled past them. Comments were made to them such as, “You’re wearing that mask for nothing you idiot! See we were right! The Messengers lied to us. Earth is fine!”

  “As they continued outside, I started to question whether or not it really was safe. But something also felt odd. I couldn’t actually describe the feeling to you. Danger was lurking close by. Instead of hoping for their peril, now I felt empathy and compassion. Dreaded fear of the unknown could be felt in the pit of my stomach.”

  Brolin grasped a woman’s shoulder while she attempted to walk past him. She was a young mother holding hands with her toddler daughter. The daughter continued to look ahead into the fog, ignoring everything around her.

  “Don’t go. Something’s wrong,” warned Brolin.

  “Get your damn hands off me, you feral dog!” Releasing her daughter’s hand, she shoved him. The young mother continued her stride ahead, leaving footprints behind in her path.

  Minutes passed as the last of the rebels left the exit. Brolin kept his eyes on the woman and her daughter traveling in the distance. Suddenly, the young mother dropped to her knees and let out a high pitched scream. More people in the crowd began to fall on the ground. Brolin disobeyed orders and sprinted towards the little toddler girl to check on her and the mother. Painful howls emerged in the fog.


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