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Crazy About Curves: 10 Luscious Reads

Page 38

by Adriana Hunter

  Becky, standing with Reed, watched her best friend about to take a leap of faith into matrimony. One thing was certain—Sam made a beautiful bride, even on short notice.

  Christopher stood nervously, his hands sweating and his heart racing. He’d never been surer of anything in his life, but realizing how much his life would change was a lot to absorb. He’d be responsible for another person, and he wanted to do right by her. He hoped he was enough, and all she ever needed.

  As Sam got closer, her head started to swim. She closed her eyes for a moment and forced a breath in and out. Stopping with only two pews to go, she took another deep breath and looked at her friends and future husband. Without a word, she sat in the pew beside her.

  “I don’t think I can do this.” Suddenly the entire world was on her shoulders, and every single rational thought flushed from her body.

  She forced herself to breathe again, afraid she’d hyperventilate if she didn’t concentrate. One, two, in, out... she stared at the faces coming closer, but she barely recognized them.

  “Sam? Are you okay?” She heard the voices, but couldn’t answer. She was frozen, stuck in some time warp. “Samantha?”

  She stared ahead. Finally, shaking it off, she looked at Chris. “I don’t think I can do this. I’m sorry. We just started dating. What are we doing? We barely know each other. How can we get married? Our friends and family were right, but we didn’t want to be wrong, so we were going to do it anyway.” She was horrified to say the words. “I’m sorry Christopher, but I can’t marry you.” She wanted to run away and escape. She never meant to hurt him, or take things this far, but here she was, minutes from a life changing ceremony, and she knew in that moment it was a mistake.

  “Sam?” Christopher couldn’t believe his ears. After all they went through to get here, now she gets cold feet?

  “I’m not saying I don’t want to marry you, the person. I’m just saying that I don’t want to rush things. I don’t want to get married today. I want you in my life if you’ll still have me, and maybe in a year or two, but this...this isn’t the right time. We’re still getting to know one another. Marriage is forever. I need to be sure.”

  Christopher sat beside her. “I’ll stand by your side for as long as it takes. And if you decide you don’t ever want to get married, I’ll still be by your side until you ask me to leave.” He picked up her hand and kissed it tenderly.

  “How can you know?”

  “I’ve never felt so complete.”

  Samantha rested her head on his shoulder, while Becky and Reed gave them space, going to sit at the back of the chapel.

  “Chris?” Her voice was soft and quiet.


  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize. If it was meant to happen, it would have.”

  “I’m scared,” she whispered. “I’ve always been so sure of my choices. And today, as I stood there, I questioned it in a way that I’ve never done before.”

  “That’s good. Something this important is worth questioning.”

  “You’re not mad?”


  “You still love me?”

  “Even more,” he answered honestly.

  “How is that possible?”

  “Because I’m learning that you’re even more gorgeous, intelligent, and amazing than I even knew.” He wrapped his arm over her shoulder.

  She paused a moment, before asking, “Chris?”


  “Will you marry me?”

  “Yep, whenever you’re ready.” He gave her shoulder a squeeze.

  “I think I’m ready.”

  He looked at her, startled by her statement. “What? Are you sure?”


  “It’s up to you, but you don’t have to.”

  “I think I’m ready.”

  Christopher looked at Sam. “Do you want to think about it some more?”

  “No. You just told me everything I needed to know. I just didn’t know it. You were sweet, kind, understanding, warm, loving, and wanted what made me happy. How could I go wrong with a guy that puts me first and loves me so purely?”

  Chris nodded to the chaplain. “I think we’re ready.”

  “Okay, then.”

  The couples went to the front of the tiny chapel, and as Samantha stood beside her future husband, her heart was full. Yeah, everything was going to be okay. She was sure of it this time.


  “You may now kiss the bride.”

  Christopher looked at his wife, his heart beating a little faster, and leaned in to kiss her. He whispered, “I love you”, before kissing her.

  Sam’s entire body tingled and was awash in happiness. Whatever happened back there, whatever she was feeling, it was gone.

  Chris and Sam shared a tender, sweet kiss, their lips gently brushing together to seal the deal. It was official. They were husband and wife.

  “I introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Remy,” the official finished. “And if you step to the side, we’ll take your picture. For an extra twenty dollars, we’ll take it in front of our big glittery heart, right outside,” he added.

  Sam laughed. He was chaplain and salesman, all rolled up in one.

  “How are you feeling? Any regrets?” Chris whispered in her ear.

  “Only one,” Sam started. “That I stopped our wedding. I’m sorry.”

  “Baby, don’t apologize. We did move fast, and there is a lot to think about, but now we can do it all together.”

  Becky and Reed offered their hearty congratulations. Reed told them, “I made us reservations at La Varino’s. I thought it was a little nicer than the buffet we were going to go with. I hope that’s okay.”

  “You booked La Varino’s(;), the really fancy place in the hotel lobby?” Sam was pleasantly surprised.

  “Yeah, and dinner is on us. It’s my gift to you.”

  “Aw, that was sweet, Reed. Thank you.” Sam was touched by his thoughtfulness.

  Becky laughed. “I’ll happily take champagne and filet over imitation crab and sneeze guards.”

  Chapter 22

  Opening the door to their room, Chris led his new wife just inside the door. He could barely contain himself, and wanted nothing more than to share this moment by making love as husband and wife.

  Christopher loved how Samantha’s curls framed her face. Dipping his fingers into her soft ringlets, he pushed a tendril to the side. “You, Mrs. Remy, are a beautiful woman.”

  She loved when he wrapped his arms around her. There was something about a man’s strength that gave her a secure feeling. Her husband’s arms and chest were perfect for snuggling into. Wow. She was married. She had a husband.

  It was probably the most spontaneous thing she’d ever done, and she’d done plenty over the years, but this... this was huge. And yet she made peace with it. Maybe one day it would come back to bite her in the ass, but for now she was completely thrilled to be sharing her life with Christopher. He was a good man.

  Chris slid the zipper down on the back of Sam’s dress, the tiniest bit at a time. “Undress for me,” he whispered, his hot breath nuzzling at her ear.

  As the zipper slid lower, the dress loosened enough for her to step out of it. Standing in front of her husband in a sheer white bra and panties, she grinned. “Wedding lingerie, do you like?”

  “Mmm, very much so.”

  “It was the best I could find on such short notice.”

  “It’s doing the job,” he smiled. Taking her hand, he led it to his trousers, letting her feel the bulge in his slacks.

  Sam tipped her chin up, looking at her husband. “Kiss me,” she whispered.

  Christopher parted his lips and pressed his mouth to his wife. Tasting her, he offered long, passionate kisses that spoke of more to come. They explored one another with a newfound hunger.

  Reaching around, Chris helped Samantha out of her bra, and lowered his face to her bare bosom. Teasing her, he wrapped h
is lips around her pert nipple. Sam threw her head back, closing her eyes, and ran her fingers through his hair. A low moan slipped from her mouth, and as the couple engaged in foreplay, they eventually removed the remainder of their clothing and fell into bed.

  It’s as if time stood still. Sam’s heart was so full, she thought she might burst. Her body radiated with warmth, almost aching with love. Feeling his body against hers, pressed together, looking up at him, Sam’s world was complete. Watching his face, feeling him inside of her, she’d never been happier.

  With whispers between them, words of love and passion filled the space. Each kiss, each thrust, each moment left Samantha tingling, almost breathless, and completely satisfied. He was tender with her, yet manly in taking care of her needs. They explored one another in new ways, touching, tasting, and sharing in each other’s bodies. Consuming one another in their newly married and blissful state, the couple finally collapsed with exhaustion.

  Sam had never felt so satiated, so wanted, so perfectly content in all her life.

  “I love you, Mrs. Remy.”

  “I love you, Mr. Remy.”

  Christopher held his wife and realized his entire world had just shifted. He was married. It all happened so fast, and while at first it was a tad overwhelming, he was happy to be starting a new life with Samantha.

  Marriage in itself was crazy. He’d expected to get married at some point, but not like this. It was a whirlwind of insanity, and yet it all made sense in the moment. Once Samantha entered the picture, it’s like his vision cleared and he saw exactly what he needed in his life.

  She was fresh, fun, silly, and had this warm spot inside. She knew what to say when she thought about it, and blurted out hilarious things at inappropriate times, but somehow or other Chris found her charming.

  She made him smile, laugh, and feel like he was part of something special. He’d never felt that way in other relationships. He’s just felt like a piece of a puzzle, but with Sam he felt complete.

  He was more than aware that they rushed to the altar, but regret wasn’t anywhere to be found, only relief...relief that he’d found the perfect girl to be his wife.

  Lying in bed, arm in arm, they talked about when to buy a home, what neighborhoods they liked, kids, and realized there was family to introduce, along with so many other details.

  He’d need to change his insurance plans, make a will, and adjust his mailing address along with so many other things that came along with a life change. And yet, still no stress over it. Normally things like that would leave his head spinning, in a panic he wouldn’t remember what he needed. Only, being here with Sam, he knew it would all fall in place, just like it had for them. For once in his life, everything felt perfect even amid chaos.

  If you’d told him he’d fall in love with the girl next door, the one who’d taken his parking spot and hogged the oxygen in the elevator when it got stuck, he’d have laughed and called you crazy. Only now he was the crazy one, crazy in love.

  They laughed and talked about every topic under the sun.

  “What about kids?” Chris quizzed.

  “Two, maybe three... no two. I don’t know. Ask me how I feel after birthing the first. I’ll re-evaluate then! I’m not big on pain. Though, I think two is a nice even number that doesn’t become overwhelming. And a dog; I want a dog, maybe two, and a fenced yard. We need a fenced yard for the dogs and kids. A swing set, some grass for the dogs to run around on, and maybe a patio or something, so we can put some chairs and a grill on it.” Sam daydreamed out loud.

  “That sounds perfect.”

  “I’ve got a little bit of money saved, but not a lot. I’ve got payments on my grooming van that have to take priority right now. Between the rent and that, I’ve got my hands full.”

  “I’ve got some money saved, too. We’ll figure it out, but I want to take care of you. So you worry about your van for now, and I’ll figure out the rent and everything else.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “I want to provide for you, be a solid husband, and hopefully the man you always want to come home to.”

  Sam rolled up on her side. “Chris, this was probably the craziest thing I’ve ever done, but I’m really glad I did it. If I can make you as happy as I think you’ll make me, we’ll be just fine.”

  The couple tangled up together, sharing their bodies and exploring one another once again.

  “Chris,” Samantha purred, relaxed from their heated encounter, “do you think you’ll freak once you realized what we’ve done?”

  “Nope, not at all.”

  “I hope I don’t. I think I won’t, but this is huge.”

  “Yep, but good huge, not bad huge.”

  “I think so, too. I’m a little nervous to tell my mother that we’re married. I mean, she knew we were thinking about it, but there may be some fallout. She tends to be a little dramatic, and is thick with the guilt.”

  “My family can go that route too, but after my sister’s recent changes, this will seem like a tiny bump in the road. My parents are a bit conservative, so they were a little thrown by it all.”

  “Promise me that whatever our family throws at us, we don’t let it touch us and that we stay strong as a couple. If we start on shaky footing, it will be harder to place our roots.”

  “Together, agreed.”

  Sam snuggled into her new husband, closing her eyes. “I’m sleepy.”

  Waking in the morning, pressed against Christopher, Sam realized what she’d done. She was a married woman. Turning, she looked at her husband. Yesterday was amazing, but today doubt crept into her mind. What would everybody think or say? She wanted to believe it didn’t matter, but she knew deep in her heart it would.

  It would probably be best just to come out and say it. Get it out in the open as fast as possible. Sort of like pulling off an adhesive bandage, it might sting a little bit, but then it would be over. She’d call her parents as soon as she got home. There was no reason for her to ruin their day by calling now. Sam pursed her lips and blew out a puff of air; her mother would not be pleased. You’re a grown woman. You don’t need permission to live your own life. It was hard sometimes not to fall back into child mode when she spoke with her folks, but the time to accept her adult status was now. She’d tell them first thing when she got home.

  If they handled it well, great; but if not, that was their problem. She’d made her choice.

  When they did speak, her mother took it better than she’d expected, though Christopher’s parents were less than thrilled. They’d accepted the fact that he’d chosen this path, but made their disapproval known. They’d come around eventually, but were concerned their usually cautious son had jumped into uncharted waters so willingly.

  He convinced them it was exactly what he wanted, and was certain that once they met Sam, they’d understand. She was one of a kind, a special girl that had captured his heart, a rare gem.

  Chapter 23

  “Push,” Reed said, encouraging Becky as best he could.

  “So help me god, if you tell me to push one more time...” she growled. “It hurts.”

  Becky held fast to the bars on the hospital bed, and as she bore down once again, the doctor announced that the baby was crowning. “Here we go,” he said. “You’ve got this.”

  She wanted the epidural again. It was wearing off, and she had a choice. She could push without it, or get another dose and wait. Waiting was for the birds, she was good and ready to get this over with. After seventeen hours of labor, she was at her limit. Labor was exhausting!

  “Come on, baby,” Reed said, stroking Becky’s hand which was gripping onto a railing. He was secretly glad she had the railing now, because as tight as she squeezed his hand at one point, he was surprised his fingers hadn’t crunched up like peanut brittle.

  They flipped the bedside railing up for her safety. She was frustrated, in pain, and said she was finished. She was leaving the hospital, she wasn’t doing this, and she wasn’t ready. It was panic as the pain w
ashed through her with each contraction stronger than the last. For now, the railings helped keep her in place. A little consoling, and she was ready to go again.

  “You’re almost there,” Reed comforted.

  “Okay, just a little more,” the doctor instructed. “Are you ready? One more good push and it will be easier.”

  Becky groaned and gave it her all. When the baby’s shoulders popped out, it was all downhill from there. A small cry, a hearty congratulations, and a pale Reed that looked like he was about to pass out and hit the floor told Becky all she needed to know. A sigh of relief washed through her; the hardest part was over.

  “Congratulations, Mrs. Amwell, it’s a girl.”

  “A daughter,” she mouthed to her husband, who was now holding the railing with everything inside of him, willing himself to continue standing.

  Becky’s own discomfort subsided, and as the doctor held up her daughter, he asked Reed if he wanted to do the honor of cutting the umbilical cord.

  Reed shook his head furiously. “Um, no, I think I’ll pass out,” he blurted. “She’s beautiful,” he said to Becky, and then clung on for dear life, his color draining fast. His legs getting shakier, his face paler, he took a deep breath. He just needed a couple of minutes. A nurse brought smelling salts up under his nose, perking him up and bringing him back from nearly fainting.

  He wasn’t expecting to feel like this. He thought he’d be all in there with a camera, excited, ready; but caught up in the moment, he put the camera down, and it wasn’t as glamorous as he expected. In fact, it was messy and difficult, and his wife also threatened that if he didn’t put that camera down this instant, she’d shove it where the sun doesn’t shine. She was quite convincing.

  Reed looked to his daughter, and melted in that instant. He still had a death grip on the bed rail, but she was perfect.


  When Samantha got the news that Becky was in labor, she rushed to the hospital. She was now slumped in a waiting room chair, napping on her husband’s shoulder with a magazine open and across her lap. It was a long night, but she was grateful to be there.


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