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Crazy About Curves: 10 Luscious Reads

Page 39

by Adriana Hunter

  When Reed came out to share the news, he was looking a little worn down.

  “Are you okay?” Sam asked, a little worried about his appearance.

  “I’m getting there,” he smiled wearily, “but Becky and our daughter are doing fine.”

  “A little girl!” Sam was excited to hear the news.

  “You’ll be able to see her shortly. They’re bringing her to her room so she can rest. I’ll show you where everything is.”

  Sam couldn’t wait to see her best friend, and the new precious gift that had entered all of their lives.

  When they were finally allowed to go see Becky and the baby, there were more than a few people there. Some grandparents had made the trip to the hospital, along with Samantha and Christopher. They crowded around the window of the nursery in awe. Her tiny button nose and pink cheeks were almost all you could see. She was swaddled up and her eyes were closed, but Reed said they were the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen, other than his wife’s.

  Becky was tired, but had just enough energy to relay the experience of giving birth. As everyone was heading out, allowing Becky to rest and spend some time with her daughter, Sam leaned in closely. “Great job, Becks. By the way, I’m pregnant.”

  Becky’s eyes shot open wide. “Really?”

  “Yeah, it was a surprise to us too, especially so soon. But then I realized if our kids are going to be best friends like we are, they’ll need to be close in age.”

  “I need to sleep, but Sammy, you’re going to be a great mom.”

  “You too, Becks. Sleep well. I’ll see you soon – and Becky, she’s beautiful.”

  “I know, right? We did good.”

  “Congratulations, Reed.” The men shook hands and then everyone was on their way, letting the new family spend some time alone together before Becky went to sleep.

  Christopher and Sam walked hand in hand out of the hospital.

  “That’s going to be you eventually.” Chris grinned. “You’re going to be a great mom.”

  “I hope I’m a cool mom, and not totally overprotective about every single thing under the sun. I just can’t imagine being the neighborhood house. You know the one, the place where all the kids hang out. I mean, my kid is fine, but I don’t want to take care of everybody else’s rug rats.”

  “Ah, that maternal instinct is kicking in already,” he said sarcastically.

  “Our kid is going to kick ass. Well, not literally, we don’t want to encourage violence.” Sam grinned.

  “You don’t want a ninja? The other kids in the nursery would be like, ‘Fear, ninja baby Remy, he’s far superior. All we have are our sad, little drooling baby skills.’”

  “Ninja Remy would make drooling look cool, not messy.”

  “And would swaddle his own blanket, with no nurse intervention.”

  “Or her blanket,” Sam corrected.

  “Ninja Remy, coming to a theater near you,” he said in an announcer’s voice.

  “Pretty cool kid,” she giggled.

  “If he’s anything like me, he’ll be the geeky kid who is too shy to talk to girls until the tenth grade. And then he’ll avoid asking them out for fear of rejection.”

  “I would have been all over that,” she winked.

  “You were probably adorable and outgoing all your life.”

  “Pretty much,” she grinned. “Nah, I was one of the girls picked on for being fat in junior high school. The thing that bugs me is I wasn’t even that heavy. I mean, I’m heavier now, but kids are mean. Thankfully, I had good friends and got through it all. I came into my own about the time I was leaving high school. I’m not sure how or why, but it was like I bloomed and really learned to like myself for who I was. It made such a huge difference in my life.”

  “Want me to go back in time and kick their asses for you?”

  “Would you?”

  “Sure, let me just climb into my time machine. Seriously, they don’t know what they missed out on. You’re all kinds of awesome. Too late now; I snatched you up, and you’re all mine.” He teased with an evil laugh.

  “I love you, Chris.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “You’re going to make an awesome father. I know, because you’re an incredible husband.”

  “Thanks.” He grew serious for a minute. “I meant it. They all missed out letting you pass them by. I think I’m the luckiest man in the world getting to have you as my wife.”

  Sam smiled and squeezed his hand.

  Chapter 24

  Sam and Becky had both wrangled babysitters for their children. Becky’s Abigail was almost two, and Sam’s Charlie was almost a year. Time had gone by quicker than either could keep tabs on. Getting dressed up was a dream these days. They were putting on nice clothes, and going out like real adults.

  Christopher looped his tie and fixed the knot. “What time are Becky and Reed getting there?”

  “Probably close to when we are. I think they’re dropping off Abby on the way to the wedding. I’m sure Charlie would have drooled all over me if we didn’t drop him off early. You realize they’re going to get married one day, right? Becks and I have it planned. I mean, it would be great if the kids went along with it, though really it’s already a done deal, sort of like one of those old fashioned arranged marriages. We’ll be the best grammies ever.”

  “And the kids have no say in this?”


  Chris smiled. “Need help with the zipper?” He watched as his wife pulled on a black sheath, which she would layer with a cashmere silver-blue sweater.

  “Ha, I know your plan, mister. You’ll be unzipping me and have me in bed. We’ll never make it to the wedding on time if I let you touch me.”

  “That might be a true statement. Time alone with you, no interruptions...that sounds like a dream come true. No more fighting Charlie for your affections.”

  “He’s the man of my dreams,” she winked. “Actually,” she tugged at the zipper, “can you help me?”

  Christopher walked over and nuzzled Samantha’s neck before pulling the zipper up. “It’s such a shame to cover that beautiful body.”

  “Listen, horn dog, there will be plenty of time for that later. Winnie would skin me alive if I missed her wedding!”

  “Fine. I’ll get you there on time, but I’m not promising to behave in the car.”

  The couple headed out, en route to the small gathering. Winnie had convinced Oscar that she was the one he needed in his life, and somehow, some way, he finally agreed. Arriving at the small church, Samantha and Christopher entered the church and found a seat. Becky and Reed were due to arrive shortly.

  Winnie’s sister stuck her head around the door at the back of the church. “Psst,” she said, trying not to make a scene.

  It took three or four tries before she finally caught Sam’s attention. Sam looked at Winnie’s sister, confused.

  She hooked her finger, waving her over. “Come here,” she mouthed.

  “I’ll be right back.” She leaned into Chris to give him notice, and then went to the back door.

  “What’s going on? Do you need something borrowed?”

  “She’s nowhere to be found.” Winnie’s sister was all but in a panic.

  Sam was startled by that admission. “What? What do you mean?”

  “She was there. I went to the bathroom for a minute, and when I came back she was gone.”

  “She can’t be gone. Did you check the bathroom, her car? She couldn’t have gotten far.”

  “She left this.” Holding up Winnie’s diamond engagement ring, she sighed. “I’m not sure what to do. I think she bailed.”

  “Do you think it was cold feet? Okay, we’ll help you find her. Somebody should tell the groom and guests the wedding may be postponed, or maybe even off.” Sam groaned looking at the engagement ring Winnie’s sister held. “I’ll have Chris and Reed handle that detail. Let’s go find her. I’ll go to the left, you to the right.”

  It didn’t take too long. She was half
way down the road, hitchhiking with her dress pulled up and bunched in her hand so she didn’t trip over it.

  “Hey,” Sam said, pulling over and rolling her window down. “Want a ride?”

  “I couldn’t do it.” She stood shell shocked, standing beside her friend’s car. “He was only marrying me because I talked him into it. He doesn’t love me the way I love him. I don’t want to settle. I was about to settle. I deserve somebody who loves me. I want to be happy like you and Becky. I can’t settle.” She was talking a mile a minute.

  Samantha pulled the car over and got out. Wrapping Winnie in her arms, she let her friend cry onto her shoulder.

  “I bullied him into it. I can’t start a marriage that way. It’s not fair to him or me.”

  Sam let her talk.

  “I didn’t know what to do. I just panicked and left.”

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “Yeah, I am.” She sat on the side of the road like a small child, her dress scrunched up. Samantha sat beside her.

  “You’ll find the right guy one day,” Sam reassured her.

  Winnie let out a deep sigh. “I sure hope so.”

  “Chris and Reed are talking to him, letting him know you needed some time. I’ll text Chris and let him know it’s off.”

  “He’s probably relieved. His mom hates me. She used to like me, but I pushed her buttons, manipulated him. She thinks I forced his hand. I did, you know. When we got back together, I thought it was fate.”

  “I know a special little guy who thinks you’re the bee’s knees. Maybe you could spend some extra time with Charlie. He’d love to hang out with his Aunt Winnie.”

  “He does always make me smile. He makes the best raspberry noises.”

  Sam grinned. “You taught him well.”

  “It’s a gift.” Winnie shrugged.

  “Winnie, we love you. You’ll always have us.”

  “I know, Sam. I just don’t want to be the crazy aunt who never got married and has eighty-five cats, you know?”

  “I know. It will happen.”

  Winnie was mortified. “Oscar didn’t deserve that. I’ll apologize at some point. I just can’t face him right now.”

  “There’s time. You can talk to him later.”

  “Will you go get a milkshake with me? I could really go for a chocolate milkshake.”

  “Sure. Do you want to change first?”

  “Nah. I might as well get use out of the dress.”

  “Okay. Let me just text Chris again, and see if he can catch a ride with Becky and Reed.”


  After their shake and a good heart to heart, Samantha dropped Winnie off back at her house. Winnie had an important conversation she needed to have with Oscar.

  Sam wished her luck, and headed home to her husband.

  “Hey honey, I’m home,” she called out on entering.

  Christopher met her at the door with a smile, his hands already roaming her body. “How’s Winnie doing?”

  “She’s going to talk to him. I think it’s the right choice.”

  Chris couldn’t keep his hands to himself.

  “Mr. Remy, are you getting frisky with me?”

  “My mom has Charlie until tomorrow, and that means we have the house to ourselves. No baby interruptions, no sharing the bed, no bedtime stories...just you and me,” he whispered.

  “Mmm, and I was thinking about how great it would be to go to sleep,” Sam teased.

  “No sleep for the weary. Only sex, hot monkey sex. Sex like we used to have before we were too tired.”

  “Oh, naughty, yummy sex... why didn’t you say so?”

  Christopher was behind his wife, helping her slide the zipper down slowly. Each inch he slid the teeth of the zipper down, he met her skin with his lips. Soft, tender kisses dotted down Samantha’s back, as her husband helped her undress.

  “Ooh, that’s nice,” Sam purred.

  The couple stripped off their clothing and climbed into bed. Chris loved Sam’s soft curves. Even more, he loved how she didn’t let her soft padding mar her confidence. So many women complained of their bodies, but Samantha reveled in her feminine curves and roundness.

  “You’re gorgeous,” he said, stopping himself from diving in too quickly. “I want to just look at you for a minute. How did I get so lucky? I have such a luscious wife.”

  “You are pretty lucky,” she teased.

  Chris slid beside her, and held her close. “Let’s take our time. We’re always so rushed these days. I want to remember what it’s like to hold you and just feel your skin against mine.”

  “You’re a romantic,” she smiled.

  “Shh, don’t let my guy friends know. They’ll never let me live it down.”

  “Do you remember that first time we were stuck in the elevator together?” Sam raked her fingers through his hair.

  “Yeah. How can I forget?”

  “I was so annoyed, but you know what? I couldn’t stop thinking about you. For some reason, you kept popping into my mind.”

  “I was afraid you’d suck up all the oxygen, and was bitter. But after you left, I kept thinking about you, too.”

  Sam smiled. “See, we were meant to be together. Even not liking each other, we wormed our way into each other’s brains.”

  “Are you calling me a parasite?” he teased.

  “Of course not. I’m calling you a sexy parasite.” She laughed.

  “Come here, you.” Chris burrowed his face in her neck. “Let me show you a little trick your son has taught me.”

  Sam started to laugh. “No, don’t do it.” But it was too late. Chris made a raspberry on her neck. Bursting out giggling, she made him promise to never change.

  The couple moved from silly to romantic once again.

  Being in Christopher’s arms was the best feeling in the world. He made her feel complete, desired, and happy.

  Making love, they moved together, harmonizing, each perfectly matched to the other. Their lust and passion washed through the couple until they exhausted themselves. Samantha wrapped her thighs tightly around her husband as the orgasm rolled through her.

  “Mmm, promise me we’ll never stop doing that, either.” Sam purred, deliciously satisfied.

  Christopher collapsed beside his wife, exhausted and happy. “It’s a deal.”

  “Do you know what I want to do more than anything?”

  “What? Get a shower together and do it all over again?”

  “Sleep in tomorrow. Charlie is such an early riser. I’d about give my left arm to sleep in.”

  Chris laughed. “I see how it is.”

  “Wear me out again, cowboy, and you can be the reason I sleep so well.”

  “I think I can manage that.”

  Chapter 25

  On Charlie’s second birthday, Sam hustled to finish the birthday cake before everybody arrived. She’d meant to do it earlier, but she’d spent most of the morning bent over in the bathroom, dealing with morning sickness.

  She was “this close” to cutting off Christopher. She’d never been this sick when she was pregnant with Charlie.

  Chris made sure to corral their son and get him dressed. He’d been running through the house in only a diaper, and with guests coming over soon, he finally convinced his son to put his pants on. Two year olds had a mind of their own. He tore through the house, giggling!

  Samantha groaned as she drizzled the icing on the cake in her best cursive writing. Plucking the candle shaped like a number two out of the wrapper, she added it to the cake. She made a note to buy one next time. Baking cakes was not her hidden talent, it seemed.

  Or even better yet, next time she was renting out one of those kiddie birthday places. It would have been easier to pay someone to handle the details. Of course, she wasn’t expecting on spending the morning in the bathroom, desperately clinging onto the toilet bowl and hoping the wave of nausea would pass.

  “How are you doing, champ?” Chris swung into the kitchen with
Charlie now propped on his shoulders and fully dressed.

  Sam rolled her eyes. “You did this to me. You’re not my favorite person right now.”

  “Aw, but Charlie wants a little brother and sister.”

  When the doorbell rang, Sam was relieved to see Winnie at the door.

  “There’s my boy!” Winnie snatched Charlie from Chris. Charlie giggled and hugged his Aunt Winnie tightly. “Go rest, Mama, I’ll take things from here.”

  “You’re a saint.”

  Sam knew Winnie would have things under control, and a nap sounded heavenly. She’d be down in under an hour, and by then all the guests should have arrived. All she needed was an itty, bitty nap. Between Chris and Winnie, they’d be able to take care of any final details.

  When Becky arrived, it was with a smile and her family. Abigail and Reed joined her. “Winnie! I’m so excited to see you. I think I found the perfect guy for you. He just signed up for the dating agency, and I thought of you immediately!”

  “I don’t know whether to be nervous or excited.”

  “Excited, be excited. I think he could be a great match for you.”

  “Awesome, I can’t wait.”

  When Samantha came down from her nap, seeing her family and friends gathering for her son’s birthday party, she realized how lucky she was. She couldn’t help beaming when she looked over and saw Christopher sitting with their son on his lap. She was one lucky girl. She had the best friends and family. Joining the group, she leaned down and kissed Charlie on top of his head.

  “Mommy!” Charlie wrapped his little arms around Sam’s neck.

  Samantha wouldn’t change a thing. It was a gamble getting married so quickly, but it was one gamble she’d never regret.


  About the Author: Ava Catori

  Ava Catori loves to explore the feelings of not only falling in love, but what it's like to be tangled in a relationship. Playing in the emotional waves of love makes for a rewarding writing experience, as she tackles adult contemporary romance with a smile.

  Whether you're looking to read a hot new adult story, a western romance, a military romance, or something fun like a romantic comedy, Ava Catori brings it to you with a smile. You'll find both novels and novella length works, offering contemporary love stories that are character-driven.


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