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J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets

Page 123

by Curt Gentry

  FBI personnel, criticisms from, 600, 604

  “FBI” TV program, 580, 581, 582

  files of, see files of J. Edgar Hoover

  final days, 717-20

  firing of, Nixon’s plans for, 691, 699-703

  food preferences, 117

  funeral, 37-38, 41-42, 46-47, 48-50, 525, 526, 721-23

  germs, fear of, 280, 462, 618

  on ghetto riots of 1967, 601, 603

  GID, appointment to, 78, 79

  Goldman-Berkman deportations, 85-88

  good name, concern for, 57, 117, 706

  hats worn by, 22

  health problems, 461-62, 705-6, 727

  height of, 65

  high school student, 62, 64-65

  Hiss, campaign against, 347-49

  history, alteration of, 389-90

  hobbies, 190

  homosexuality rumor, 159, 179-80, 192, 240, 531

  HUAC appearances, 354

  Hughes “contribution” to Nixon, 648-50

  Huston Plan, 652-58

  informants for, 412-13

  interviews given by, 660-64, 712-13

  Johnson and, 557-60, 614

  Justice Department, hired by, 68-69

  Justice Department scandals (1950-52), 394-97

  Katzenbach and, 583-84

  Kennedy, John, and, 480-81, 536

  Kennedy, John, assassination, 537

  Kennedy, Robert, and, 472-73, 474, 475-80, 494, 536, 662-63


  denunciations of, 573

  summit meeting with, 574-75

  leaks to press, 553n

  library work, 67

  McCarthy and, 378-80, 430-32, 435-36

  memos, affinity for, 136

  Mexico visit, 215

  military commissions, 279

  misappropriation of government time, money, equipment, and services, 725-26, 743-44, 746

  mother’s death, 216-17

  murder rumor, 32, 36, 726-28

  New York visits, 217, 221-22

  Nichols’s resignation, 450-51

  nicknames, 65-66

  Nixon administration “homosexualists,” 624-26

  Nixon and, 613, 616-18, 640-41, 683, 710

  Nixon’s inauguration, 615-16

  nose of, 65, 66

  office of, 617-18

  organized crime, attitude toward, 327-30, 453-55, 529-30

  OSS super-agency plan, 312, 313, 314

  paranoia, 239-40, 462

  phobias, 462

  policy-making role, 243

  Popov and, 270-71, 272

  prejudices, 265n, 500n

  presidential aspirations, 437, 438

  press relations, see press coverage of Hoover

  public opinion on, 681n, 717

  Red raids of 1919-20, 79, 82, 84, 90, 91-92, 94-102

  religious life, 64

  retirement issue, 472n, 536, 560-61, 601, 623-24, 673, 677-79, 681, 684, 688, 713

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, and, 299-306, 390-91

  Roosevelt, Franklin:

  death of, 317-18

  relationship with, 223-24, 263-64

  salary, 194, 380n

  self-perception, 64, 65

  seventieth birthday, 576

  sleeping habits, 21

  socializing, 683-84

  special favors for supporters, 383-84

  sports, love for, 65-66

  statistics, use of, 115-16

  steel price-fixing incident, 491

  Stone, affection for, 143

  stuttering, 64-65

  Supreme Court and, 410-12, 627-30

  symbolic status for, 179

  taping of conversations, 618

  tax evasion, 448, 726, 730n

  temper tantrums, 659

  thirty-eighth anniversary as director, 492-93

  Tolson, relationship with, 190-92

  Truman and, 321-22, 429-30

  twenty-fifth anniversary as director, 364

  vacations, 217-18, 658-59

  Victorian sensibility, 62-63

  on Vietnam antiwar movement, 604-5

  Warren Commission and, 546-47, 548, 552, 555-56

  Washington, D.C., feelings for, 63

  Wheeler prosecution, 121

  White case, 349-52

  will of, 39, 691-92, 730

  work ethic, 149

  World War I service, avoidance of, 68

  writings, 176, 388, 447-48, 666

  see also Federal Bureau of Investigation

  Hoover, Lillian (sister), 63, 68, 216-17

  Hoover home (Seward Sq.), 63, 247

  Hoover home (Thirtieth Place), 21, 39, 217, 514, 515, 640

  Hoover’s FBI: The Man and the Myth (Turner), 387-88

  Hopkins, Harry, 181, 294, 301, 305, 307, 308, 311, 313

  Hopkins, Louise Macy, 311, 315

  Hopper, Hedda, 384

  Hosty, James P., Jr., 543-47, 549-50, 556

  House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 303, 352-53, 357-58

  Ernst and, 235

  Fascist threat and, 204

  FBI, relationship with, 240-42, 353-55

  film industry, investigation of, 353-54, 383

  Hiss investigations, 344-45, 360, 361-63

  Lowenthal and, 386

  Houston, Lawrence R., 460, 491-92

  Howard, Bill, 659

  Howard, Edward Lee, 755

  Howe, Kenneth, 545

  Howe, Louis, 157, 158, 181

  Howell, Glenn, 153

  Howland, Weston, 267

  Hruska, Roman, 407

  Hudson, Rock, 719

  Hughes, Charles Evans, 100, 242

  Hughes, Harold, 679

  Hughes, Howard, 625, 648-49

  Hughes, Maury, 457

  Hughes, Vincent, 132, 148, 149

  Hull, Cordell, 207, 307, 309-10

  Hume, Brit, 717

  Hummer, Ed, 361, 362

  Humphrey, Hubert H., 571, 586, 608

  Humphreys, Murray, 456, 457

  Hundley, William, 531, 536

  Hunt, E. Howard, 36, 47, 686

  Hunt, H. L., 432

  Hunter, Fred, 188, 192, 194

  Hunter, Capt. Samuel A. D., 469

  Hurt, Clarence, 169, 174, 194, 254

  Huston, Tom Charles, 653-54, 655, 656, 657, 658

  Ichord, Richard, 666

  Ickes, Harold, 160, 227, 311n

  Ingram, Timothy, 390

  Innis, Roy, 719

  Internal Revenue Service, 412

  International Association of Chiefs of Police, 416-17

  International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union, 245

  International Workers of the World (IWW), 70, 71, 96

  Irey, Elmer, 160, 161, 163, 180-81

  Irvine v. California (1954), 406

  ITT memo incident, 27, 715-17

  Jackson, Robert, 206, 215-16, 223, 229, 230, 231-33, 240, 241, 244, 300

  Jackson, William “Action,” 478

  Jacobson, Buddy, 535

  Jacobson, Don, 447

  Jacobson, Max, 692n

  Jaffe, Philip, 339, 340n

  Japanese-Americans, internment of, 244-45

  J. Edgar Hoover Building, 56-57, 526, 617, 746-47, 760

  J. Edgar Hoover Foundation, 364-65

  J. Edgar Hoover on Communism (Hoover), 448

  Jencks, Clinton, 449

  Jenkins, Thomas, 484, 751

  Jenkins, Walter, 547, 560, 569, 570, 577, 578-80

  Jenner, William, 429

  Jesus Christ, 395

  John Birch Society, 430

  John Jay College, 660

  Johnson, Albert, 97, 110

  Johnson, Donald, 99

  Johnson, Jack, 115

  Johnson, Lady Bird, 577

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 30, 65, 323, 407, 522, 549n, 562, 585, 596-97, 599, 602, 625

  on Clark, Ramsey, 601

  corrupt practices, 472, 559

  Dodd and, 591, 592

  enemies, intimidation of, 561-62

>   FBI protection for, 561

  FBI’s political espionage for, 577-78

  Hoover and, 557-60, 614

  Hoover retirement issue, 560-61

  Jenkins incident, 578-80

  Kennedy, John F., assassination, 542, 548, 597-99

  King investigation, 569, 570, 574, 575

  Ku Klux Klan investigation, 562, 563

  Liuzzo murder case, 585

  presidential election of 1968, 608-9

  reelection, decision against, 606

  taping of conversations, 614

  vice president, selection of, 582n

  Vietnam antiwar movement, 604-5

  Johnson, Marlin, 455, 456

  Johnson, Sam Houston, 625

  Jones, Bob, 169

  Jones, Clarence, 509

  Jones, Courtland, 633-34, 636, 638n

  Jones, Gus T., 169

  Jones, Jessie, 384

  Judd, Walter H., 580

  Juliana, Jim, 435

  Justice Department, U.S.:

  General Intelligence Division, 78, 79, 103, 111

  Hoover hired by, 68-69

  scandals of 1950-52, 393-97

  Walsh-Wheeler investigation of, 118-22

  see also Federal Bureau of Investigation; Red raids of 1919-20

  Kalb, Marvin, 637n

  Kalugin, Oleg D., 719

  Kane, Francis Fisher, 98-99

  Kansas City massacre, 168-69

  Kantor, Seth, 551

  Karpis, Alvin “Creepy,” 114, 183, 184, 188, 192-93, 194-95, 254, 255

  Katz, Leonard, 329

  Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 532, 547, 548, 553n, 564, 582, 583-84, 586

  Kaufman, Irving R., 422, 424, 425, 426, 427

  Keating, Kenneth, 450

  Keats, John, 387

  Kefauver, Estes, 397-98, 402, 445

  Keith, John M., 132, 169, 170n, 250, 281

  Keller, Helen, 141

  Kelley, Clarence M., 645n, 692, 740, 747, 748-52, 754, 756

  Kelley, John J., 737n

  Kelly, George “Machine Gun,” 178

  Kendall, Donald, 639n, 651

  Kennan, Joseph B., 520

  Kennedy, Edward M., 638, 642n, 671, 679

  Kennedy, Ethel, 479

  Kennedy, Joan, 638

  Kennedy, John F., 65, 376n, 403, 458, 479-80, 522, 527, 692n

  Arvad affair, 467-70

  assassination, see Kennedy, John F., assassination

  civil rights movement, 485, 506

  FBI Academy speech, 497

  FBI file on, 352, 463, 470

  FBI surveillance of, 467-69, 470-72

  Hoover and, 480-81, 536

  King and, 500, 503, 507-8

  Monroe and, 493

  organized crime, Kennedy family and, 488-90

  presidential election of 1960, 471-72

  taping of conversations, 536

  Kennedy, John F., assassination, 537, 597-98

  congressional investigation, 547-48, 550, 551, 552, 557

  FBI investigation, 541-42

  organized crime and, 494-97, 534-35, 551-52

  Warren Commission, 546-47, 548-49, 552-57, 584-85

  Kennedy, Joseph P., 266, 365n, 384, 397, 432, 436, 468, 469, 470, 471, 473, 488, 642

  Kennedy, Dr. Joseph V., 461, 735, 738, 739, 740

  Kennedy, Regis, 529-30, 551

  Kennedy, Robert F., 39, 403, 454, 458, 482, 487, 497, 522, 532, 547, 577, 692n

  assassination, 597, 606-7

  assassination plot (1962), 495

  attorney general appointment, 472-73

  civil rights movement, 485, 503, 504, 505-6, 507, 509, 510, 527, 528, 529, 562


  Hoffa case, 597

  Hoover and, 472-73, 474, 475-80, 494, 536, 662-63

  Kennedy, John, assassination, 537, 557n

  King investigation, 569, 570, 578

  Ku Klux Klan investigation, 562

  Monroe and, 493-94, 562

  organized crime:

  CIA connection, 492

  Kennedy family and, 488

  war on, 529, 530, 533, 534

  presidential campaign, 605-6

  resignation as attorney general, 582

  as senator, 589, 593, 595-97, 605n

  steel price-fixing incident, 491

  surveillance authorization controversy (1966), 593, 595-97

  Kennedy, Stephen, 415

  Kent State incident, 644, 650

  Kerr, Jean, 380-81, 431, 434

  Kessler, Ronald, 37, 672

  Kienast, Anna, 217n

  Kilsheimer, James B., 425

  King, Coretta Scott, 34, 500, 572, 574, 719

  King, Mackenzie, 341n

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 30, 64, 500-501, 518, 602, 641

  assassination, 506, 606-7

  criticism of FBI, 497-98

  FBI investigation of, 501, 505-6, 527-28, 567-76, 578, 599

  Kennedy, John, and, 500, 503, 507-8

  “liar” charge by Hoover, 573

  Liuzzo murder case, 585-86

  “Man of the Year” award, 567-68

  Nobel Peace Prize, 571, 575, 664

  suicide plot against, 568, 571-73, 575-76

  summit meeting with Hoover, 574-75

  see also civil rights movement

  Kingman, Capt. Howard F., 469

  Kirkpatrick, Lyman, 380

  Kissinger, Henry, 632-33, 635-36, 637, 638, 639-40, 665, 687, 690

  Klanzi party, 595n

  Kleindienst, Richard, 27-28, 30-31, 32, 38, 42, 48, 49, 642n, 678-79, 715, 726-27, 748

  Knebel, Fletcher, 95

  Knight, Frances, 409

  Knopf, Alfred and Blanche, 439n

  Knowland, William, 377

  Kohlberg, Alfred, 432

  Kopechne, Mary Jo, 642n

  Kosner, Edward, 462

  Kraft, Joseph, 25, 639-40, 690

  Kraslow, David, 233n, 448n

  Krock, Arthur, 403, 468

  Krogh, Egil “Bud,” 650, 684n, 685-86, 693, 699, 701

  Kuhn, Fritz, 205

  Ku Klux Klan, 147, 441, 483, 484-85

  COINTELPRO against, 562-66, 602-3

  Kunkel, Robert, 678, 733, 747

  Kunstler, William, 36, 754

  Kutler, Stanley I., 206, 356n, 410n

  Ladd, D. M. “Mickey,” 289, 349-50, 362n, 369-70, 372, 375, 379, 420, 424-25, 427, 428

  La Follette, Robert, 119n


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