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The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One

Page 14

by Brad Carr

  When Brolin reached the location of the small girl, black boils covered her body. Milky pus dripped out of the boils. He dared not touch her skin because of this unknown scourge. The mother’s body was covered in the same black gooey sickness. Brolin retreated from the scores of people trying desperately to escape back to the base. Dashing faster than the rest, their speed lagged behind due to this strange plague.

  Arriving back to the exit door, some of the rebels were ever creeping and limping closer. Loud painful moaning filled the air, some convulsed while attempting to stay upright. Brolin, along with the rest of the security officers formed a firing line according to their commander’s order on their headset. The command was, “FIRE!”

  Lasers seared through the rebels. Filling everyone without uniforms, with three centimeter holes scattered throughout their bodies. Young, old, men, women, and children were eradicated without prejudice.

  “We had to eliminate anyone who tried to reenter the base. Our job was to protect the residents inside the base. A few minutes later, after sealing the exit, I took a peek outside the small circular window to the exit. Bodies were being consumed by insects measuring about half a meter tall. Later, we named these creatures ‘venom crickets,’ since they resembled those disgusting insects. The venom they spray causes boils to the skin, burning and liquifying victims from the outside inward. Apparently these crickets were camouflaged by the fog a few meters away from the group when they departed; surrounding the unfortunate souls when they left the safety of the base. We lost nearly a third of the population of Base Ninety-Five because of their rebellion. The reason I shared that memory with you, is for you to realize what state the world was in at the time. Not only was the fog impossible to navigate, but creatures that were once harmless became dangerous. It’s impossible to know what components were used in the gas when the Exodus Coalition tried to destroy us. But whatever they used, I don't think they knew the total effects it would have on the lifeforms that survive it. The next memory is important. You will know a secret that only you can keep. If others found out about this, the Messengers would be hunted from others who want the same power. Of course, nothing would happen to them because they are too powerful. But then, their attention could be turned to people like me, and we would be harshly experimented on.”

  Five gray empty chairs furnished a small undecorated room with white walls. Floors were covered in glimmering black tiles. Five people arrived to the room. Proceeding to sit down, were two elderly women named Vivian Barex and Megan Sloon. A middle aged man who happened to be a fully grown Kyle Sharo, coughed into a napkin filled with blood. He was suffering from lung cancer. Entering the room seconds later, was a white haired and wrinkled skinned Sam. A portly middle aged female pushed him in a wheelchair. She had features similar to Sam, but feminine in nature. A slight hint of “crows feet” could be noticed in the corner of her eyes.

  “Okay Pop, I’m going to leave you here. I’m not allowed to stay,” she said holding her father’s hand. “I love you.”

  Sam nodded, along with his long white dreadlocks. “Love you too Patricia,” he responded to her. A gleaming smile enriched his face as he tapped her forearm in an affectionate manner, signaling her to respectfully leave. Patricia left the room, giving her father a slight wave goodbye on the way out. Exiting out into the hallway, her voice echoed loudly, speaking to another person. “Uncle Brolin, you look well today. Pop is in the room waiting for you.”

  A muscular male nurse pushed a gurney in the room. On it, a disabled and bald Brolin Vol laid on his left side. His long beard had a slight yellow tint because of matured age. With his eyes glazed over, a hint of drool plopped down from the corner of his open mouth. Brolin was trapped inside his body. The nurse rolled him onto his spine, then adjusted the back of the gurney to the upright position. Brolin could now view the anterior of the room. Adjusting the gurney height, descending downward to seated level; the nurse rolled Brolin next to Sam.

  Salem placed his left hand onto Brolin’s right arm. “It’s good to see you bro. You’re awake today.”

  Brolin was incapable of responding or moving much. But his face could make a slight expression of hello. Sam didn’t notice it because he focused forward as a Messenger named Oliver arrived, standing in front of the small audience.

  Oliver was tall, with a dark complexion. Shiny white robes adorned his body. His eyes were blank white with a slight glow to them. Yet, despite his strange image, it wouldn’t scare those dwelling in Base Ninety Five. The Messengers were known to change their appearances whenever they pleased. Those citizens inside the base, grew accustomed to them.

  “Welcome. You have been specifically selected to carry on a great work for humanity. But with this responsibility, a gift will be given. With this gift comes a huge price, and a large secret. Many of the other Messenger facilities across world have failed. Only a few bases remain. This base is the most successful. A small group did survive the days since the Exodus Coalition attack. But living outside these bases, they have evolved into creatures that cannot be identified as human anymore. They are feral,” Oliver paused. “Death comes to all living things, but do not let this frighten you. All creatures become part of the earth again eventually; recycled, and renewed. Reincarnation is a long process of many steps. Rarely does anyone have any recollection of previous lives. We do not know how or why, because even the Messengers cannot understand all of the universal mysteries. The Creator’s power is too mighty. Intervention by the Creator does not happen. But all of us, including the Messengers, have what we need to take care of ourselves. We were ordered to this small planet, to deliver the seeds of evolution. Out of the micro universe, though millions of years of adaptation, you are here. Our task is to make sure you continue your journey on this planet. We are not your Gods. Any Messenger who claims to be a deity, is threatening you, and their responsibilities to the Creator. Consider yourself enlightened with this knowledge; because your ancestors failed to recognize this. You have free will. You are not puppets. The Messengers are your equals, because we came to be, just as you have. Humanity in general, cannot seem to understand this. Many continue to enforce unnecessary commandments upon others. Due to this line of thinking, the Exodus Coalition almost destroyed all of the progress made. Before I go any further, I have important questions for you. Are you prepared to help carry out our goals? Do you wish to benefit the resurgence of humanity? Are you willing to leave your family behind in this destination? This is voluntary, but once you pledge your oath, it will be binding. If our commands are rejected, your unique abilities will be taken. Then you will live out the rest of your lives as a normal human being, without any recollections of your former lives. If this honor is not what you want, then please leave the room with our love and respect. Once you depart, your minds will be erased of the speech I just delivered. No one, will remember this except those who choose to remain.”

  Sam looked over to his brother and confirmed, “I’m not sure why we would do any good since age has crept up on us. But my children are grown, my great grandchildren are almost adults. I will be dead soon anyway, I’m going to stay because I’m curious. If you are going to do this Brolin, just squeeze my hand.”

  A tear trickled down Brolin’s cheek. He yearned to feel useful again. Gazing at Sam, he squeezed as tight as physically possible onto Sam’s hand. Sam felt the slight constrict of all the pressure Brolin’s hand could muster.

  “Surprisingly, all five people stayed behind. Maybe the curiosity was too great, or they craved something more. I do not know. Either way we took our chances. The next thing I can recall is Bittersmith seated next to my bed. I remember feeling stranger than usual. It was almost as if I was absent from my own body, looking around the room. To my view, I was floating above my bed. I could see the other people in the medical room. Each had a messenger sticking close by. Amulets of bone and silver hung around their necks. Kyle Sharo was sleeping. Megan Sloon was listening to music in her wireless headphones. Vivian Ban
ex was clearly comatose. Sam was reading on his tablet.”

  Brolin opened his eyes from a deep sleep. The lights were dim, and everyone was in a slumber. Sitting up in bed he pulled the blankets off his body. Looking downward, was two legs that could move. Staring at his hands, they too looked as though they belong to a young man. Hopping off the bed, Brolin ran to the bathroom, peering at the mirror. The reflection revealed a man around the age of eighteen. His blonde hair had been trimmed close. He was bathed and groomed.

  “It’s amazing isn’t it? How do you feel?” asked Bittersmith appearing behind him.

  “I…I’m young again. I can walk, I can run!” Brolin rambled with excitement, spinning in place. “I feel like playing a sport. Is that normal? I mean, I…I don’t know what I mean. But I do look differently then I remember.”

  “Your appearance will change slightly over each lifetime.”

  “I’m okay with that.”

  “Brolin,” replied the youthful Bittersmith. “Soon, you are going to forget some of your previous life. You will have visions and flashbacks.”

  “How much will I remember?”

  “You have already forgotten memories you requested me to block. Although, it is possible for unwanted memories to arise from time to time.”

  “Is this my original body, just reformed?”

  “No, your old body is gone. The amulets copy memories and DNA signatures. Most importantly, it holds your life-force while a new body is constructed slowly over the course of a year.”

  “What are these amulets called? Where are they now?”

  “The amulets disperse through your new body, hiding inside of it. Spreading out in every direction, it is no longer visible. It is similar to a clear shield, in a sense. I will explain more in a minute.”

  “What happens now? What are my instructions?”

  “When the time is right, you will know.”

  “Can I see Sam?”

  “Not yet, let him sleep. He needs rest while his new body develops over a few more months.”

  “Okay. Where are we going?”

  “Patience, I will show you.”

  Bittersmith took the Brolin by the hand. Down a long hallway they traveled until they came upon a door. She spoke to the entrance. “Messenger-two-three-one, code eight-seven-six-five-nine-three-two-six.”

  The door slid open. Candles filled the room, dimly illuminating it. On a shelf, five golden urns sat in place. Under each urn, the names of the volunteers were written.

  “Brolin, one of these is your ashes.”

  Eerie emotions stirred in Brolin. He touched the urn, but did not pick it up. It was hard to grasp the idea that his body rested inside this vessel.

  “So I am dead, in a sense.”

  “Depends upon your point of view.”

  “Tell me more about these amulets.”

  “The amulets you see are constructed from the bones of Elisha.”

  “Who is Elisha?”

  “Elisha was a Hebrew prophets of three of the most popular religions of the ancient world. In truth, he could be considered a Messenger, or angel. Although his stories were changed through the years of time, some facts remain. Elisha was a hybrid of a Messenger and human. He was given this gift by Oliver. Unfortunately, Elisha was killed by a rogue Messenger.”

  “How did Oliver…”

  “It’s not important right now,” interrupted Bittersmith. “When Elisha died, his spirit was reincarnated back to the Earth. He was reborn without the abilities and memories he was gifted. A hybrid can kill a Messenger, and a Messenger can murder a hybrid. Elisha’s body wasn’t burned, instead the corpse was buried inside a tomb. One day, a dead man named Shallum was thrown into Elisha’s tomb. When his corpse touched Elisha’s bones, he was resurrected to life. Because Shallum barely touched the bones, he didn’t become young, but his body mysteriously awakened from death. Soon afterward, word spread all over the nation. Shallum hid the bones so men couldn’t use it for evil purposes. Shallum founded a secret society called the Elisha Covenant. It was their duty to separate and hide pieces of Elisha’s bones to remote places of the Earth. Over the centuries, sea wrecks, and destruction by war conquests, caused most of bone fragments to go missing. Lost forever,” she informed. Pointing to Brolin’s chest, “Inside all who volunteered, the amulets inside your bodies, are the last fragments of Elisha’s bones.”


  “When you die from now on, these amulets will transfer back to this room. Inside here, you will be reincarnated again.”

  “I have so many questions.”

  “I have answered all you need to know, Garrett.”


  “You’ll need to change your name every lifetime.”

  “Can I keep my last name?”

  “Only if you claim you are kin to the family. But you should alternate first names over the ages you live. We don’t want others finding out about the Elisha Amulets. The covenant must be protected, so they don’t fall into the wrong hands. Rogue Messengers can use them for selfish purposes.”

  “Throughout the centuries, we all helped rebuild humanity as much as we are allowed to do. The islands were now the new birthplace of humanity. Base Ninety-Five eventually disappeared after we left it. Although, when we wake to each new life, we arrive to that room wherever it travels to. It is at a different location each time. The citizens who formally lived on Base Ninety-Five, eventually began creating village communities. Communities turned to towns. Towns transformed into cities. Cities became States. States morphed into nations. Time and doubt began to turn the Messengers into myth. Those possessing the Elisha Amulets call themselves,‘The Chosen.’Our relationships to each other are magnetic. Whenever one of us reincarnates, no matter how far away we were, we seemed to find each other again. The Chosen developed special abilities. We all lived human lives, in some lifetimes we had families. In every lifetime, we were given instructions by the Messengers. Sometimes we had to be violent, sometimes we had to be pursuers of peace. Civilization is messy. Peace doesn’t always accomplish progress, and neither does war. But both are necessary at times. Throughout the centuries however, some of the Chosen were not resurrected. Vivian Barex was murdered at sea in her thirteenth lifetime by an enemy messenger. Her body wasn’t found. Megan Sloon, was burned as a heretic in the Scarlet Republic over three hundred years ago. They dumped her ashes in an unmarked grave. She never showed up to Base Ninety Five’s ever changing location. It is believed she was killed by a Messenger also. Kyle Sharo became one of my closest friends through the ages. However, in this lifetime he became an enemy of the Capital Kingdom. He is now known by the name of Kansas Sparks.”

  Bittersmith removed her grip of Angus and Brakion. Now removed from the trance, Angus leapt up from his chair again. Putting his hand over his mouth, he frantically looked around the room.

  “Bucket?” asked Bittersmith holding out a small gray trash pail.

  Angus snatched the pail from Bittersmith. Dropping to his knees, he held tight to the bucket, vomiting into it. At the finale of retching, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. Resting back to the chair again, slumping, he continued to ask questions.

  “What happened to my father, Uncle Brakion?”

  “Your father requested not to be resurrected. He told me he didn’t want to see you expire. After many years of witnessing the loss of those he loved, he begged me to let him go,” Brakion responded. His eyes began to glass over, “ was the hardest thing I ever had to do.”

  “How did you remove his Amulet?”

  “I..I honestly don’t remember. It is blocked from my memory.”

  “Bring him back!” demanded Angus slamming his fist on Brakion’s desk.

  “I wish I could Angus. But I love him too much to go against his wishes.”

  “Where are his ashes, or grave?” asked Angus now calming down.

  “What do you plan to do?”

  “I’m…listen, I’m not going to go against his wishes
either. I just want to see my father’s grave. I deserve that.”

  “I will take you to it someday. It is hidden in the forests, excuse me I mean ‘jungle’ as this generation calls it. Only I know where it is.”

  “How did he die?”

  “Salem was murdered by an unknown assailant. We don’t know who did it.”

  “Why did you tell me all of this? Why let me in on this secret of the Chosen?”

  “Because, I am entrusting you with this.” Brakion pulled a metal box from behind his desk. Placing it on top, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. Handing Angus the key he said, “Open it.”

  Reluctantly, he held the key. Angus inserted it into the slot, turned the key, and opened the top. Inside was a necklace. A bone charm was held tight in place with silver wrappings. It was one of the Elisha Amulets.

  “It was Salem’s. I am offering it to you. If I should perish, instruction will be given to you by Bittersmith as to where I am going to hide this amulet. The Chosen need another member besides Kansas and I. Since Kansas has rejected his duties, I cannot shoulder all the responsibilities of humanity. I need assistance. You are to be Salem’s replacement.”

  “What if I refuse?” Angus asked.

  “I won’t force you Angus. I will leave it in your capable hands to choose the right successor. I prefer it to be a Vol. If not you, make sure it isn’t someone connected to any rebellious Messengers. It must be given to someone who is free from the chains of deities.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “It’s all I ask Angus. If you finally decide, let Gabriella or I know. Should you perish before the initial procedure, Gabriella won’t be able to gift you with the amulet. I do not have the permission to give the amulet to another. Only Gabriella can do that. I only have the permission to remove an amulet. After your training is complete, I would like to get to know you again. We’re family.”


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